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The discovery of bone material,which has apparently been deliberatelyincised,cut or broken with purposive intent,found in association with the skeletalremains of Sinanthropus or with its lithic artifacts in the Choukoutien caves,has 相似文献
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION Since our knowledge on the later Cenozoic deposits in China has considerably increased, the problem concerning the inter-relation between the Choukoutien formation and other formations has naturally to be taken into consideration. According to the conclusion of Teilhard and Young (V. 8) the age of the Choukoutien formation is of Lower Quaternary (Polycene). Though 相似文献
INTRODUCTION In the beginning of 1935,a party of geologists was sent by Di.W.H.Wong,Director of the Geological Survey,in order to survey the Cenozoicformations of Kwangsi.The party,including P.Teilhard de Chardin,Dr.C.C.Young and the author,was met in Canton and greatly assisted in thefield by Dr.H.C.Chang,Professor at the Sunyatsen University (Canton). 相似文献
1. INTRODUCTION When inspecting the Choukoutien area in October 1933, under the direction of the late Dr. Davidson Black, the workmen brought to the attention of the members of the Cenozoic Laboratory a fossiliferous site which had 相似文献
中国猿人制作及使用之石器,至民国二十年之时,始行发见。其后历年所发见之石器甚多,民国二十四年以前之采集品,曾由著者及法国史前学家步日耶(H.Bhouil)共同研究,写为专文,于民国二十六年时,准备出版。惟民国二十五年至二 相似文献
1. INTRODUCTION When inspecting the Choukoutien area in October 1933, under the direction of the late Dr. Davidson Black, the workmen brought to the attention of the members of the Cenozoic Laboratory a fossiliferous site which had 相似文献
In August 1933, the writers of the present paper were sent by the Geological Survey to Chinghsinghsien along the Chengtai Railway, on the Hopei and Shansi border, to examine the long known but not sufficiently surveyed 相似文献
Ⅰ. HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY AND METHOD OF EXCAVATION When removing the superficial soil on the top of the hill over Choukoutien Locality I, in order to locate the southern extension of the Sinanthropus sediments, we discovered in 1930 a cave facing north, filled with grey, slightly 相似文献
中国第四纪哺乳动物化石的研究,已经有了相当长的历史,差不多在全国范围哺乳动物化石的研究,都有一定的成就。 相似文献
The discovery of bone material,which has apparently been deliberatelyincised,cut or broken with purposive intent,found in association with the skeletalremains of Sinanthropus or with its lithic artifacts in the Choukoutien caves,has 相似文献