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通过对1992~2008年间各期观测资料进行全时空扫描,分析华北地区网区重力场的演化特征,总结震前异常的形态、持续时间和变化幅度,指出重力场空间变化易于发生地震的部位,并对一些问题进行讨论。结果显示:华北地区重力场总体变化不具明确规律性;大量测点存在明显的背景性趋势性异常变化;重力场变化与网区及周边地区中强地震的活动联系密切,较明显的重力场异常反应多发生在震前2年左右时间,且常伴有大面积高值异常区出现。重力变化0线、高梯度带、异常中心(含极值)附近是重力场空间变化易于发震的部位。  相似文献   
纳米颗粒与重金属元素相结合发生反应,可能产生一系列相互作用关系。这些作用过程是取决于多个环境条件共同作用的复杂过程,尤其是在土壤这种复杂的典型非均质环境介质中。这些作用关系可分为协同促进和拮抗抑制两大类关系。对于土壤中的重金属元素离子而言,纳米态粒子对其环境有效性究竟是协同促进还是拮抗抑制作用,关键取决于纳米粒子的表面修饰特性、二者间的界面反应以及反应后重金属元素的最终赋存状态这三个方面。协同促进或拮抗抑制作用与否则最终决定了这些污染重金属离子的生物可利用性和生态毒性响应。本文对近年来纳米颗粒-重金属共环境行为国内外研究现状进行综述讨论。纳米-重金属界面吸附解吸和土壤中迁移持留过程研究涉及多个热力学、动力学解析方法,科学家结合静态批实验和动态迁移实验等实验室模拟手段,对纳米颗粒、重金属离子、有机质三因子在土壤介质中的相互作用影响和共行为方式展开深入探讨。在重金属离子-纳米颗粒表面吸附机制、赋存形态以及重金属纳米吸附态土壤迁移固定机制研究中,多种定性表征方法的综合应用,如透射电镜(TEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线吸收近边结构光谱/扩展X射线吸收精细结构光谱(XANES/EXAFS)等方法相结合,被公认是揭示这一系列过程机制的重要技术手段。针对不同土壤环境中有机质存在条件,正确评价纳米态物质对重金属的迁移性及生物可利用性的影响作用,将为纳米环境效应评估和纳米修复技术等相关应用提供重要的数据支持和机理依据。  相似文献   
Correlation-coefficient fields are widely used in short-term climate prediction research. The most frequently used significance test method for the correlation-coefficient field was proposed by Livezey, in which the number of significantcorrelation lattice(station) points on the correlation coherence map is used as the statistic. However, the method is based on two assumptions:(1) the spatial distribution of the lattice(station) points is uniform;and(2) there is no correlation between the physical quantities in the correlation-coefficient field. However, in reality, the above two assumptions are not valid.Therefore, we designed a more reasonable method for significance testing of the correlation-coefficient field. Specifically, a new statistic, the significant-correlation area, is introduced to eliminate the inhomogeneity of the grid(station)-point distribution, and an empirical Monte Carlo method is employed to eliminate the spatial correlation of the matrix.Subsequently, the new significance test was used for simultaneous correlation-coefficient fields between intensities of the atmospheric activity center in the Northern Hemisphere and temperature/precipitation in China. The results show that the new method is more reasonable than the Livezey method.  相似文献   
Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park is a series of wetlands which naturally originated from groundwater discharges from the Mancha Occidental aquifer, Spain. Despite the relatively large size of this aquifer, 30 years of intensive groundwater pumping have significantly depleted the water table. As a result, wetlands only remain functional due to artificial inflows. Infiltration loss is therefore a key parameter to evaluate how much water is needed to maintain ecosystem functionality. Although yearly infiltration estimates existed prior to this work, these did not take into account key parameters such as the temporal evolution of the flooded area. This paper presents a more concrete estimate of the average infiltration losses. Infiltration is calculated as the closure term of daily water balances during a period of time where all other elements were known to an acceptable accuracy. A validation mechanism is provided to check the potential utility of the calculated infiltration in wetland management practices. