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结合高山地地形特点,分析VirtuoZo AAT在生产中常见的问题,并提出相应的解决方法.  相似文献   
5月12日汶川8.0级地震强余震观测的电磁同震效应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震发生后,在武都汉王地震台及其附近地区进行了为期22d的余震序列电磁异常连续监测,观测到多次余震事件的电磁同震现象。通过与汉王强震台的地震记录数据比较发现,同震信号存在于所有的电场和磁场记录分量中,它们与地震波的到达同步,而不是在地震发生的时刻出现。地震发生时的电磁辐射信号似乎在记录数据中有所显示,但是与地震波到达观测点时的电磁信号相比幅度要小得多  相似文献   
A series of element concentrations sampled from four drill cores with a length about 1000 m into different skarn-type deposits were selected from the Shizishan orefield, central Tongling, southeastern part of Anhui Province. Using the multifractal method, the distribution and migration characteristics of the major and trace elements are analyzed. The multifractal spectrum of the major elements is left-skewed, whereas the spectrum of the trace elements is right-skewed, which shows that in the process of skarn formation, the trace elements were enriched only locally, and major elements transported within a much larger range. The correlation coefficients of the multifractal parameters Aa (width of the multifractal spectrum) of the four drill cores are relatively low, but the correlation coefficients of the multifractal parameters R (spectrum symmetry parameter) and Af are relatively higher, indicating that although the non-homogeneous intensity of the distribution of elements is inconsistent, their spatial accumulation patterns are almost the same during the ore-forming process. The statistics of the mnltifractal parameters of various elements in the different locations show that the ore-forming processes and element migration pattern in the Shizishan orefield are consistent, and that the migrations of trace elements and major elements exhibit some differences.  相似文献   
从35个台站土壤湿度实测资料出发,探讨了近20年华北地区土壤水储量变化趋势及时空特征。结果表明:全区年平均0~50 cm土壤水储量总体呈减少趋势,但区域差异明显。土壤变干最显著的两个中心区域分别为京津塘地区和山西西部,次显著中心为内蒙古东部。在0~50 cm深度范围内,从地表面开始,随深度增加,土壤水储量的减少幅度逐渐增加,且季节特征明显,即春秋季减少幅度大于夏冬季。各分区土壤水储量的变化趋势呈现出显著的年代际特征,就0~50 cm土壤水储量而言,各分区存在一个共同特点:1995~2002年均呈明显的波动下降变化趋势。土壤变干的趋势,对华北地区农业和生态具有一定的不利影响,因此结合区域实际提出相应的水分管理与调配措施。  相似文献   
2008年广西严重低温雨雪冰冻天气过程分析   总被引:23,自引:13,他引:10  
利用T213、ECMW F数值预报资料和MICAPS提供的常规观测资料,对这次极端天气事件成因进行分析,表明造成这次长时间低温雨雪冰冻天气的主要原因有:(1)北半球东亚倒Ω流型使大气环流长时间稳定,使北支、南支锋区偏南,极地冷空气不断补充南下影响到江南、华南,华南静止锋在沿海长时间维持,锋区强度大;(2)南支槽活跃,西南暖湿气流持续向我国南方输送,冷暖空气在华南上空交汇,导致广西出现长时间的降水;(3)逆温层维持时间长,长时间的降水普遍以小雨为主,容易形成过冷水滴,雨淞范围从贵州、湖南南扩至广西北部,造成道路结冰、电线积冰等次生灾害,灾情严重。  相似文献   
By using the conventional observations, radar data, NCEP/NCAR FNL 1°×1° reanalysis data and numerical simulation data and with the construction and calculation of radar echo parameters, this paper presents the structural characteristics and physical processes of a short-time heavy precipitation supercell that occurred in the squall line process in Shanxi Province on 24 June 2020. The results show that this squall line event occurred in front of a surface cold front,combined with infiltration of ...  相似文献   
2003年2月24日新疆巴楚—伽师交界地区发生了MS6.8地震。地震的发生除了对建筑物及构筑物与水利、交通、电力、电信设施造成了不同程度的破坏外,在地震烈度Ⅶ度以上(包括Ⅶ度)地区产生了不同程度的地震地质灾害。地震地质灾害主要为场地砂土液化、地裂缝与河流陡岸滑塌等类型。随后在新疆巴楚—伽师6.8级地震灾区开展了地震小区划工作,对Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ度区进行了场地工程地质条件勘测与综合评价,判定该地区未来可能产生的主要地震地质灾害为场地砂土液化、河流陡岸滑塌。  相似文献   
Gelatin from the sea cucumber(Paracaudina chinens var.) was hydrolyzed by bromelain and the hydrolysate was found to have a high free radical scavenging activity. The hydrolysate was fractionated through an ultrafiltration membrane with 5 kDa molecular weight cutoff(MWCO). The portion(less than 5 kDa) was further separated by Sephadex G-25. The active peak was col-lected and assayed for free radical scavenging activity. The scavenging rates for superoxide anion radicals(O2·-) and hydroxyl radi-cals(·OH) of the fraction with the highest activity were 29.02% and 75.41%,respectively. A rabbit liver mitochondrial free radical damage model was adopted to study the free radical scavenging activity of the fraction. The results showed that the sea cucumber gelatin hydrolysate can prevent the damage of rabbit liver and mitochondria.  相似文献   
彭华  赵飞  王华 《热带地理》2007,27(5):472-476,482
旅游协作是旅游系统本身的要素关联,是其客观属性和发展的必然。主题旅游协作是以某一个主题为"红线",将相关旅游要素组织起来形成一个旅游协作组织形式。目前关于旅游协作研究中很少涉及主题旅游协作。文中以"霞客行"旅游网络计划为例,讨论了名人故居旅游地开发中,重视物质性遗产开发,忽略非物质性品牌利用所导致的"大品牌,小产品"的问题,提出了利用虚实结合手法,通过主题品牌运作,构建综合性主题旅游协作网络的构想。旨在通过一个产品网络、一个市场网络、一个学术网络和一个虚拟网络的运作来充分发挥徐霞客品牌的纽带作用,以此推动相关主题旅游地协作单位之间的产品共享和市场共享,从而实现协作体系的效益最大化。  相似文献   
道路交通气象服务系统的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建立更快速的道路交通气象预警发布系统,开展基于位置的道路交通气象服务,将灾害天气情况直接发送给行驶中货车运输的司机,从而尽可能减少因恶劣天气带来的交通事故,保障人民群众生命财产安全。利用中国区域5 km分辨率智能网格天气实况数据和12379全国灾害预警发布平台实时获取全国3 240个县市灾害预警信息,通过建立电子围栏,实时发布所在区域的预报预警信息和行车指数给驾驶员。该系统可实时获取并自动实时发布道路交通任意位置的预警信息、行车指数和天气实况,以短信提醒和语音播报的方式直接为驾驶员提供精细的气象服务。  相似文献   
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