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The effect of fluids on recrystallization behaviour is well known; however, the detailed microscale distribution of fluid in grain boundaries and the influence of fluid on grain boundary migration are still unresolved. In this study, in‐situ deformation experiments in transmitted light microscopy were undertaken, as this allows continuous and direct observation of the whole range of processes involved in fluid‐assisted grain boundary migration. A new see‐through deformation apparatus was developed to enable the control of fluid pressure. Bischofite containing small amounts of aqueous fluid was deformed at temperatures between 50 and 90 °C, over a range of fluid pressure from 0.5 to 1 MPa, and strain rates of 5 × 10?6 to 1 × 10?4 s?1. The rates of grain boundary migration were measured at different temperatures and strain rates. Detailed observations during and after the deformation illustrate the evolution of migrating fluid‐filled grain boundaries and show that the incorporation of fluids from inclusions as well as their pinch‐off is dependent on the grain boundary velocity, the thickness of the grain boundary and the size and shape of the inclusions. Direct evidence is presented for the contraction of the grain boundary fluids into isolated inclusions after equilibrium conditions are attained.  相似文献   
Seismic tomography studies in the northeastern Japan arc have revealed the existence of an inclined sheet-like seismic low-velocity and high-attenuation zone in the mantle wedge at depths shallower than about 150 km. This sheet-like low-velocity, high-attenuation zone is oriented sub-parallel to the subducted slab, and is considered to correspond to the upwelling flow portion of the subduction-induced convection. The low-velocity, high-attenuation zone reaches the Moho immediately beneath the volcanic front (or the Ou Backbone Range) running through the middle of the arc nearly parallel to the trench axis, which suggests that the volcanic front is formed by this hot upwelling flow. Aqueous fluids supplied by the subducted slab are probably transported upward through this upwelling flow to reach shallow levels beneath the Backbone Range where they are expelled from solidified magma and migrate further upward. The existence of aqueous fluids may weaken the surrounding crustal rocks, resulting in local contractive deformation and uplift along the Backbone Range under the compressional stress field of the volcanic arc. A strain-rate distribution map generated from GPS data reveals a notable concentration of east–west contraction along the Backbone Range, consistent with this interpretation. Shallow inland earthquakes are also concentrated in the upper crust of this locally large contraction deformation zone. Based on these observations, a simple model is proposed to explain the deformation pattern of the crust and the characteristic shallow seismic activity beneath the northeastern Japan arc.  相似文献   
The lithosphere of the Northern Alpine foreland has undergone a polyphase evolution during which interacting stress-induced intraplate deformation and upper mantle thermal perturbations controlled folding of the thermally weakened lithosphere. In this paper we address relationships among deeper lithospheric processes, neotectonics and surface processes in the Northern Alpine foreland with special emphasis on tectonically induced topography. We focus on lithosphere memory and neotectonics, paying special attention to the thermo-mechanical structure of the Rhine Graben System and adjacent areas of the northern Alpine foreland lithosphere. We discuss implications for mechanisms of large-scale intraplate deformation and links with surface processes and topography evolution.  相似文献   
