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临涣矿区水化学特征及在矿井水源判别中的意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过分析、比较临涣矿区三个地下水子系统的水文地球化学特征得出,这三个子系统在水溶标型发及少、微量元素的含量上无明显差别,表明各子系统间存在水力联系,而环境同位素氘和^18O分析则是解决矿井水来源判别的有效方法。  相似文献   
Myers developed a matrix form of the cokriging equations, but one that entails the solution of a large system of linear equations. Large systems are troublesome because of memory requirements and a general increase in the matrix condition number. We transform Myers’s system into a set of smaller systems, whose solution gives the classical kriging results, and provides simultaneously a nested set of lower dimensional cokriging results. In the course of developing the new formulation we make an interesting link to the Cauchy-Schwarz condition for the invertibility of a system, and another to a simple situation of coregionalization. In addition, we proceed from these new equations to a linear approximation to the cokriging results in the event that the crossvariograms are small, allowing one to take advantage of a recent results of Xie and others which proceeds by diagonalizing the variogram matrix function over the lag classes.  相似文献   
北京云蒙山地区花岗岩穹隆及伸展构造的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张建新  曾令森 《地质论评》1997,43(3):232-240
北京云蒙山花岗岩为一中生代侵入的花岗岩穹隆,花岗岩穹隆的叶理普遍发育,叶理轨迹基本平行于穹隆的外部边界,并显示出从核部到边部逐渐增强,东南侧明显强于西北侧的特点。变形构造研究显示,花岗岩穹隆的边部及围岩中普遍存在不同层次及不同运动方向的伸展构造。东南侧以具河防口-水峪伸展型韧性剪切带为特征,剪切运动标志显示为从NW-SE的正剪切运动,有限应变分析估算其剪切位移量在10km以上,剪切带上部被河防口正  相似文献   
The range of observed chemical compositions of natural terrestrial waters varies greatly especially when compared to the essentially constant global composition of the oceans.The concentrations of the REEs in natural terrestrial waters also exhibit more variation than what was reported in seawater,In terrestrial waters ,pH values span the range from acid up to alkaline,In addition,terrestrial waters can range from very dilute waters through to highly concentrated brines.The REE concentrations and their behavior in natural terrestrial waters reflect these compositional ranges,Chemical weathering of rocks represents the source of the REEs to natural terrestrial waters and ,consequently,the REE signature of rocks can impart their REE signature to associated waters,In addition,Because of the typical low solubilities of the REEs both surface and solution complexation can be important in fractionating REEs in aqueous solution.Both of these processes are important in all natural terrestrial waters,however,their relative importance varies as a function of the overall solution composition,In alkaline waters,for example,Solution complexation of the REEs with carbonate ions appears to control their aqueous distributions whereas in acid waters,the REE signature of the labile fraction of the REEs is readily leached from the rocks.In circumneutral pH waters,both processes appear to be important and their relative significance has not yet been determined.  相似文献   
本文利用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)对辉锑锡铅矿{100}解理面的表面结构特征进行了研究,得到了清晰的原子级分辨率图像,并观察到辉锑锡铅矿结构中因两种基本构造层不匹配而导致的调制波结构及超结构长周期现象。同时还观测研究了辉锑锡铅矿的表面微形貌特征。  相似文献   
A review of seismological data on the crustal structure of the East African Rift zone is presented. The only refraction line is that along the Gregory Rift, which indicates a 7.5 km/sec refractor which is presumed to be the Moho. The bulk of data is provided by surface-wave dispersion studies. Some preliminary measurements of crustal and sub-Moho velocities using the University of Durham array at Kaptagat in Kenya are included.

There is now a growing body of evidence that the crust is generally of shield type over the whole rift zone. The exception is along the axis of the Gregory Rift, where a low-velocity Moho and some crustal modification is apparent. This is presumably the result of magma intrusions and suggests some crustal separation along this section of the rift. Sub-Moho velocities are probably normal outside the rifts themselves, though anomalously low upper-mantle velocities are to be associated with rifting. There is firm evidence for thinning of the lithosphere along the eastern branch of the rift. A cross-section of the Gregory Rift which is consistent with the current data is presented.  相似文献   

胶南榴辉岩矿物氧同位素平衡及其Sm-Nd年代学制约   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
对苏鲁地体中的胶南榴辉岩进行了矿物氧同位素分析,并与同一手标本矿物的Sm-Nd内部等时线定年和Nd-Sr同位素分布进行了对比。研究表明,石榴子石与绿辉石之间的氧同位素平衡与否能够对矿物Sm-Nd同位素体系的平衡状况和内部等时线定年结果的有效性给予直接制约。合理的石榴子石+绿辉石Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄产于两矿物之间达到并在峰变质条件下保持氧同位素平衡的样品中,而两矿物之间处于氧同位素不平衡的样品不能给出正确的Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄。同一矿物在手标本尺度出现显著的O-Nd-Sr同位素不均一性,据此对这些元素在石榴子石和绿辉石中的扩散速率顺序进行了估计,不仅得到了与实验扩散系数相吻合的结果,而且由此估计出在峰变质条件下达到矿物内部同位素均一化所需要的时间应大于10Ma。  相似文献   
花海断裂位于河西走廊西段花海盆地内,总体走向NNW-SSE,长约38 km,为一条隐伏断裂,研究其空间展布、运动性质和活动历史对于理解青藏高原北缘的构造变形和扩展方式有重要意义.基于卫片解译、野外实地和槽探,结合光释光测年和地球物理资料,发现沿双泉子、大泉至小泉一带,发育一段长约8 km的地形陡坎,代表断裂控制下褶皱作...  相似文献   
火山岩复合油气藏特征独特,为揭示该类油气藏的特征和拓展勘探思路,论述了火山岩的特征及其对油藏的控制作用.综合薄片、钻井、测井和地震资料研究火山岩的岩相特征和发育模式,采用岩电分析和测井响应特征研究手段定量识别玄武岩和凝灰岩.在此基础上,依据地球物理手段确定火山岩和砂泥岩的波阻抗界限值,并基于测井约束下的波阻抗反演和东营...  相似文献   
梁建设  孔令武  邱春光  李华  贾屾  龙旭 《地球科学》2021,46(8):2919-2933
东非海岸盆地天然气资源丰富,是世界天然气勘探的热点地区.东非海岸重点盆地的天然气为腐泥型高温裂解气,主要来源于下侏罗统局限海相优质烃源岩.大型断裂控制了东非海岸重点盆地天然气的垂向运移,研究区主要发育大型伸展断裂和大型走滑断裂.大型走滑断裂是坦桑尼亚盆地南部天然气藏的主要运移通道,其主要活动时期为晚白垩世-古新世,控制...  相似文献   
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