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作者测定了博斯腾湖沉积岩心~(210)Pb、~(228)Th和核试验释放核素~(239,240)Pu、~3H的分布,并据~(210)Pb、~(228)Th、~(239,240)Pu的结果估算湖泊的沉积速率,分别为0.31cm/a,0.26cm/a和0.33cm/a。它表明该湖泊近百年来沉积环境十分稳定。沉积物岩心极好地保存了人类大气核试验的历史记录。~(239,240)Pu分布在1963±2出现峰值,与60年代核试验高峰期相当吻合。沉积物孔隙水~3H分布的峰值出现在1969年,与湖水的混合过程有关。 相似文献
DavorPavelic IgorVlahovic JosipHalamic 《《幕》》2004,27(3):214-215
The 22nd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology was held in the Convention Centre of the Grand Hotel Adriatic, in a small touristic town Opatija, located on the eastern Adriatic coast where Central Europe and the Mediterranean meet. It was the second IAS Meeting held in Croatia--the first one, 4th IAS Regional Meeting of Sedimentology, was held in Split in 1983. The Meeting in Opatija was organized by the Institute of Geology (Zagreb) and the Croatian Geological Society. The sponsor was Ministry of Science and Technology of the Reoublic of Croatia. 相似文献
鲸(Whale),地球上现存最大型的动物,也是最大型的哺乳动物,曾经广泛分布在世界各大洋的海洋霸主,但它们在用现代科技武装起来的人类面前,再也强大不起来了。如今,徘徊在灭绝边缘的鲸类除了面临海洋污染、船舶撞击、噪声污染、渔业误捕和渔网缠绕等因素造成的危险外,更主要的威胁来自于捕鲸船的围猎。 相似文献
GiovanniB.Piccardo 《《幕》》2003,26(3):193-199
Mantle peridotites were early exposed at the sea-floor of the Jurassic Tethys derived from the subcontinental mantle of the Europe-Adria system. During continental rifting and oceanic spreading, these lithospheric peri-dotites were percolated via diffuse reactive porous flowby melt fractions produced by near-fractional melting of the upwelling asthenosphere. Ascending melts inter-acted with the lower lithosphere, dissolving pyroxenes and precipitating olivine, and crystallized at shallower levels in the mantle column causing melt impregnation.Subsequent focused porous flow formed replacive dunitechannels, cutting the impregnated oeridotites, which were conduits for upward migration of MORB-type liq-uids. Melt migration produced depletionlrefertilization and significant heating of the percolatedlimpregnated mantle, i.e the thermochemical erosion of the litho-sphere. Impregnated and thermally modified lithos-pheric mantle was cooled by conductive heat loss dur-ing progressive lithosphere thinning and was intrudeaby MORB magmas, which formed Mg-rich and Fe-richgabbroic dykes and bodies. Alpine-Apennine ophiolitic peridotites record the deep-seated migration of melts which changed their compositions and dynamics during the rift evolution. The thermochemical erosion of the lithospheric mantle by the ascending asthenospheric melts, which induces significant compositional and rhe-ological changes in the lower lithosphere, is a major process in the evolution of the continent-ocean transi-tion towards a slow spreading oceanic system. 相似文献
天气雷达是短时和临近预报的主要工具 ,它对防汛、防雹、人控和有偿专项服务起着很大的作用。中国气象局于 2 0 0 1年 3月对内蒙古气象台原有71 3测雨雷达进行了大修改造。新改进的雷达除天线外 ,大部分都进行了更新换代 ,引进了桂林市 72 2厂 CTL系列天气雷达数据处理系统 ,现已投入了业务使用。1 CTL - 71 3C型天气雷达系统的用途、基本组成和工作原理1 .1 雷达系统的用途CTL - 71 3C型天气雷达系统为固定式 5 cm波段数字化天气雷达系统 ,主要用于探测 40 0 km范围的云体、降水、雷暴、冰雹和台风等气象目标 ,测量其空间位置、强… 相似文献