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Using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, we measure the mean transmitted flux in the Lyα forest for quasar sightlines that pass near a foreground quasar. We find that the trend of absorption with pixel quasar separation distance can be fitted using a simple power-law form including the usual correlation function parameters r 0 and γ, so that     . From the simulations, we find the relation between r 0 and quasar host mass, and formulate this as a way to estimate quasar host dark matter halo masses, quantifying uncertainties due to cosmological and IGM parameters, and redshift errors. With this method, we examine data for ∼9000 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 5, assuming that the effect of ionizing radiation from quasars (the so-called transverse proximity effect) is unimportant (no evidence for it is seen in the data). We find that the best-fitting host halo mass for SDSS quasars with mean redshift z = 3 and absolute G -band magnitude −27.5 is  log  M /M= 12.68+0.81−0.67  . We also use the Lyman-Break Galaxy (LBG) and Lyα forest data of Adelberger et al. in a similar fashion to constrain the halo mass of LBGs to be  log10  M /M= 11.41+0.54−0.59  , a factor of ∼20 lower than the bright quasars. In addition, we study the redshift distortions of the Lyα forest around quasars, using the simulations. We use the quadrupole to monopole ratio of the quasar Lyα forest correlation function as a measure of the squashing effect. We find its dependence on halo mass difficult to measure, but find that it may be useful for constraining cosmic geometry.  相似文献   

We use high-quality echelle spectra of 24 quasi-stellar objects to provide a calibrated measurement of the total amount of Lyα forest absorption (DA) over the redshift range  2.2 < z < 3.2  . Our measurement of DA excludes absorption from metal lines or the Lyα lines of Lyman-limit systems and damped Lyα systems. We use artificial spectra with realistic flux calibration errors to show that we are able to place continuum levels that are accurate to better than 1 per cent. When we combine our results with our previous results between  1.6 < z < 2.2  , we find that the redshift evolution of DA is well described over  1.6 < z < 3.2  as   A (1 + z )γ  , where   A = 0.0062  and  γ= 2.75  . We detect no significant deviations from a smooth power-law evolution over the redshift range studied. We find less H  i absorption than expected at   z = 3  , implying that the ultraviolet background is  ∼40  per cent higher than expected. Our data appears to be consistent with an H  i ionization rate of  Γ∼ 1.4 × 10−12 s−1  .  相似文献   

Three independent observational studies have now detected a narrow  (Δ z ≃ 0.5)  dip centred at   z = 3.2  in the otherwise smooth redshift evolution of the Lyα forest effective optical depth. This feature has previously been interpreted as an indirect signature of rapid photoheating in the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the epoch of He  ii reionization. We examine this interpretation using a semi-analytic model of inhomogeneous He  ii reionization and high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of the Lyα forest. We instead find that a rapid  (Δ z ≃ 0.2)  boost to the IGM temperature  (Δ T ≃ 104 K)  beginning at   z = 3.4  produces a well understood and generic evolution in the Lyα effective optical depth, where a sudden reduction in the opacity is followed by a gradual, monotonic recovery driven largely by adiabatic cooling in the low-density IGM. This behaviour is inconsistent with the narrow feature in the observational data. If photoheating during He  ii reionization is instead extended over several redshift units, as recent theoretical studies suggest, then the Lyα opacity will evolve smoothly with redshift. We conclude that the sharp dip observed in the Lyα forest effective optical depth is instead most likely due to a narrow peak in the hydrogen photoionization rate around   z = 3.2  , and suggest that it may arise from the modulation of either reprocessed radiation during He  ii reionization, or the opacity of Lyman limit systems.  相似文献   

