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曼桂陨石是新近(2018年6月1日)陨落在云南西双版纳地区的目击球粒陨石,其中的主要矿物为橄榄石(Fa_(24.3±0.6))、斜方辉石(Fs_(20.6±0.5)Wo_(0.4±0.2))、长石(An_(11-12)Or_(2-4))、铁镍金属和陨硫铁,次要矿物为铬铁矿、白磷钙矿等.橄榄石和辉石的化学成分表明曼桂陨石属于L型普通球粒陨石.陨石中球粒很少且轮廓不清晰,基质矿物普遍经历过重结晶,重结晶矿物颗粒粒径较大,高钙辉石粒径25–30μm,长石颗粒大多超过50μm,说明该陨石属于6型岩石类型.橄榄石和辉石颗粒中发育有波状消光、嵌晶块状消光现象、平面裂隙和面状变形构造,长石熔长石化并不完全,陨石中观察到宽度不等且纵横交错的冲击熔融脉,表明曼桂普通球粒陨石受到的冲击变质作用可以达到S5级以上.通过熔融脉中的矿物组合推断出熔融脉中矿物经历的压力在15–16 GPa左右.  相似文献   

CK型陨石是一类高度氧化的碳质球粒陨石, 金属/磁铁矿的比值接近零. 与其它类型的碳质球粒陨石(岩石类型: 1-3)不同, 大多数CK型陨石在母体上经历了强烈的热变质过程(550--1270K), 以4-6型为主. 多项证据表明, CK和CV3型陨石具有成因联系. 但是, 两者在岩相结构和化学组成方面仍存在微小差异. 因此, 精细地区分和比较两者的地球化学特征对于验证CK-CV单一母体假说非常重要. Northwest Africa (NWA) 13943是一块新发现的陨石, 经历过较强烈的热变质作用. 利用扫描电子显微镜和电子探针, 确定了NWA 13943的岩石类型. 并运用质谱分析技术, 重点测定了NWA 13943陨石的全岩氧同位素和铬同位素组成. 综合岩石结构、矿物化学成分、氧同位素异常(△17O,△代表同位素分馏值)和铬同位素异常(ε54Cr, ε表示样品中的同位素比值与标样中的同位素比值的相对偏差的104倍),CK和CV型陨石的母体可能形成于原行星盘中两个相似但不同的化学源区.  相似文献   

寺巷口普通球粒陨石的热变质和冲击变质历史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寺巷口陨石是一块经历强冲击变质的普通球粒陨石.系统研究陨石主体和冲击熔融脉的岩相学和矿物学.该陨石中球粒较少且轮廓和内部结构均模糊不清,基质重结晶程度高,橄榄石和辉石的成分非常均一.单斜辉石-斜方辉石矿物对计算得到的平衡温度峰值为891 4-36°C.说明寺巷口陨石的热变质程度与6型一致.陨石主体中的橄榄石具有明显的波状消光和面状变形裂隙,熔长石广泛存在,在冲击熔融脉中含有粗粒的林伍德石和镁铁榴石以及细粒的高压矿物组合,这些特征预示了寺巷口陨石经历了S6级的冲击变质作用且形成冲击脉的峰期压力可能在20 GPa-24 GPa左右,而温度可能高于2000°C.冲击熔融脉中自磷钙矿和铬铁矿的存在可能是因为经历了较长的退火时间,导致其高压矿物的回退.  相似文献   

