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统计和分析了我国古代月食记录中的月亮位置。这些宿度记录主要集中在北魏、宋朝和清朝,这三个朝代正史中记录的月食宿度错误率分别是15%、5%和4%。清代之前的大部分月食宿度记录应该是实测的结果,清代正史月食宿度记载则来自预报记录。地方性月食宿度记录绝大部分出自明清的地方志,其中对宋朝和明朝的月食宿度记录比较多,错误率分别为21%和6%,清朝地方志交食记录中对当朝发生日月食时的日月位置的记录很少,而对清之前出现此类天象时的日月位置有较多的记载。1740年前后至清末月食的宿度记录精度比之前有所提高,其主要原因是《历象考成后编》和《仪象考成》的编纂。  相似文献   

朱文鑫《历代日食考》研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用现代天文计算结果来全面研究整理中国古代日食记录,首推朱文鑫先生的<历代日食考>.他开拓的利用现代天文计算方法系统考察中国古代天象记录的研究,成为中国天文学史研究中的显学.介绍了<历代日食考>一书的内容和学术价值,比较了各个研究者对中国各代日食记录的统计,并对错误较多的西汉日食记录做了进一步的考证,以续朱先生言.分析指出,西汉日食记录的错误,许多是由另一条正确记录衍生出的.其错误的形态显示,原始记录只有年月,而日干支和所在宿度,是衍生错误已经发生之后加注的.  相似文献   

研究内容如下:(1)考察了朱文鑫先生"两汉日食考"中的142次日食数据,比对西汉(东汉)时期《中国古代天象记录总集》,所得公历日期与其同者计38次(61次),占70%(85%),所得结论与其同者42次(61次),占78%(85%).两汉《五行志》记日食计126次,其中无食21次,首都不见7次,日出前9次,日没后1次,见食凡88次,占70%,见食地通常为首都.(2)借助笔者建立的中国历史时期的日期转换平台考察两汉《五行志》日食的历日记录,由此对两汉历谱精度进行了评估.西汉(东汉)行用历法中月、日的标准误差分别为0.31月(0.17月)和0.97日(0.74日).(3)同时亦研究了两汉日食位置记录的精度,得出西汉(东汉)太阳位置记录的标准误差为11.08?(6.63?),扣除可能的错记则为9.30?(3.59?).指出若两汉的距星相同,则东汉时期太阳位置的观测误差均值为2.8?,远好于西汉时期的8.2?;若两者存在差异,则它们多出在误差偏大的宿中.(4)尝试通过有食分描述的日食记录确定?T(ET-UT)取值,同时得出"既"的食分范围为0.969~1.0,"几尽"为0.829~0.985,"不尽如钩"为0.861~0.926.  相似文献   

元代郭守敬等1280年编制的《授时历》是中国本土科学家研制的最后一部历法,具有极高的精度。采用其仍可预报2012年5月21日发生的日食,其预报北京地区的见食情况时食甚时刻误差4 min,食分误差为0.04。给出了《授时历》推步的1990~2050年北京的见食情况及精度,其中食甚时刻的标准偏差为103.04 min,食分的标准偏差则不低于0.33。通过考察1280~2050年间186个日食计算结果,可得出《授时历》自行用以来推步日食的误差,考虑到存在错报(不可见)和漏报因素的影响,其食甚时刻和食分的标准偏差分别不低于50.65 min和0.19;同时指出,随着行用时间的延长其推时误差也逐步放大。  相似文献   

历书激光排版系统研究主要用于《中国天文年历》、《天文测量简历》、《航海天文年历》、《天文普及年历》及各种民用历书计算,编辑,排版和绘图自动化,使出版社可以直接采用激光印字机打印出的书稿照相制版或用记录在软盘上的排版文件直接在照相机上安排。  相似文献   

