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This study of a part of the lower Critical Zone, Farm Ruighoek,Western Bushveld, is based mainly on selected drill core samplesfrom two sections approximately 1.2 miles apart. The 1300-ftsequence investigated consists of pyroxenites with two harzburgitebands and sixteen chromitite seams. Results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis that evolutionof the sequence was a cyclic process in which cumulate mineralscrystallized in a zone near the floor of accumulation undergenerally quiescent conditions. Compositional changes of cumulateminerals reflect the influence of a separate intrusion of undifferentiatedparent magma or refusion at depth of crystals formed near thetop of the magma chamber. Interstitial mineral content and plagioclasecomposition reflect changing rates of crystal accumulation.Orthopyroxene grain size and sorting coefficient reflect, inpart, the vertical distance over which crystallization occurred.Textural features and contact relations of chromitite seamsare consistent with the hypothesis that most chromite crystallizedfrom the silicate magma and accumulated during a period of littleor no crystallization of silicate minerals. It is postulatedthat this loose crystal assemblage was enriched by co-accumulationand partial in situ crystallization of chromite-rich immiscibleliquid. Textural, mineralogical, and compositional changes infootwalls and hanging walls of chromitite seams are thoughtto reflect in situ reactions.  相似文献   
The Strathcona iron-nickel-copper sulfide ore deposit lies atthe base of the Sudbury Nickel Irruptive along the north rimof the Sudbury basin. In the vicinity of the deposit the mainbody of the Nickel Irruptive consists of an upper unit of 3700ft (1200 m) of granophyre (the ‘micropegmatite’)and a lower unit of 1500 ft (500 m) of augite norite (the ‘felsicnorite’) separated by 300 ft (100 m) of transitional rock(the ‘transition zone’). Two augite norite intrusions(the ‘mafic norite’ and the ‘xenolithic norite’)that are younger than the felsic norite occur along its lowercontact. The xenolithic norite is relatively rich in xenolithsand grades downwards into a unit known as the ‘hanging-wallbreccia’. The breccia resembles the xenolithic noritebut contains a higher proportion of xenoliths. A quartz-plagioclase-augite gneiss (the ‘footwall gneiss’)underlies all units of the Nickel Irruptive. A cataclastic breccia(the ‘footwall breccia’) which formed as a resultof comminution of both gneiss and overlying Irruptive rocksis present in most areas between the gneiss and the Nickel Irruptive.The ore body occurs partly as a dissemination of sulfides inthe matrix of the hanging-wall breccia (‘hanging-wallore’), partly as a fine dissemination and massive stringersof sulfide in the footwall breccia matrix (‘main-zoneore’), and partly as massive stringers of sulfide in thefootwall gneiss (‘deep-zone ore’). Xenoliths in the xenolithic norite and hanging-wall brecciarange from dunite to olivine gabbro. Olivine in the xenoliths(composition estimated by an X-ray method) varies from Fo73to Fo85, and hypersthene and augite (composition estimated byelectron microprobe analysis) vary from Fs25 to Fsi3, and Fsi3to Fs5, respectively. The iron content of the mafic mineralsshows a positive correlation with the proportion of felsic mineralsin the xenoliths, suggesting that the xenoliths have been derivedfrom a cryptically layered body of mafic and ultramafic rock.The wide distribution of xenoliths around the margin of theNickel Irruptive coupled with the absence of any obvious externalsource is strong evidence that the xenoliths are cognate, supportingWilson's (1956) proposal that the Irruptive is a funnel-shapedintrusion with a zone of ultramafic rocks towards its base. Hypersthene ranges from Fs33 to Fs28 in the felsic norite, fromFs28 to Fs22 in the mafic norite, and from Fs28 to Fs20 in thexenolithic norite. Augite ranges from Fsl6 to Fs14 in the felsicnorite and from Fs14 to Fsn in both the mafic and xenolithicnorites. The distribution coefficient for iron and magnesiumbetween coexisting augite and hypersthene ranges from 1-0 insome of the xenoliths to 1-5 in some samples of felsic norite,indicating that the two pyroxenes equilibrated at, or near,magmatic temperature. The composition of plagioclase in thefelsic norite, mafic norite, and xenolithic norite is aroundAn65-70 but decreases to An44 in those Irruptive rocks closestto the footwall breccia. The composition of plagioclase withinthe breccia varies between An32 and An43. Sodium metasomatismappears to have affected the breccia and to have spread outto affect adjacent rocks. The concentration of nickel and copper in the sulfides variessystematically across the ore deposit. The nickel content ofiron-nickel sulfides varies between 2-5 and 3 per cent in thehanging-wall ore but increases regularly from 3 per cent to5 or 5-5 per cent from hanging wall to footwall across the main-zoneore. Copper concentration shows a similar but more erratic variation.The variation is attributed to thermal diffusion of nickel andcopper within the main-zone ore along a gradient induced bythe overlying, hot, Nickel Irruptive. The principal opaque minerals in the ore body are, in the orderof their abundance, pyrrho-tite of at least two types, magnetite,pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite. All of the sulfides inthe hanging-wall ore are the result of exsolution from a high-temperature,pyrrhotite solid solution. Pyrite started to exsolve below 700C, chalcopyrite below 450 C, and pentlandite below 300 C.Monoclinic pyrrhotite formed from the host hexagonal pyrrhotiteprobably between 300 and 250 C. The temperature of formationof the sulfides in the main-zone ore has been obscured by reworkingof the ore after its first emplacement. The principal ore sulfides, pyrrhotite and pentlandite, arecommon throughout the mafic norite, xenolithic norite, and hanging-wallbreccia, occurring in amounts around 5 per cent in most samples.Pyrrhotite and pentlandite are extremely rare in