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ChinaisoneOfthecountrieswhichsufferfromthemostserioussoilerosionintheworld,andthehillyandgullyareasof~PlateauinthemiddlereachesOftheYellowRiverarethemostseriouserosionareainChina.Inthisarea,themainerosivefactorsarerainfallandrunoff.Sometimes,thesedimentyieldinasinglefloodeventcanbe40%oftheannualsedimentload.Therefore,itisveryimPOrtanttostudytheyieldandgraphOfSedimentOfsinglefindevent.Forthispn~,thispaperiswritten.AInongsedimentmodelsforsinglefloodevent,moreandmoreattentionwaspaidtOunitse…  相似文献   
本文概述由国家自然科学基金委员会与大庆油田联合资助的九五油储重大项目的立项背景、研究目标和学科内涵、实验基地及地质目标、组织措施、具体成果概述、实际效果、人才培养和九五油储后续的重大成果产出等相关内容.  相似文献   
The coda attenuation of the Yao''''an area in Yunnan Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionThetravellingqualityfactorQofseismicwaveisoneofbasicphysicalparametersformeasuringthemediaattenuation(1/Q)intheearthandreflectionofinhomogeneityandinelasticityofthemedia,whichisusedinstudiesoffocalphysicsandengineeringearthquake.Qiscloselyrelatedtotheregionaltectonicactivityandseismicity.Thisfeaturehasbeenstudyingasoneoffactorsofearthquakeprediction(Chouet,1979;JinandAki,1986,1989).InYunnanregion,QIN(1992)andQIN,etal(1995)hadstudiedthefeaturesofregionalvariationofcodaQcandflu…  相似文献   
MODIS数据北京城区热岛监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李新芝  王萍  陈庆运 《测绘科学》2010,35(4):100-102
随着城市化进程的深入,热岛效应问题越来越严重,从而影响城市及周边地区的生态环境与气候,因此备受人们的重视。本文从2000年—2007年724幅1km分辨率的MODIS地表温度产品中选取64幅质量较好,可以代表春、夏、秋、冬四个季节的昼夜影像,制作地表温度图和选取感兴趣区域分析北京城区热岛效应。结果表明,北京市城区温度明显高于周围地区,夏季夜间最高达到3.7℃,秋季白天相对热岛强度较大,夏季、冬季夜间热岛强度要大于白天,尤其冬季较为明显。  相似文献   
袁丰  李丹丹 《地理研究》2014,33(3):546-557
制造集群和专业市场分别由经济活动的生产环节和销售环节在空间上高度集聚形成,两者间互动融合已成为中国沿海地区产业转型升级的新路径。基于共同演化理论分析框架,以辽宁佟二堡镇皮革产业为例,通过实地调研和企业访谈,研究制造集群和专业市场的形成与共同演化过程及其驱动机理,重点考察政府和企业衍生在推动两者共同演化过程中的作用。研究表明,佟二堡镇皮革制造集群与专业市场遵循共生发展型演化模式,呈现出产业规模共同扩大、组织方式共同演进、产业分工共同深化的共同演化过程。东北广阔的消费市场、地方政府的积极推动、制造集群和专业市场内企业衍生是引致两者共同演化的主要原因。  相似文献   
在深水平台的设计与分析中,调整某一结构参数提高某一性能的同时,常常受到其他功能或性能上的约束,因此引起了平台各项功能及性能之间的相互竞争。以一种创新的深吃水多立柱平台(Deep Draft Multi-Spar)为目标,探讨平台结构特征参数如立柱直径、立柱高度、立柱间距和压载舱位置与平台稳定性能、水动力及运动性能、结构要求和功能要求之间的关系。水动力分析和响应计算结果显示,随着DDMS平台吃水深度的降低,垂荡、纵摇和纵荡RAOs均逐渐增大,运动性能降低,并与典型的Spar和半潜平台的RAOs进行了比较。  相似文献   
为了提高三频航空电磁系统(FAEM)测量的自动化程度,设计实现了基于模糊控制和线性增量控制方法相结合的电磁补偿系统,来完成高精度、高稳定性、大动态范围的电磁补偿.以航空电磁接收机输出的电磁场实、虚分量值为控制的输入参量,以补偿线圈内的补偿电流为控制对象,80C52单片机为控制芯片,采用FFSI法推理程序实现补偿量的模糊控制,从而实现一次场和涡流场的实时程控补偿.航空电磁系统实验飞行数据表明,该控制系统可以快速实现一次磁场的实时高精度补偿,稳定性和补偿噪声水平能满足系统设计要求.  相似文献   
风蚀是西北干旱地区土遗址破坏的主要动力机制和成因,强烈的风蚀作用致使许多土遗址坍塌殆尽,导致这一不可再生资源的破坏。通过对土遗址的室内和现场风蚀模拟试验研究发现,经PS(高模数硅酸钾)材料加固后土遗址的抗风蚀能力明显增强。室内试验发现,风蚀量随风速的增长而增加、随风蚀时间延长近线性增长,PS材料浓度大于5 %的加固试样,即使风速达20 m/ s时,风蚀量均小20 (kg/ m2)•h,抗风蚀强度提高 6~10 倍。现场模拟试验结果表明,加固材料的入渗深度和用量直接影响加固效果,中浓度PS材料加固的墙面抗风蚀能力最强。因此,选择适当的PS材料浓度、提高加固材料的渗透力是土遗址保护加固的关键,将对西北地区土遗址科学保护的全面开展起到重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
