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对发表在A&ApSupplement Series上365个旋涡星系的一些参数(如表示旋臂缠卷松紧程度的参数Λ、切向角u、盘的扁度H/D25以及厚度等)随Hubble序列变化的关系进行了统计研究。首次得到这些参量的平均值;并且从统计结果可以明显地看到Hubble对旋涡星系的分类只是一种定性的、只有统计意义上的分类;另外,从我们的统计结果看,密度波理论的色散关系对大多数旋涡星系是成立的,即大多数旋涡  相似文献   

本文给出对于臂数m≥2的旋涡星系(正常旋涡星系或棒旋星系),对任意旋臂倾角(0≤|β|≤π/2)一致有效的扰动密度-扰动引力势渐近关系。在|β|≤1的特殊情形,它回到紧卷波的各种已知渐近关系;在|β|不小的情形,这一新结果适用于讨论构成棒旋星系的“开展模式”(open mode)。  相似文献   

本文讨论在考虑恒星速度椭球分布情形下旋涡星系的性质。由分析可知:旋涡星系的运动是恒星“气流”的紧卷旋涡式轴对称基本运动与密度波扰动的迭加,也即既有物质运动也有波的传播。当旋涡星系的旋臂为曳式时,它是旋闭的,并且恒星速度的椭球分布能导致星系密度波模式的不稳定。这种不稳定性提供了激发并维持星系密度波的一种机制,得以使且系旋臂长期维持。  相似文献   

为了避开旧物质臂理论中旋臂的缠绕困难,本文提出了旋涡星系的循环假设,并在文中提供了旋涡星系的双臂、气体层反卷、银河系中旋臂物质径向向内的速度分量和棒旋星系中棒物质沿着棒向内的流动等观测证据,进而还尝试利用此循环假设去解释旋臂物质的平自转曲线和棒旋星系的棒结构等的成因。  相似文献   

本文讨论旋涡星系中星际气体所起的作用,采用双气盘模型模拟盘状星系。由分析可知:1.由于星际气体与恒星具有不同的速度弥散度,因此恒星臂必然与气体臂分离。2.这样的分离导致密度波的旋涡模式的不稳定性。3.为使密度波得以长期维持,星系中气体密度与恒星密度之比η应小于某一值。4.系数η越小,则旋臂越紧卷。  相似文献   

宇宙信息对大尺度磁旋臂的最新解释1996年初,天文学家报导在近距星系NGC6949的可见旋臂之间发现有大尺度的磁旋臂。当时没人能解释这种现象。最近芝加哥大学的两位天文学家认为,一个星系的旋臂是由星系盘中气体的密度波产生的,但新的计算结果表明,在旋涡星...  相似文献   

利用改进的Peng的方法,对Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)最新发布的旋涡星系的图像进行了处理和旋臂拟合,得到了73个旋涡星系的等效厚度和旋臂的切向角,这些物理量对以后星系性质的进一步研究非常重要.  相似文献   

星系盘厚度效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在三维引力Poisson方程严格解基础上,探讨了有限厚星系盘基盘的动力学性质,并进一步讨论了盘的厚度效应对银河系所需晕质量的影响。研究了扰动盘的动力学性质,通过将扰动引力势Poisson方程的严格解与林家翘、徐遐生提出的自维持密度波理论相结合,建立了三维旋涡星系有限厚盘上密度波的色散关系。在此色散关系的基础上讨论了盘的局域稳定性,研究了旋涡星系旋臂的形态、三维盘状星系密度波的群速度。研究表明厚度是星系盘研究中不容忽略的重要参量。另外在有限厚盘星系密度波色散关系的基础上还探讨了一种确定星系厚度的新方法。  相似文献   

面向类(face-on)旋涡星系盘的有效厚度或标高不能通过表面亮度测光的方式测量.为了获得面向类旋涡星系盘的厚度参数,将基于三维星系盘引力势Poisson方程在等角对数螺旋型物质密度扰动情形下的解,运用一种解析法对面向类旋涡星系盘的标高进行测算.为了去除星系核球的光污染而获得旋臂最内点位置(r0)的重要参数,使用了在星系观测图像中扣除双成份(盘+核球)测光模型的图像处理方法.通过对旋涡星系相关结构参数的拟合测量,各得到了一个普通旋涡星系(S)与棒旋星系(SB)的有效厚度与相关参数,并给出了它们的球盘比(rb/rd)和星系盘的标长与厚度之比(rd/H).采用这种在观测图像中扣除双成份测光模型的方法,将更容易看清旋臂结构的最内端,因而这里获得的禁区半径r0的数值往往比从原星系图像上直接测量的数值要小,获得的星系盘有效厚度将更薄.  相似文献   

