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LAMOST(Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope)的巡天战略系统的主要功能是安排观测计划,而规划巡天星表是开展所有工作的初始步骤。天文研究人员或者巡天观测人员需要从各种类型的数据库进行选星、提取和录入。使用JDBC(JavaDatabase Connectivity)数据库访问技术,利用面向对象的编程思想,实现了一个能访问多种类型数据库、获取星表数据、数据格式转换和星表录入的工具,支持大数据量处理,为天文研究人员以及巡天观测管理人员提供帮助。  相似文献   

中国虚拟天文台图像处理分析工具(VO_IMPAT),是由国家天文台虚拟天文台项目组开发的一项服务,它提供了对数字巡天图像数据(Digital Sky Survey,DSS)、天文星表以及其他数据库的交互访问。VO_IMPAT的设计目的是实现多波段天文数据的融合。可以将不同波段的星表叠加到DSS底图上,如光学波段的USNO星表、近红外波段的2MASS星表、射电波段的NVSS星表和X射线波段的RASS星表。同时VO_IMPAT还可以对图像进行放大、缩小、伪彩色、等高线、直方图、尖锐化、平滑化、旋转等处理,不同的星表数据可以采用不同的颜色和图标显示。  相似文献   

天文星表入库的自动化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
天文数据主要包括星表、星图、光谱、文献资料等,其中星表是包含天体信息的数据表格,是天文学家最常用到的天文数据。目前天文数据分布存储在全球各个数据中心。中国最大的天文数据中心是北京天文数据中心,其数据库的重要部分是天文星表数据库。本文阐述了建设天文星表数据库的意义,着重探讨了星表自动入库工具的实现,并介绍了在天文星表数据库基础上的数据融合和数据挖掘。  相似文献   

该文简述了巡天观测和星表编制的历史和意义.介绍了天体测量星表与巡天观测的最新进展,如位置星表URAT、Pan-STARSS、LSST;自行星表LSPM、PM2000、BDKP;视差星表USNO,CTOPI、L和T型星的视差测定等.简略介绍了天体物理星表,其中包括测光星表GCPD、UBV、GSPC;光谱星表MSS、BDSS,SDSS和视向速度星表GCRV、CORALIE、RAVE.特别描述了恒星名至今仍在使用的20世纪初编制的Durchmusterung、Lowell、HenryDraper星表.描述了近年来普遍受到人们关注的联合星表编制的发展,如SKYMAP、距离太阳10 pc内的近距星表RECONS、描述了局部天区的HDF、双星星表等.另外还介绍了其他波段的巡天观测,如射电的NVSS、FIRST;近红外的IRAS PSC和FSS;X波段的WGCAT星表等.最后,对今后开展巡天观测和编制星表提出了应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

中国虚拟天文台数据访问服务   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着科学技术的进步和大批天文观测项目的实施,天文数据正在呈现爆炸式的增长,天文学正进入一个数据富庶的时代。虚拟天文台项目的首要目标就是要解决这些高度分散、复杂、海量的天文数据的统一访问和管理,实现全球天文数据资源的融合,使天文学家能够高效快捷的获取所需的天文数据。中国虚拟天文台项目基于目前的网格技术,设计和实现网格环境下天文数据的查询访问服务,并为客户应用提供统一的访问接口。本文重点介绍了我们采用GlobusToolkit网格开发工具包,按照国际虚拟天文台联盟最新制订的天文数据标准,完成对天文星表数据资源的网格服务封装,实现天文星表锥形查询(Cone Search)和星表查询网格两个数据服务的工作,并介绍了如何使用天文数据服务搭建其他网格服务。  相似文献   

扼要介绍了施密特巡天底片及基于此编制而成的施密特巡天星表的发展历程,并详细介绍了GSC2.3和USNO-B1.0的情况.分析研究了这类星表存在的问题和原因所在,并提出了一个新的计划:利用现有施密特底片资料并增加新的第3期观测,编制一个具有绝对自行、多色测光、系统均匀的高密度全天星表以满足各方面的需要.  相似文献   

