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基于离散小波变换(DWT)方法,提出了一种可用于计算三维数值模拟样本面密度的平滑算法.为检验方法的有效性,利用该算法研究了两组不同质量解析度的引力透镜数值模拟样本,样本采用了暗物质晕的等温椭球模型,使用蒙特卡罗方法生成.计算结果表明此算法能够在很高的精度上构建引力透镜模拟样本的面密度分布轮廓,由面密度计算出来的透镜的临界曲线和焦散曲线也能较好地和理论曲线吻合,结果是令人满意的.同时比较了三组不同的小波基的计算结果,包括Daub4,Daub6和B-spline 3th,给出了最优的选择.在不损失平滑效果的同时,此算法具有非常高的速度,非常适合于处理以后更高精度的N体数值模拟.  相似文献   

引力透镜效应是探测星系团物质分布的有效方法之一.目前,利用引力透镜数据重构星系团质量分布的主流方法可以分为两大类,即参数法和非参数法.在实际研究工作中,受限于质量模型假设和计算分辨率等方面的影响,现有的重构算法仍有诸多亟需解决的问题.基于Shapelets基函数的引力透镜质量重构方法通过基函数来实现引力透镜质量重构,使用Shapelets基函数分解引力透镜势,以引力透镜中多重像的位置和背景星系椭率畸变为限制条件来迭代求解基函数系数从而得到透镜体的质量分布.通过拟合一个模拟的NFW (Navarro,Frenk and White)透镜系统测试了新方法的可行性,结果表明新方法可以在整体上重构出透镜体的质量分布,并拟合出接近真实的源位置,能够为星系团质量测量提供一套灵活且高效的重构算法.  相似文献   

李明 《天文学报》2011,52(2):93-104
为了研究不同宇宙学模型下弱引力透镜效应的性质,利用N-体模拟产生的数据,通过光线追踪技术,生成二维的κ样本.对应于不同的暗能量状态方程参数的模型,即w=-0.8,w=-1.0,w=-1.2,生成了3组样本.对于这些模型所生成的样本视场均为3°×3°,并假设所有作为背景源的星系都分布在z=1处的平面上.对这些κ场的样本均进行了尖峰统计和尺度-尺度相关的统计.对尖峰的统计结果显示,包含噪声的κ场中尖峰分布在不同模型下的差别还是存在的.噪声改变了中等幅值和小幅值的尖峰分布,而对高幅值的尖峰分布影响不大.同时降噪后κ场中高幅值尖峰分布的结果表明,降噪后不同模型间高幅值尖峰分布的差别还是非常明显的.对于尺度-尺度相关统计,分析了不同模型的尺度-尺度相关系数的累积概率分布函数,w=-1.2的模型与w=-0.8和w=-1.0的模型的差别能达到20%和30%.因此尺度-尺度相关的统计结合尖峰数目的统计,可以做为确定暗能量状态参数的一种新的手段.  相似文献   

该文研究了以星系作为透镜体产生的切向弧(即"爱因斯坦环")的强引力透镜现象,并对该领域近年来的观测和研究作了总结.对形成这些强引力透镜"环"的星系所进行的研究表明,其附近存在的质量所产生的会聚和剪切对透镜的质量分布模型非常敏感.在大视场巡天中找到的这种爱因斯坦环的数目相当多,大约是每平方度10个,其中"强引力透镜巡天"(Strong LensingLegacy Survey,SL2S)提供了大量处于星系团视场中的由椭圆星系产生的爱因斯坦环样本.系统地研究星系团外围存在的爱因斯坦环,一方面可以理解星系团环境对爱因斯坦环的影响,另一方面可以利用它们来探测星系团的物质分布,并进而对冷暗物质宇宙学提供新的探测方法.  相似文献   

倾角函数是天体力学分析理论中一种常用的函数.当把摄动方程展开成时间和根数的形式时需要用到.历史上提出了很多经典的倾角函数递推算法,并在双精度平台下开发了Fortran程序.进行了1次四精度计算倾角函数的试验,结果表明:L平面递推方法的四精度计算精度可达10-22,计算速度比双精度Jacobi方法快6倍.  相似文献   