碳质球粒陨石是太阳系中最原始的物质之一.通过对碳质球粒陨石的光谱分析,可以建立其与母体小行星之间的联系,有助于探测小行星表面物质成分、研究太阳系早期的演化历史.研究了6个CM2型碳质球粒陨石和11个煤炭样品(碳质球粒陨石所含有机质的地球类比物)可见-远红外谱段反射光谱特征,并分析了它们与有机组分的关系.结果表明,对于不同类型的煤样随着煤化程度的升高,各有机物碳氢基团的吸收峰深度逐渐降低, 3.41μm处脂肪族碳氢化合物的吸收深度与H/C比存在线性正相关,当H/C比小于0.55时, 3.41μm处无明显光谱吸收特征.在3–4μm区域, CM2陨石存在明显的脂肪族CH2、CH3吸收带,缺乏3.28μm芳香族CH吸收带,但在5–6.5μm区域存在微弱的芳香族C=C、CO吸收带,指示CM2碳质球粒陨石的有机组分含有脂肪族和芳香族.陨石红外光谱中3.28μm和5–6.5μm区域光谱特征不明显可能是因为在此波段区域存在含水矿物OH的重叠吸收或受到其他不透明矿物的影响,具体原因有待进一步研究.研究也说明,需要更长的波段范围才能够准确识别小天体有机质类型.  相似文献   

球粒陨石中的富钙富铝难熔包体(Ca,Al-rich Inclusion,CAI)是太阳系最早形成的物体,保留了太阳星云早期的原始信息,但深入研究发现许多难熔包体具有复杂的演化历史,包括部分熔融和后期变质作用等.针对难熔包体中更为难熔、化学性质更为稳定的贵金属颗粒进行天体化学研究,选取CV群碳质球粒陨石NWA 2140,对其CAI中的贵金属颗粒进行岩石学观察及化学成分测定.根据得到的成分分析结果,能大致推出包体经历过的热力学历程,辨识出两类贵金属合金颗粒,这两类贵金属分别为早期冷凝产物和原生金属的后期蚀变产物.  相似文献   

月球玄武岩的矿物组成反映了源区的化学成分和岩浆的结晶环境.了解月海玄武岩的矿物组成对研究月球岩浆演化具有重要意义.选择澄海为研究区,综合利用光谱、地形、元素等多源遥感数据将澄海划分为55个地质单元.基于月球矿物制图仪(Moon Mineralogy Mapper, M~3)数据,提取84条新鲜撞击坑光谱曲线,计算吸收中心波长、波段面积比等光谱参数.通过分析光谱吸收特征,获得澄海玄武岩镁铁质矿物的空间变化特征.研究结果表明,澄海玄武岩镁铁质矿物主要为高钙单斜辉石.澄海中部和南部地质单元具有较低的橄榄石/辉石比,东部和西部地质单元具有较高的橄榄石/辉石比.从东、西部到中部区域,橄榄石/辉石比例逐渐降低.  相似文献   

铁陨石记录了陨石母体所经历的熔融、分异和冷却的热历史, 研究铁陨石内部的组织结构对理解陨石母体的热历史和内部圈层结构有重要的指导意义. 分析阿勒泰铁陨石个体-乌希里克(Wuxilike)铁陨石中铁纹石和镍纹石所构造的维斯台登(Widmanstatten)纹、梳状合纹石以及云状区等组织结构来探究其各自的形成过程. 通过热动力学计算软件和数据库, 建立了Widmanstatten经过取向校正的冷却速率计算模型, 并据此计算了该陨石在695℃–400℃区间内的冷却速率; 通过研究梳状合纹石内部铁、镍纹石中Ni元素的成分分布及其位相关系, 推理得到梳状合纹石的低温马氏体分解形成机制; 通过研究云状区域中颗粒大小和局部Ni含量的关系, 得出形成云状区域所对应的铁陨石在350℃下的冷却速率. 据此模拟计算出该铁陨石在695℃–200℃范围内形成Widmanstatten纹、各类合纹石和云状区的整个热历史. 基于固态相变所建立的定量模型可望为分析铁陨石的冷却历史提供更为准确的分析手段.  相似文献   

