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GiovanniB.Piccardo 《《幕》》2003,26(3):193-199
Mantle peridotites were early exposed at the sea-floor of the Jurassic Tethys derived from the subcontinental mantle of the Europe-Adria system. During continental rifting and oceanic spreading, these lithospheric peri-dotites were percolated via diffuse reactive porous flowby melt fractions produced by near-fractional melting of the upwelling asthenosphere. Ascending melts inter-acted with the lower lithosphere, dissolving pyroxenes and precipitating olivine, and crystallized at shallower levels in the mantle column causing melt impregnation.Subsequent focused porous flow formed replacive dunitechannels, cutting the impregnated oeridotites, which were conduits for upward migration of MORB-type liq-uids. Melt migration produced depletionlrefertilization and significant heating of the percolatedlimpregnated mantle, i.e the thermochemical erosion of the litho-sphere. Impregnated and thermally modified lithos-pheric mantle was cooled by conductive heat loss dur-ing progressive lithosphere thinning and was intrudeaby MORB magmas, which formed Mg-rich and Fe-richgabbroic dykes and bodies. Alpine-Apennine ophiolitic peridotites record the deep-seated migration of melts which changed their compositions and dynamics during the rift evolution. The thermochemical erosion of the lithospheric mantle by the ascending asthenospheric melts, which induces significant compositional and rhe-ological changes in the lower lithosphere, is a major process in the evolution of the continent-ocean transi-tion towards a slow spreading oceanic system. 相似文献
本文论述了保安地区火山岩的地质、岩石、副矿物、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素、稳定同位素、火山岩相及火山机构等特征。并对其演化规律、形成机制与成矿作用的关系,作了初步探讨。 相似文献
文章从分析风暴潮的危害入手,探讨了风暴潮灾的形成原因,指出:异常天气系统的出现、天文大潮前后、地理环境因素和人类经济活动四条件相叠加,即会造成破坏性很强的风暴潮灾。针对同暴潮灾形成机制,提出相应的防治对策,以避免灾害的损失。 相似文献
信息技术的蓬勃发展,开启了信息时代的大门。在信息化时代,知识信息主导着社会的发展进程,信息化成为现代化的基本内涵,而对于发展中国家则是面临机械化与信息化的双重任务。国防现代化是四个现代化之一,正如胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中指出的,实现国防现代化需要“机械化和信息化的复合发展”。也就是说,机械化建设与信息化建设是国防现代化振飞的双翼。 相似文献
1996年春季我国南方地区发生连续三个月的气温显著负距平,最大负距平区均出现在西南地区东部。本文分析了形成持续低温、阴雨的异常环流条件及其可能原因。指出前冬至初春欧亚地区极锋锋区偏南稳定;高纬多阻塞形势;南亚暖空气活跃是其基本环流特征。而前冬至初春欧洲及亚洲西部严寒多雪,青藏高原及南亚次大陆持续偏暖以及极地地区的暖空气稳定控制,是形成上述环流特征的基本原因. 相似文献
徐峻龄 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》1997,8(4):23-27,104
作者曾在1989年提出关于高速滑坡形成机制的一种解释-“闸门效应说”此后,又进行了这方面的模型试验,并在滑坡预报研究中监测到焦家村滑坡的变形过程,二者均证明,“闸门效应说”是正确的,本文对此了简要介绍,本文还据实际观察到现象指出,由于环境条件不同,高速滑坡滑体的运动既可以表现出滑动特征,也可以很快转化成碎屑流有面出流动特征。 相似文献
小秦岭地体中的褶皱包括露头褶皱和宏观褶皱和宏观褶组成褶皱的面理为闪生构造面理。露头褶皱为地壳早期伸展机制下发生左行张扭剪切作用产生的构造形迹;宏观褶皱为侵入岩浆穹起、底辟作用向外扩张窨推拉围岩形成的构造格局。 相似文献
河南省西峡地区金红石放层有三种岩石类型:钙质变质岩、基性变质岩和泥质-长英质变质岩。地其含矿层的层位、时代、岩石组合、原岩建造及地球化学特征的研究,认为其原岩为沉积岩和基性火山岩,其形成环境为扬子板块北部古被动大陆边缘的陆缘断陷深海槽。 相似文献