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青藏高原草地生态系统碳收支研究进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
陆地生态系统碳收支仍然是当前全球气候变化研究的重要内容,青藏高原作为全球气候变化的敏感区,使青藏高原草地生态系统在区域碳收支平衡中占有主导地位,但研究方法等不同使得碳收支估算结果存在很大的不确定性。气候变暖在一定程度上提高了高寒草地生态系统的植被初级生产力和生物量,由此补偿了气候变暖导致的土壤有机碳分解释量,使青藏高原草地植被仍然发挥着碳汇的功能。而人类放牧活动对草地生态系统的影响较为复杂。因此,如何区分气候变化和人类活动对生态系统的影响机制,定量评价未来气候变化和人类活动影响下,青藏高原生态系统碳源/汇格局的可能变化,是一个非常重要的研究方向,也是一个极大的挑战。  相似文献   
青藏高原地表能量通量的估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季劲钧  黄玫 《地球科学进展》2006,21(12):1268-1272
利用1981—2000年逐日气候、植被和土壤基础资料作为输入,以大气—植被相互作用模式(AVIM2)计算了青藏高原0.1°分辨率的年平均地表能量通量的空间分布和季节变化特征。结果显示,年平均地表净辐射通量由高原西南部的100 W/m2减少到东部的70 W/m2左右。高原东南部的林区潜热通量强而感热通量弱,从高原东南向西、向北潜热通量逐渐减少,而感热通量逐渐增大。夏季这种趋势更加显著。冬季除东南部外,高原上广大地区地表能量通量都较低。  相似文献   
气候变化对土地覆被变化的影响及其反馈模型   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
气候变化对土地覆被变化影响及其反馈模型研究主要内容包括:中国土地覆被季相变化的时空差异性;中国土地覆被特征参数NDVI年际变化与气候变化的关系;中国气候一植被判别模型;气候一土地覆被变化的神经网络建模及土地覆被的气候预测;土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)对气候影响的反馈机制和LUCC对中国土壤碳库的可能影响;土地覆被变化对气候影响的反馈数值实验.  相似文献   
青藏高原1981~2000年植被净初级生产力对气候变化的响应   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
基于分辨率为0.1°×0.1°的植被、土壤和气象数据,利用大气-植被相互作用模型(AVIM2)模拟研究了青藏高原1981~2000年植被净初级生产力(NPP)对气候变化的响应。结果表明:青藏高原近20年自然植被(森林、草地和灌木)受气温和降水量增加的影响,NPP总量呈现上升趋势。灌木和森林NPP总量分别以每年1.14%和0.88%的速度增加,均达到统计上的显著性水平。草地NPP上升趋势不如灌木和森林显著。降水量变化对森林和草地NPP的影响高于气温变化对它们的影响,而降水量变化对灌木的影响则小于气温变化影响。总的区域平均来看,尽管1981~2000年青藏高原年平均净辐射通量略有降低,但由于平均气温以0.058 ℃·a-1的速率增加,且降水量略有增长,降水量与气温的共同作用使得青藏高原植被NPP总量呈上升趋势。  相似文献   
基于地理信息系统技术的土壤质地分类特征提取与数据融合   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
根据不同来源不同比例尺的土壤质地分布图资料(比例尺为1∶1400万,范围为中国境内)、土壤发生学分类的土壤类型分布图资料(比例尺为1∶400万,范围为中国境内)以及土壤诊断学分类的土壤类型分布图资料(比例尺为1∶500万,范围为(5~65°N,60~150°E)提取其相同的特征,借助于地理信息系统(GIS)技术,将几份土壤分类资料进行数据融合、转换得到可供集成沙尘天气数值预报系统中风沙模式使用,且符合美国农业部(USDA)土壤质地分类标准的资料.  相似文献   
中国陆地生态系统总初级生产力VPM遥感模型估算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆地生态系统总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity,简称GPP)时空格局及其变化动态的准确监测是区域碳收支研究的核心问题之一,遥感模型正在为区域碳通量监测提供更为实时、准确的模拟数据。基于中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,简称MODIS)遥感数据和涡度相关碳通量观测数据发展而来的VPM模型经过10年的努力,目前已经在全球涵盖十类生态系统的21个站点上开展模型的校验与验证研究,为区域GPP的准确估算与监测奠定了方法基础。本研究构建了评估GPP区域格局的VPM模型区域模式,以空间分辨率500m、时间步长8天的MODIS卫星影像数据以及相同时空分辨率的温度与光合有效辐射数据为模型输入数据,模拟估算我国2006~2008年GPP及其空间分布格局。VPM模型模拟的中国陆地生态系统GPP年总量平均值为5.0Pg C/a,其中森林、草地、农田和灌丛生态系统分别占34%,17%,37%和12%。本研究模拟的全国GPP总量与多模型模拟的平均结果(5.40 Pg C/a)相当,但不同模型估算的各类生态系统GPP存在较大差异。本研究通过利用遥感数据对VPM模型中的关键参数(最大光能利用率)进行参数空间化,表达同一土地覆被类型内部光能利用率的空间异质性;应用目前我国准确性最为可靠的土地利用与植被数据提取土地覆被数据,首次将农业多熟种植作为单独的植被类型引入模型中,模型参数与输入数据的精度保障了模型模拟结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来全球气候加剧变暖,已为世人所瞩目.利用代表性较好的全国160个站1951~1999年逐年逐月气温资料,分析了80年代以来我国年和四季温度的变化,发现中国的气候变暖表现为非均衡响应,区域和季节差异颇大.在区域变化上有“北暖南冷”的趋势,在季节变化上有“冬暖夏凉”的特点.并从数理统计学角度,对温度变化进行显著性检验,得出长江以北地区基本达到了95%以上的信度水平.同时根据335个站,自1951年或50年代初建站以来至1999年日平均温度稳定通过≥10℃积温资料,对近19年与前30年资料进行对比分析,得出≥10℃积温及≥10℃持续日数的变化幅度,发现我国东部中亚热带、北亚热带、暖温带、中温带和寒温带普遍北移,北亚热带和暖温带北移明显,南亚热带和边缘热带变化不大,我国西部地区除滇西南、青藏高原和内蒙古西部所处的各温度带有北移或上抬趋势,其他地区变化不大或略有南压和下移.  相似文献   