叙述了1990年7月至1993年1月期间中国的星表和天文常数工作。它包括仪器的改进与研制,星表的观测和编算,天文常效、天球参考系的研究,以及其相应的方法与技术.  相似文献   

四颗射电源在依巴谷和PPM星表中的光学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用北京天文台施密特望远镜的CCD巡天资料(BATC)中的20次观测,用IRAF软件处理得到星象中心位置,以依巴谷星表和PPM星表作为参考星表,用底片常数法进行处理,得到4颗河外射电源0851 202,1228 126,1442 101,1749 701的光学位置。文中还对所得到的位置与射电位置作了比较。  相似文献   

随着新一代巡天观测、时域观测等天文项目的推进,当前的天文数据量越来越大。面对天文领域日益增长的大数据集和大数据流,需要一些高效的数据存储和数据处理方法来对数据进行管理。天文数据库以及在其基础上提供的数据服务的出现部分解决了这样的问题。借助于计算机技术和信息技术的进步,一些更加专业的针对天文领域的数据发现、数据挖掘、数据交互等工作正在逐步标准化。基于虚拟天文台技术和天文信息学的新型天文数据服务正深入天文用户的日常科研生活中。首先简单回顾了天文数据库的历史,然后通过对几个典型天文数据库的举例分析,从天文数据库的类型、提供的服务等方面介绍了当前天文数据库的特点和最新进展,并对今后天文数据库的发展做了展望。  相似文献   

所谓“巡天”,就是对星星进行“人口普查”,即尽可能多地搜集、记录全天各类星体的亮度、位置、颜色等各种物理信息。巡天是开展天文研究的基础,也是各类天文发现的源头,其重要性无可替代。比如上世纪50年代蜚声全球的帕洛马巡天(Palo—mar Sky Survey)、  相似文献   

Radio sources of the RC catalog produced in 1980–1985 at RATAN-600 radio telescope based on a deep survey of a sky strip centered on the declination of the SS433 source are optically identified in the region overlapping with FIRST and SDSS surveys (about 132?° large). The NVSS catalog was used as the reference catalog for refining the coordinates of the radio sources. The morphology is found for about 75% of the objects of the sample and the ratio of single, double and multicomponent radio sources is computed based on FIRST radio maps. The 74, 365, 1400, and 4850MHz data of the VLSS, TXS, NVSS, FIRST, and GB6 catalogs are used to analyze the shape of the spectra.  相似文献   

Sloan Digital Sky Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project which will produce a detailed digital phometric map of half the northern sky to about 23 magnitude using a special purpose wide field telescope of 2.5 meter aperture. This map will be used to select about a million galaxies and 100,000 quasars, for which high resolution spectra will be obtained using the same telescope. A catalog will be produced of all the detected objects, about 100 million galaxies and a similar number of stars, and a million quasar candidates.  相似文献   

The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) imaged the sky in the Ultraviolet (UV) for almost a decade, delivering the first sky surveys at these wavelengths. Its database contains far-UV (FUV, λ eff~1528 Å) and near-UV (NUV, λ eff~2310 Å) images of most of the sky, including deep UV-mapping of extended galaxies, over 200 million source measurements, and more than 100,000 low-resolution UV spectra. The GALEX archive will remain a long-lasting resource for statistical studies of hot stellar objects, QSOs, star-forming galaxies, nebulae and the interstellar medium. It provides an unprecedented road-map for planning future UV instrumentation and follow-up observing programs in the UV and at other wavelengths. We review the characteristics of the GALEX data, and describe final catalogs and available tools, that facilitate future exploitation of this database. We also recall highlights from the science results uniquely enabled by GALEX data so far.  相似文献   

