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Summary Echo records from the Atlantic west of the Faroe Islands are presented which, for the first time, give evidence of the influence exerted by day on the vertical movement of pelagic fishes by a considerable reduction of luminous intensity (solar eclipse). This phenomenon corresponds with the fact well known since some years from investigations in the North Sea which prove that by night pelagic fishes move in a vertical direction according to the variation in luminous intensity.
Sur des enregistrements ultra-sonores caractérisant le comportement des poissons pélagiques pendant l'éclipsé de soleil au 30 juin 1954
Résumé On présente des enregistrements ultra-sonores faits en océan Atlantique à l'ouest de l'archipel de Færoé. Ces enregistrements font, pour la première fois, preuve de l'influence exercée de jour sur le mouvement vertical des poissons pélagiques par une réduction sensible de l'intensité lumineuse (éclipse de soleil). Ce phénomène correspond avec le fait bien connu depuis quelques ans par des recherches dans la mer du Nord. Suivant ces recherches, les poissons pélagiques se meuvent nuitamment dans la direction verticale suivant la variation de l'intensité lumineuse.
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine auf rein dynamischen Grundlagen beruhende Erklärung für die starke Westwärts-Intensivierung des Polar-front-Jetstream in den Winkel zwischen der geneigten Polarfrontfläche und der gegengeneigten Tropopause an der Ostflanke eines polaren Kälteausbruches gegeben.Eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit des Atmosphärenaufbaues mit dem Aufbau des Ozeans im Stromstrich des Golfstromes führt dazu, die Trägheitsgrenzschichten-Theorie vonJ. Charney [1] auf ein solches atmosphärisches System anzuwenden. Ein dreigeschichtetes Atmosphärenmodell wird entwickelt, und für dieses werden Bewegungsgleichungen abgeleitet, die es erlauben, das Problem entsprechend dem LösungsgangCharneys zu behandeln.Der Vergleich mit den aus den Beobachtungen abgeleiteten Neigungen der Polarfront und der Tropopause und der beobachteten Westwärts-Intensivierung des Stromes fällt sehr befriedigend aus. Diese Theorie erfaßt selbstverständlich nur die rein dynamische Seite der Erscheinung und berücksichtigt den sicher wichtigen Beitrag der thermodynamischen Prozesse durch die Verwendung des rohen Modells nur näherungsweise.
Summary Based on purely dynamical reasoning an explanation for the strong westward-intensification of the polarfront jetstream into the angle between the inclined polarfront surface and the opposite inclined tropopause on the eastern side of an outbreak of cold polar air is presented.Certain similarity of the structure of the atmosphere with that of the ocean in the main core of the gulf stream has guided me to apply the inertial boundary layer theory ofJ. Charney [1] to such an atmospheric system. A three-layered model of the atmosphere has been developed and corresponding equations of motion were derived, which allow to handle the problem according to the solution ofCharney.The comparison with the slopes of polarfront and tropopause according to the observations and with the observed westward intensification of the flow is rather satisfactory. However, we must understand that this theory only considers the dynamical side of the phenomenon and does only approximately account for the important contribution of thermodynamic processes by the use of the rather simple model.

Résumé L'auteur tente d'expliquer du point de vue purement dynamique l'intensification vers l'Ouest du jet situé dans l'angle compris entre le front polaire et la tropopause d'inclinaison contraire, sur le flanc oriental d'un afflux d'air polaire.Une certaine analogie entre la structure de l'atmosphère et celle de l'océan à l'endroit du Gulf-stream incite à appliquer au cas évoqué ici la théorie de la couche limite d'inertie deJ. Charney [1]. On imagine un type d'atmosphère à trois couches pour lequel on établit les équations du mouvement permettant de traiter le problème en cause à l'aide du procédé deJ. Charney.Les observations concernant l'inclinaison du front polaire et de la tropopause ainsi que celles de l'intensification du jet vers l'Ouest confirment la théorie de façon très satisfaisante. Cette dernière, purement dynamique, ne tient compte que d'une manière approchée des processus thermodynamiques sans doute importants.