硅微条探测器具有位置分辨高、响应快、低噪声、低功耗等优点,广泛应用在各大加速器试验中,测量粒子径迹.新世纪以来,逐渐应用于空间探测领域.计划中的"悟空"2号暗物质粒子探测卫星的硅微条探测器将至数十万计,将产生海量的原始数据.如何实现探测器快速实时的数据压缩,是其需要解决的一大难题.立足于面向空间应用的硅微条探测器在轨实时压缩算法,算法采用FPGA (Field-programmable Gate Array)搭建流水线结构的方式实现,在提高系统集成度、节省逻辑资源的同时,批量数据处理时最高可将数据压缩率提升至38.4 M通道/s.算法结构具有通用性,设计思想和方案将为"悟空"2号的径迹探测器的研制提供参考.  相似文献   

先来思考一个问题:光总是沿着直线传播的,对吗7……现在,让我们跟随天才的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的脚步,来想想这个问题!根据爱因斯坦著名的广义相对论,从遥远的光源发出的光线,会在途经的大质量天体附近“弯折”。对我们生活中常见的那些大小和质量的物体来说,这种效应小得难以想象,但是在宇宙的尺度上,光的这种性质就成为我们研究遥远天体时有用工具。  相似文献   

电磁波信号在地球大气中的传播受到折射的影响,传播的方向发生了改变,传播的路径变为曲线,长度大于直线距离,相应的传播时间也被延长了,采用一个简化的球对称大气模型计算了光线在不同天顶距下由于路径弯曲而引起的延迟改正.  相似文献   

引力透镜是天体物理中最重要的工具和手段之一,在宇宙学暗物质、暗能量、大尺度上的引力和系外行星探测中都发挥着巨大的作用.首先介绍了引力透镜的基本理论和近似,其次给出了引力透镜的主要发展历史,然后介绍了不同于光线偏折角的引力透镜理论新视角.之后评述了宇宙学中的弱引力透镜研究概况,简要回顾了弱引力透镜测量的主流方法宇宙剪切及...  相似文献   

在相对论性情况下,从等离子体纵介电常数出发,推导出无磁化、无碰撞、各向同性的快电子分布等离子体纵振荡的色散方程.对纵振荡的色散方程进行解析分析,得到长波支和短波支的色散关系.由于解析色散曲线的不连续性,直接对无量纲化的纵振荡色散方程进行数值计算,得到相对论性快电子分布等离子体纵振荡完整的色散曲线.对数值结果进行拟合,得到简单的色散函数表述以便于应用.并在极端相对论条件下,将这种分布与经典Maxwell分布的色散关系进行比较,得出两种分布情况下纵振荡的色散关系在一定的波数范围内有类似的性质.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONObservations of the most famous starburst galaxy M82 with the High-Resolution Cameraon board the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, showed that there are nine sources in the celltral11 x 11 region, but no son-roe was detected at the galactic center (Matsumoto et al. 2001).Comparing the observations on 1999 October 28 and those on 2000 January 20, the authorsfound an extremely large time variability of the source CXO M82 J095550.2 694047, which islocated gll away from the galact…  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that detailed monitoring of gravitational microlensing events can reveal the presence of planets orbiting the microlensed source stars. With the potential of probing planets in the Galactic bulge and Magellanic Clouds, such detections greatly increase the volume over which planets can be found. This paper expands on the original studies by considering the effect of planetary phase on the form of the resultant microlensing light curve. It is found that crescent-like sources can undergo substantially more magnification than a uniformly illuminated disc, the model typically employed in studying such planets. In fact, such a circularly symmetric model is found to suffer a minimal degree of magnification when compared with the crescent models. The degree of magnification is also a strong function of the planet's orientation with respect to the microlensing caustic. The form of the magnification variability is strongly dependent on the planetary phase and from which direction the planet is swept by the caustic, providing further clues to the geometry of the planetary system. As the amount of light reflected from a planet also depends on its phase, the detection of extreme crescent-like planets requires the advent of 30-m class telescopes, while light curves of planets at more moderate phases can be determined with today's 10-m telescopes.  相似文献   