We explore several physical effects on the power spectrum of the Lyα forest transmitted flux. The effects we investigate here are not usually part of hydrodynamic simulations and so need to be estimated separately. The most important effect is that of high column density absorbers with damping wings, which add power on large scales. We compute their effect using the observational constraints on their abundance as a function of column density. Ignoring their effect leads to an underestimation of the slope of the linear theory power spectrum. The second effect we investigate is that of fluctuations in the ionizing radiation field. For this purpose we use a very large high-resolution N -body simulation, which allows us to simulate both the fluctuations in the ionizing radiation and the small-scale Lyα forest within the same simulation. We find an enhancement of power on large scales for quasars and a suppression for galaxies. The strength of the effect rapidly increases with increasing redshift, allowing it to be uniquely identified in cases where it is significant. We develop templates that can be used to search for this effect as a function of quasar lifetime, quasar luminosity function and attenuation length. Finally, we explore the effects of galactic winds using hydrodynamic simulations. We find the wind effects on the Lyα forest power spectrum to be degenerate with parameters related to the temperature of the gas that are already marginalized over in cosmological fits. While more work is needed to conclusively exclude all possible systematic errors, our results suggest that, in the context of data analysis procedures, where parameters of the Lyα forest model are properly marginalized over, the flux power spectrum is a reliable tracer of cosmological information.  相似文献   

We present detailed predictions for the properties of Lyα-emitting galaxies in the framework of the Λ cold dark matter cosmology, calculated using the semi-analytical galaxy formation model galform . We explore a model that assumes a top-heavy initial mass function in starbursts and that has previously been shown to explain the sub-millimetre number counts and the luminosity function of Lyman-break galaxies at high redshift. We show that this model, with the simple assumption that a fixed fraction of Lyα photons escape from each galaxy, is remarkably successful at explaining the observed luminosity function of Lyα emitters (LAEs) over the redshift range  3 < z < 6.6  . We also examine the distribution of Lyα equivalent widths and the broad-band continuum magnitudes of emitters, which are in good agreement with the available observations. We look more deeply into the nature of LAEs, presenting predictions for fundamental properties such as the stellar mass and radius of the emitting galaxy and the mass of the host dark matter halo. The model predicts that the clustering of LAEs at high redshifts should be strongly biased relative to the dark matter, in agreement with observational estimates. We also present predictions for the luminosity function of LAEs at   z > 7  , a redshift range that is starting to be be probed by near-infrared surveys and using new instruments such as the Dark Ages Z Lyman Explorer (DAzLE).  相似文献   

The low-density hydrogen and helium in the intergalactic medium (IGM) probed by quasi-stellar object (QSO) absorption lines is sensitive to the amplitude and spectral shape of the metagalactic ultraviolet (UV) background. We use realistic H  i and He  ii Lyα forest spectra, constructed from state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations of a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe to confirm the reliability of using line profile fitting techniques to infer the ratio of the metagalactic H  i and He  ii ionization rates. We further show that the large spatial variations and the anticorrelation with H  i absorber density observed in the ratio of the measured He  ii to H  i column densities can be explained in a model where the H  i ionization rate is dominated by the combined UV emission from young star-forming galaxies and QSOs and the He  ii ionization rate is dominated by emission from QSOs only. In such a model the large fluctuations in the column density ratio are due to the small number of QSOs expected to contribute at any given point to the He  ii ionization rate. A significant contribution to UV emission at the He  ii photoelectric edge from hot gas in galaxies and galaxy groups would decrease the expected fluctuations in the column density ratio. Consequently, this model appears difficult to reconcile with the large increase in He  ii opacity fluctuations towards higher redshift. Our results further strengthen previous suggestions that observed He  ii Lyα forest spectra at z ∼ 2–3.5 probe the tail end of the reionization of He  ii by QSOs.  相似文献   

We measure the matter power spectrum from 31 Lyα spectra spanning the redshift range of 1.6–3.6. The optical depth, τ, for Lyα absorption of the intergalactic medium is obtained from the flux using the inversion method of Nusser & Haehnelt. The optical depth is converted to density by using a simple power-law relation,  τ∝ (1 +δ)α  . The non-linear 1D power spectrum of the gas density is then inferred with a method that makes simultaneous use of the one- and two-point statistics of the flux and compared against theoretical models with a likelihood analysis. A cold dark matter model with standard cosmological parameters fits the data well. The power-spectrum amplitude is measured to be (assuming a flat Universe),  σ8= (0.92 ± 0.09) × (Ωm/0.3)−0.3  , with α varying in the range of 1.56–1.8 with redshift. Enforcing the same cosmological parameters in all four redshift bins, the likelihood analysis suggests some evolution in the temperature–density relation and the thermal smoothing length of the gas. The inferred evolution is consistent with that expected if reionization of He  ii occurred at   z ∼ 3.2  . A joint analysis with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe results together with a prior on the Hubble constant as suggested by the Hubble Space Telescope key project data, yields values of Ωm and σ8 that are consistent with the cosmological concordance model. We also perform a further inversion to obtain the linear 3D power spectrum of the matter density fluctuations.  相似文献   

