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“井水不犯河水”水文地质学含义初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用水化学及同位素水文地质学的方法,对密云水库、潮白河及位于潮白河边的2个地下水分层专门监测井进行取样测试,并结合收集相关资料,从水位、水质及氚、氘、氧-18等同位素方面进行分析研究,对中国古语“井水不犯河水”的水文地质学方面的含义进行了一定的微观层次的分析探讨.得出研究点处潮白河水对50 m外的25 m深的浅井井水有...  相似文献   
青藏高原地区云水时空变化特征及其与降水的联系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
伯玥  王艺  李嘉敏  王澄海 《冰川冻土》2016,(6):1679-1690
利用1984-2009年ISCCP的云量、云光学厚度(COT)、云水路径(CWP)资料,分析了青藏高原云水的分布特征、变化趋势,及其与夏秋季降水、冬春季降雪的联系.结果表明:青藏高原地区大气中的云水有着显著的季节变化与水平分布差异;青藏高原春夏季总云量、高云云量高于秋冬季,CWP、COT与总云量的分布特征具有较好的一致性.高原云量高值区位于喀喇昆仑山与高原东南部;可可西里地区由于羌塘高压的下沉作用为云量低值区.青藏高原总云量在1984-2009年间呈现减少趋势;而CWP在高原总体以增加为主,但在各区域上的变化不一致,高原东部CWP增加而西部出现较弱的减小,这与来自孟加拉湾的水汽输送增加有关.青藏高原中东部地区夏秋季降水受云量减少影响较小而与CWP的增加相一致呈增长趋势;该地区冬春季降雪略有减少,与总云量的年际变化具有正相关.  相似文献   
本文从几何定向精度对贯通误差的影响着手,采用SWIFT(sequential WeightIncxeasing Factor Technique)优化法,并借助于PC—1500机,Basic语言来寻找几何定向的最佳图形,提高定向精度,确保隧道正确贯通。  相似文献   
Toshiaki Tsunogae  M. Santosh 《Lithos》2006,92(3-4):524-536
We report here a multiphase mineral inclusion composed of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, sapphirine, spinel, orthopyroxene, and biotite, in porphyroblastic garnet within a pelitic granulite from Rajapalaiyam in the Madurai Granulite Block, southern India. In this unique textural association, hitherto unreported in previous studies, sapphirine shows four occurrences: (1) as anhedral mineral between spinel and quartz (Spr-1), (2) subhedral to euhedral needles mantled by quartz (Spr-2), (3) subhedral to anhedral mineral in orthopyroxene, and (4) isolated inclusion with quartz (Spr-4). Spr-1, Spr-2, and Spr-4 show direct grain contact with quartz, providing evidence for ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism at temperatures exceeding 1000 °C. Associated orthopyroxene shows high Mg/(Fe + Mg) ratio ( 0.75) and Al2O3 content (up to 9.6 wt.%), also suggesting T > 1050 °C and P > 10 kbar during peak metamorphism.

Coarse spinel (Spl-1) with irregular grain morphology and adjacent quartz grains are separated by thin films of Spr-1 and K-feldspar, suggesting that Spl-1 and quartz were in equilibrium before the stability of Spr-1 + quartz. This texture implies that the P–T conditions of the rock shifted from the stability field of spinel + quartz to sapphirine + quartz. Petrogenetic grid considerations based on available data from the FMAS system favour exhumation along a counterclockwise P–T trajectory. The irregular shape of the inclusion and chemistry of the inclusion minerals are markedly different from the matrix phases suggesting the possibility that the inclusion minerals could have equilibrated from cordierite-bearing silicate-melt pockets during the garnet growth at extreme UHT conditions.  相似文献   

利用NCEP全球数据同化系统(GDAS)1°×1°分析资料,对0917号台风"芭玛"折向东南向移动原因进行了分析。结果表明,中高纬度环流调整是"芭玛"折向东南向移动的根本原因;0918号台风"茉莉"通过改变外围环境场的强度、形状对"芭玛"台风产生间接影响,而两台风之间逆时针互旋以及台风"茉莉"外围强大的环流对台风"芭玛"的直接作用是台风"芭玛"折向东南向移动的关键。对台风"芭玛"经纬向UV最大风速变化诊断分析表明,"芭玛"经纬向UV最大风速中心的转移对"芭玛"折向东南向移动有重要影响,经纬向UV最大风速差的变化对"芭玛"转向具有预示作用,经纬向最大风速差的合成风方向与台风中心未来移动方向有一定的关系。  相似文献   
对于贝加尔湖-石卷地学断面(BAMSIP)的西段俄罗斯贝加尔湖-中国满洲里断面城内的地质构造背景、地震剖面波类型和基本特征等研究发现:(1)断面域中贝加尔裂谷带地震波速度结构存在异常地幔带;结晶地壳物质成分基性程度较高;基底顶面和Moho界面未观察到明显的镜象关系;(2)西伯利亚南部的复杂相故基底由古生代和前寒武纪岩层所组构;区域构造由古褶皱系、中生代沉积盆地、裂谷带构成。  相似文献   
Slant-path water vapor amounts (SWV) from a station to all the GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites in view can be estimated by using a ground-based GPS receiver. In this paper, a tomographic method was utilized to retrieve the local horizontal and vertical structure of water vapor over a local GPS receiver network using SWV amounts as observables in the tomography. The method of obtaining SWV using ground-based GPS is described first, and then the theory of tomography using GPS is presented. A water vapor tomography experiment was made using a small GPS network in the Beijing region. The tomographic results were analyzed in two ways: (1) a pure GPS method, i.e., only using GPS observables as input to the tomography; (2) combining GPS observables with vertical constraints or a priori information, which come from average radiosonde measurements over three days. It is shown that the vertical structure of water vapor is well resolved with a priori information. Comparisons of profiles between radiosondes and GPS show that the RMS error of the tomography is about 1–2mm. It is demonstrated that the tomography can monitor the evolution of tropospheric water vapor in space and time. The vertical resolution of the tomography is tested with layer thicknesses of 600 m, 800 m and 1000 m. Comparisons with radiosondes show that the result from a resolution of 800m is slightly better than results from the other two resolutions in the experiment. Water vapor amounts recreated from the tomography field agree well with precipitable water vapor (PWV) calculated using GPS delays. Hourly tomographic results are also shown using the resolution of 800 m. Water vapor characteristics under the background of heavy rainfall development are analyzed using these tomographic results. The water vapor spatio-temporal structures derived from the GPS network show a great potential in the investigation of weather disasters.  相似文献   
