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The upper spontaneous potential produced by oil and gas accumulation is of a stable potential field, and its intensity is directly proportional to the content of the source and inversely proportional to the radius apart from the source. Theoretical research and practical results show that anomalies of spontaneous potential can indicate oil-bearing sandstone bodies and locate the areas of oil and gas accumulation. In oil areas which have fewer reservoir beds, the petroleum reservoir thickness can be predicted by determining the linear relationship between potential intensity and apparent equivalent thickness. In the Weixing (卫星) oilfield, which is devoid of sufficient reservoir beds, its apparent equivalent thickness can be predicted by the linear equation h= -0.19x+0.74. On the basis of geological research, we use the spontaneous potential method to predict the equivalent thickness, helping in the selection of the most appropriate drill sites to enhance the probability of successful well boring so as to serve the next round development of the oilfield. 相似文献
加蓬G4-188区块是一个新的海外勘探区块,在钻井过程中遇到了井壁垮塌、气侵、井斜控制困难等诸多难题,影响了钻井施工的速度。针对这些难题,实施了解决G4-188区块钻井施工难点的各项技术措施,为G4-188区块后续钻井施工提供了有益的技术支持。 相似文献
以北羌塘盆地多格错仁地区为例,重点分析和论述了该地区地层、构造组合及其空间展布规律,指出北羌塘盆地多格错仁地区多级复式褶曲及与其匹配的边界断裂所构成的三级构造单元,呈现帚状构造组合特征,进而提出北羌塘盆地为一大型帚状旋扭构造体系。油气找寻的战略方向应在该体系向东南撤开的方向上,重点是多格错仁—赤布张错一带的广大区域。 相似文献
Barremian–Aptian organic-rich shales from Abu Gabra Formation in the Muglad Basin were analysed using geochemical and petrographic analyses. These analyses were used to define the origin, type of organic matters and the influencing factors of diagenesis, including organic matter input and preservation, and their relation to paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate conditions. The bulk geochemical characteristics indicated that the organic-rich shales were deposited in a lacustrine environment with seawater influence under suboxic conditions. Their pyrolysis hydrogen index (HI) data provide evidence for a major contribution by Type I/II kerogen with HI values of >400 mg HC/g TOC and a minor Type II/III contribution with HI values <400 mg HC/g TOC. This is confirmed by kerogen microscopy, whereby the kerogen is characterized by large amounts of structured algae (Botryococcus) and structureless (amorphous) with a minor terrigenous organic matter input. An enhanced biological productivity within the photic zone of the water columns is also detected. The increased biological productivity in the organic-rich shales may be related to enhanced semi-arid/humid to humid-warm climate conditions. Therefore, a high bio-productivity in combination with good organic matter preservation favoured by enhanced algae sizes are suggested as the OM enrichment mechanisms within the studied basin. 相似文献
油气成藏流体动力系统分析原理及应用 总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23
阐述了油气成藏流体动力系统分析的基本原理,把油气成藏流体动力系统分为重力驱动型、压实驱动型、滞流型和封存型四种类型。结合国内外的研究实例,分析了不同类型流体动力系统油气藏形成和分布的规律,强调在不同类型的流体动力系统中,油气藏形成的机理不同,在成藏动力学研究中有不同的侧重点。加强重力驱动型和封存型流体动力系统动力系统油气成藏条件研究对我国南方海相盆地和其它勘探程度较高的盆地深部的油气勘探具有重要意义。 相似文献
鄂尔多斯盆地正在以苏里格大气田为基础建设中国第二个大庆油田--"陕蒙大庆".鄂尔多斯盆地油气勘查经历了一个复杂曲折过程,人们曾多次对这一盆地的找油气的前景产生怀疑,经过近30年的探索,在1970年发现庆阳三叠系油田以后才开始取得了重要进展.1988年发现了下古生界的靖边气田,2000年苏6井揭示了苏里格大气田,盆地的勘... 相似文献
原油在储层介质中的加水裂解生气模拟实验 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
采用高温高压热模拟实验方法,开展了原油在砂岩和火成岩储层介质中的加水裂解生气模拟实验研究.结果表明,原油开始大量裂解的温度是400℃,随模拟温度增加,甲烷相对含量增大,乙烷以上重烃气尤其是丙烷相对含量减小.其中砂岩的油水混合物裂解生气主要发生在450~500℃之间,生气窗范围小,对应的烃气产率高,火成岩的油水混合物裂解生气主要发生在450~600℃之间,生气窗范围大,对应的烃气产率小.模拟烃气的组分碳同位素分馏显著,随模拟温度增加呈变重趋势.在裂解生气过程中,水解加氢和催化作用对烃气的组成、产率和碳同位素分布有重要影响。 相似文献
为了描述岩石强度的各向异性特征,通过引入材料的微结构张量,考虑单轴抗压强度σcβ随层理倾角β而变化,提出了基于微结构张量的修正Hoek-Brown屈服准则。开展不同层理倾角(0°、15°、30°、45°、60°、75°和90°)的页岩试样不同围压(0、5、10、15和20 MPa)下的三轴压缩试验,结果显示,页岩峰值强度与层理倾角β呈"U"形曲线关系,在围压较低时呈"肩"形曲线关系,弹性模量Et和泊松比ν对围压不敏感,其平均值随层理倾角β的变化关系分别呈倒"U"形、"肩"形。页岩的微观和宏观破坏图像表明,其破坏模式受围压和层理倾角双重控制。试验值与模型预测值的对比表明,修正的Hoek-Brown屈服准则可较好地对页岩强度的各向异性进行模拟。同时,采用Koteshwar千枚岩、Koteshwar板岩、绿泥石片岩等层状结构岩石的单轴和三轴压缩试验数据,进一步验证了提出的修正Hoek-Brown屈服准则对多数具有层理结构的横观各向同性岩石峰值强度模拟具有普遍适用性,并对屈服准则在试验数据较多和较少情况下的峰值强度模拟效果进行了评价。 相似文献