我们所处的宇宙非常巨大,大得超出人们的想象能力。宇宙的基本构成单元是星系,星系的大小不同,形态各异,亮暗不一,颜色迥然。它们共同组成这个多姿多彩的宇宙。天文学家经过长期的观测和归纳,按形状将星系分为以下几类。其中一类星系看起来是一个椭圆形的弥漫天体,被称为椭圆星系(图1左上);而有些星系是盘状结构,它们有一个明亮的核心,并从核心向外伸展出两条或多条弯曲的旋臂,看起来象一个旋涡一样,所以叫旋涡星系(图1右上);有些旋涡星系的中心是一个明亮的棒状物,旋臂从棒的两端向外弯曲伸展出动,这类星系中棒旋星系(图1左下)。  相似文献   

A statistical study has been made for the variations along the Hubble sequence, os such parameters as the degree of tightness of winding of spiral arm λ, the pitch angle μ, the flatness of the disk H/D25 and the thickness H along the Hubble sequence for 365 spiral galaxies published in A&Ap Supplement Series. The mean values of these quantities for the various Hubble types have been obtained for the first time. The results of the statistics show clearly 1) that the Hubble classification of spiral galaxies is one which has only a qualitative and statistical significance, and 2) that the dispersion relation in the density wave theory is valid for most spiral galaxies, i.e., the arms of most spiral galaxies satisfy the requirements of being tightly wound.  相似文献   

We describe a new formula capable of quantitatively characterizing the Hubble sequence of spiral galaxies including grand design and barred spirals. Special shapes such as ring galaxies with inward and outward arms are also described by the analytic continuation of the same formula. The formula is   r (φ) = A /log [ B tan   (φ/2 N )]  . This function intrinsically generates a bar in a continuous, fixed relationship relative to an arm of arbitrary winding sweep. A is simply a scale parameter while B , together with N , determines the spiral pitch. Roughly, greater N results in tighter winding. Greater B results in greater arm sweep and smaller bar/bulge, while smaller B fits larger bar/bulge with a sharper bar/arm junction. Thus B controls the 'bar/bulge-to-arm' size, while N controls the tightness much like the Hubble scheme. The formula can be recast in a form dependent only on a unique point of turnover angle of pitch – essentially a one-parameter fit, aside from a scalefactor. The recast formula is remarkable and unique in that a single parameter can define a spiral shape with either constant or variable pitch capable of tightly fitting Hubble types from grand design spirals to late-type large barred galaxies. We compare the correlation of our pitch parameter to Hubble type with that of the traditional logarithmic spiral for 21 well-shaped galaxies. The pitch parameter of our formula produces a very tight correlation with ideal Hubble type suggesting it is a good discriminator compared to logarithmic pitch, which shows poor correlation here similar to previous works. Representative examples of fitted galaxies are shown.  相似文献   

In the last decade, near-infrared imaging has highlighted the decoupling of gaseous and old stellar discs: the morphologies of optical (Population I) tracers compared to the old stellar disc morphology, can be radically different. Galaxies which appear multi-armed and even flocculent in the optical may show significant grand-design spirals in the near-infrared. Furthermore, the optically determined Hubble classification scheme does not provide a sound way of classifying dust-penetrated stellar discs: spiral arm pitch angles (when measured in the near-infrared) do not correlate with Hubble type. The dust-penetrated classification scheme of Block & Puerari provides an alternative classification based on near-infrared morphology, which is thus more closely linked to the dominant stellar mass component. Here we present near-infrared K -band images of 14 galaxies, on which we have performed a Fourier analysis of the spiral structure in order to determine their near-infrared pitch angles and dust-penetrated arm classes. We have also used the rotation curve data of Mathewson et al. to calculate the rates of shear in the stellar discs of these galaxies. We find a correlation between near-infrared pitch angle and rate of shear: galaxies with wide open arms (the γ class) are found to have rising rotation curves, while those with falling rotation curves belong to the tightly wound α bin. The major determinant of near-infrared spiral arm pitch angle is the distribution of matter within the galaxy concerned. The correlation reported in this study provides the physical basis underpinning spiral arm classes in the dust-penetrated regime and underscores earlier spectroscopic findings by Burstein and Rubin that Hubble type and mass distributions are unrelated.  相似文献   

We have imaged a sample of 45 face-on spiral galaxies in the K band, to determine the morphology of the old stellar population, which dominates the mass in the disc. The K -band images of the spiral galaxies have been used to calculate different characteristics of the underlying density perturbation such as arm strengths, profiles and cross-sections, and spiral pitch angles. Contrary to expectations, no correlation was found between arm pitch angle and Hubble type, and combined with previous results this leads us to conclude that the morphology of the old stellar population bears little resemblance to the optical morphology used to classify galaxies. The arm properties of our galaxies seem inconsistent with predictions from the simplest density wave theories, and some observations, such as variations in pitch angle within galaxies, seem hard to reconcile even with more complex modal theories. Bars have no detectable effect on arm strengths for the present sample. We have also obtained B -band images of three of the galaxies. For these galaxies we have measured arm cross-sections and strengths, to investigate the effects of disc density perturbations on star formation in spiral discs. We find that B -band arms lead K -band arms and are narrower than K -band arms, apparently supporting predictions made by the large-scale shock scenario, although the effects of dust on B -band images may contribute towards these results.  相似文献   

