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Summer rainfall variations in North China closely relate to that in India. It seems that an alternation of signs of " , -, " exists in the geographical pattern of the correlation in summer rainfall from North China to India through the Tibetan Plateau. However, it appears that the teleconnection of summer rainfall variations between North China and India is unstable. Over 1945 - 1974, the correlation coefficient (hereafter as CC) is as large as 0.7. In contrast, the CC is about-0.3 over 1827-1856. Further studies, based on observations starting from 1813, showed that the correlation is strong when summer rainfalls in both North China and India are large, and vice versa. In order to find what induce the change of the teleconnection, variations of summer rainfall in both North China and India, mean sea surface temperature (SST) in the eastern equatorial Pacific and the frequency of ENSO events were examined in relation to the change of the teleconnection. The result showed that the teleconnection appears weak when the mean SST is high and the frequency of La Nia events is low; the teleconnection is strong when the mean SST is low and the frequency of La Nia events is high. At last, it is notable that La Nia happens in only 3 years during the recent 30 years from 1976 to 2005 and the teleconnection becomes weak too.  相似文献   
<正>21世纪以来,气候资料涉及的容量和复杂性有巨大的增加,另一方面利用气候资料的科学团体和公众数量也迅速增加,使用气候资料的人群不再仅限于从事气候研究的人员,还发展到与气候研究有关的气候影响与对策研究的群体,更进一步扩展到社会公众、媒体与政策制定者。由此提出需要建立一个新的更开放的用户——友好的可存取的气候资料大数据平台,从而让社会公众和政策制定者有可能通过利用气候资料的大数据,减少对气候变化与  相似文献   
全球气候变暖是当代最受关注的问题之一。当然,人们首先想知道变暖究竟能达到什么程度。既然变暖的主要原因是人类活动造成温室气体增加,使温室效应加剧,则未来变暖的程度显然取决于过去排放了多少温室气体,以及今后以什么速度、排  相似文献   
2011年3月,Kaspi等[1]从理论上研究了暖大洋西部大陆东岸寒冷的问题,指出这种现象不能完全用大地形解释。因为北美大陆与亚洲大陆地形差异很大,但是两个大陆东岸温度相对于纬圈平均偏低的"冷区"范围大小却相近。他们认为暖大洋上空的稳定Rossby波群速向西是控制其西部冷区的一个  相似文献   
根据IPCC第4次评估报告(AR4)第10章[1],到2100年全球平均温度相对于1980—1999年平均有可能上升1.1~6.4℃,最佳估计值为1.8~4.0℃。这里给出来的是一个变化范围,但是,要注意这并不是预估的不确定性。1.1℃是最低排放情景B1的下限,6.4℃是最高排放情景A1F1的上限。1.8℃是  相似文献   
采加诺夫在俄罗斯科学院的网站*上报道:俄罗斯科学院物理研究所与俄罗斯水文气象局中央高空观象台及莫斯科大学核物理科学研究所合作研究的资料表明,全球平均温度在2005年达到峰值之后,已经下降了0.3℃,回到了1996—1997年的水平。科学家们相信,到2015年温度  相似文献   
全新世11.5 kaBP以来,全球平均温度究竟如何变化,长期以来没有统一的研究.2007年IPCC第四次评估报告(AR4)[1]也仅给出一个示意图,指出全新世温度变化有几个地区特征:(1)北半球中高纬早全新世(7 kaBP)温度可能比工业化前高2.0℃;(2)中国及欧洲东北可能在7 ~5 kaBP期间最暖,温度比工业化前高0.5 ~ 2.0℃;(3)热带大洋在5 kaBP之前比工业化前低0.5 ~2.0℃;(4)南极在早全新世比工业化前高0.5 ~2.0℃.但IPCC AR4未能明确指出北半球或全球平均温度如何变化.  相似文献   
Based on the variations of geographical locations, the summer rain belts over eastern China were classified in this study into eight types: Inner Mongolia, North China, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River, the northern and southern parts of Jiangnan ( to the south of the lower Yangtze River valley), and South China. The file of 8-type rain belts was compiled from 1470 to 2005, and in order to extend the file of rain belts, it was further merged into a file of 4-type rain belts and also completed during the last millennium from 1000 to 1999. At last, the two files show that summer rain belts frequently occur in the Yangtze River valley in warm climate periods, but in the Yellow River or the Huaihe River valley in cold periods.  相似文献   
1气候突变、翻转点和不可逆在古气候和历史时期气候变化中有时会发生气候突变,近几十年全球明显变暖,引发人们对是否会发生气候突变的关注。对气候突变与翻转点和不可逆有许多定义,根据IPCC报告,气候突变(abrupt climate change)是指气候从一种稳定态(或稳定持续的变化趋势)跳跃式和快速地(几十年或更短)转变到另一种稳定态(至少稳定几十年或稳定持续的变化趋势)的现象,对人类和自然系统产生严重干扰。它表现为气候在时空上从一个统计特性到另一个统计特性的急剧变化,或地球系统非线性响应。  相似文献   
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