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全球海气耦合模式中热盐环流对大气强迫的响应   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
周天军 《气象学报》2003,61(2):164-179
大气环流与热盐环流(THC)变化之间的因果关系,是海气相互作用研究领域的一个悬而未决的问题。作者利用一个全球海气耦合模式-挪威卑尔根气候模式(BCM)的300a积分结果,讨论了冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)对海洋的强迫与热盐环流的年际调整之间的关系。结果发现,在NAO活动的正位相,伴随着中纬度西风带的加强,北大西洋拉布拉多海热通量损失剧增,同时海表盐度出现正距平,二者的共同作用,令表层海水变沉、密度增大,海洋层结出现不稳定,导致深对流发生。在NAO活动达到最强劲状态之后3个月,拉布拉多海对流也达到最深。北大西洋热盐环流强度变化对拉布拉多海对流活动的响应,要滞后3a左右。而在年际尺度上,大西洋的极向热输送变化和热盐环流的变化则基本是同步的。对流活动对大气存在明显的反馈作用。在对流活动深度达到最大之后1~4个月,对流热释放令拉布拉多海表层气温明显升高。  相似文献   
从天气形势出发,结合物理量场、卫星云图和雷达回波等演变特征,分析洞庭湖附近生成的两个气旋波东移过程中在九江地区引起的强对流、暴雨天气。  相似文献   
Seasonal variability regarding the nature of precipitation and the activity of cumulus convection during the 1991 Meiyu season of Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin(Jianghuai)has been investigated by calculating apparent heat source/apparent moisture sink and analyzing TBB(cloud-top blackody radiation temperature)data.It is found that three periods of strong ascending motion during the Meiyu season lead to three episodes of heavy rain,and the latent heat due to the precipitation is of the sole heat source of the atmosphere.The nature of precipitation shows distinct seasonal variability,from frontal precipitation of the first episode to the extremely strong convective precipitation of the third episode.TBB field of East Asia may well reflect not only the intensity of convection and rainfall,but also the movement of rain belt and convection belt.In the whole Meiyu season.convection belt mainly stays in Jianghuai.but may shift within the domain of East Asia.Its locating in Jianghuai or not determines the maintenance or break of Meiyu.In the third episode,the narrow convection belt over Jianghuai is mainly caused by southwest monsoon which takes moist and convective atmosphere from tropical ocean.  相似文献   
The transfer processes within and above a simulated urban street canyon were investigated in a generic manner. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to aid understanding and to produce some simple operational parameterisations. In this study we addressed specifically the commonly met situation where buoyancy effects arising from elevated surface temperatures are not important, i.e. when mechanical forces outweigh buoyancy forces. In a geophysical context this requires that some suitably defined Richardson number is small. From an engineering perspective this is interpreted as the important case when heat transfer within and above urban street canyons is by forced convection. Surprisingly, this particular scenario (for which the heat transfer coefficient between buildings and the flow is largest), has been less well studied than the situation where buoyancy effects are important. The CFD technique was compared against wind-tunnel experiments to provide model evaluation. The height-to-width ratio of the canyon was varied through the range 0.5–5 and the flow was normal to the canyon axis. By setting the canyon’s facets to have the same or different temperatures or to have a partial temperature distribution, simulations were carried out to investigate: (a) the influence of geometry on the flow and mixing within the canyon and (b) the exchange processes within the canyon and across the canyon top interface. Results showed that the vortex-type circulation and turbulence developed within the canyon produced a temperature distribution that was, essentially, spatially uniform (apart from a relatively thin near-wall thermal boundary layer) This allowed the temperatures within the street canyon to be specified by just one value T can , the canyon temperature. The variation of T can with wind speed, surface temperatures and geometry was extensively studied. Finally, the exchange velocity u E across the interface between the canyon and the flow above was calculated based on a heat flux balance within the canyon and between the canyon and the flow above. Results showed that u E was approximately 1% of a characteristic wind velocity above the street canyon. The problem of radiative exchange is not addressed but it can, of course, be introduced analytically, or computationally, when necessary.  相似文献   
