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澳大利亚兰杰铀矿,1969年10月由航空放射性测量发现,是一个与元古宙不整合面有关的铀矿床,该矿床由3、1号和68号等3个矿体组成。兰杰铀矿位于澳北达尔文市以东250km处。矿山业主为澳大利亚能源资源公司,矿山附设自备酸厂(矿石处理每天消耗硫酸250t)、电厂及水厂,现有雇员300人。1980年开始露天开采,在2003~2004年度达到矿山投产以来最高水平5544t。  相似文献   
The three-dimensional wind fields of the heavy rain on 12-13 June 2005 in Guangdong province are retrieved and studied with the volume scan data of the dual-Doppler radar located in the cities of Meizhou and Shantou. It is shown that the meso-β-scale and meso-γ-scale convergence lines located in the convective system at the low and middle layer play an important role in the heavy rainfall. The convergence line is the initiating and maintaining mechanism of the rain. A three dimensional kinematic structure model is also given.  相似文献   
今年,我国许多城市大雨成灾,据悉,接连而至的大雨已带来全国超过百亿元人民币的直接经济损失。法国作家雨果曾说下水道是“城市的良心”。前不久的强降雨使武汉、长沙、北京等多个城市出现了严重积水,交通几近瘫痪。“城市的良心”一阵阵绞痛,搅乱了人们的生活。城市到底怎么了?我们将把脉城市排水设施,问诊城市病。  相似文献   
对2010年4月21~23日文山州久旱转大雨过程的环流演变及各种物理量场特征进行诊断分析,结果表明:干旱期文山长期维持"西高东低"环流型,环流形势的调整,尤其是中纬度环流形势向"东高西低"转变,是久旱转雨的必要条件。这次过程也与高空冷槽、低涡切变和不稳定层结(能量)的发展等有关。久旱转雨时,各物理量场的分布与该区域降水相关性很好,具有很明显的指示意义。  相似文献   
受“海棠”五号台风的影响,河南省荣阳市从7月21日8时起,连续几天普降大雨、暴雨,让该市成为郑州地区的重灾区,截至7月23日早8时,全市平均降永量高达238.8毫米,其中市区降雨量达343毫米,这是荣阳市有气象记录以来最大的一次暴雨。  相似文献   
针对2011年8月13日青海省北部地区门源出现的一次大雨过程,分析了高空环流形势、地面单站资料、物理量场诊断、卫星云图、新一代天气雷达五个方面的资料,得出夏季沿着副热带高压边缘上来的西南暖湿气流和贝加尔湖至新疆一带深厚的高空大槽东移南压的过程中分裂的冷空气在青海东北部边缘交汇,是此次大降水的主要原因;单站水汽压的持续上升,对大降水有一定的指示作用;另外,新一代天气雷达对大降水预警发布提供了可靠的理论支撑。  相似文献   
刘长奇 《地理教学》2010,(21):58-58
乌鸦:预报阴雨是乌鸦的强项。因为它对天气变化很敏感。一般在大雨来临前一两天就会一反常态,不时发出高亢的鸣啼。一旦叫声沙哑,便是大雨即将来临的信号。故有民谚曰:“乌鸦沙沙叫,阴雨就会到”。  相似文献   
《西游记》里有一个故事:天竺国凤仙郡郡侯在祭拜天神时,因一时疏忽,惹恼了玉皇大帝。玉皇大帝一生气,就让那个地方3年没有下雨,持续的干旱使得人们无法生存。后来唐僧师徒取经路过,孙悟空上天找玉皇大帝论理,玉皇大帝自知理亏,才下令降下了大雨。下雨,难道真的是玉皇大帝的专利吗?神话传说当然不可信。随着科学技术的发展,咱们人类早就掌握了“呼风唤雨”的奥秘。下面,咱们一起去看看气象工作者是如何实施人工增雨的。  相似文献   
RIEMS‘ ability to simulate extreme monsoon rainfall is examined using the 18-month (April 1997 September 1998) integrated results. Model-simulated heavy precipitation over the Yangtze River valley during 11-30 June 1998 is compared with the observation, and the relationships between this heavy rainfall process and the large-scale circulations, such as the westerly jet, low-level jet, and water vapor transport,are analyzed to further understand the mechanisms for simulating heavy monsoon rainfall. The analysis results show that (1) RIEMS can reproduce the pattern of heavy precipitation over the Yangtze River valley during 11-30 June 1998, but it is shifted northwestwards. (2) The simulated West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) that controls the East Asia Monsoon evolution is stronger than the observation and is extended westwards, which possibly leads to the north westward shift of the heavy rain belt. (3) The Westerly jet at 200 hPa and the Low-level jet at 850 hPa, both of which are related to the heavy monsoon rainfall,are reasonably reproduced by RIEMS during 11-30 June 1998~ although the intensities of the simulated Westerly/Low-level jets are strong and the location of the Westerly jet leans to the southeast,which may be the causes of RIEMS producing too much heavy rainfall in the north of the Yangtze River valley.  相似文献   
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