Microlensing promises to be a powerful tool for studying distant galaxies and quasars. As the data and models improve, there are systematic effects that need to be explored. Quasar continuum and broad-line regions may respond differently to microlensing due to their different sizes; to understand this effect, we study microlensing of finite sources by a mass function of stars. We find that microlensing is insensitive to the slope of the mass function but does depend on the mass range. For negative-parity images, diluting the stellar population with dark matter increases the magnification dispersion for small sources and decreases it for large sources. This implies that the quasar continuum and broad-line regions may experience very different microlensing in negative-parity lensed images. We confirm earlier conclusions that the surface brightness profile and geometry of the source have little effect on microlensing. Finally, we consider non-circular sources. We show that elliptical sources that are aligned with the direction of shear have larger magnification dispersions than sources with perpendicular alignment, an effect that becomes more prominent as the ellipticity increases. Elongated sources can lead to more rapid variability than circular sources, which raises the prospect of using microlensing to probe source shape.  相似文献   

Some of the difficulties in determining the underlying physical properties that are relevant for observed anomalies in microlensing light curves, such as the mass and separation of extrasolar planets orbiting the lens star, or the relative source–lens parallax, are already anchored in factors that limit the amount of information available from ordinary microlensing events and in the way these are being parametrized. Moreover, a real-time detection of deviations from an ordinary light curve while these are still in progress can only be done against a known model of the latter, and such is also required for properly prioritizing ongoing events for monitoring in order to maximize scientific returns. Despite the fact that ordinary microlensing light curves are described by an analytic function that only involves a handful of parameters, modelling these is far less trivial than one might be tempted to think. A well-known degeneracy for small impacts, and another one for the initial rise of an event, makes an interprediction of different phases impossible, while in order to determine a complete set of model parameters, the fundamental characteristics of all these phases need to be properly assessed. While it is found that the wing of the light curve provides valuable information about the time-scale that absorbs the physical properties, the peak flux of the event can be meaningfully predicted only after about a third of the total magnification has been reached. Parametrizations based on observable features not only ease modelling by bringing the covariance matrix close to diagonal form, but also allow good predictions of the measured flux without the need to determine all parameters accurately. Campaigns intending to infer planet populations from observed microlensing events need to invest some fraction of the available time into acquiring data that allow to properly determine the magnification function.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been shown that microlensing is a powerful tool for examining the atmospheres of stars in the Galactic bulge and Magellanic Clouds. The high gradient of magnification across the source during both small impact parameter events and caustic crossings offers a unique opportunity for determining the surface brightness profile of the source. Furthermore, models indicate that these events can also provide an appreciable polarization signal: arising from differential magnification across the otherwise symmetric source. Earlier work has addressed the signal from a scattering photosphere for both point mass lenses and caustic crossings. In a previous paper, polarimetric variations from point lensing of a circumstellar envelope were considered, as would be suitable for an extended envelope around a red giant. In this work, we examine the polarization in the context of caustic crossing events, the scenario that represents the most easily accessible situation for actually observing a polarization signal in Galactic microlensing. Furthermore, we present an analysis of the effectiveness of using the polarimetric data to determine the envelope properties, illustrating the potential of employing polarimetry in addition to photometry and spectroscopy with microlensing follow-up campaigns.  相似文献   

Simulations of planetary microlensing at high magnification that were carried out on a cluster computer are presented. It was found that the perturbations owing to two-thirds of all planets occur in the time interval  −0.5 t FWHM,0.5 t FWHM  with respect to the peak of the microlensing light curve, where   t FWHM  is typically ∼14 h. This implies that only this restricted portion of the light curve need be intensively monitored for planets – a very significant practical advantage. Nearly all planetary detections in high-magnification events will not involve caustic crossings. We discuss the issues involved in determining the planetary parameters in high magnification events. Earth-mass planets may be detected with 1-m class telescopes if their projected orbital radii lie within about 1.5–2.5 au. Giant planets are detectable over a much larger region. For multiplanet systems the perturbations caused by individual planets can be separated under certain conditions. The size of the source star needs to be determined independently, but the presence of spots on the source star is likely to be negligible, as is the effect of planetary motion during an event.  相似文献   

