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渤海海域的风特性统计分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用渤海海域12个气象台站1965 ̄1986年20余年的定时测风资料,统计确定了该海域年最大风速的概率分布参数,常风向及风速相关系数;并利用该海域Jz20-2平台二个冬季的连续测风资料的相关台站20余年的定时测风资料,统计了渤海辽东湾疲劳的风速的概率分布及其分布参数,从而为该海域的海洋结构物设计和疲劳累积损伤分析提供了直接可用的风特性依据。  相似文献   
空间信息在线统计分析受数据格式和专业软件的限制,难以实现网络资源共享;W3C制定的可缩放矢量图形(SVG)标准,对WebGIS空间数据的可视化和空间分析提供了一个开放的解决方案.鉴于此,该文提出了一种基于SVG的在线空间自相关分析方法,将地图单元构建成二元邻接矩阵,再经空间权重矩阵计算方法将其转换为行标准化矩阵,以满足空间统计分析方法对数据的要求.该方法既可解决多种常用空间数据格式的通用性和标准化问题,又实现了网络在线空间自相关分析.实验方案采用B/S的结构模式,以2007-2009年中国各省区的经济能源消耗指标为研究对象,采用全局和局部Moran指数衡量各省区能源指标间的空间关联,分析中国经济能源消耗指标分布特征及发展不均衡状态,并指出改善方向.  相似文献   
Karst rocky desertification is a geo-ecological problem in Southwest China. The rocky desertification risk zone delineation could be used as a guide for the regional and hierarchical rocky desertification management and prevention. We chose the middle and lower reaches of the Houzhai underground basin on the karst plateau in Puding County, Guizhou Province, China as the study area and selected land use type, elevation, slope, aspect, lithology and settlement buffer as the main driving factors of the rocky desertification. The potential risk of rocky desertification was quantified with the factor-weights union method and statistical analysis method. Five grades of rocky desertification risk were delineated based on Geographic Information System. The extremely low, low, moderate, high and extremely high rocky desertification risk zones accounted for 5.01%, 44.17%, 33.92%, 15.59% and 1.30%, respectively. As a whole, the rocky desertification risk level was moderate because the area of low and moderate rocky desertification risk zones occupied 78.09% of the study area. However, more than half of the area (about 50.81%) was predicted to have moderate rocky desertification risk and above, indicating that the study area was subject to rocky desertification. Rocky desertification risk was higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest of the study area. Distinct differences in the distribution of rocky desertification risk zones corresponding to different factors have been found.  相似文献   
根据新疆地区本世纪的地震记载,分别取5.5、6.0、6.5、63/4、7.0、7.2为震级下限,视各组资料为更新过程的样本、分析地震发生的统计特征。经统计检验,不同震级下限的地震发生皆可认为是泊松过程;本世纪初中强地震在记载中可能有遗漏,为避免由此引出的干扰,使用Ms≥6.5的资料不应早于1914年,使用Ms≥5.5与Ms≥6.0的资料均应从1931年开始;在地震发生大体上为泊松过程的情况下,地震  相似文献   
利用三维(ADTD-2C)和二维(ADTD)闪电定位系统资料,对比分析了湖北省一次特大暴雨过程中两套系统闪电活动特征,得出以下结论:(1)本次过程中地闪多于云闪,二者均以负极性为主.(2)三维系统正地闪在地闪中的占比低于正云闪在云闪中的占比,高于二维系统正地闪在地闪中的占比.(3)三维系统雷电流幅值集中分布在0~30 ...  相似文献   
根据1995-2000年《天体物理学报》上353篇论所引用的献数量。引类型,引发表年代和引半衰期及衰减系数等进行了统计分析。并结合国内外某些科技期刊的论引统计情况进行了比较讨论。阐述了天科研人员利用科技献的现状,特点和规律,对天科技献服务工作的改进提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
以主要鲜切花品种马蹄莲、香石竹为材料,用常规观测气象资料与其产量波动和质量进行相关分析。结果表明:日照时数和气温对笠年春季出花数有滞后作用。马蹄莲花茎高度与日平均气温10~25℃有效积温成对数关系,达优质花高度还需一定营养体大小。气温和日照时数对香石竹产量波动有一定影响  相似文献   
本文应用系统分析观点、数理统计方法研究了察尔汗盐湖首采区晶间卤水分异的特征,认为晶间卤水的分异是在外部环境系统作用下,盐湖卤水系统整体发展、演化的结果。  相似文献   
The concept of state vector stems from statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe the evolution of a continuum field in its way of coarse-graining. In this paper, the state vector is employed to depict the evolution of seismicity quantitatively, and some interesting results are presented The authors investigated some famous earthquake cases (e.g., the Haicheng earthquake, the Tangshan earthquake, the west Kunlun Mountains earthquake, etc.) and found that the state vectors evidently change prior to the occurrence of large earthquakes. Thus it is believed that the state vector can be used as a kind of precursor to predict large earthquakes.  相似文献   
选取黄土高原地区公路路基黄土的物理力学参数为研究对象,采用统计分析的方法,分析了黄土物理力学参数在太原—潼关、靖边—铜川和兰州—西安公路一线的变化,得出了粒度组成自西北向东南逐渐变细,ω、ρd、Ipc、逐渐增大;e、a、sδ、φ逐渐减小的变化规律;对黄土的物理力学参数进行了统计,得出了各区路基土性参数的统计表,从而为黄土高原地区的公路建设提供了最基本的科学依据。  相似文献   
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