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
图们江流域中更新世火山泥石流仅分布在残留的Ⅲ阶地上,碎屑物的粒级范围很广,具正粒序层理,分选差,是在冰川作用或冰雪融化作用下快速搬运、沉积形成的,具有浊积岩的沉积模式。  相似文献   
新疆苇湖梁煤矿塌陷区遥感监测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
苇湖梁煤矿已有50多年的开采历史, 长期的地下开采造成了严重的地面塌陷。本文将新疆苇湖梁煤矿塌陷区作为研究区, 以2013年的IKONOS高分遥感影像为主要数据源, 以ArcGIS为支撑平台, 采用人机交互的解译方法对塌陷区的相关信息进行提取, 结合实地调查验证的方法, 分析研究区内地质灾害的特征。通过遥感调查发现: 研究区内发育规模较大、位于塌陷区周围的拉伸区的地裂缝约有64条;塌陷坑(群)约有94个, 主要分布于南北塌陷槽及两侧;塌陷回填区总面积达0.92 km2, 并在回填区发现了3个新塌陷坑。本文充分发挥了遥感技术宏观性强、速度快的特点, 调查结果反映了塌陷区灾害的实际情况。  相似文献   
交城水峪贯区域地质构造复杂,三大岩类齐全,岩浆岩类发育,岩层露头特征明显,并伴有煤、铁等矿产分布。区内主要发育NNW、NNE、SN向构造体系,从构造、地貌、地层及岩浆岩等因素分析,本区域经历了多次地质构造运动,对其影响最大的为燕山运动。在早燕山期构造运动中近EW向的主应力作用下形成了本区域古洞道向斜、鲁沿向斜、山前大断裂等构造及狐偃山六大岩浆岩体,后期受应力转变造成本区域X型剪节理发育及构造扭曲等现象。形成了本区域现代地质构造及地貌轮廓。  相似文献   
本文对辽宁地区6个输油管道段两侧10km范围内的断层活动性进行了研究,其中有5条晚更新世-全新世断裂与管道相交,交叉点共有8处。在此基础上,重点研究了跨断层输油管道的震害特点,给出了不同地震烈度下剪切与弯曲破坏概率及震害预测结果。  相似文献   
The concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC‐11, CFC‐12 and CFC‐113) and tritium (3H) content in groundwater were used to date groundwater age, delineate groundwater flow systems and estimate flow velocity in the Hohhot basin. The estimated young groundwater age is fallen in the bracket of 21 ~ 50 a and indicates the presence of two different age profiles and flow systems in the shallow groundwater system. Older age waters occur under the topographically low areas, where the aquifer is double‐layer aquifer system consisting of shallow unconfined‐semi‐confined aquifer and deep confined aquifer. This reflects long flow paths associated with regional flow. Groundwater (range from 21 to 34 years) in the north piedmont and east hilly areas, where the aquifer is a single‐layer aquifer consisting of alluvial fans, are typically younger than those in the low areas. The combination of CFCs dating with hydrogeological information indicates that both local and regional flow systems are present at the basin. The regional groundwater flow mainly flows from the north and east to the southwest, the local groundwater flow system occurs nearby the Hohhot city. The mean regional groundwater flow velocity of the shallow groundwater is estimated about 0.73 km/a. These findings can aid in refining hydrogeological conceptual model of the study area. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地下水数学模型是用数学方法表述,经过概化地下水系统,在系统分析地下水补、径、排的基础上,对地下水预测分析的一种有效方法.随着南干渠灌区建成后水量的变化,本文通过选用适宜的数学模型,对灌区地下水资源量进行模拟计算,根据模拟计算结果对灌区地下水升幅进行预测,对灌区生态环境的变化做出评价.  相似文献   
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