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Using political ecology as its conceptual framework, this paper focuses on the changes in forest utilisation and management of South Kyrgyzstan's walnut-fruit forests over the last century The aim of this study on human-environment interactions is to investigate the relationship between actors on the one side, their interests and demands, and the forests and forested lands on the other. Forest resource utilisation and management - and even the recognition of different forest products as resources - are connected with political and socioeconomic conditions that change with time. The walnut-fruit forests of South Kyrgyzstan are unique, characterised by high biodiversity and a multiplicity of usable products; and they have been utilised for a long time. Centralised and formal management of the forests started with the Russian occupation and was strengthened under Soviet rule, when the region became a part of the USSR. During this era, a state forest administration that was structured from Moscow all the way down to the local level drew up detailed plans and developed procedures for utilising the different forest products. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the socio-political and economic frame conditions have changed significantly, which has brought not only the sweeping changes in the managing institutions, but also the access rights and interests in the forest resources. At present, the region is suffering from a high unemployment rate, which has resulted in the forests' gaining considerable importance in the livelihood strategies of the local population. Political and economic liberalization, increased communication and transregional exchange relations have opened the door for international companies and agents interested in the valuable forest products. Today, walnut wood and burls, walnuts, wild apples and mushrooms are all exported to various countries in the world. Scientists and members of various international organisations stress the ecological value of the forests and are trying to establish nature conservation areas. Nevertheless, it is to fear that a multiplicity of interrelated factors - the present transformation and globalization processes, the appearance of new actors, the local population's insecure economic situation and the erosion of managing institutions - are all leading to an intensified and unregulated exploitation of the forests, resulting in their degradation.  相似文献   
一、我国海洋环境资源管理中的产权制度现状海洋环境资源的利用容易产生外部性。所谓外部性,就是一个人或企业的行为影响了其他人或企业的福利,但没有激励机制使产生影响的人或企业在决策时考虑这种对别人的影响。海洋环境资源的外部性产生的根本原因是海洋环境资源的产权界定不清晰或界定不恰当,从而使海洋环境资源具有公共资源的性质。因为产权是一套激励和约束机制,它决定着个人能拥有什么或不能拥有什么,可以做什么或不可以做什么。当产权没有被明确界定或界定不当时,个人就无法形成与他人交易时的合理预期。即现实产权越是接近于完整产…  相似文献   
第十八个“6·25全国土地日”刚刚过去,土地资源的特征。决定了国土资源管理宣传教育培训工作的受众对象是所有社会组织及全体公民。在国家国土资源行政主管部门和省委、省政府的正确领导下,我省国土资源系统一直非常重视国土资源管理宣传教育培训工作,经过20余年的努力,极大地提高了各级政府对国土资源管理工作的关注、重视和支持,提高了社会组织及广大干部群众对国土资源国情、省情的认识水平,  相似文献   
今年以来,上虞市国土资源局开展人人争当“五大员”活动,进一步提升系统服务形象。根据最近开展的问卷调查,企业群众对国土工作的满意度比去年同期的90.7%上升了6个百分点。一是当好法律法规宣传员。针对国土资源管理工作政策性强,群众传统用地观念根深蒂固,土地法律观念淡薄等实际,要求基层国土管理人员以开展村干部国土资源管理法律法规培训为契机,结合查处案件和办理业务等工作实践,宣传土地管理法律法规。二是当好严格执法战斗员。抓好土地日常巡查,  相似文献   
刚才,赵洪祝书记、吕祖善省长和国土资源部李元副部长分别做了重要讲话。三位领导的讲话从我国和我省国土资源管理工作面临的形势出发。深刻阐述了加强土地管理、推进节约集约用地工作的重要性、紧迫性,明确提出了我省今后一个时期扎实推进土地节约集约利用、提高国土资源管理水平的目标、思路和举措。各级党委、政府和有关部门要认真领会和贯彻赵书记、吕省长、李部长的重要讲话精神,把加强对土地资源的保护保障作为经济社会发展的一个重要内容,把节约集约利用土地作为今后土地管理工作的一个基本抓手,深入扎实地抓紧抓好。  相似文献   
党的十七届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》,对健全严格规范的农村土地管理制度,做好国土资源管理相关工作提出了明确要求。学习贯彻党的十七届三中全会精神,是当前和今后一个时期的重大政治任务。国土资源部党组明确提出十条要求:认真学习,准确把握农村土地管理制度改革全局;坚持最严格的耕地保护制度,坚守18亿亩耕地红线;  相似文献   
三十载春华秋实,三十年桃李芬芳。 30年来,测校已培养出11800多中专毕业生。他们除在全国测绘系统各单位就业外,还广泛就业于国土资源管理、交通航运设计、工矿企业和城乡建设规划、农田水利建设、江河治理,海洋资源开发、大型工程建设等诸多部门和行业,从事GPS控制测量、工程放样、房地产测量、海洋测绘、  相似文献   
刚才,听了几位同志的发言,很受启发。大家做了认真的准备,谈的意见很有高度,很有借鉴意义。土地整理复垦开发工作是伴随着国土资源事业而发展的,整体推进很好。去年在成都召开全国国土资源管理市长研究班时,对这项工作进行了系统的回顾与总结,对下一步工作作了部署。今天我们再来研究、总结,是因为土地整理复垦开发工作越来越受到部党组的重视,越来越引起社会的关注,  相似文献   
我就国土资源系统党风廉政建设和反腐败工作报告如下: 一、2007年主要工作回顾 2007年是国土资源系统深化改革、完善管理的重要一年,国土资源部党组和各级国土资源部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的部署,  相似文献   
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