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With the methods of REOF (Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function), the summer precipitation from 43 stations over eastern China for the 1901 – 2000 period was examined. The results show that South China and Southwest China, the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River, North China and the southwestern of Northeast China are the three main areas of summer rainfall anomaly. Furthermore, correlation analysis is used in three time series of three mostly summer rainfall modes and four seasonal Pacific SSTA (Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly), and the results suggest that the Pacific SSTA which notably causes the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China are the SSTA of the preceding winter over Kuroshio region of Northwest Pacific, SSTA of the preceding spring in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific, and SSTA of the current summer in the central region of middle latitude. The relationship between summer precipitation over eastern China and SSTA of Pacific key regions was further verified by SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) analysis. The composite analysis was used to analyze the features of atmospheric general circulation in the years of positive and negative precipitation anomaly. Its results were used to serve as the base of numerical simulation analysis.  相似文献   
Based on an observational analysis, seven numerical experiments are designed to study the impacts of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over eastern China and relevant physical mechanism by NCAR CCM3. The numerical simulation results show that preceding winter SSTA in the Kuroshio region leads to summer precipitation anomaly over the Yangtze River valleys by modifying atmospheric general circulation over eastern Asia and middle-high latitude. West Pacific subtropical high is notably affected by preceding spring SSTA over the middle and east of Equator Pacific; SSTA of the central region of middle latitude in the corresponding period causes the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China so as to trigger the atmospheric Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern.  相似文献   
苏涛  董美莹  余贞寿  黎玥君 《气象》2020,46(2):158-168
针对夏季副热带高压背景下浙北天目山附近的强对流天气个例,利用中尺度实况资料,分析了天目山对触发对流的作用。结果表明:浙江省夏季位于副热带高压边缘时,低层处于西南背景风时,在低Froude数条件下,气流经过黄山、天目山后在背风侧形成一段辐合线,在有利的热力条件配合下,容易触发对流。山地的热力强迫作用使地形上空新生了很多积云,积云分布基本与地形一致。同时,天目山背风侧出现一条积云线,其形成的原因是天目山背风侧辐合线的辐合抬升作用。背风侧辐合线尺度有几十千米,方向随环境风向转变。对流触发的位置位于这条辐合线上靠近山地的一端。这可能是由于山地热力强迫作用产生的积云移到辐合线上继续发展产生对流云,即山地的动力和热力作用共同触发了对流。  相似文献   
The track of Typhoon Haitang (0505), which passed through the Taiwan Island and landed again,has been successfully simulated by using the non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model MM5. Itsstructure is analyzed on the landing stage, and it is found that there exist good relationships between thetyphoon abnormal moving track and its asymmetry structure. The effect of terrain of Taiwan Island on thetyphoon Haitang, which made it rotate before landing and present a "V" type abnormal moving track inTaiwan straits, has also been simulated. Further analysis shows that the terrain of Taiwan Island not onlydirectly affects the typhoon moving track, but also changes the typhoon track by affecting its asymmetricstructure. Therefore, the typhoon asymmetric structure and the effect of terrain of Taiwan Island togetherresults in the abnormal rotating track. The terrain of Taiwan Island tends to increase the SW-NEasymmetric structure of the typhoon and has different effect on SE-NW asymmetric structure during thelandfall process of typhoon Haitang before entering and moving out of the Taiwan straits.  相似文献   
台风"凤凰"(0808)和"诺瑞丝"(8012)路径相似,但降水分布不同,"凤凰"暴雨分布在路径左右两侧,而"诺瑞丝"暴雨分布在路径左侧。文章从湿位涡和垂直风切变角度对这两个路径相似台风暴雨进行了诊断分析。结果表明:无论是"凤凰",还是"诺瑞丝"台风暴雨与湿位涡和垂直风切变都有较一致对应关系,强降水位于垂直风切变矢量左侧,垂直风切变矢量与移动路径呈不同夹角时,强降水分布在移动路径不同方位。湿位涡正压项(MPV1)负值区和斜压项(MPV2)正值区相叠加对应强降水落区,而且叠加区内MPV2越大,降水强度也越强。因此,在实际台风预报中,可以结合湿位涡和垂直风切变综合分析来提高预测强降水落区准确性。  相似文献   
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