中国自商周起就建立了先进的时法(其实就是历法的组成部分),并很早就开展了日月交食的科学预报和观测,可惜记录资料散失严重。本文认为。残存的中国古代交食时刻记录数量丰富源远流长,绵延数千年之久,对解决地球自转长期不规则性的问题同样能做出重大贡献。为此目的,我们一共收集,考证与归算了八十五例日食记录(自公元前134年至公元后1629年)与七十二例月食记录(自公元221年至1606年)。根据某食相的记录时刻(真太阳时)与计算的理论时刻(历书时),得到了它们的历书吋改正值ΔT。结果表明,ΔT值的弥散不大,它们符合现代天文年历中所用的ΔT经验公式的趋势,其偏差显著优于中心食方法的结果。综合各种有关天象记录得到的ΔT值,便能拟合一条反映地球自转长期(十年或百年尺度)不规则性的ΔT曲线。本文最后综合了由中国古代交食时刻记录,中国中心食记录以及日本古代交食时刻记录等资料得到的结果,给出了一个ΔT与Δω/ω的序列(以二十年为间隔),并做了相应的讨论  相似文献   

该文对导航卫星历书拟合问题进行了综合研究,结合J2项分析解,提出了一种新的卫星历书拟合方法和用户算法.该方法只需下列参数表示历书: Week、Toa、a、e,i、Ω0、ω0、M0,比正常的GPS卫星历书参数少一个:Ω.用户算法可以根据一阶摄动理论,由新历书参数a、e、i计算Ω,并对MEO、IGSO、GEO卫星的历书参数近地点角进行改进.通过多组模拟轨道和IGS精密轨道的历书拟合实验,结果表明采用新方法具有参数少、计算量少、迭代收敛快、拟合MEO卫星历书精度高等优点,同样适用于高轨GEO、IGSO卫星.  相似文献   

中国科学院紫金山天文台编 上海辞书出版社1 999年 1 2月出版 大 32开 32 0页 定价 1 5元  由中国科学院紫金山天文台编算 ,上海辞书出版社出版的《2 1世纪百年历》问世了。这本历书由历表和文字资料两大部分组成。历表给出 2 0 0 0年~ 2 1 0 0年共 1 0 1年的日历表 ,表中包含公历、夏历、星期、干支对照、节气、梅、伏和九九的日期 ,其中前 50年节气的交节时刻给到小时。历表采用最新太阳、月球运动理论计算按东经 1 2 0°标准时 (北京时 )为准。此书文字资料部分由上海天文台和上海市气象局专家编写。内容包括历和时间、气象知识和…  相似文献   

太阳光压是影响高轨卫星轨道精密确定的主要因子之一,这种摄动的有效模制将进一步改进卫星轨道的预报精度.主要对太阳光压模型中面质比误差对地球倾斜同步轨道卫星轨道预报的影响进行了分析.20%面质比参数标定误差对地球倾斜同步轨道卫星位置预报影响仿真结果显示:一天内前16h,x、z分量的预报误差幅度相对较小,y分量误差相对较大;一天内最后8h,x、y、z各分量误差发散明显,但z分量的误差发散程度较大.20%面质比参数标定误差对地球倾斜同步轨道卫星速度预报影响仿真结果显示,一天内,x、y、z各分量的预报误差幅度不超过1 mm/s.  相似文献   

《诗经 .小雅》明确记载了发生于十月辛卯的日食 ,其时代和地域背景也比较清楚。但是精确的现代天文计算却找不到对应的事件。对公元前 8- 6世纪的全部辛卯日食、厉王至幽王时代的全部十月日食以及相关的天文因素进行了全面的计算和讨论 ,以期对史学界关于文献背景的讨论提供帮助。  相似文献   

This paper describes and discusses some key facts in the early history of the European Southern Observatory: the founding phase leading to the establishment of the “nucleus” of telescopes in Chile, the role and impact of the “parallel line” of national telescopes, the mission of ESO and the impact of the organisation as a maecenas to European astronomy. With specific focus on the foundation of A & A as a refereed journal foregoing page charges, the support of national telescopes of all classes, the allotment of telescope time on the sole basis of proposal quality, the free travel and technical support, the free distribution of “The Messenger”, the development and free distribution of MIDAS, and the personal dedication of some early foster persons.  相似文献   

Evidence for visual calendrical observations in the landscape surrounding the “Bruchhauser Steine” is presented. Recent archaeoastronomical discoveries provide evidence for a sophisticated system of observation sites of arcminute accuracy, using the large volcanic rocks on the “Istenberg” as astronomical foresights of apparent solar and lunar size.  相似文献   

十月太阳历研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十月太阳历,首先是彝族中进行实施地口头调查获得,继而在哈尼族、僳僳族中均有发现。随后有人认为口头调查不可靠,从未见有彝文和汉文记载,进而提出彝族自古使用的就是十二月,所谓十月历是有经编出来编人的,但近年来多方发掘研究,取得重大突破,有关十月的历的彝文典籍,发现了《天文历法史》、等。  相似文献   

