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Al James  Bhaskar Vira 《Geoforum》2010,41(3):364-376
This paper explores the lived experiences and aspirational social constructions of call centre work and employment in India’s high profile IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) industry; the ways in which they differ from those previously documented amongst call centre workers in the Global North (specifically the UK); and the consequences of that geographical reconfiguration of offshored call centre work for the replicability in India of workplace collective bargaining strategies successfully developed in some UK call centres. These issues are analysed using new empirical evidence from a regional survey of 511 non-unionised ITES-BPO workers and 42 in-depth interviews in India’s National Capital Region. Based on this analysis, the paper then discusses the operation, outcomes and ongoing challenges faced by the newly formed ‘Union for ITES Professionals’ (UNITES Pro) in developing an alternative occupational organising model better suited to the particular needs, motivations and preferences of India’s young, mobile, call centre workers. The empirical analysis presented in the paper is located, therefore, within wider debates on the role of geographical context in shaping possibilities for organising white-collar service workers at different ends of global service chains in the new economy.  相似文献   
本文通过利用ITRF2005框架速度场以及IGS参考站近两年观测数据解算所得速度场对南美板块的运动及形变特征进行分析。结果表明,南美板块整体以约12.4mm/a的速率向北西方向运动,其欧拉矢量参数与NNR-NULVEL1A模型基本一致。形变特征表现为中南部区域西缘因纳兹卡板块俯冲向东凹陷,东侧受大西洋中脊海底扩张推力向西运动,东西向的挤压使其约以22mm/a的速度收缩并阻碍其北向运动。板块南端则受南极洲板块挤压向北西运动。  相似文献   
人地耦合系统脆弱性研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
当前在以人地耦合系统为中心的气候变化、生态风险和可持续管理等研究中,脆弱性理论及其评价已成为地理学及很多相关学科的研究热点,其涵义不断泛化,内容日渐扩展。不同学科背景的学者对脆弱性解释存在很大分歧,这阻碍了研究的科学化,也影响研究成果的实践意义,迫切需要一个可行的框架来系统整合其理论和实践的研究。从审视脆弱性的理论沿革出发,分析其在国内外可持续发展和全球变化领域的应用现状,总结出分歧的主要原因是对相关概念关系的不理解以及研究时空尺度和学科视角的不明确。基于对脆弱性评价的整合框架的研究现状,选取VSD模型作为统领具体的脆弱性评价的依据。VSD模型的优势在于:①有明确的定义,将脆弱性分解为暴露程度、敏感性和适应潜力3个维度;②用方面层—指标层—参数层逐级递进、细化的方式组织评价数据;③有规范评价流程的8个步骤。最后以我国典型的干旱区为例,运用VSD模型构建了示例区脆弱性评价的指标和参数。  相似文献   
EH4电磁成像系统在砂岩地区勘查地下水的应用研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
伍岳 《物探与化探》1999,23(5):335-338,346
EH4电磁成像系统是1套电磁自动采集和处理系统,它是CSAMT和MT的结合体.本文介绍了EH4电磁成像系统的原理、特点和该系统在砂岩地区,如内蒙、新疆、云南等地区进行地下水勘查的应用实例和效果  相似文献   
Broadband solar irradiance data obtained in the spectral range 400–940 nm at Kwangju, South Korea from 1999–2000 have been analyzed to investigate the effects of cloud cover and atmospheric optical depth on solar radiation components. Results from measurements indicate that the percentage of direct and diffuse horizontal components of solar irradiance depend largely on total optical depth (TOD) and cloud cover. During summer and spring, the percentages of diffuse solar irradiance relative to the global irradiance were 5.0% and 4.9% as compared to 2.2% and 3.0% during winter and autumn. The diffuse solar irradiance is higher than the direct in spring and summer by 24.2%, and 40.6%, respectively, which may largely be attributed to the attenuation (scattering) of radiation by heavy dust pollution and large cloud amount. In cloud-free conditions with cloud cover ≤2/10, the fraction of the direct and diffuse components were 66.0% and 34.0%, respectively, with a mean daily global irradiance value of 7.92±2.91 MJ m−2 day−1. However, under cloudy conditions (with cloud cover ≥8/10), the diffuse and direct fractions were 97.9% and 2.2% of the global component, respectively. The annual mean TOD under cloudless conditions (cloud cover≤2/10) yields 0.74±0.33 and increased to as much as 3.15±0.67 under cloudy conditions with cloud amount ≥8/10. An empirical formula is derived for estimating the diffuse and direct components of horizontal solar irradiance by considering the total atmospheric optical depth (TOD). Results from statistical models are shown for the estimation of solar irradiance components as a function of TOD with sufficient accuracy as indicated by low standard error for each solar zenith angle (SZA).  相似文献   
