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Abstract Eclogites are distributed for more than 500 km along a major tectonic boundary between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons in central and eastern China. These eclogites usually have high-P assemblages including omphacite + kyanite and/or coesite (or its pseudomorph), and form a high-P eclogite terrane. They occur as isolated lenses or blocks 10 cm to 300 m long in gneisses (Type I), serpentinized garnet peridotites (Type II) and marbles (Type III). Type I eclogites were formed by prograde metamorphism, and their primary metamorphic mineral assemblage consists mainly of garnet [pyrope (Prp) = 15–40 mol%], omphacite [jadeite (Jd) = 34–64 mol%], pargasitic amphibole, kyanite, phengitic muscovite, zoisite, an SiO2 phase, apatite, rutile and zircon. Type II eclogites characteristically contain no SiO2 phase, and are divided into prograde eclogites and mantle-derived eclogites. The prograde eclogites of Type II are petrographically similar to Type I eclogites. The mantle-derived eclogites have high MgO/(FeO + Fe2O3) and Cr2O3 compositions in bulk rock and minerals, and consist mainly of pyrope-rich garnet (Prp = 48–60 mol%), sodic augite (Jd = 10–27 mol%) and rutile. Type III eclogites have an unusual mineral assemblage of grossular-rich (Grs = 57 mol%) garnet + omphacite (Jd = 30–34 mol%) + pargasite + rutile. Pargasitic and taramitic amphiboles, calcic plagioclase (An68), epidote, zoisite, K-feldspar and paragonite occur as inclusions in garnet and omphacite in the prograde eclogites. This suggests that the prograde eclogites were formed by recrystallization of epidote amphibolite and/or amphibolite facies rocks with near-isothermal compression reflecting crustal thickening during continent–continent collision of late Proterozoic age. Equilibrium conditions of the prograde eclogites range from P > 26 kbar and T= 500–750°C in the western part to P > 28 kbar and T= 810–880°C in the eastern part of the high-P eclogite terrane. The prograde eclogites in the eastern part are considered to have been derived from a deeper position than those in the western part. Subsequent reactions, manifested by (1) narrow rims of sodic plagioclase or paragonite on kyanite and (2) symplectites between omphacite and quartz are interpreted as an effect of near-isothermal decompression during the retrograde stage. The conditions at which symplectites re-equilibrated tend to increase from west (P < 10 kbar and T < 580°C) to east (P > 9 kbar and T > 680°C). Equilibrium temperatures of Type II mantle-derived eclogites and Type III eclogite are 730–750°C and 680°C, respectively.  相似文献   
黄、渤海无机氮的收支模式初探   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据黄、渤海无机氮的收支状况,首次提出了黄、渤海无机氮的稳态收支模式。模式研究结果表明,大气沉降、陆源输入和海底输入的无机氮通量分别占黄、渤海无机氮浮游植物总需求量的3%、4%和12%。无机氮的外部输入约占总需求量的1/5,其他部分则由水柱中的内部再循环(再生)供给。  相似文献   
The variations of sea surface temperature (SST) on the east Pacific asd their relation to general atmospheric circulation are examined according to the data of the monthly mean SST and the 500mb level height for the period from January 1951 to December 1980.  相似文献   
以大庆市湿地为研究对象,以地理信息系统和遥感技术为技术平台,介绍了湿地环境因子研究工作程序及湿地现状类型分布研究,分析了地理信息系统和遥感技术在湿地资源研究中的地位和作用,从而为GIS与RS技术在湿地资源应用研究中提供理论支持。  相似文献   