A catalog of 995 C and late M type stars is compiled from the First Byurakan Survey of the sky (FBS). The question of effectively separating giants and dwarfs among the stars of spectral class M is examined using data from this catalog, the 2MASS survey, and a number of other catalogs. This has made it possible to determine the luminosity class of 846 class M stars from the FBS survey. In the sample of FBS late M stars, 187 are dwarfs and 659 are giants. The sample of FBS late M stars is compared statistically with the set of known samples of type M stars. The subsample of FBS M-giants is proved to be similar to Stephenson’s standard sample of M-giants. A detailed statistical analysis of these two samples is carried out. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 589–602 (November 2007).  相似文献   

This paper is dedicated to the identification of decameter-wave sources of the UTR catalog within declination interval 30°< δ <40°. UTR sources are cross-identified with CATS database catalogs within 40′ × 40′ error boxes. The sources are deblended using the data on the coordinates of the objects and the behavior of their continuum radio spectra. The spectra of 875 sources are derived and fitted by standard analytical functions. Of these sources, 221 objects have straight-line spectra with spectral indices α < ?1.0. All objects are catalogued and stored in the CATS database.  相似文献   

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will provide a unique tool to study moving objects throughout the solar system, creating massive catalogs of Near Earth Objects (NEOs), asteroids, Trojans, TransNeptunian Objects (TNOs), comets and planetary satellites with well-measured orbits and high quality, multi-color photometry accurate to 0.005 magnitudes for the brightest objects. In the baseline LSST observing plan, back-to-back 15-second images will reach a limiting magnitude as faint as r = 24.7 in each 9.6 square degree image, twice per night; a total of approximately 20,000 square degrees of the sky will be imaged in multiple filters, with revisits about every 3 nights over several months of each year.  相似文献   

We describe the procedure we used to compile a catalog of the proper motions of 23 633 stars in the sky area covering about 700 square degrees at the north Galactic pole. The compiled catalog combines the data from the UCAC2, Tycho-2, and FONAC catalogs for stars down to V ~ 14 m in this sky area. In addition to proper motions, the catalog also contains the near-infrared magnitudes J, H, and K s in the 2MASS system. The mean accuracy is 2.5 mas/yr for proper motions and 0.03 m for magnitudes.  相似文献   

A database for the entire catalog of the Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) galaxies is presented. It contains new measurements of their optical parameters and additional information taken from the literature and other databases. The measurements were made using Ipg (near-infrared), Fpg (red), and Jpg (blue) band images from photographic sky survey plates obtained by the Palomar Schmidt telescope and extracted from the STScI Digital Sky Survey (DSS). The database provides accurate coordinates, morphological type, spectral and activity classes, apparent magnitudes and diameters, axial ratios and position angles, as well as number counts of neighboring objects in a circle of radius 50 kpc. The total number of individual SBS objects in the database is now 1676. The 188 Markarian galaxies that were re-discovered by SBS are not included in this database. We also include redshifts that are now available for 1576 SBS objects, as well as 2MASS infrared magnitudes for 1117 SBS galaxies.  相似文献   

We use two independent methods to reduce the data of the surveys made with RATAN-600 radio telescope at 7.6 cm in 1988–1999 at the declination of the SS433 source. We also reprocess the data of the “Cold” survey (1980–1981). The resulting RCR (RATAN COLD REFINED) catalog contains the right ascensions and fluxes of objects identified with those of the NVSS catalog in the right-ascension interval 7 h ≤ R.A. < 17 h . We obtain the spectra of the radio sources and determine their spectral indices at 3.94 and 0.5 GHz. The spectra are based on the data from all known catalogs available from the CATS, Vizier, and NED databases, and the flux estimates inferred from the maps of the VLSS and GB6 surveys. For 245 of the 550 objects of the RCR catalog the fluxes are known at two frequencies only: 3.94 GHz (RCR) and 1.4 GHz (NVSS). These are mostly sources with fluxes smaller than 30mJy. About 65% of these sources have flat or inverse spectra (α > −0.5). We analyze the reliability of the results obtained for the entire list of objects and construct the histograms of the spectral indices and fluxes of the sources. Our main conclusion is that all 10–15 mJy objects found in the considered right-ascension interval were already included in the decimeter-wave catalogs.  相似文献   

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