The global climate warming accelerated in the 1980s has become a focus in the world. Based on the month by month and year by year temperature data from 160 representative stations throughout the country during 1951-1999, this paper analyses annual and four seasons' temperature variations of China since the 1980s. It was found out that the non-equalibrium response with relative great regional and seasonal differences is represented in the country's climate warming. In regional changes a trend of "warm in the north and cold in the south" occurs whereas in seasonal changes, the characters of "warm in winter and cool in summer" present. Significant verification of the temperature variations conducted in terms of mathematical statistics reveals that a confidence level of over 95% has been basically reached in areas north of the Yangtze River. Meanwhile, according to data of diurnal mean temperature steadily passing through accumulated temperature ≥10℃ from 335 stations since 1951 or since the founding of the stations in the early 1950s to 1999, comparative analysis of the data of the last 19 years with that of the first 30 years was conducted and the accumulated temperature ≥10℃ and the variation range of the persistent number of days ≥10℃ were obtained. It was concluded that a general northward shift of central subtropics, north subtropics, warm temperate zone, mesothermal zone and frigid temperate zone of eastern China was observed. The northward shift of north subtropics and warm temperate zone was obvious but changes of south subtropics and marginal tropics were insignificant. In western China, in addition to southwestern Yunnan, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and western Inner Mongolia where the temperature zones of each either shifted northward or trended to move upward, not much changes were found in other areas or they shifted southward slightly and declined.  相似文献   
There is a lack of simple ways to predict the vegetation responses to the East Asian Monsoon(EAM) variability in China due to the complexity of the monsoon system. In this study, we found the variation of the Western Pacific Subtropical High(WPSH), which is one of the major components of the EAM, has a profound influence on the vegetation growth in China. When the WPSH is located more to the west of its climate average, the eastern and northwestern parts experience increased yearly-averaged normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and gross primary productivity(GPP) by 0.3%–2.2%, and 0.2%–2.2%, respectively. In contrast, when the WPSH is located more to the east of its climate average, the above areas experience decreased yearly-averaged NDVI and GPP by 0.4% to 1.6%, and 1.3% to 4.5%, respectively. The WPSH serves as a major circulation index to predict the response of vegetation to monsoon.  相似文献   
Frictional torque is an important mean for momentum exchange between the atmosphere and earth, and significantly influences the variation in atmospheric angular momentum. Using NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data for the period 1948–2011, we examined the spatial and temporal patterns of frictional torque. It was found that the globally integrated frictional torque turned from positive to negative in 1972, suggesting that angular momentum was transferred from the earth to the atmosphere before 1972, but from the atmosphere to the earth thereafter. The global frictional torque steadily declined from 1948 to 1994, but has been increasing since 1995. It was also found that the global frictional torque is mainly determined by the wind systems in the mid and low latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere (SH), where large changes in frictional torque occurred during the study period. Westerly wind increased continuously in the midlatitudes after 1948, while easterly wind decreased in the tropics of the SH after the 1980s.  相似文献   
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