资源型城市的可持续发展问题一直是学术界的研究热点,但对于森林资源型城市的研究却不多见。本文概括介绍了芬兰的资源和经济发展情况,系统分析了芬兰这样一个以森林起家的经济发达国家的成功经验;并以伊春为例提出了森林资源型城市经济转型和可持续发展可资借鉴的对策和建议。  相似文献   
基于ArcObject技术的森林扑火队行程轨迹回放功能研发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用二次开发语言VB,并通过Arc/Info的组件ArcObject(AO)以及SQL数据库,对全球定位系统GPS及时采集的点坐标数据进行海量存储并在地理信息系统操作平台上实现轨迹的回放。使GPS和GIS实现更加灵活规范的系统化,突破了GIS平台的相对独立性的局限,实现面向对象的多系统集成。  相似文献   
岩石圈流变机制的确定及影响岩石圈流变强度的因素   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
讨论了确定岩石圈流变强度中存在的问题,根据Byerlee定律,给出了在Anderson断层系统下三种断层的摩擦滑动强度公式,利用小标本实验结果外推,用大标本实验结果作约束,得到岩石圈几种典型岩石的脆性破裂规律,利用上述结果和传统的方法,分别得到了鄂尔多斯和山西裂谷两个典型地区的流变强度随深度的变化。结果表明,以往的计算对岩石圈流变强度的估计过高,对脆性形变区估计不足,流变机制估计不对;岩石圈有力学分层的特性,但各地分层的深度范围不同,使得成层和力学作用变得复杂,讨论了水、应变率以及多相矿物对流变强度的影响。  相似文献   
Focal Fault of the 1999 Datong Ms5.6 Earthquake in Shanxi Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several earthquakes with Ms≥5.0 occurred in the Datong seismic region in 1989,1991 and 1999,The precise focus location of the earthquake sequence was made by the records of the remote sensing seismic station network in Datong.Using that data together with macro-intensity distribution and focal mechanism solutions,we analyze the difference among three subsequences.The results show that the focal fault of the 1999 Ms 5.6 earthquake was a NWW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault.It is 16km long and 12km wide.It developed at the depth of 5km and is nearly vertical in dip.The two previous earthquake subsequences,however,were generated by activity along NNE-trending right-lateral strike-slip fault.It can be found that the rupture directioin of the 1999 earthquake has changed.It is generally found that a rupture zone has more than two directions and has different strength along these two directions.The complicate degree of focal circumstance is related to the type of earthquake sequences.There is the NE-trending Dawangcun fault and the NW-trending Tuanbu fault in the seismic region,but no proof indicates a connection between focal faults and these two tectonic faults.The feature that focal faults of three subsequences are strike-slip is different from that of the two tectonic faults.It is suggested that the 1999 earthquake subsequence was possibly generated by a new rupture.  相似文献   
民和盆地中侏罗统煤-油页岩层系生油特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文简要论述了民和盆地中侏罗统含煤及油页岩层系的生油特征,探讨了盆地独特的石油地质和地球化学条件。原油主要地化特征为:Pr/Ph比值偏高(2.65-3.15)、甾烷/藿烷比值极低(0.03)、C27甾烷较丰富、Ts/Tm>1低硫芴/氧芴比值、较高含量的C29降新藿烷及重排藿烷类化合物及相对丰富的长链联苯及烷基四氢萘系列化合物。中侏罗统煤-泥页岩层系含生油潜力明显不同的多类型油页岩,多数油页岩属由藻类和陆生高等植物母质组成的混合型有机质,沉积环境为淡水-微咸水弱氧化条件,其地化特征也表现为高Pr/Ph比值(平均为1。98),低甾烷/藿烷及低硫芴/氧芴比值等特征。某些油页岩富含C29降新藿烷及重排藿烷系列化合物,它们应为主力源岩。油页岩多含再沉积型或沉积改造型有机质。异常地热作用对源岩演化及原油地化特征有重要影响。  相似文献   
地球物理资料显示四川盆地东缘齐岳山附近寒武系高台组膏盐岩层下深部存在逆冲构造,其形成过程以及油气地质意义未见深入研究。笔者等综合四川盆地东部石柱地区线束三维和建南地区二维地震反射资料,并结合钻井资料以及区域地质研究成果,从构造继承性的角度探讨四川盆地震旦系灯影组台缘带类型,并分析了川东地区寒武系盐下油气圈闭特征。研究获得如下认识:①川东齐岳山北段构造变形强烈,普遍发育基底卷入构造,构造样式受青白口纪—南华纪裂谷与转换带构造位置的控制。②依据构造继承关系将盆内灯影组台缘带划分为德阳—安岳地区原生型台缘带、万源—达州地区继承型台缘带以及石柱地区继承—改造型台缘带。③依据青白口纪—南华纪裂谷的分布和后期构造作用影响大小,认为沿齐岳山向南至南川一带存在与石柱地区相似的灯影组继承—改造型台缘带,忠县、南川以西存在灯影组继承型台缘带。④研究区新元古界—下寒武统烃源岩、灯影组—龙王庙组滩相白云岩储层与寒武系膏盐岩层系构成完整的生储盖组合。⑤寒武系盐下基底逆冲可形成成排、成带的构造,与灯影组继承—改造型台缘带、龙王庙组滩相白云岩储层配置,形成断层相关的构造—岩性圈闭带,成为川东地区油气规模聚集有利区。研究认为四川盆地东部石柱地区震旦纪—早寒武世早期继承了青白口纪—南华纪裂谷构造特征,燕山期构造反转,高台组盐下形成基底卷入逆冲构造,具备生储盖等基本石油地质条件,具有重要的油气勘探现实意义。  相似文献   
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