As part of a large spectroscopic survey of   z > 5  Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), we have identified a single source which is clearly hosting an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Out of a sample of more than 50 spectroscopically confirmed R -band dropout galaxies at   z ∼ 5  and above, only J104048.6−115550.2 at   z = 5.44  shows evidence for a high ionization potential emission line indicating the presence of a hard ionizing continuum from an AGN. Like most objects in our sample the rest-frame-UV spectrum shows the UV continuum breaking across a Lyα line. Uniquely within this sample of LBGs, emission from N  v is also detected, a clear signature of AGN photoionization. The object is spatially resolved in Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) imaging. This, and the comparatively high Lyα/N  v flux ratio indicates that the majority of the Lyα (and the UV continuum longward of it) originates from stellar photoionization, a product of the ongoing starburst in the LBG. Even without the AGN emission, this object would have been photometrically selected and spectroscopically confirmed as a Lyman break in our survey. The measured optical flux  ( I AB= 26.1)  is therefore an upper limit to that from the AGN and is of order 100 times fainter than the majority of known quasars at these redshifts. The detection of a single object in our survey volume is consistent with the best current models of high redshift AGN luminosity function, providing a substantial fraction of such AGN is found within luminous starbursting galaxies. We discuss the cosmological implications of this discovery.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent observational studies of the environment of   z ∼ 6  QSOs, we have used the Millennium Run (MR) simulations to construct a very large  (∼4°× 4°)  mock redshift survey of star-forming galaxies at   z ∼ 6  . We use this simulated survey to study the relation between density enhancements in the distribution of i 775-dropouts and Lyα emitters, and their relation to the most massive haloes and protocluster regions at   z ∼ 6  . Our simulation predicts significant variations in surface density across the sky with some voids and filaments extending over scales of 1°, much larger than probed by current surveys. Approximately one-third of all   z ∼ 6  haloes hosting i -dropouts brighter than   z = 26.5  mag  (≈ M *UV, z =6)  become part of   z = 0  galaxy clusters. i -dropouts associated with protocluster regions are found in regions where the surface density is enhanced on scales ranging from a few to several tens of arcminutes on the sky. We analyse two structures of i -dropouts and Lyα emitters observed with the Subaru Telescope and show that these structures must be the seeds of massive clusters in formation. In striking contrast, six   z ∼ 6  QSO fields observed with Hubble Space Telescope show no significant enhancements in their i 775-dropout number counts. With the present data, we cannot rule out the QSOs being hosted by the most massive haloes. However, neither can we confirm this widely used assumption. We conclude by giving detailed recommendations for the interpretation and planning of observations by current and future ground- and space-based instruments that will shed new light on questions related to the large-scale structure at   z ∼ 6  .  相似文献   

We employ observationally determined intrinsic velocity widths and column densities of damped Lyman alpha (Lyα) systems at high redshift to investigate the distribution of baryons in protogalaxies within the context of a standard cold dark matter (CDM) model. We proceed under the assumption that damped Lyα systems represent a population of cold, rotationally supported, protogalactic discs, and that the abundance of dark matter haloes is well approximated by a CDM model with critical density and vanishing cosmological constant. Using conditional cross-sections to observe a damped system with a given velocity width and column density, we compare observationally inferred velocity width and column density distributions to the corresponding theoretically determined distributions for a variety of disc parameters and CDM normalizations. In general, we find that the observations cannot be reproduced by the models for most disc parameters and CDM normalizations. Whereas the column density distribution favours small discs with large neutral gas fraction, the velocity width distribution favours large and thick discs with small neutral gas fraction. The possible resolutions of this problem in the context of this CDM model may be (1) an increased contribution of rapidly rotating discs within massive dark matter haloes to damped Lyα absorption, or (2) the abandoning of simple disc models within this CDM model for damped Lyα systems at high redshift. Here the first possibility may be achieved by supposing that damped Lyα system formation occurs only in haloes with fairly large circular velocities, and the second possibility may result from a large contribution of mergers and double discs to damped Lyα absorption at high redshift.  相似文献   