the overlyingfelsic norite where pyrite is the most common sulfide. It occursin amounts between 01 and 0-5 per cent, commonly together withsecondary amphibole after pyroxene. The sulfides in the maficand xenolithic norites and in the hanging-wall breccia occupyspaces interstitial to the silicates, and little or no replacementof silicates by sulfides has occurred. In the main-zone ore,evidence of small-scale replacement of silicates by sulfidesis common. The high percentage of pyrrhotite and pentlandite in the maficand xenolithic norites in contrast to the felsic norite, texturalrelations between sulfides and silicates, and the high temperaturesindicated by the pyroxene distribution coefficients lead tothe conclusion that the hanging-wall sulfides (including thehanging-wall ore) at Strathcona were introduced with these youngernoritic intrusions. Data on the solubility of sulfides in silicatemagmas rule out the possibility that the bulk of the sulfideswere in solution in the noritic magmas; the data support thehypothesis that during intrusion the sulfides were held in suspensionin the in the magmas as droplets of immiscible sulfide-oxideliquid. Calculations on the rate of settling to be expectedfor such sulfide droplets are consistent with this hypothesis.The manner of emplacement of the main-zone ore is less certain;our explanation is that this ore consists of sulfides that originallysettled out of, or collected along, the base of the hanging-wallbreccia zone and were subsequently incorporated in the brecciationthat gave rise to the footwall breccia. The origin of the sulfides at Strathcona is clearly connectedclosely with the origin of the younger noritic intrusions. Asimilar connexion exists between sulfides and young marginalintrusions at many other Sudbury deposits. Jt is possible thatboth sulfides and intrusions are portions of the Nickel Irruptivemagma that lagged behind the main body of magma and were intrudedat a later stage. Alternatively, the young intrusions may haveassimilated sulfides from a sulfide-rich zone within or at themargin of the deeper layers of the Irruptive.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund von Beobachtungsdaten und theoretischen Erwägungen wird eine Darstellung der Hauptglieder der täglichen Temperaturschwankung und ihrer Verteilung über die Erde in Form von Reihen von trigonometrischen undLegendre-Funktionen gegeben. Ein Vergleich mit einer rein theoretisch erhaltenen Darstellung vonKertz zeigt in großen Zügen eine befriedigende Übereinstimmung beider Ergebnisse.
Summary A representation is given of the main terms of the daily temperature variation and their global distribution as a series of trigonometric andLegendre functions, based partly on observational data, partly on theoretical considerations. A comparison with a representation obtained byKertz on a purely theoretical basis shows in general a satisfactory agreement.

Résumé Partant de données d'observations et de considérations théoriques, l'auteur a établi, au moyen de séries de fonctions trigonométriques et deLegendre, une représentation des éléments principaux de la variation diurne de la température ainsi que de sa répartition sur le globe. La comparaison du résultat à une représentation semblable faite parKertz sur une base purement théorique indique une similitude satisfaisante.

Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde während eines Aufenthaltes am Meteorologischen Institut der Universität München ausgeführt.  相似文献   
Summary The process of radon diffusion in space and time through rocks is treated in detail from the point of view of radiometric prospecting for oil. Taking into account the depth and diffusivity conditions encountered in nature it is stated that vertical radon diffusion reaching from the oil deposits up to the surface cannot be expected. Time intervals as required for setting in of a stationary concentration state and decay conditions of the radon lead to the conclusion that the penetration of emanometric measurements seldom exceeds the depth of 5–10 m.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden mit Hilfe der sphärischen Trigonometrie und der Ausgleichsrechnung Methoden angegeben, die die Berechnung der bestanschmiegenden Ebene an eine Anzahl von Geraden mit einem gemeinsamen Punkt ermöglichen.
Summary With the aid of the spherical trigonometry and the adjustment, methods are given to determin the best-fitting plane for a given set of directions through a common point.
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund von Messungen im Gemünder Maar/Eifel in den Jahren 1959 und 1960 wird der Jahresverlauf der Temperatur in verschiedenen Tiefen und das Verhalten der Sprungschicht diskutiert. Zusammen mit Registrierungen der Globalstrahlung in Köln ergibt sich ein Einblick in den Wärmehaushalt des Sees.
Summary Based on measurements in the Gemünder Maar/Eifel during the years 1959 and 1960, the annual variation of water temperature in different depths and the behaviour of the discontinuity layer (thermocline) are discussed. Taking into consideration records of global radiation in Cologne, and estimation of the thermal economy of the lake is possible.
Summary In this study the different forms of the electromagnetic field strength recordings at the Thera-Crete microwave line of link are examined, in comparison with the corresponding weather situations prevailing over that area. According to the amplitude of fluctuations, the different forms of recordings have been classified in three basic typesA, B, C and the annual frequency of the appearance of these types has been observed. Finally, the influence of weather situations on radio wave propagation was examined and it has been found that in most cases a close relationship exists between weather situations and the different fading forms of the electromagnetic field so that a prediction of the fading form be possible by means of the weather forecast.This study was sponsored by a research grant from NATO's Scientific Committee.  相似文献   
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