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邹波 《华南地震》1999,19(4):82-87
防震减灾的四个环节,包括地震重点监视防御区的工作和实现全省防震减灾十年目标的任务,最终实施都得依赖市,县地地震工作机构的落实。根据广东省的政治,经济,社会发展以有震情特点,介绍了近两个来地方防震减灾工作的思路与实践,为今后的工作有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
In this paper, the coefficients of Parkinson vectora, b and the in-phase partA r, Br and quadrature-phase partA i, Bi of transter functions are calculated by using two kinds of data processing methods, respectively. The results of both methods are close to each other. All these six parameters above are low in value, showing that the electric structure in Heze area is rather uniform. It seems that the anomalous changes appeared in both results, and the values of parameters decrease before and after Heze earthquake. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 113–120, 1991.  相似文献   
The nature of horizontal anomalies and anomalous current systems in the region of the southern Indian peninsula is theoretically calculated with the aid of a thin sheet algorithm for northward and westward polarizations of a uniform inducing magnetic Held of period 20 min. The numerical model of the geoelectric structure is the one devised by Agarwal and Weaver (1989). The model results indicate the correspondence between the general features of the computed horizontal anomalies and the observed anomalies both at temporary array stations and at two permanent magnetic observatories (ANN and TRD). On the basis of model estimates of apparent resistivity and phase it is suggested that a one-dimensional interpretation of the sub-surface conductivity structure is valid near two of the array stations, whereas at all other coastal and inland stations, two-or three-dimensional interpretations of magnetotelluric (MT) data are required.  相似文献   
对1985-1998年期间的海洋调查温盐深(CTD)资料进行综合分析,发现南海南部春夏季季风转换期存在盐度逆转的异常表层水。实测资料表明,该异常表层水覆盖在南海南部的中部、东部大部分地区。冬季风停止引起苏禄海高温高超国水西向侵入,成为该海区东部近表面异常高盐水的来源之一。海面强的蒸发和表层水弱的垂向混合导致近表面水具有高盐特性,近表面高盐水与其下部保持着冬季遗存的局地低盐水叠置,形成了盐度逆转现象。  相似文献   
非常复杂的异常台风路径的卫星云图特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异常的台风是台风预报中的一个主要难点,而非常复杂的怪路径虽然次数很吵,但却无法预报,有些甚至在事后都难以解释,本文对9119号台风(Nat)的一次怪路径作了个例分析,指出卫星云图不仅能对9119怪路径作出很好的解释,而且在其二次热带风暴一台风强度阶段能作出较好的预报。  相似文献   
本文给出了几种规则形状二度体和三度体重力异常的希尔伯特变换式,提出了一种利用希尔伯特变换反演异常体的方法。这种方法充分利用了重力异常信息:利用重力异常Δg(x)曲线和它的希尔伯特变换H(x)曲线及Δg(x)-H(x)参量图上的某些特征点直接反演异常体形状参数及埋深。方法简单、实用。  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料、地面观测资料和自动站降水资料,分析了2018/2019年冬季浙江罕见连续阴雨寡照天气过程中冬季风环流和南支槽等环流异常,并从西风带波动、海温强迫等方面研究了局地环流异常的成因。结果表明:2018/2019年冬季连阴雨事件中雨日、日照破历史记录,雨量较常年同期明显偏多。主要的环流异常为西北太平洋异常反气旋(WNPAC)明显偏北,同时阿留申低压和西伯利亚高压亦偏北,东亚地区40°N以南有强的偏南风异常,冬季风偏弱;南支槽较常年偏强,保证了浙江上空有持续的水汽和扰动输送。对流层中层存在沿欧洲向东亚—西太平洋传播的波动能量,波能在东亚地区一直向南传播至20°N以南,可能导致WNPAC明显北抬和南支槽加强。ENSO是WNPAC的重要强迫源,ENSO暖位相使得海洋性大陆出现异常对流冷却,而浙江上空对流加强,ENSO对南支槽活动强度亦有明显的制约作用。中国近海海温偏高是WNPAC和阿留申低压明显偏北的重要影响因素。2018/2019年冬季局地环流异常可能由ENSO和中国近海海温协同强迫所致。  相似文献   
新疆东昆仑祁漫塔格地区分布着一套上三叠统、喷发韵律明显的陆相火山岩和火山碎屑岩 ,它们起源于地下深部富集稀土元素的异常地幔 ,经历了一次从基性—中性—酸性的岩浆连续演化过程。它们是东昆仑构造演化转折期的产物 ,形成于 2 10Ma~ 2 2 0Ma。  相似文献   
The phenomenon of excess pore water pressure increase or stagnation and continuing large ground deformation in soft sensitive clay following the completion of construction of embankment is simulated for a case study at Saint Alban, Quebec, Canada. The present model employs an updated Lagrangian finite element framework and is combined with an automatic time increment selection scheme. The simulation based on an elasto‐viscoplastic constitutive model considers soil‐structure degradation effect. It is shown that without consideration for the microstructural degradation effect, it is not possible to reproduce the field responses of soft sensitive clay even during the construction of the embankment. When the soil‐structure degradation effect is considered, the present model can offer reasonably accurate prediction for the consolidation behavior of soft sensitive clay, including the so‐called anomalous pore water pressure generation and continuing large deformation even after the end of construction, which has been posing numerous uncertainties on the long‐term performance of earth structures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用1958~2006年五营林区的地面资料,采用气候倾向率、累积距平、信噪比等气候统计方法,研究了近49a五营气候的变化趋势、气候突变和异常年份等。结果表明:五营林区近49a气候明显变暖,雪季升温较雨季快。降水量异常的年份增加,年降水量呈显著减少的趋势,-22.44mm/10a。前后10a降水中心生了明显的时空变化。雨季降水日数、年平均气温分别在1974年、1987年发生了气候突变。  相似文献   
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