We present the first results of a survey designed to understand the origin of Lyα-forest absorption systems at low redshift. Using the WYFFOS and HYDRA multifibre spectrographs on the William Herschel and Wisconsin Indiana Yale NOAO (WIYN) telescopes, we have identified 51 galaxies brighter than b j := :18.5 within 30 arcmin of the sightline of the QSO 1821+643. We find three galaxies within 500 h −1 kpc of the QSO sightline; the nearest galaxy is 104 h −1 kpc away from the line of sight, and is at the same redshift as a strong ( W r :=:0.63Å) Lyα absorption line. The remaining two galaxies have no corresponding absorption to extremely low equivalent width limits (< 0.05 Å). Beyond 500 h −1 kpc, Lyα absorption lines are found at redshifts similar to those of several galaxies, but we show that these coincidences are likely to be accidental.   Half of the Lyα systems for which we could have found at least an L * galaxy have no galaxies at the redshifts of the absorbers. For the majority of the remainder, we show that any apparent association with galaxies is probably coincidental. These Lyα systems are characterized by their weak equivalent widths ( W r :<:0.2Å), and we conclude that this population of absorbers is uncorrelated, or at best weakly correlated, with galaxies.  相似文献   

We present a new technique for detecting structure on Mpc scales in the Lyα forest. The technique is easy to apply in practice since it does not involve absorption-line fitting, but rather is based on the statistics of the transmitted flux. It identifies and assesses the statistical significance of regions of overdense or underdense Lyα absorption and is fairly insensitive to the quality of the data. Using extensive simulations, we demonstrate that the new method is significantly more sensitive to the detection of large-scale structure in the Lyα forest than a traditional two-point correlation function analysis of fitted absorption lines.  相似文献   

We present the results of a continuing survey to detect Lyα emitting galaxies at redshifts   z ∼ 9  : the ' z equals nine' (ZEN) survey. We have obtained deep VLT Infrared Spectrometer and Array Camera observations in the narrow J -band filter NB119 directed towards three massive lensing clusters: Abell clusters 1689, 1835 and 114. The foreground clusters provide a magnified view of the distant Universe and permit a sensitive test for the presence of very high redshift galaxies. We search for   z ∼ 9 Lyα  emitting galaxies displaying a significant narrow-band excess relative to accompanying J -band observations that remain undetected in Hubble Space Telescope ( HST )/Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) optical images of each field. No sources consistent with this criterion are detected above the unlensed 90 per cent point-source flux limit of the narrow-band image,   F NB= 3.7 × 10−18 erg s−1 cm−2  . To date, the total coverage of the ZEN survey has sampled a volume at   z ∼ 9  of approximately 1700 comoving Mpc3 to a Lyα emission luminosity of  1043 erg s−1  . We conclude by considering the prospects for detecting   z ∼ 9 Lyα  emitting galaxies in light of both observed galaxy properties at   z < 7  and simulated populations at   z > 7  .  相似文献   

The low-redshift evolution of the intergalactic medium is investigated using hydrodynamic cosmological simulations. The assumed cosmological model is a critical density cold dark matter universe. The imposed uniform background of ionizing radiation has the amplitude, shape and redshift evolution as computed from the observed quasar luminosity function by Haardt &38; Madau. We have analysed simulated Lyman-α spectra using Voigt-profile fitting, mimicking the procedure with which quasar spectra are analysed. Our simulations reproduce the observed evolution of the number of Lyman-α absorption lines over the whole observed interval of z  = 0.5 to 4. In particular, our simulations show that the decrease in the rate of evolution of Lyman-α absorption lines at z  ≤ 2, as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope , can be explained by the steep decline in the photoionizing background resulting from the rapid decline in quasar numbers at low redshift.  相似文献   