Mit 7 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
Summary In the Nebelstein area, molybdenite-bearing greisens occur together with peraluminous leucogranites. In the compositional change of the granites to the greisens, there is an almost complete loss of Na, combined with a decrease in Ca, Mg, Sr, and Ti concentrations. The progressive alteration is reflected by lower homogenization temperatures and increasing salinity in aqueous fluid inclusions. The fluid regime prior to greisenization was water-dominated with low salt contents, while the early stage of the greisen development was characterized by a mixed fluid containing carbon dioxide and water. This was succeeded by a moderate saline aqueous fluid which caused the mineralization by exchange of metal ions for Na+(Ca2+, K+). A negative correlation between salt content in fluid inclusions and Na2O concentrations in the bulk rocks supports this model. Mass balance calculations for this interaction yield a minimum fluid-rock ratio of approximately 2 : I. Greisenization took place at a minimum pressure of 180 MPa (1.8 kb) and in a temperature range between 200 and < 400 °C.
Fluid-Gestein-Wechselwirkung in dem Molybdänit führenden Greisenkomplex Nebelstein, Böhmische Masse (Österreich)
Zusammenfassung Die Molybdänglanz führenden Greisengesteine des Nebelsteins sind an peraluminöse Granite gebunden. Bei der Alteration der Granite ist für den Übergang Biotitgranit zu Greisen eine weitestgehende Verarmung an Na zu beobachten, gleichzeitig nehmen auch die Gehalte an Ca, Mg, Sr und Ti ab. Die fortschreitende Greisenbildung dokumentiert sich in den wäßrigen Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen durch steigende Salinität bei sinkenden Homogenisierungstemperaturen. Die fluide Phase war vor der Greisenbildung H2O dominiert und niedrig salinar. Der Beginn der Alterationsprozesse ist durch CO2 und H2O hältige Fluide gekennzeichnet. Danach folgt ein Anstieg der Salinität, der auf den Austausch von Metallchloridlösungen gegen Na+, K- und Ca2- zurückgeführt wird. Dies läßt sich durch eine negative Korrelation der Salinität in den Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen mit dem Na-Gehalt der Gesteine belegen. Daraus wurde die Volumsbeziehung der den Granit durchströmenden fluiden Phase relativ zum Gestein mit mindestens 2 : 1 abgeleitet. Die Mineralisation fand bei einem Minimaldruck von 1,8 kb in einem Temperaturbereich von 200 - < 400 °C statt.

This paper was presented at the IGCP 291 Project Symposium Metamorphic Fluids and Mineral Deposits, ETH Zürich, March21–23,1991.  相似文献   
Transmission electron microscopic study of synthetic CaAl2Ge2O8-feldspar revealed two types of antiphase domains: type “b”-antiphase domains with the displacement vector 1/2 [110] and type “c”-antiphase domains with the displacement vector 1/2 [111]. The “b”-domains were on the order of 0.1 μm in size, while the “c”-domains displayed wall to wall distances mostly between 0.1 and 1 μm. The formation of the two types of antiphase domains is due to reductions in translational symmetry associated with the phase transitions \(C\bar 1 \to I\bar 1 \to P\bar 1\) . The antiphase domain textures of CaAl2Ge2O8-feldspar are very similar to the textures found in natural and synthetic anorthite, CaAl2Si2O8.  相似文献   
Relaxation experiments on vitreous SiO2, densified at 900°C, 20 kbar to a permanent density of 2.36 g cm?3 yield an activation energy of69 ± 5kcal mol?1 in the temperature range 700–800°C. The data can be used to estimate minimum cooling rates, maximum depositional temperatures or maximum thicknesses of shock-metamorphosed rocks containing diaplectic glasses, if relaxation of a glass densified under dynamic conditions is assumed to be similar to that of statically densified glass.  相似文献   
Barth  Hans Karl  Quiel  Friedrich 《GeoJournal》1986,13(3):251-259
Due to a particularly favourable geologic and tectonic setting in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia has the world largest oil reserves and is the third largest oil-producing nation in the world. Based on oil and gas revenues, the Kingdom experienced an overwhelming development during the last few decades, changing a desert country into a modern industrialized nation. Main characteristics of spatial changes are based on processes of urbanization and industrialization, on agricultural reclamations and infra-structural developments. Since the natural environment of deserts and semi-deserts in the Eastern Province is determined by an extremely sensitive equilibrium, environmental impacts, shortages in water resources, as well as limited human resources are causing basic problems, which will influence future developments.  相似文献   
In this article, the phenomenon of generation of corona discharges on the tops of trees and plants is described. In the first part of the text, the conditions for generation of this electric field which leads to formation of corona discharge and transfer of electric charge between atmosphere and Earth, are discussed. Experimental results of the onset voltage and its dependence on the discharge parameters are presented. The coincidence between released species from corona burning point and surrounding atmosphere is also discussed. Equation for the calculation of critical intensity of the electric field and onset voltage in dependence on radius of the tip are also discussed and compared with experimental data and equations for current–voltage characteristics are described. The attempt to explain differences between theory and measured data is proposed.  相似文献   
For data treatment of phytoplankton countings in the Lower Rhine the specific biovolume was calculated. The used computer-aided method is described, and the correlation between phytoplankton biomass, cell number and chlorophyll a is presented.  相似文献   
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