元阳铁陨石是2010年在云南省元阳县山区发现的,其内部的主要矿物为铁纹石和镍纹石,铁纹石的含量很高(约占80%),镍纹石的含量较低.铁纹石中Ni含量为4.88–6.21wt%,镍纹石中Ni含量为26.13–50.27 wt%.副矿物有陨磷铁镍石、闪锌矿和氮铬矿.陨磷铁镍石存在大、小两种颗粒,具有颗粒越大Ni含量越低的特点.元阳铁陨石中没有发现硅酸盐包体.由于经受了地表风化蚀变作用,样品边缘以及铁纹石裂隙间都发生了氧化.元阳铁陨石中铁纹石的条带宽度较粗,属于粗粒八面体结构.中子活化分析结果显示:元阳铁陨石的Ni(7 wt%)和Au(1.565 ppm)的含量都相对较低,和IAB-MG(IAB-Main group)群的铁陨石在化学成分上具有相似性,属于IAB-MG群.相对于其他IAB-MG群铁陨石,元阳铁陨石的Ir(1.00 ppm)含量偏低,这可能是由于其母体中富含Ir的矿相在冲击作用下并没有完全熔融.  相似文献   

谈迎  徐伟彪 《天文学报》2006,47(2):153-165
宁强碳质球粒陨石非偏振光、偏正光、反射光下的矿物、组构的光学特征中蕴藏着丰富的有关太阳星云演化初期不挥发组分吸积时的动力、温度、压力、介质信息.在宁强陨石双面抛光片中,矿物组构混杂堆积的构造反映了太阳星云吸积盘上极弱的机械动力环境和近物源吸积作用;外形不规则,边缘参差的矿物集合体和矿物碎片应该是抛落时碰撞破碎的球粒,这些球粒形成于X-Wind模式中的X-区,并被双极喷流抛落到太阳星云的不同部位;在透射光下,从宁强陨石中首次发现存在有玻璃、结晶、及气相包裹体,它们可以反映出太阳星云演化过程中的物质成分、热力学、动力学信息,应该引起重视.实验观察中还发现同一个球粒中锯齿状缝合线连接的橄榄石栅条和橄榄石颗粒.诸多现象需要理论物理、天体物理观察和天体化学实验的科学家共同努力去探讨.X-Wind模式中许多细节有待天体化学实验去检验、补充和完善.  相似文献   

太阳系原始同位素组成是研究太阳系起源和演化的基础。评述了太阳星云的原始放射性核素丰度特征及解释此丰度特征的分子云自增丰模型、AGB星污染模型和散裂反应模型。陨石包体中前太阳矿物颗粒的同位素组成异常表明,前太阳颗粒中低密度石墨、X型碳硅石可能来源于超新星爆发,而AGB星或红巨星被认为是尖晶石和碳硅石的最可能的恒星来源。太阳系中比较特殊的氖和氙的同位素组成异常也与超新星爆发密切相关。  相似文献   

Knowledge of Martian igneous and mantle compositions is crucial for understanding Mars' mantle evolution, including early differentiation, mantle convection, and the chemical alteration at the surface. Primitive magmas provide the most direct information about their mantle source regions, but most Martian meteorites either contain cumulate olivine or crystallized from fractionated melts. The new Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 6234 is an olivine‐phyric shergottite. Its most magnesian olivine cores (Fo78) are in Mg‐Fe equilibrium with a magma of the bulk rock composition, suggesting that it represents a melt composition. Thermochemical calculations show that NWA 6234 not only represents a melt composition but is a primitive melt derived from an approximately Fo80 mantle. Thus, NWA 6234 is similar to NWA 5789 and Y 980459 in the sense that all three are olivine‐phyric shergottites and represent primitive magma compositions. However, NWA 6234 is of special significance because it represents the first olivine‐phyric shergottite from a primitive ferroan magma. On the basis of Al/Ti ratio of pyroxenes in NWA 6234, the minor components in olivine and merrillite, and phosphorus zoning of olivine, we infer that the rock crystallized completely at pressures consistent with conditions in Mars' upper crust. The textural intergrowths of the two phosphates (merrillite and apatite) indicate that at a very last stage of crystallization, merrillite reacted with an OH‐Cl‐F‐rich melt to form apatite. As this meteorite crystallized completely at depth and never erupted, it is likely that its apatite compositions represent snapshots of the volatile ratios of the source region without being affected by degassing processes, which contain high OH‐F content.  相似文献   