We describe observations carried out by the MOA group of the Galactic bulge during 2000 that were designed to detect efficiently gravitational microlensing of faint stars in which the magnification is high and/or of short duration. These events are particularly useful for studies of extrasolar planets and faint stars. Approximately 17 deg2 were monitored at a sampling rate of up to six times per night. The images were analysed in real time using a difference imaging technique. 20 microlensing candidates were detected, of which eight were alerted to the microlensing community whilst in progress. Approximately half of the candidates had high magnifications (≳10), at least one had very high magnification (≳50), and one exhibited a clear parallax effect. The details of these events are reported here, together with details of the on-line difference imaging technique. Some nova-like events were also observed and these are described, together with one asteroid.  相似文献   

The declining light curve of the optical afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) GRB000301C showed rapid variability with one particularly bright feature at about t − t 0=3.8 d. This event was interpreted as gravitational microlensing by Garnavich, Loeb & Stanek and subsequently used to derive constraints on the structure of the GRB optical afterglow. In this paper, we use these structural parameters to calculate the probability of such a microlensing event in a realistic scenario, where all compact objects in the universe are associated with observable galaxies. For GRB000301C at a redshift of z =2.04, the a posteriori probability for a microlensing event with an amplitude of Δ m 0.95 mag (as observed) is 0.7 per cent (2.7 per cent) for the most plausible scenario of a flat Λ-dominated Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) universe with Ωm=0.3 and a fraction f ∗=0.2 (1.0) of dark matter in the form of compact objects. If we lower the magnification threshold to Δ m 0.10 mag, the probabilities for microlensing events of GRB afterglows increase to 17 per cent (57 per cent). We emphasize that this low probability for a microlensing signature of almost 1 mag does not exclude that the observed event in the afterglow light curve of GRB000301C was caused by microlensing, especially in light of the fact that a galaxy was found within 2 arcsec from the GRB. In that case, however, a more robust upper limit on the a posteriori probability of ≈5 per cent is found. It does show, however, that it will not be easy to create a large sample of strong GRB afterglow microlensing events for statistical studies of their physical conditions on microarcsec scales.  相似文献   

We propose a method to remove the mass-sheet degeneracy that arises when the mass of galaxy clusters is inferred from gravitational shear. The method utilizes high-redshift standard candles that undergo weak lensing. Natural candidates for such standard candles are type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia).
When corrected with the light-curve shape (LCS), the peak magnitude of SNe Ia provides a standard candle with an uncertainty in apparent magnitude of Δ m ≃0.1–0.2. Gravitational magnification of a background SN Ia by an intervening cluster would cause a mismatch between the observed SN Ia peak magnitude compared with that expected from its LCS and redshift. The average detection rate for SNe Ia with a significant mismatch of ≥2Δ m behind a cluster at z ≃0.05–0.15 is about 1–2 supernovae per cluster per year at J , I , R ≲25–26.
Since SNe are point-like sources for a limited period, they can experience significant microlensing by massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) in the intracluster medium. Microlensing events caused by MACHOs of ∼10−4 M⊙ are expected to have time-scales similar to that of the SN light curve. Both the magnification curve by a MACHO and the light curve of a SN Ia have characteristic shapes that allow us to separate them. Microlensing events caused by MACHOs of smaller mass can unambiguously be identified in the SN light curve if the latter is continuously monitored. The average number of identifiable microlensing events per nearby cluster ( z ≲0.05) per year is ∼0.02 ( f /0.01), where f is the fraction of the cluster mass in MACHOs of masses 10−7< M macho/M⊙<10−4.  相似文献   

Gravitational lensing of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) by a single point mass will produce a second, delayed signal. Several authors have discussed using microlensed GRBs to probe a possible cosmological population of compact objects. We analyse a closely related phenomenon: the effect of microlensing by low to medium optical depth in compact objects on the averaged observed light curve of a sample of GRBs. We discuss the cumulative measured flux as a function of time resulting from delays caused by microlensing by cosmological compact objects. The time-scale and curvature of this function describe unique values for the compact object mass and optical depth. For GRBs with durations larger than the detector resolution, limits could be placed on the mass and optical depth of cosmological compact objects. The method does not rely on the separation of lensed bursts from those that are spatially coincident.  相似文献   

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