海河流域一次大到暴雨天气过程的预报分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕江津  王庆元  杨晓君 《气象》2007,33(10):52-60
利用数值预报、常规天气图、各种物理量场、卫星云图、雷达资料等,对2005年7月22—24日影响海河流域的典型暴雨天气过程进行了综合分析。该过程是由高空槽、副热带高压边缘的暖湿气流和5号台风海棠减弱后的低气压云系的共同作用下产生的;其触发机制是冷空气从近地层楔入暖空气中,在高温高湿、层结不稳定等诸多有利条件下,冷空气前沿的上升气流在暖区激发出几个较旺盛的中小尺度的强对流云团造成此次的降水过程;数值预报在对流层中部冷平流入侵海河流域的时间和地点,对于强降水出现的时间和落区预报有一定的指示意义,日本模式和T213在此次海河流域强降水的落区预报上存在优势,德国模式在强降水量级的预报上最接近实况,但三家数值模式预报西太平洋副高西伸的位置不够准确,导致海河流域的降水预报的时空分布有一定误差。  相似文献   
14时探空在改进北京地区对流天气潜势预报中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖晓农  俞小鼎  谭一洲 《气象》2007,33(3):28-32
为了探讨增加14时探空对于对流天气短时临近潜势预报的作用。用1995—2005年北京地区22个人工观测站资料统计了夏季常见的对流天气日变化特征。结果表明,41.6%的雷阵雨、61.3%的冰雹以及58.5%的雷暴大风发生在15—-20时之间。利用探空资料计算并对比了出现在2006年7—9月14时探空释放后到20时期问11个雷暴个例的08时和14时BCAPE、DCAPE、CIN等对流参数。结果表明,对于多数个例,在判断对流是否发生时14时探空优于08时。因此,增加14时探空对于提高对流天气有无预报准确率有帮助。  相似文献   
Based on the multi-year average NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and NOAA's OLR data,the climatic characteristics of the tropical convection in tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans as well as its relationship with western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) is shown as follows:on short-term scales,the tropical convection that has significant influence on western Pacific high's latitudinal movement is located in the area of the South China Sea to the Philippines,which is the 2-day precursor prior to WPSH's latitudinal fluctuation,that is,WPSH is shifting to north 2 days after the tropical convection becomes more active,and vice versa.Moreover,the tropical convection has less effect on WPSH's longitudinal movement.  相似文献   
浙江盛夏一次强对流天气的特征及其成因分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
沈杭锋  张红蕾  高天赤  勾亚彬  陈勇明 《气象》2016,42(9):1105-1113
利用常规气象观测资料、区域自动站加密观测资料、GFS 0.5°×0.5°逐6 h分析场数据,以及多普勒雷达、风廓线、微波辐射计探测资料,对2014年7月26日浙江盛夏一次强对流天气过程的特征及其成因进行了诊断分析,结果表明:此次过程发生在副热带高压边缘,由于高空槽东移过程中带来了弱冷空气的渗透,并有大量不稳定能量积聚,形成了午后"上干冷、下暖湿"这样有利于强对流发生的不稳定层结条件和环境背景场。当低层925 hPa的中尺度辐合线和对流层中层700 hPa的垂直上升运动区相重合时,中尺度辐合线附近在未来6 h内产生了强对流,这对强对流的发生发展具有一定的预报指示意义。宁波中尺度辐合线是由偏南风和东北风辐合而成,同时受沿海和喇叭口地形影响,该辐合线早已存在,之后触发了宁波地区的强对流天气。杭州中尺度辐合线是由于宁波雷暴的地面出流增强了偏东风气流,从而加强了偏东风与环境东北风的辐合,导致了杭州中尺度辐合线的形成,随后在辐合线附近出现了剧烈的对流天气。  相似文献   

利用国际卫星云气候计划(International Satellite Cloud Climate Program,简称ISCCP)提供的1998—2007年共10 a的深对流路径跟踪资料,统计分析了影响江淮地区对流系统(Convection system,简称CS)的时空分布及其参数特征。结果表明:影响江淮地区的CS主要集中在春夏两季,大多生成于江淮本地及我国中西部地区,呈现以江淮地区为中心的带状分布特征,越靠近江淮区域CS分布越为密集。依据源地不同,将影响江淮地区的CS分为5类,受气候条件与地形地貌的共同作用,各源地CS参数特征差异显著,总体来说CS的水平尺度越大,其生命史、对流云团(Convective clusters,简称CC)数目及水平云温度梯度也越大。其中江淮中心区域(MID)区域CS水平尺度、生命史和CC数目的平均值均为最小;东南(SE)区域CS生命周期以中长周期为主,水平尺度、最大对流比和云温度梯度的平均值最大。梅雨期内江淮地区对流活动频繁,CS的水平尺度大、生命史长、CC数目多。

赵玉春  王叶红 《大气科学》2020,44(2):371-389
利用2009~2017年7~9月福建省逐小时地面加密自动站资料和2015~2017年7~9月厦门站的探空资料,通过K均值聚类法和中尺度数值模式(WRF3.9.1.1版本)理想数值模拟,分析了我国东南沿岸及复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化特征,揭示了地形热力环流以及海陆风环流在热对流降水日变化形成中的作用,探讨了环境温湿廓线及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度和日峰值出现时间的影响。结果发现:我国东南沿岸复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化受地形热力环流和海陆风环流的影响和调制,白天辐射加热在复杂山地形成的局地热力环流激发出对流降雨带,午后受海风环流的影响,对流降雨带组织发展达到峰值,之后随着地形热力环流和海风环流减弱雨带逐渐减弱。武夷山及周边复杂山地的降水日变化主要受地形热力环流的影响,在午后对流降水达到峰值,夜间减弱几近消失。理想数值试验进一步证实了我国东南沿岸复杂山地地形热力环流对对流降雨的触发以及海陆风环流在山地对流雨带组织发展中的作用,环境温湿廓线以及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度以及日峰值出现的时间具有重要影响,其中环境温湿廓线的大气抬升凝结高度、大气可降水量、大气的对流不稳定度以及大气中低层湿度分布的不同,会影响热对流降水日峰值强度,并通过影响山地热力对流触发时间,改变热对流降水日峰值时间,而环境风垂直廓线的低层气流强度和方向、中低层垂直风切变的不同,会影响地形热力对流系统的启动、组织发展和移动等特征,进而影响热对流降水日峰值强度以及热对流降水日峰值时间。  相似文献   
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