Knowledge of Martian igneous basaltic compositions is crucial for constraining mantle evolution, including early differentiation and mantle convection. Primitive magmas provide direct information about their mantle source regions, but most Martian meteorites either contain cumulate olivine or crystallized from fractionated melts. The recently discovered Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 5789 is an olivine‐phyric shergottite. NWA 5789 has special significance among the Martian meteorites because it appears to represent one of the most magnesian Martian magmas known, other than Yamato (Y) 980459. Its most magnesian olivine cores (Fo85) are in Mg‐Fe equilibrium with a magma of the bulk rock composition, suggesting that the bulk represents a magma composition. Based on the Al/Ti ratio of its pyroxenes, we infer that the rock began to crystallize at a high pressure consistent with conditions in Mars’ lower crust/upper mantle. It continued and completed its crystallization closer to the surface, where cooling was rapid and produced a mesostasis of radiating sprays of plagioclase and pyroxene. The mineralogy, petrology, mineral chemistry, and bulk rock composition of NWA 5789 are very similar to those of Y‐980459. The similarities between the two meteorites suggest that NWA 5789 (like Y‐980459) represents a primitive, mantle‐derived magma composition. They also suggest the possibility that NWA 5789 and Y‐980459 formed in the same lava flow. However, based on the mineralogy and texture of its mesostasis, NWA 5789 must have cooled more slowly than Y‐980459. NWA 5789 will help elucidate the igneous geology and geochemistry of Mars.  相似文献   

Olivine‐phyric shergottites represent primitive basaltic to picritic rocks, spanning a large range of Mg# and olivine abundances. As primitive olivine‐bearing magmas are commonly representative of their mantle source on Earth, understanding the petrology and evolution of olivine‐phyric shergottites is critical in our understanding of Martian mantle compositions. We present data for the olivine‐phyric shergottite Northwest Africa (NWA) 10170 to constrain the petrology with specific implications for magma plumbing‐system dynamics. The calculated oxygen fugacity and bulk‐rock REE concentrations (based on modal abundance) are consistent with a geochemically intermediate classification for NWA 10170, and overall similarity with NWA 6234. In addition, we present trace element data using laser ablation ICP‐MS for coarse‐grained olivine cores, and compare these data with terrestrial and Martian data sets. The olivines in NWA 10170 contain cores with compositions of Fo77 that evolve to rims with composition of Fo58, and are characterized by cores with low Ni contents (400–600 ppm). Nickel is compatible in olivine and such low Ni content for olivine cores in NWA 10170 suggests either early‐stage fractionation and loss of olivine from the magma in a staging chamber at depth, or that Martian magmas have lower Ni than terrestrial magmas. We suggest that both are true in this case. Therefore, the magma does not represent a primary mantle melt, but rather has undergone 10–15% fractionation in a staging chamber prior to extrusion/intrusion at the surface of Mars. This further implies that careful evaluation of not only the Mg# but also the trace element concentrations of olivine needs to be conducted to evaluate pristine mantle melts versus those that have fractionated olivine (±pyroxene and oxide minerals) in staging chambers.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Martian meteorite Yamato (Y‐) 980459 is an olivine‐phyric shergottite. It has a very primitive character and may be a primary melt of the Martian mantle. We have conducted crystallization experiments on a synthetic Y‐980459 composition at Martian upper mantle conditions in order to test the primary mantle melt hypothesis. Results of these experiments indicate that the cores of the olivine megacrysts in Y‐980459 are in equilibrium with a melt of bulk rock composition, suggesting that these megacrysts are in fact phenocrysts that grew from a magma of the bulk rock composition. Multiple saturation of the melt with olivine and a low‐calcium pyroxene occurs at approximately 12 ± 0.5 kbar and 1540 ± 10°C, suggesting that the meteorite represents a primary melt that separated from its mantle source at a depth of ?100 km. Several lines of evidence suggest that the Y‐980459 source underwent extensive melting prior to and/or during the magmatic event that produced the Y‐980459 parent magma. When factored into convective models of the Martian interior, the high temperature indicated for the upper Martian mantle and possibly high melt fraction for the Y‐980459 magmatic event suggests a significantly higher temperature at the core‐mantle boundary than previously estimated.  相似文献   

