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豫西一次强对流天气过程的诊断分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2010年9月4日凌晨,豫西地区出现罕见的强对流天气过程,造成严重损失.利用1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料、常规观测资料、卫星观测资料以及多普勒雷达资料,对此次过程进行诊断分析.结果表明,此次强对流天气过程中不仅具有明显的低层辐合、高层辐散的气流垂直运动,而且在多普勒雷达上有明显的辐合型中气旋存在.通过对垂直积分液态水...  相似文献   
The easternmost stratovolcano along the Central American arc is El Valle volcano, Panama. Several andesitic and dacitic lava flows, which range in age 5–10 Ma, are termed the old group. After a long period of quiescence (approximately 3.4 Ma), volcanic activity resumed approximately 1.55 Ma with the emplacement of dacitic domes and the deposition of dacitic pyroclastic flows 0.9–0.2 Ma. These are referred to as the young group. All of the samples analyzed are calc-alkaline andesites and dacites. The mineralogy of the two groups is distinct; two pyroxenes occur in the old-group rocks but are commonly absent in the young group. In contrast, amphibole has been found only in the young-group samples. Several disequilibrium features have been observed in the minerals (e.g., oscillatory zoning within clinopyroxenes). These disequilibrium textures appear to be more prevalent among the old- as compared with the young-group samples and are most likely the result of magma-mixing, assimilation, and/or polybaric crystallization. Mass-balance fractionation models for major and trace elements were successful in relating samples from the old group but failed to show a relationship among the young-group rocks or between the old- and young-group volcanics. We believe that the old-group volcanics were derived through differentiation processes from basaltic magmas generated within the mantlewedge. The young group, however, does not appear to be related to more primitive magmas by differentiation. The young-group samples cannot be related by fractionation including realistic amounts of amphibole. Distinctive geochemical features of the young group, including La/Yb ratios〉15, Yb〈1, Sr/Y〉150, and Y〈6, suggest that these rocks were derived from the partial melting of the subducted lithosphere. These characteristics can be explained by the partial melting of a source with residual garnet and amphibole. Dacitic material with the geochemical characteristics of subducted-lithosphere melting is generated apparently only where relatively hot crust is subducted, based on recent work. The young dacite-genesis at El Valle volcano is related to the subduction of relatively hot lithosphere.  相似文献   
正Orogens can generally be divided into two types:accretionary and collisional.The fundamental differences in deep-crustal compositions and architecture from accretion to collision and how to identify them is not well understood.This is one of the major aims of the IGCP 662 project (www.igcp662.org.cn).The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is a typical and the world's largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic belt and the  相似文献   
杨博  魏颖  马瑶  赵敏 《地下水》2013,(1):161-163
通过野外观察、岩心描述与室内研究相结合的方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地子洲气田北部山西组山2段研究,分析研究区山西组山2段的沉积相特征及沉积相带空间展布规律,确定研究区山2段主要为三角洲沉积体系。进行沉积微相的划分,掌握研究区储层砂体叠置形态规律。  相似文献   
从影响库岸稳定性的诸因素中筛选出六个主要因素:坡度、坡体形态、坡体完整性程度、库水面宽度、主风向与库岸夹角及坡体结构,根据其影响程度确定了它们的权重,将库岸稳定性分为良好、较好、较差和差四级。按照各个影响因素对斜坡和各级稳定性的影响不同,对各单因素进行离散化处理,得到各影响因素的隶属度矩阵。通过对各单因素矩阵与影响因素权重运算,得到各个单元分区的稳定性评价结果。运用该方法对新疆某水电站近坝库岸段20km的稳定性进行了评价,认为稳定性较差库岸段总长约4.1km,占20.3%,主要为地质灾害分布处及工程地质条件较差的地段。该综合评判成果与现场勘察及遥感解译结果较为一致。  相似文献   
传统地质填图方法一般按成因划分第四系填图单位,但在半覆盖区,往往存在第四系不同成因物质混杂堆积的现象,若按成因划分填图单位,则会造成混乱。笔者在填图实践中,尝试按岩性划分第四系填图单位,这一做法能避免这种混乱,且有利于第四系中基岩信息的发掘,并能为勘查地球化学工作提供景观依据,这种新式填图方法可称为"第四系岩性填图法"。用岩性划分第四系填图单位需要使用统一的分类命名方案,本文使用了按碎屑特征进行分类的方案,主要考虑第四系松散堆积中碎屑的粒径、形态和含量变化。第四系岩性填图法中填图单位的划分需要参照这一分类命名方案,并可选用颜色、构造、次要碎屑类型等修饰性要素做为辅助划分依据。填图单位划分一般在踏勘和剖面实测中完成,第四系岩性填图法剖面测制较为复杂,除采用传统垂向测制方法外,还需运用横向测法和横向-垂向联合测法,通过剖面工作,可细化填图单位划分方案,并可评价不同填图单元基岩恢复的可靠性。第四系岩性填图法除需要编制传统地质图外,还需要编制基岩推断地质图或是在报告中制作插图以阐述此成果。  相似文献   
华北克拉通中北部五台杂岩中出露一套变质砂岩,归属于上太古界五台群,其物质来源和构造环境分析对理解本区新太古代末期的地壳演化具有重要意义.该变质砂岩主要由石英、长石和粘土质胶结物组成,岩相学特征显示为杂砂岩,利用主量、微量元素判别的结果与岩相学观察一致.岩石地球化学分析结果显示,样品的SiO2含量变化较大(64.51%~...  相似文献   
蒙脱石红移、蓝移及水化特征的谱学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对提纯蒙脱石、钠化蒙脱石、有机插层蒙脱石进行紫外-可见光学吸收谱分析、红外光谱分析,发现蒙脱石随着粒度的变化产生红移和蓝移现象。1631插层样品较钠化样品红移20 nm以上,而提纯的胶体粒子样品较1631插层样品SM G-1631红移80 nm;由于提纯蒙脱石样品粒度变细羟基伸缩振动吸收峰向高波数移动了1.69 cm-1,即蓝移了1.69cm-1。蒙脱石水化性能的XRD分析表明,蒙脱石吸水后晶层发生膨胀、剥离,脱水时分散后的晶层发生凝聚作用,即面-面结合作用,形成蒙脱石“定向性层状集合体”衍射峰的d值产生了相应的变化,这种凝聚作用是蒙脱石分散剥离的逆作用,但凝聚后形成的凝聚蒙脱石的衍射谱特征与原始蒙脱石的大不相同。蒙脱石红移、蓝移及水化特征的谱学分析研究丰富了天然纳米蒙脱石矿物材料晶体化学研究的内容,具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
正We studied the solid-liquid transformation of low-grade solid potash deposit in Dalangtan Basin and simplified the liquid phase system.We did experiments to optimize conditions of the solid-liquid transformation.The Suitable  相似文献   
绵阳地区白垩系岩石风化过程的生态效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了四川绵阳地区白垩系七曲寺组砂岩、泥岩风化过程的信息动态及其对森林植被的生态效应,为长江上游水土保持防护林提供开发信息。  相似文献   
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