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In this paper, two factors — the redistribution of the density and the variation in the angular velocity of the Earth rotation, that affect the adopted value of the flattening for equidensity surface within the Earth, are discussed. The computational results show that the contribution of the redistribution of the density in the Earth interior (especially in the core) on the change of the flattening at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) is marginal, and that the calculated value of the flattening at the CMB can be in good agreement with the VLBI observed value so long as the fact that the angular velocity of the Earth rotation has undergone the tidal evolution is taken into account. As a result, this paper presents a set of recommended values of the dynamical parameters of the Earth (see Table III) for computing Earth's forced nutation series.  相似文献   
The new polyenzyme method for making gravy fromHarengula zunasi offal involves protein enzymolysis with flavorase after proper alkaline and neutral protease levels were established by orthogonal trials to select the best hydrolytic conditions for processing offal with alkaline and neutral protease. The conditions for the polyenzyme method were pH of 7.0, temperature of 50°C, alkaline and neutral protease concentration of 1.5% respectively, hydrolysis time of 120 min, and flavorase concentration of 2.0%, for 60 min. The new gravy-making technology yields a nutritious and delicious gravy containing 40.3% of total essential amino acids, with delicious amino acids Glu, Asp, Gly, Ala, Pro and Ser comprising 49.5%, total and amino nitrogen being respectively 1.9 and 1.1 g/100 g (amino acid nitrogen being 61.0% of total nitrogen), The polyenzyme method was used to make 14.8% protein gravy fromHarengula zunasi offal. In addition, inorganic elements, the phosphorus content is the highest. This project was aided financially by the Guangdong Science and Technology Office (No. 2KM06002S).  相似文献   
青藏高原冻土区地温既受海拔、纬度和经度(干燥度)区域地带性规律控制, 同时它又受植被、雪盖、砂层、 水被和地质构造等局地因素的显著影响. 局地因素对地温的影响具有双重性: 在不同域值条件下, 它可增高或降低地温. 地温随植被覆盖度减小而逐渐增高, 但覆盖度减到0~20%时, 地温反而降低. 在青藏高原东部、南部和腹部的高山区, 冷季降雪多, 很多地段为稳定积雪区, 雪盖厚, 持续时间长, 对浅层地温起保温作用;而高原腹部的高平原、河谷和盆地冷季降雪较少, 雪盖薄, 持续时间较短, 一般保温作用微弱. 当雪盖厚度超过20 cm以后, 保温作用即开始增强;在暖季因积雪存在时间短, 雪盖薄, 短期内对浅层地温起冷却作用. 总之, 每种局地因素迫使地温向相反方向转化阶段是一个区间值, 为渐变过程. 随时空尺度变化, 局地因素的影响变化很大. 有些地段, 几种局地因素共同作用, 加上活动构造和地形、地貌等的影响, 使地温的时空分布和局地因素对其影响或控制变得错综复杂. 因此, 研究和预测地温特征和变化趋势, 需要在监测植被和积雪作用的基础上进行参数选择、 验证和优化.  相似文献   
寒区线性工程沿线冻土区的植被恢复   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