Abstract– Northwest Africa (NWA) 1068 is one of the few olivine‐phyric shergottites (e.g., NWA 1068, Larkman Nunatak [LAR] 06319, and Roberts Massif [RBT] 04262) that is not depleted in light rare earth elements (LREE). Its REE pattern is similar to that of the basaltic shergottite Shergotty, suggesting a possible connection between the olivine‐phyric and the basaltic shergottites. To test this possible link, we have investigated the high‐pressure near‐liquidus phase equilibria for the NWA 1068 meteorite bulk composition. Our results show that the NWA 1068 bulk composition does not represent an unmodified mantle‐derived melt; the olivine and pyroxene in our near‐liquidus experiments are more magnesian than in the rock itself, which suggests that NWA 1068 contains cumulate minerals (extra olivine). We have then used these experimental results combined with the pyroxene compositions in NWA 1068 to constrain the possible high‐pressure crystallization history of the parental magma. These results suggest that NWA 1068 had a complex polybaric history. Finally, we have calculated a model parental magma composition for the NWA 1068 meteorite. The calculated parental magma is an evolved basaltic composition which is too ferroan to be a primitive melt directly derived from the mantle. We suggest that it ponded and crystallized at approximately the base of the crust. This provided an opportunity for the magma to become contaminated by an “enriched” crustal component prior to crystallization. The results and modeling from these experiments are applicable not only to the NWA 1068 meteorite, but also to LAR 06319 and possibly any other enriched olivine‐phyric shergottite.  相似文献   

Several olivine‐phyric shergottites contain enough olivine that they could conceivably represent the products of closed‐system crystallization of primary melts derived from partial melting of the Martian mantle. Larkman Nunatak (LAR) 06319 has been suggested to represent a close approach to a Martian primary liquid composition based on approximate equilibrium between its olivine and groundmass. To better understand the olivine–melt relationship and the evolution of this meteorite, we report the results of new petrographic and chemical analyses. We find that olivine megacryst cores are generally not in equilibrium with the groundmass, but rather have been homogenized by diffusion to Mg# 72. We have identified two unique grain types: an olivine glomerocryst and an olivine grain preserving a primary magmatic boundary that constrains the time scale of eruption to be on the order of hours. We also report the presence of trace oxide phases and phosphate compositions that suggest that the melt contained approximately 1.1% H2O and lost volatiles during cooling, also associated with an increase in oxygen fugacity upon degassing. We additionally report in situ rare earth element measurements of the various mineral phases in LAR 06319. Based on these reported trace element abundances, we estimate the oxygen fugacity in the LAR 06319 parent melt early in its crystallization sequence (i.e., at the time of crystallization of the low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxenes), the rare earth element composition of the parent melt, and those of melts in equilibrium with later formed phases. We suggest that LAR 06319 represents the product of closed‐system crystallization within a shallow magma chamber, with additional olivine accumulated from a cumulate pile. We infer that the olivine megacrysts are antecrysts, derived from a single magma chamber, but not directly related to the host magma, and suggest that mixing of antecrysts within magma chambers may be a common process in Martian magmatic systems.  相似文献   