中国古历定朔推步综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
“朔”简言之表日月黄经相等,先民对其认识经历了一个从平朔到定朔的过程,通过研究古历,文中分析并归纳了不同时期中国古历日制度的基本元素之一-朔的两种推步方法:“积年法”和“《授时历》法”,其中包括平朔,日躔,月离,及定朔的推步方法等;得出了由各历的基本历数直接推出的中国古历定朔计算的一般公式,同时亦给出了《授时历》的推朔法和部分算例。  相似文献   

Following the detection of extraterrestrial radio waves in 1932 by Karl Jansky, radio astronomy developed quickly after World War II. It established itself soon as a new branch of astronomy with today's outstanding record in the detection of new phenomena in space. These have been honoured by a number of Nobel prizes. Radio astronomy largely depends on technical developments in receiver technology, antenna systems, electronics and computing power. Ever shorter wavelengths down to the submm‐wavelength range became accessible, resulting in new exciting discoveries. However, now and in future care must be taken, in particular for the lower frequency range, of harmful man‐made interferences, which might mask the weak signals from space. New international facilities with orders‐of‐magnitude higher sensitivity like ALMA and SKA are planned or under construction. Space‐borne observatories like PLANCK will detect weak fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background, which will constrain cosmological models with an unprecedented accuracy.  相似文献   

Yearly calendars were a mass‐produced article in early modern times and had an enormous importance in everyday life. Besides a first part, the Calendarium with the monthly tables, they contain a second part, the astrological Prognosticum. At first, the two parts were sold separately. In the second half of the 17th century, the parts were designed as a unity and sold together. The calendars in quart format contain texts which are so interesting that historical research should give them more consideration. Such a text is found, e.g., in the second part of the calendar for 1611, written by Paul Nagel, astronomer and rector of the school in Torgau. Nagel informs about Galilei's discoveries with the telescope. The (Latin) text was written in August 1610. This text is presented and put into perspective in the scientific debates of the time about the telescope as a new invention with consequences to philosophy (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Karl Friedrich Knorre (1801–1883) was the son of Ernst Knorre, an astronomy professor at Dorpat university. During his education at Dorpat university, he became acquainted with Wilhelm Struve, the future director of Pulkovo observatory. Because of Knorre's passion for astronomy, Struve recommended him to the post of director of the planned naval observatory in Nikolaev. From its foundation in 1821, Karl Knorre was director of the Nikolaev Naval (and later Astronomical) Observatory. He carried out star position observations with the meridian circle, worked as an astronomy instructor for sea navigators, compiled the fifth section of the star charts of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and lead all hydrographic determinations on the Azov and Black seas. In 1871, Karl Nikolaev Observatory, and moved to Berlin.  相似文献   

More than 2000 years ago, Epicurus taught that there are an infinite number of other worlds, both like and unlike ours, and Aristotle taught that there are none. Neither hypothesis can currently be falsified, and some versions of current multiverses perhaps never can be, which has contributed to occasional claims that “this isn't science!” (a common complaint about cosmology for centuries). Define “cosmos”, or “world”, or “universe” to mean the largest structure of which you and the majority of knowledgeable contemporaries will admit to being a part. This begins with the small, earth‐centered worlds of ancient Egyptian paintings, Greek mythology, and Genesis, which a god could circumnavigate in a day and humans in a generation. These tend to expand and become helio‐rather than geo‐centric (not quite monotonically in time) and are succeeded by various assemblages of sun‐like stars with planets of their own. Finite vs. infinite assemblages are debated and then the issue of whether the Milky Way is unique (so that “island universes” made sense, even if you were against the idea) for a couple of centuries. Today one thinks as a rule of the entire 4‐dimensional space‐time we might in principle communicate with and all its contents. Beyond are the modern multi‐verses, sequential (cyclic or oscillating), hierarchical, or non‐communicating entities in more than four dimensions. Each of these has older analogues, and, in every milieu where the ideas have been discussed, there have been firm supporters and firm opponents, some of whose ideas are explored here. Because astronomical observations have firmly settled some earlier disputes in favor of very many galaxies and very many stars with planets, “other worlds” can now refer only to other planets like Earth or to other universes. The focus is on the latter (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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