The frequency of barred spiral galaxies as a function of redshift contains important information on the gravitational influence of stellar discs in their dark matter haloes and may also distinguish between contemporary theories for the origin of galactic bulges. In this paper we present a new quantitative method for determining the strength of barred spiral structure, and verify its robustness to redshift-dependent effects. By combining galaxy samples from the Hubble Deep Field North with newly available data from the Hubble Deep Field South, we are able to define a statistical sample of 46 low-inclination spiral systems with I 814 W<23.2 mag. Analysing the proportion of barred spiral galaxies seen as a function of redshift, we find a significant decline in the fraction of barred spirals with redshift. The redshift distribution of 22 barred and 24 non-barred spirals with suitable inclinations is inconsistent with their being drawn from the same distribution at the 99 per cent confidence level. The physical significance of this effect remains unclear, but several possibilities include dynamically hotter (or increasingly dark-matter-dominated) high-redshift discs, or an enhanced efficiency in bar destruction at high redshifts. By investigating the formation of the 'orthogonal' axis of Hubble's classification tuning fork, our result complements studies of evolution in the early–late sequence, and pushes to later epochs the redshift at which the Hubble classification sequence is observed to be in place.  相似文献   

This Letter reports the discovery of straight segments of nuclear spiral arms. Hubble Space Telescope images of Seyfert galaxies are used. The morphology of the straight features on scales of few hundred parsecs proves to be similar to the morphology of disc-wide polygonal spirals and rings. This suggests that the straight structures on both nuclear and disc scales may have a common physical nature.  相似文献   

In the first paper of this series, we directly studied the mathematical forms, symmetry of spiral structure, and the projection of galactic discs on the images, and measured the pitch angles of the spiral arms and inclination angles of the galactic discs for 60 spiral galaxies. In this second paper, we estimate the vertical scale parameters of 48 non-edge-on spiral galaxies based on the method proposed by Peng et al. and on the results given in Paper Ⅰ. As we know, for edge-on disc galaxies we can obtain the vertical scale parameter from the photometry, once a mathematical form is specified for the vertical light distribution. For non-edgeon galaxies, some other methods have to be used. The statistical result was that the vertical scale parameter is comparable for edge-on and non-edge-on galaxies, although it is obtained from two very different methods.  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

Stellar photometry of images from the ACS and WFPC2 cameras on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is used to study the star composition and spatial distribution of stars in three edge-on visible spiral galaxies: NGC 891, NGC 4144, and NGC 4244. Measurements of the surface number density of old stars revealed two stellar subsystems in these galaxies: a thick disk and a halo. The boundaries of these subsystems, which consist mainly of red giants, are determined from the change in the gradient of the number density of the stars. The halos are flattened at the poles of the galaxies and extend to distances of 8–25 kpc from the planes of the galaxies. The present results on the number density distribution of stars with different ages perpendicular to the planes of these galaxies make it possible to improve our model for the stellar structure of spiral galaxies. The distances to these galaxies are calculated using a determination of the tip of the red giant branches (the TRGB method): D = 9.82 Mpc (NGC 891), D = 7.24 Mpc (NGC 4144), and D = 4.29 Mpc (NGC 4244).__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 261–280 (May 2005).  相似文献   

We present data for a sample of 45 spiral galaxies over a range of Hubble types, imaged in the near-IR J K bands. Parameters are calculated describing the bulge, disc and bar K -band light distributions, and we look for correlations showing the interrelation between these components. We find that bulge profiles are not well-fitted by the classic de Vaucouleurs profile, and that exponential or R 1/2 fits are preferred. The bulge-to-disc ratio correlates only weakly with Hubble type. Many of the galaxies show central reddening of their J  −  K colours, which we interpret as due to nuclear starbursts or dusty AGN. We define a new method for measuring the strength of bars, which we call 'equivalent angle'. We stress that this is better than the traditional bar–interbar contrast, as it is not subject to seeing and resolution effects. Bars are found in 40 of the 45 galaxies, nine of which had been previously classified as unbarred. Bar strengths are found not to correlate with disc surface brightness or the presence of near neighbours, but a tendency is found for the most strongly barred galaxies to lie within a restricted, intermediate range of bulge-to-disc ratio. Bar light profiles are found to be either flat or exponentially decreasing along their long axes, with profile type not correlating strongly with Hubble type. Bar short axis profiles are significantly asymmetric, with the steeper profile being generally on the leading edge, assuming trailing arms. In the K band we find bars with higher axial ratios than have been found previously in optical studies.  相似文献   

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