Abstract– The nakhlites, a subgroup of eight clinopyroxenites thought to come from a single geological unit at the Martian surface, show melt inclusions in augite and olivine. In contrast to olivine‐hosted melt inclusions, augite‐hosted melt inclusions are not surrounded by fractures, and are thus considered preferential candidates for reconstructing parent liquid compositions. Furthermore, two types of augite‐hosted melt inclusion have been defined and characterized in four different nakhlites (Northwest Africa [NWA] 817, Nakhla, Governador Valadares, and NWA 998): Type‐I isolated inclusions in augite cores that contain euhedral to subhedral augite, Ti‐magnetite, and pigeonite plus silica‐rich glass and a gas bubble; Type‐II microinclusions that form trails crosscutting host augite crystals. Fast‐heating experiments were performed on selected pristine primary augite‐hosted melt inclusions from these four samples. Of these, only data from Nakhla were considered robust for reconstruction of a nakhlite parental magma composition (NPM). Based upon careful petrographic selection and consideration of iron‐magnesium ratios, our data are used to propose an NPM, which is basaltic (49.1 wt% SiO2), of high Ca/Al (1.95), and K2O‐poor (0.32 wt%). Thermodynamic modeling at an oxygen fugacity one log unit below the QFM buffer using the MELTS and PETROLOG programs implies that Mg‐rich olivine was not a liquidus phase for this composition. Our analysis is used to suggest that olivine megacrysts found in the nakhlites are unlikely to have coprecipitated with augite, and thus may have been introduced during or subsequent to accumulation in the magma chamber, possibly from more evolved portions of the same chamber.  相似文献   

Amphibole in chassignite melt inclusions provides valuable information about the volatile content of the original interstitial magma, but also shock and postshock processes. We have analyzed amphibole and other phases from NWA 2737 melt inclusions, and we evaluate these data along with published values to constrain the crystallization Cl and H2O content of phases in chassignite melt inclusions and the effects of shock on these amphibole grains. Using a model for the Cl/OH exchange between amphibole and melt, we estimate primary crystallization OH contents of chassignite amphiboles. SIMS analysis shows that amphibole from NWA 2737 currently has 0.15 wt% H2O. It has lost ~0.6 wt% H2O from an initial 0.7–0.8 wt% H2O due to intense shock. Chassigny amphibole had on average 0.3–0.4 wt% H2O and suffered little net loss of H2O due to shock. NWA 2737 amphibole has δD ≈ +3700‰; it absorbed Martian atmosphere‐derived heavy H in the aftermath of shock. Chassigny amphibole, with δD ≤ +1900‰, incorporated less heavy H. Low H2O/Cl ratios are inferred for the primitive chassignite magma, which had significant effects on melting and crystallization. Volatiles released by the degassing of Martian magma were more Cl‐rich than on Earth, resulting in the high Cl content of Martian surface materials.  相似文献   

The Tissint Martian meteorite is an unusual depleted olivine‐phyric shergottite, reportedly sourced from a mantle‐derived melt within a deep magma chamber. Here, we report major and trace element data for Tissint olivine and pyroxene, and use these data to provide new insights into the dynamics of the Tissint magma chamber. The presence of irregularly spaced oscillatory phosphorous (P)‐rich bands in olivine, along with geochemical evidence indicative of a closed magmatic system, implies that the olivine grains were subject to solute trapping caused by vigorous crystal convection within the Tissint magma chamber. Calculated equilibration temperatures for the earliest crystallizing (antecrystic) olivine cores suggest a Tissint magma source temperature of 1680 °C, and a local Martian mantle temperature of 1560 °C during the late Amazonian—the latter being consistent with the ambient mantle temperature of Archean Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Until recently, the SNC meteorites represented the only source of information about the chemistry and petrology of the Martian surface and mantle. The Mars Exploration Rovers have now analyzed rocks on the Martian surface, giving additional insight into the petrology and geochemistry of the planet. The Adirondack basalts, analyzed by the MER Spirit in Gusev crater, are olivine‐phyric basaltic rocks which have been suggested to represent liquids, and might therefore provide new insights into the chemistry of the Martian mantle. Experiments have been conducted on a synthetic Humphrey composition at upper mantle and crustal conditions to investigate whether this composition might represent a primary mantle‐derived melt. The Humphrey composition is multiply saturated at 12.5 kbar and 1375 °C with olivine and pigeonite; a primary anhydrous melt derived from a “chondritic” mantle would be expected to be saturated in orthopyroxene, not pigeonite. In addition, the olivine and pigeonite present at the multiple saturation are too ferroan to have been from a Martian mantle as is understood now. Therefore, it seems likely that the Humphrey composition does not represent a primary anhydrous melt from the Martian mantle, but was affected by mineral/melt fractionations at lower (crustal) pressures.  相似文献   

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