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设计基于DTU的强振记录终端,采用SOC系列C8051F015型单片机对MEMS加速度计的输出信号进行A/D转换,监测待测体所经受的强振加速度值,并通过DTU内嵌的GPRS无线网络通讯方式将数据发送到远程数据中心.该系统具有体积小,安装与操作方便,免维护等特性.  相似文献   
新疆东准噶尔成矿条件优越,是中国重要的金成矿带之一。本次研究选取该矿带典型成因类型的金矿床——库布苏金矿和金山沟金矿,运用岩石地球化学的方法,对比分析矿床元素的地球化学特征,以探讨其成矿地质条件、成矿构造环境、成矿流体来源等方面的联系。研究表明,库布苏金矿火山岩类型可能属于正常太平洋(钙碱性)型,而金山沟金矿可能为造山期的陆相火山岩,2个矿床的火山岩类型均为壳幔熔岩;矿脉和围岩在成矿物质来源上均具有同源或继承上的联系;库布苏金矿成矿环境与海相岩浆岩活动有关,而金山沟金矿与陆相火山喷溢喷发建造有关。  相似文献   
2008年初冷事件对南海北部夏季浮游动物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年初,我国南方出现了罕见的低温冰冻极端天气过程。通过对2007年8月和2008年8月南海北部现场调查所获得的数据分析研究了浮游动物种类组成。结果表明,与2007年8月相比2008年8月浮游动物丰度和生物量有很大的下降。聚类分析结果表明浮游动物群落被分为近岸和远海两大类群。浮游动物近岸类群和远岸类群的分界点在不同的时间有所不同,这是由于外海水向近岸的入侵所致。与2007年8月相比,2008年8月浮游动物优势种发生了很大的演替,主要是因为四种浮游动物优势种亚强真哲水蚤、异尾宽水蚤、锥形宽水蚤和小哲水蚤丰度急剧下降所致。相反,水母类和海樽类丰富有很大的升高,其原因可能是2008年春季极端低温导致的鱼类大量死亡所致。与远岸浮游动物群落相比,近岸浮游动物群落变化更剧烈,这说明近岸浮游动物群落结构不稳定。南海北部浮游动物群落结构的变化与2008年初的冷事件有很大关系。  相似文献   
介绍通过差分式结构设计和脉冲延迟细分方法解决CCD水管倾斜仪的抗干扰能力较弱、分辨力不高等不足.  相似文献   
层状介质参数反演的混合最优化法   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
波动方程反演是典型的非线性反问题,本文提出了用混合最优化法反演层状介质参数。混合最优化法将广义模拟退火与局部最优化方法结合,能较好地利用两者的优点,在本文中,局部最优化算法采用线性迭代算法。通过数值结果表明反演方法的正确有效性。  相似文献   
中尺度涡影响下的南海西部活性铝分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To understand the distribution of aluminum(Al) under the influence of mesocale eddies in the western South China Sea(SCS), sea level anomaly, geostrophic current, environmental parameters and reactive Al were investigated in the western SCS in August 2013. The highest reactive Al concentration((180±64) nmol/L) was observed in the surface waters, indicating a substantial atmospheric input. Vertically, the reactive Al decreased from the surface high concentration to the subsurface minima at the depth of chlorophyll a(Chl a) maxima and then increased again with depth at most of the stations. The average concentration of reactive Al in the upper 100 m water column was significantly lower in the cyclonic eddy((137±6) nmol/L) as compared with that in the noneddy waters((180±21) nmol/L). By contrast, the average concentrations of Chl a and silicate in the upper 100 m water column were higher in the cyclonic eddy and lower in the anticyclonic eddy. There was a significant negative correlation between the average concentrations of reactive Al and Chl a in the upper 100 m water column. The vertical distribution of reactive Al and the negative correlation between reactive Al and Chl a both suggest that the reactive Al in the upper water column was significantly influenced by biological removal processes. Our results indicate that mesoscale eddies could regulate the distribution of reactive Al by influencing the primary production and phytoplankton community structure in the western SCS.  相似文献   
人类活动引起的营养物质输入导致大亚湾出现海水富营养化、赤潮频发和生物多样性下降等生态问题。为探究陆源输入影响下大亚湾湾顶淡澳河输入对湾内浮游植物粒级结构和种类组成的影响, 2016年10月在大亚湾进行了原位观测和培养试验。原位观测结果显示, 淡澳河口的总溶解态氮、磷浓度分别达到85.3μmol·L-1和1.5μmol·L-1。加富培养试验结果表明, 淡澳河河口水加富对总叶绿素a (Chl a)和总浮游植物丰度有显著促进作用, 并导致浮游植物粒级结构由小粒级Chl a (0.7~20μm)占主导; 浮游植物丰度中甲藻比例升高, 主要种类为锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)和原甲藻(Prorocentrum spp.)。同样, 尿素加富也促进了浮游植物群落中小粒级Chl a和甲藻的比例增加, 且主要甲藻种类与河口水加富结果一致。无机氮、磷同时加富促进了总Chl a和浮游植物总丰度增加, 而对浮游植物粒级结构和甲藻丰度则没有明显影响。对照河口水和氮、磷营养盐加富试验结果, 说明河口水携带的溶解性有机氮源可能是导致大亚湾浮游植物群落小型化, 促进甲藻生长的关键营养盐形态, 其携带的无机氮、磷同时促进总浮游植物丰度增加。本研究结果表明有机形态营养组分对大亚湾富营养化和有害藻华可能产生重要影响。  相似文献   
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Analyzing and evaluating the state and heterogeneity of ecosystems are required for ecosystem-based management. The abundance size spectrum is a promising approach for evaluating pelagic ecosystems. To analyze the heterogeneity of pelagic ecosystems in the northern South China Sea (NSCS) in summer, a simplified abundance size spectrum (SASS) was proposed. Picophytoplankton (0.2–2 μm), microphytoplankton (10–160 μm), mesozooplankton (160–2000 μm), and macrozooplankton (505–8,000 μm) were sampled in the NSCS in August 2007, and used to build the SASS. On the basis of the SASS parameters, spatial heterogeneity in pelagic ecosystems was detected, and the study waters were distinctly categorized into the river plume or upwelling-affected area and its adjacent coastal area, the deepwater area, area near the Luzon Strait, and the offshore shelf area. Contrasts of SASS parameters between the eastern and western pelagic ecosystems out of the Pear River estuary demonstrate the fast ecosystem response to the spreading of the Pearl River plume. These results indicate that the SASS could be a good indicator for the state of pelagic ecosystems in the NSCS. In addition, the SASS approach is easily available and labor- and time-saving, thus the SASS could be a useful tool for monitoring and evaluating the state of pelagic ecosystems and their responses to perturbations.  相似文献   
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