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Extensive examination of large numbers of spatially orientated thin sections of orientated samples from orogens of all ages around the world has demonstrated that porphyroblasts do not rotate relative to geographical coordinates during highly non-coaxial ductile deformation of the matrix subsequent to their growth. This has been demonstrated for all tectonic environments so far investigated. The work also has provided new insights and data on metamorphic, structural and tectonic processes including: (1) the intimate control of deformation partitioning on metamorphic reactions; (2) solutions to the lack of correlation between lineations that indicate the direction of movement within thrusts and shear zones, and relative plate motion; and (3) a possible technique for determining the direction of relative plate motion that caused orogenesis in ancient orogens.  相似文献   
Wang Yanhui 《水文研究》1992,6(2):241-251
Black locust (Robina pseudoacacia) has become one of the most important shelter species in the loess area of northwest China. This paper summarizes recent research concerning its hydrological influence, including canopy interception, litter absorption capacity, its effect on rainfall kinetic energy, infiltration rates, surface runoff, soil moisture, and evapotranspiration, and its role in soil conservation. Several predictive models are listed. on the basis of existing results, optimum characteristics for an effective plantation are defined, and problems requiring further research are identified.  相似文献   
Only by providing the good conditions for the growth of plants can a favorable ecologicalenvironment on which human beings rely for existence be created. The upside-down-T dou-ble-layer water-conserving afforestation way is developed according to the situation of the short-age of water resources, low soil fertility and vast land in the arid areas. The characteristics of theafforestation way are to change the microenvironment in the root area of the plants, provide thefavorable conditions for the growth of plants, and reduce the necessary conditions for the growth ofplants in large areas in the arid regions. Meanwhile, the size of its water-conserving layer can bechanged according to the size of the planted trees. The different ways of the bottom wa-ter-conserving layer can be used according to the requirements. The afforestation way is suitablefor planting trees on a small scale and also for afforesting on a large scale under the adverse cir-cumstances in the arid areas, and has been effectively used in the afforestation in the hinterland ofTaklamakan Desert and the southern marginal zone of Gurbantonggut Desert. The prospects ofthe afforestation way are broad in afforestation and desertification control in the desert regions.  相似文献   
High buildings or architectural complex in urban areas remarkably distort the urban surface wind fields. As the air flow approaches,local strong wind may appear around the buildings. The strong wind makes the pedestrians on sidewalks, entrances and terrace very uncomfortable and causes the pedestrian level wind environment problem. In this studies, hot-wire wind measurement, wind scouring in wind tunnel and numerical computation were carried out to evaluate the wind environment of tall buildings in the prevailing flow conditions in Beijing areas. The results obtained by three techniques were compared and mutually verified. The conclusions drawn from three approaches agree with each other. Also the advantages and limitations of each method were analyzed. It is suggested that the combination of different techniques may produce better assessment of wind environment around high buildings.  相似文献   
In this study the arable land changes in two counties (Zigui and Xingshan) in the Three Gorges Reservoir area in China are investigated. The statistical data from the officially published statistical books are used to study these changes in the two counties during the past 50 years since 1949. The changes of arable land, changes of arable land per capita, and changes of multiple crop index in Zigui and Xingshan counties are examined. Using an index method, we conclude that the two counties are critical in the sustainable utilization of arable land.  相似文献   
从计算雷击截收面积的逻辑关系出发,以斜坡类建筑和圆顶形建筑两类特殊建筑为例,通过建立相关模型和数学公式,分析计算应从何位置按照何扩大宽度往外偏移能准确地求出截收面积。对于单檐斜坡类建筑、重檐建筑或古塔,根据房檐到屋脊(塔尖)的水平距离和垂直距离的关系,判断出应该按房檐还是屋脊(塔尖)偏移。对于圆顶形或椭圆顶形建筑,利用建筑屋顶的数学公式,建立了到圆心中轴线距离的数学公式,并对其求导数,得到了导数为0时点的横、纵坐标,此点即为偏移点位置,同时得到了对应的扩大宽度。利用AutoCAD偏移及求面积命令得到截收面积,为防雷设计及雷电灾害风险评估中雷击截收面积的准确计算提供参考。  相似文献   
Standardised sampling protocols for monitoring fish stocks are essential to assess changes in stock status and provide a means to evaluate the effectiveness of fisheries management measures, such as marine protected areas (MPAs). This study aimed to optimise two standard sampling methods, namely underwater visual census (UVC) and controlled angling, for assessing subtidal reef fish communities. In terms of efficiency, variability and bias, UVC transects were found to be superior to point counts. For controlled angling, an effort of two angler-hours per fishing station provided low catch variability, high catch per unit effort and a representative catch. Whereas UVC provided less variable estimates of relative density, controlled angling provided greater sampling efficiency. It is thus recommended that the two methods be used in conjunction. The optimal sampling protocols identified are suitable for rapid assessments or long-term monitoring of subtidal, temperate reef fish communities.  相似文献   
黄渚镇位于地质灾害高频发地区—陇南山地的北部。2010年8月12日,黄渚镇一带遭遇百年不遇的暴雨,形成暴洪灾害,并诱发泥石流、滑坡、矿坑突水、道路岸坡坍塌等次生灾害,给当地群众及厂坝铅锌矿作业区造成重大灾害与损失。通过对本次暴洪泥石流灾害的特征及成因进行分析,得出:百年不遇的暴雨是灾害形成的直接原因,而人类不合理的活动则加重了灾害的危害程度,同时当地的地形地貌、地层岩性等条件也是灾害形成的有利条件。  相似文献   
代方园  高扬  宿庆伟  胡韬  耿付强  董亚楠 《中国岩溶》2022,41(2):308-317, 328
文章以山东省济南西南裸露—覆盖型岩溶山区为研究对象,根据钻探资料,将区内岩溶发育形态分为小型溶洞与溶孔,并利用瞬变电磁法、电磁波CT成像两种物探方法,探讨岩溶分布、形态特征与地球物理场的关系。对比瞬变电磁剖面与钻探揭露的岩溶发育段,确定出120 Ω·m作为解译岩溶发育区的分界值,以此圈定岩溶分布区域,之后实施钻孔进行验证,符合性较好;在验证孔及附近钻孔进行电磁波CT成像探测,进一步验证并刻画两孔间的岩溶发育特征。两种物探方法中,电磁波CT的探测数据离散程度较高;两种岩溶发育形态中,小型溶洞的地球物理参数离散程度较大,同时小型溶洞发育区视电阻率平均值较小,视吸收系数平均值较大。  相似文献   
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