寒区油气管道、公路、铁路等线性工程占地、建设和开挖对沿线寒区生态环境是一个切割、破碎的过程, 对自然植被和下伏冻土造成了很大的扰动. 管道泄露引发的油污还可引起植被的退化和死亡. 植被覆盖层破坏后改变了原有的地气界面之间的水、热交换条件和力学性质, 反过来又可加速引发下伏冻土和线性工程地基的退化. 基于保护线性工程地基及下伏冻土的目的, 同时顺应环境保护的要求, 目前就寒区线性工程的植被恢复问题已经有许多探索和实践. 当前, 寒区植被恢复注重最低限度的人为介入干预下的自然恢复, 根据线性工程沿线土壤、湿度、营养条件、物种分布和丰度, 视具体情况选择物种, 确定建植方法. 阿拉斯加管道和青藏铁路植被恢复上的经验和方法, 可为拟建的冻土区中俄输油管道项目沿线的植被恢复问题提供科学的参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
在2005-2007年期间,先后3次对中国-俄罗斯原油管道漠河-大庆段沿线的冻土工程地质条件等进行科学考察,开展了冻土工程地质条件及其在气候变化和人类活动作用下的评价和预测研究.考察研究结果表明:管道沿线多年冻土在各类融区、季节冻土和水系等分隔作用下呈片状或岛状分布,沿线岛状、稀疏岛状及零星岛状占多年冻土区段的40%左右;管道沿线多年冻土随着气候的转暖和人类活动的影响不断退化.地形地貌单元、植被分布、地表水分条件的变化等局部因素对多年冻土的分布和地下冰的赋存产生重要的影响,管道沿线大约分布有50 km左右的沼泽湿地,其表层为腐殖质土及泥炭层,泥炭层下面分布着含土冰层或地下冰,是管道沿线最差的冻土工程地质地段;由于中俄原油管道沿线水系发育多,冻胀丘、冰椎和冰幔等不良冻土现象广泛分布.科学考察的成果为管道沿线冻土工程地质条件评价和预测、管道的稳定性影响分析以及后期的长期检测系统设置等研究奠定坚实的基础,进一步为即将开工的中俄原油管道漠河-大庆段工程的设计、施工提供科学依据.  相似文献   
土壤聚合物对几种重金属离子固化效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤聚合物是一种新型的无机聚合物,其分子链由Si、O、Al等以共价键或离子键连接而成,形成网络结构,对重金属有较强的固定作用.本文试图利用土壤聚合物固化铜、锌、铅三种重金属离子,实现资源化利用.实验以固化体抗压强度和浸出毒性作为性能表征量,结果表明:土壤聚合物对不同重金属的固化有各自的极限浓度,Cu2 、Zn2 、Pb2 的理想固化量分别为0.9%、1%、2%;若固化过程中添加一定量的高炉矿渣,则可以提高固化体的抗压强度.本文通过土壤聚合物固化体SEM分析,从固化体微观结构的形态来阐述土壤聚合物宏观上的优越表现.  相似文献   
本文继续报道我国西沙群岛产的十种红藻,其中梨形葡萄藻[Botryocladia pyriformis (Boergesen) Kylin],聚集腔节藻(Coelarthrum coactum Okam. et Segawa),渐狭下舌藻(Hypoglossum attenuatum Gardner),棍棒内管藻[Endosiphonia clavigera (Wolny) Falkenberg],匍甸软骨藻(Chondria repens Boergesen)和扩展软骨藻(Chondria expansa Okam.)等六种为我国新记录;西沙软骨藻(Chondria xishaensis sp. nov.)为一新种;矮孔果藻和梨形葡萄藻的四分孢子囊均为首次记述。  相似文献   
The vertical migration of diatoms in mud-flats was studied in littoral of Xibian, Longhai County and Xiao'ao, Lianjiang County, the dominant species being Gyrosigma spencerii and Hantzschia virgata respectively. Both light and tide are important factors affecting the vertical migration of diatoms. With the advent of tide, the diatom community disappears from the surface. It reappears gradually when exposed to light. In the dark, the diatoms never appear in great quantity on the surface in laboratory or in littoral. Whether in the light or in the dark, the diatoms aggregate in maximum numbers in the upper 2 mm of the sediment. But when the tide has covered the sediments for 4 hr, Hantz. virgata penetrates the mud down to a depth of 14 mm, Gy. spencerii, 12 mm. We have found that Gy. spencerii posseses phototaxis, but no tide rhythm and no day-night rhythm in our laboratory.  相似文献   
以南沙海区NS90-103柱样为例,利用各种古生产力指标物,如有机碳含量,有孔虫壳和有孔虫碳同位素,重建了200000a以来古生产力变化,并对结果予以讨论。  相似文献   
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