Earth System Models (ESMs) are fundamental tools for understanding climate-carbon feedback. An ESM version of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model (FGOALS) was recently developed within the IPCC AR5 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) modeling framework, and we describe the development of this model through the coupling of a dynamic global vegetation and terrestrial carbon model with FGOALS-s2. The performance of the coupled model is evaluated as follows. The simulated global total terrestrial gross primary production (GPP) is 124.4 PgC yr-I and net pri- mary production (NPP) is 50.9 PgC yr-1. The entire terrestrial carbon pools contain about 2009.9 PgC, comprising 628.2 PgC and 1381.6 PgC in vegetation and soil pools, respectively. Spatially, in the tropics, the seasonal cycle of NPP and net ecosystem production (NEP) exhibits a dipole mode across the equator due to migration of the monsoon rainbelt, while the seasonal cycle is not so significant in Leaf Area Index (LAI). In the subtropics, especially in the East Asian monsoon region, the seasonal cycle is obvious due to changes in temperature and precipitation from boreal winter to summer. Vegetation productivity in the northern mid-high latitudes is too low, possibly due to low soil moisture there. On the interannual timescale, the terrestrial ecosystem shows a strong response to ENSO. The model- simulated Nifio3.4 index and total terrestrial NEP are both characterized by a broad spectral peak in the range of 2-7 years. Further analysis indicates their correlation coefficient reaches -0.7 when NEP lags the Nifio3.4 index for about 1-2 months.  相似文献   

Geospatial data is often spatially aggregated by the use of Discrete Global Grid Systems. References to grid cells are needed for the communication of such data, and different identifier schemes have accordingly been introduced in literature. These schemes suffer, however, from being hard to understand for non-experts, and the geometry of a cell cannot be inferred from its identifier without complex computations. In this article, a novel identifier scheme that encodes the geographic coordinates of the centroid of a cell is proposed, which comes at the cost of potentially being ambiguous in case of a very fine-grained grid. We reason and computationally demonstrate that ambiguity does though not occur for real-world applications. The novel identifier scheme minimizes the amount of data to be communicated, for example, between a server and a client application, and it allows to infer approximate geometries of the cells only by their identifiers.  相似文献   
根据WMO规定的数值预报标准化检验方案开发的数值预报格点产品检验系统,可以实时检验广西中尺度数值预报产品及9210下发的多种数值产品,可为数值模式的改进及数值产品的业务化应用提供直接的参考依据。  相似文献   
近50年来黑河山区汇流区温度及降水变化趋势   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:22  
利用有关水文气象观测资料、史料和树轮资料,对黑河山区汇流区降水近50年来的变化特征及其与全球气候变暖的对应关系、变化的可能成因及变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明:黑河山区汇流区降水对全球气候变暖响应比较明显,近50年来黑河山区汇流区降水随全球气温升高呈缓慢增加的趋势。由于西太平洋副热带高压与全球气温变化有着密切的关系,而西太平洋副热带高压的增强和扩大有利于东亚夏季风向北推进至更北,从而使祁连山中西部降水增加。因此,总体来说,全球气候的变暖有利于黑河山区汇流区降水的增加。目前,黑河山区汇流区正处于1980年代开始的历史上有资料记载以来的第5个温暖期和第3个暖湿期,预计在相当一段时期内,黑河山区汇流区降水将随着全球气候的进一步变暖,继续维持这种缓慢增长的状况。  相似文献   
对高速公路车速进行有效监控与管理,是抑制违章超速行驶、减少高速公路交通事故的重要手段。现有的基于点速度和区间平均速度的高速公路车速监控方法,难以准确反应出车辆的实际行驶状态,实施效果有限,可靠性较差。文中提出基于GPS和地图匹配技术的高速公路车速全程监控和管理方法,建立相关算法的数学模型。经过理论分析和实例验证,车速监控与管理方法能实现高速公路车速的全程监控,极大地提高车速安全监控和管理的可靠性、准确性和有效性。  相似文献   
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