We present a measurement of the probability distribution function (PDF) of the transmitted flux in the Lyman α (Lyα) forest from a sample of 3492 quasars included in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 3 (SDSS DR3). Our intention is to investigate the sensitivity of the Lyα flux PDF as measured from low-resolution and low signal-to-noise ratio data to a number of systematic errors such as uncertainties in the mean flux, continuum and noise estimate. The quasar continuum is described by the superposition of a power law and emission lines. We perform a power-law continuum fitting on a spectrum-by-spectrum basis, and obtain an average continuum slope of  αν= 0.59 ± 0.36  in the redshift range  2.5 < z < 3.5  . We take into account that the variation in the continuum indices increases the mean flux by 3 and 7 per cent at   z = 3  and 2.4, respectively, as compared to the values inferred with a single (mean) continuum slope. We compare our measurements to the PDF obtained with mock lognormal spectra, whose statistical properties have been constrained to match the observed Lyα flux PDF and power spectrum of high-resolution data. Using our power-law continuum fitting and the SDSS pipeline noise estimate yields a poor agreement between the observed and mock PDFs. Allowing for a break in the continuum slope and, more importantly, for residual scatter in the continuum level substantially improves the agreement. A decrease of ∼10–15 per cent in the mean quasar continuum with a typical rms variance at the 20 per cent level can account for the data, provided that the noise excess correction is no larger than ≲10 per cent.  相似文献   

Comparison of quasar (QSO) absorption spectra with laboratory spectra allows us to probe possible variations in the fundamental constants over cosmological time-scales. In a companion paper we present an analysis of Keck/HIRES spectra and report possible evidence suggesting that the fine-structure constant, α , may have been smaller in the past:     over the redshift range     . In this paper we describe a comprehensive investigation into possible systematic effects. Most of these do not significantly influence our results. When we correct for those which do produce a significant systematic effect in the data, the deviation of     from zero becomes more significant. We are led increasingly to the interpretation that α was slightly smaller in the past.  相似文献   

We show that near-infrared observations of the red side of the Lyα line from a single gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow cannot be used to constrain the global neutral fraction of the intergalactic medium (IGM),     , at the GRB's redshift to better than     . Some GRB sightlines will encounter more neutral hydrogen than others at fixed     owing to the patchiness of reionization. GRBs during the epoch of reionization will often bear no discernible signature of a neutral IGM in their afterglow spectra. We discuss the constraints on     from the   z = 6.3  burst, GRB050904, and quantify the probability of detecting a neutral IGM using future spectroscopic observations of high-redshift, near-infrared GRB afterglows. Assuming an observation with signal-to-noise ratio similar to the Subaru FOCAS spectrum of GRB050904 and that the column density distribution of damped Lyα absorbers is the same as measured at lower redshifts, a GRB from an epoch when     can be used to detect a partly neutral IGM at 97 per cent confidence level ≈10 per cent of the time (and, for an observation with three times the sensitivity, ≈30 per cent of the time).  相似文献   

We present a semi-analytic treatment of galactic winds within high-resolution, large-scale cosmological N -body simulations of a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe. The evolution of winds is investigated by following the expansion of supernova-driven superbubbles around the several hundred thousand galaxies that form in an approximately spherical region of space with diameter 52  h −1 Mpc and mean density close to the mean density of the universe. We focus our attention on the impact of winds on the diffuse intergalactic medium. Initial conditions for mass loss at the base of winds are taken from Shu, Mo & Mao. Results are presented for the volume filling factor and the mass fraction of the intergalactic medium (IGM) affected by winds, and their dependence on the model parameters is carefully investigated. The mass-loading efficiency of bubbles is a key factor to determine the evolution of winds and their global impact on the IGM: the higher the mass loading, the later the IGM is enriched with metals. Galaxies with 109 < M < 1010 M are responsible for most of the metals ejected into the IGM at   z = 3  , while galaxies with   M < 109 M   give a non-negligible contribution only at higher redshifts, when larger galaxies have not yet assembled. We find a higher mean IGM metallicity than Lyα forest observations suggest, and we argue that the discrepancy may be explained by the high temperatures of a large fraction of the metals in winds, which may not leave detectable imprints in absorption in the Lyα forest.  相似文献   

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