温度、降水和地表覆盖是影响植被指数变化的主导因子,但在不同区域内不同因子对植被指数的影响程度有所不同。海南岛地处独特的热带区域,为弄清温度、降水和地表覆盖对海南岛植被指数的影响,根据MODIS遥感数据,提取了2004年海南岛的月平均植被指数集,采用了相关分析的方法,探讨了海南岛植被指数变化与其驱动因子(温度、降水和地表覆盖)的关系。结果发现海南岛植被指数的变化受温度的影响大于降水作用的影响,而降水作用的影响又大于地表覆盖的驱动作用。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Dajing Cu–Sn–Ag–Pb–Zn ore deposit, Inner Mongolia of China, is a fissure‐filling hydrothermal ore deposit that occurs within the Upper Permian Linxi group. No magmatic pluton and volcanic rocks outcrop on the surface of the deposit. Most of ore veins show clear‐cut boundary with country rocks. Wallrock alterations that include silicification, carbonation, chlori–tization, and sericitization are generally weak and occur in the close vicinity of ore veins. Mineralization is divided into three stages: (1) cassiterite–arsenopyrite–quartz stage, (2) sulfide stage, and (3) Pb–Zn–Ag–carbonate stage. These mineralization stages have distinct ranges of homogenization temperatures, 290–350C for Stage 1, 260–320C for Stage 2, and 150–250C for Stage 3. However, salinities for Stages 1, 2, and 3 overlap and range between 2.2 and 10.4 wt % NaCl equivalent. The dD values relative to V‐SMOW of inclusion water from quartz are lower than –88% and centered at –100 to –130%. The δ34S values relative to CDT of sulfide ore minerals and δ13C values relative to PDB of carbonate gangue minerals, vary from –0.3 to +2.6%, and from –7.0 to –2.9%, respectively. Integrated isotopic data point to two major contributions to the mineralizing fluid that include a dominant meteoric‐derived water and the other from hypogene magma for sulfur and carbon species. Analyses of inclusion gas and liquid compositions are performed. The H2O and CO2 are the two most abundant gaseous components, whereas SO42‐ and Cl, and Na+, Ca2+, and K+ are the major anions and cations, respectively. A linear trend is shown on the gaseous H2O versus CO2 plot. Phase separation is excluded as cause for the trend on the basis of isotope data and fluid inclusion microthermometry. In addition, a weak wallrock alteration does not support fluid‐rock interaction as an efficient mechanism. Hence, the linear H2O–CO2 trend is interpreted in terms of absorption or dilution of CO2–dominant magmatic vapor by meteoric‐derived water. Cooling effects resulting from dilution may have caused precipitation of ore minerals. Major and trace element compositions of regional granites show a high‐K calc–alkaline characteristics and an arc–affinity. Lead isotopic compositions of galena samples from the Dajing deposit exhibit elevated U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios. These characteristics indicate a common source of supra subduction zone mantle wedge for regional granites and metals from the Dajing deposit.  相似文献   
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