我国部分地区地质灾害爆发频率高,多年来崩滑坡、泥石流等高危险性地质灾害严重威胁我国人民财产与生命安全。因此,地质灾害及时预警一直是我国在应急方面亟待解决的难题。随着北斗、GPS等全球卫星导航系统的建设组网,GNSS技术逐渐成为当前提供时空位置信息的重要手段,具有数据实时性、设备低功耗、搭建便捷化等特性,成为解决地质灾害监测与预警的理想技术手段。本文利用BDS+GPS+GLONASS时空信息数据,构建了面向地质灾害监测的中长基线毫米级精度的崩滑坡监测解算方法,确定了双差观测的载波相位解算模型。最后在重庆新浦区域展开试验应用,实现了基于高精度时空信息的毫米级滑坡灾害的监测与预警。为预计该区域的地质灾害提供了数据支持,为人民的生产生活提供了技术保障。  相似文献   
位于扬子地块西南缘的“川滇黔铅锌矿集区”是我国西南大面积低温成矿域的重要组成部分, 金沙厂铅锌矿床是其中典型矿床之一, 前人针对金沙厂矿床的成矿物质来源和成矿流体特征开展了大量研究, 但围岩对成矿的贡献和矿床成因仍不明确。针对这一问题, 本文系统分析了金沙厂闪锌矿及围岩的微量元素组成, 结合围岩和萤石的稀土元素特征, 探讨了围岩对成矿的贡献, 厘定了矿床成因。研究表明, 闪锌矿以富集Cd、Ge、Cu、Ga, 贫Fe、Mn、In、Co、Ni为特征, 这些元素多以类质同象的形式赋存在闪锌矿中, 个别元素如Cu、Ge等含量变化范围较大, 可能与低温流体有关。矿床中闪锌矿存在多种颜色的原因可能是Cu、Ge等多种元素共同作用的结果。近矿端的围岩明显富集Zn、Pb、As、Cd等元素, 而闪锌矿中同样富集这些元素, 说明围岩为成矿提供了部分金属元素。萤石继承了围岩的Eu、Ce负异常, 并受到了具有较高Ce负异常的成矿流体影响。萤石较围岩具有较高的Y/Ho比值, 说明萤石中的部分Y来源于围岩, 从而导致萤石具有较高的Y/Ho值。总体上, 该矿床中闪锌矿微量元素组成与MVT矿床基本一致, 明显有别于喷流沉积型、岩浆热液型和远端夕卡岩型矿床, 其成矿温度属于低温范围, 结合其矿床地质地球化学特征, 本文认为金沙厂铅锌矿床属于MVT铅锌矿床。  相似文献   
晋北煅烧高岭土用煤矸石的应用矿物学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给晋北煅烧高岭土用煤矸石的评价和开发利用提供科学依据,采用XRD、XRF、SEM和白度计等现代分析测试技术,研究了晋北煅烧高岭土用煤矸石的应用矿物学特征。结果表明:1)根据造纸和涂料用煅烧高岭土的国家标准,晋北煤矸石主要可分为3种类型:合格原料、基本合格原料和不合格原料。2)与合格和基本合格原料相比,不合格原料煅烧产物的化学成分中SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3含量以及碱金属与碱土金属总含量都与前者有较大差异。3)合格和基本合格原料主要由高岭石(85%~94%)组成,不合格煤矸石矿物组合为高岭石(30%~60%)+石英(23%~38%)+伊利石(14%~26%),并含少量黄铁矿和白云石等杂质矿物,石英等杂质矿物和含铁矿物是分别导致煅烧产物化学成分和白度不合格的主要原因。4)合格原料中高岭石结晶度较好,主要为不规则片状、书册状和弯曲片状,片表面光滑,片径大小范围较大,为0.05~51.22μm,平均2.80μm,径厚比41.24。  相似文献   
矿物材料学的内涵与特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
经过20余年的研究与发展,矿物材料学已经成为材料科学与工程中一个相对独立和完善的组成部分,由于其定义、内涵与特征等基本问题与材料科学的从属性和独特性,多年的研究认为:矿物材料学是研究矿物材料的组成与结构、制备与合成、性能和使用效能以及矿物原料性质与特点等五要素及其相互关系和规律的一门学科.这五要素是具有内部互相联系和作用的有机整体,研究这五要素并了解它们之间的相互关系和规律构成了矿物材料学的内涵.矿物原料性质与特点是其他四要素的基本前提或重要基础,矿物原料及其与其他四要素的关系以及矿物在其他四要素中的关键性都体现了矿物材料学的矿物科学属性,正是因为兼具材料科学属性和矿物科学属性的矿物材料学这一重要特征使其有别于其他学科,而具有了理论及实用价值.  相似文献   
青藏高原现今岩石圈的三维应变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据质量守恒原理,建立恒定体积条件下青藏高原岩石圈三维应变计算模型,模型以GPS资料提供的水平位移速率作为地表的边界约束.计算结果表明,青藏高原现今岩石圈的变形仍以南北向挤压缩短增厚为主,东西向伸展吸收的南北缩短量<30%.高原岩石圈深部的变形总体遵循粘滞性应变模型.综合层析成像资料和钾质、过碱性钾质火山作用的时空分布规律,提出岩石圈脉动增厚-减薄的高原隆升机制.  相似文献   
秦思婷  田广  吕良冀  杨莎莎 《地质通报》2015,34(6):1065-1076
澳大利亚世纪(Century)铅锌矿床赋存于中元古代劳恩希尔组页岩和粉砂岩中。矿化主要为细粒闪锌矿,其次为方铅矿和黄铁矿。大部分硫化物(80%~90%)在黑色页岩单元中以易碎的交代层状出现,被富菱铁矿粉砂岩层隔开。矿化具有2个大尺度的变化趋势,在白蚁圈断层由北东至南西,Zn品位显著降低,由南东至北西,Zn品位略有降低。层状闪锌矿主要有2种结构,多孔闪锌矿的焦沥青含量较高,无孔闪锌矿焦沥青含量较低。S同位素研究显示,整个成矿流体系统是一个封闭的储层,重S在变形与成矿事件中进一步富集。世纪矿床由变形作用驱使流体迁移到异常高压(压实作用下的)页岩层位时,页岩容矿的矿化作用形成。较热的富含金属的流体和较深盆地的卤水,使得有机质迅速成熟,最终导致硫酸盐的还原和贱金属的沉淀。  相似文献   
东亚地区现代地壳运动特征与构造变形   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
任金卫  马宗晋 《地学前缘》2003,10(Z1):58-65
根据“中国地壳运动观测网络”首次发布的GPS观测结果以及国际地球自转服务中心在 2 0 0 0年发布的ITRF97下的站速度矢量和“东南亚地球动力学项目”GPS网的观测结果 ,讨论了东亚地区现今地壳运动和构造变形特征。在ITRF97参考系下 ,中国大陆东部现今地壳运动以向南东方向(12 0 130°)运动为主 ,量值平均为 35mm/a ,西部受印度板块向北东碰撞的影响 ,运动方向发生偏转 ,呈显北东—近东西向运动 ,但这种影响涉及的范围达到了准噶尔盆地北缘一线 ,说明碰撞型板块边界对板内变形的影响远大于俯冲型板块边界。平均来看 ,75 %以上的印度板块相对于欧亚板块间的南北向缩短是通过地壳增厚变形来吸收的 ,这意味着在调节整个青藏高原构造变形的过程中 ,逆断和地壳增厚起了主要的作用。东南亚块体总体上与欧亚板块的运动有所差异 ,相对于欧亚大陆有 10mm/a左右向东的运动。菲律宾板块南部向西的运动速度只有 2 4mm/a。包括华南地块在内的东南亚块体的运动不仅仅是与印度板块的碰撞过程有关 ,也应当与沿着东南亚块体东边界的俯冲过程有关。  相似文献   
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