向华  张利  钟增球  周汉文  曾雯 《地球科学进展》2007,23(12):1258-1267
榍石在各类岩石中普遍存在,其稳定性受全岩成分、氧逸度和水活度以及温度和压力等因素影响。它在岩浆岩中主要存在于高Ca/Al比值的岩石中,在变质岩中常见于绿片岩相、蓝片岩相和角闪岩相岩石,在钙质变质岩中其稳定范围可达榴辉岩相或高压麻粒岩相。一般榍石结构中U含量较高,且具有高达高角闪岩相上限的U Pb同位素体系封闭温度,是理想的U-Pb定年矿物。由于榍石的组成元素均为岩石中的主要元素,很容易与其它矿物、熔体及流体发生反应,所以榍石的U-Pb年龄记录的更可能是结晶年龄,而不是简单的扩散重置年龄;也因为它容易反应,变质榍石复杂的U Pb体系可能记录了岩石的整个变质历史信息。通过与榍石平衡共生的矿物组合或利用榍石Zr温压计可确定岩石的P T条件,结合相关的榍石年龄信息即可建立变质过程的P T t轨迹。利用SHRIMP、LA MC ICP MS以及LA ICP MS方法可对不均一榍石颗粒内部进行原位微区分析得到有意义的U Pb年龄;利用榍石中Zr含量对温度,尤其是对压力比较敏感,可建立榍石Zr含量温压计。  相似文献   
The Narryer Gneiss Complex of the Yilgarn Block is a key segment of the Western Australian Precambrian Shield. It is a regional granulite facies terrain comprised of predominantly quartzo-feldspathic gneisses derived from granitic intrusions c. 3.6–3.4 Ga old. Granulite facies metamorphism occurred c. 3.3 Ga ago, and conditions of 750–850°C and 7–10 kbar are estimated for the Mukalo Creek Area (MCA) near Errabiddy in the north. The P–T path of the MCA has been derived from metamorphic assemblages in younger rocks that intruded the gneisses during at least three subsequent events, and this path is supported by reaction coronas in the older gneisses. There is no evidence for uplift immediately following peak metamorphism of the MCA, and a period of isobaric cooling is inferred from the pressures recorded in younger rocks. Pressures and temperatures estimated from metadolerites, which intruded the older gneisses during ‘granite–greenstone’tectonism at about 2.6 Ga and during early Proterozoic thrusting show that the Errabiddy area remained in the lower crust, although it was probably reheated during the younger events. Isothermal uplift to upper crustal levels occurred at c. 1.6 Ga ago, and was followed by further deformation and patchy retrogression of high-grade assemblages. The effects of younger deformation, cooling and reheating can be discerned in the older gneisses, but as there has been no pervasive deformation or rehydration, the minerals and microstructures formed during early Archaean granulite facies metamorphism for the most part are retained. The MCA remained in the lower crust for about 1700 Ma following peak metamorphism and some event unrelated to the original metamorphism was required to exhume it. Uplift occurred during development of the Capricorn Orogen, when some 30–35 km were added to the crust beneath the Errabiddy area. The recognition of early Proterozoic thrusting, plus crustal thickening, suggests that the Capricorn Orogen is a belt of regional compression which resulted from convergence of the Yilgarn and Pilbara Cratons.  相似文献   
This paper presents a boundary element method (BEM) procedure for a linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis in two‐dimensional anisotropic bimaterials. In this formulation, a displacement integral equation is only collocated on the uncracked boundary, and a traction integral equation is only collocated on one side of the crack surface. A fundamental solution (Green's function) for anisotropic bimaterials is also derived and implemented into the boundary integral formulation so that except for the interfacial crack part, the discretization along the interface can be avoided. A special crack‐tip element is introduced to capture the exact crack‐tip behavior. A computer program using FORTRAN has been developed to effectively calculate the stress intensity factors of an anisotropic bimaterial. This BEM program has been verified to have a good accuracy with previous studies. In addition, a central cracked bimaterial Brazilian specimen constituting cement and gypsum is prepared to conduct the Brazilian test under diametral loading. The result shows that the numerical analysis can predict relatively well the direction of crack initiation and the path of crack propagation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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