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近年来,株洲市在做大做强土地储备方面进行了积极的探索,通过健全体制,激活机制,广泛融资,增加储备,积极招商,深度开发,土地储备工作取得了长足的发展,共累计融资近9亿元,报批建设用地7612亩,收购、收回储备土地1040亩,出让储备土地50宗,共计2390亩,出让收入近10亿元,在经营城市、建设城市、调控房地产市场等方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

沧海桑田,堪堪半世。生命里,始终珍藏着一座山,那座山见证了我的成长,承载了我的青春。其实,和那些有名的山相比,那座山实在算不上是座大山,之所以称之为"大山",是因为她在我心中占据了很重要的位置——清新如兰的空气如诗似画的山景,是我今生永远都抹不去的记忆。山,在住地的南边,人们就把那山叫做了南山。记得那时,只要不是恶劣的天气,我几乎是天天上山,早迎朝阳,晚送落日,家里人都说我"长"在了山上。我喜欢一个人坐在山顶上,无拘无束地看蓝天白云,看花开花落。开心时,我会欢歌起舞,还会与花  相似文献   

山虎的裔子彝族民间史诗《梅葛》说,天地混沌时,格滋天神派了他的5个儿子去造天。天造好了之后,便用雷电来做试验,结果天裂开了。用什么东西来补天呢?格滋认为天底下只有老虎最威猛,于是他又派儿子们去杀虎,然后用老虎的一根大骨头作撑天柱,这样天就稳定下来了。他们又把虎头作天头,虎尾作地尾,虎鼻作天鼻,虎耳作天耳,左眼作太阳,右眼作月亮,虎须作阳光,虎牙作星星,虎油作云彩,虎气作雾气,虎心作天心地胆,虎肚作大海,虎血作海水,大肠作江,小肠作河,  相似文献   

孟州市是如何开展"空心村"治理的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟州市下辖6镇1乡4个办事处,总面积541.64平方公里,273个行政村,393个自然村,全市总人口370072人,农业人口312127人,农村居民74169户,村庄占地总面积达76542亩,占全市建设用地总量的54.4%,人均用地达0.24亩,人均最高用地达0.7亩.由于历史原因,该市大多数村庄存在不同程度的"空心村"现象,部分村户宅基地面积甚至在1亩以上.  相似文献   

2002年以来,卢氏县地矿局在县委、县政府"工矿业强县"思路指引下,竭尽全力,发挥自己的行业优势,抓住机遇,强化管理,以矿山项目建设为重点,以矿业秩序整顿为保障,以资源优化配置为突破口,以前期研究论证为开端,加大招商引资力度,争取项目资金,强力、有序开发县域矿产资源,服务好全县矿山生产建设,使全县矿业采选冶总产值从2002年的1.08亿元增长到2006的4.80亿元,五年翻了两番,每年平均增幅48%.  相似文献   

曲径通幽,却永不落寞。清晨,当新一天的第一缕曙光徐徐地洒向地面时,斑驳陆离的山道上就会迎来一波又一波的人群,人们在两旁树木成排、上空披翠盖绿的小道是来也匆匆,去也匆匆,周而复始,乐此不疲。往上的,像片片彩云向上飘浮,向下的却又像浪浪涧水直泻而下,人潮如涌,川流不息。有的走得散漫,安步当车;有的走得潇洒,谈天说地;有的走得给力,虎虎生风……  相似文献   

正年,越来越近了,她就像一个快乐的使者,穿行在热闹非凡的超市里,行走在熙熙攘攘的街道上,倘徉在人头攒动的车站和机场中,把亲情、友情、爱情以及人世间所有的幸福和吉祥,传递给身边的每一个人。我们盼望着年的到来,我们在浓浓的年味中感受着温馨和愉悦。年的味道就是快乐的味道。小时候,每到过年时候,妈妈总是会给我们换上一身漂亮的新衣服,买回我们爱吃的糖果、饼干,然后,在厨房里忙里忙外,  相似文献   

人们说,二月春风似剪刀,剪红了花儿,剪绿了树梢。春暖花开的季节,正是捂了一个冬天的人们出去活动的季节,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气,活动活动筋骨,踏踏青,感受一下铺满新绿的山山水水,身体不觉间舒展了许多,心情也随之荡漾起来。我想,再没有什么,能比得上这样舒心的季节了!而我喜欢  相似文献   

广西环江县长美乡风光旖旎,山水秀丽。长美乡内同村上南屯附近有一溶洞,洞内景色更加迷人,洞内钟乳石遍布,形态各异,美不胜收。然而,最吸引人的是洞内的水冲石,在大山深处那暗无天日的地下溶洞,用灯光一照,我  相似文献   

今年以来,方城县小史店镇采取有力措施,严厉打击违法占地行为,截至5月底,共拆除违法建筑18宗,恢复耕地面积3500平方米,有效遏制了违法占地行为,维护了全镇用地秩序。此次活动,由镇政府牵头,镇党委书记任政委,镇长任指挥长,镇纪委书记任督察组组长。同时规定,各行政村单宗违法占耕地面积0.5亩至1亩或累计1亩的,每宗处罚1000元;单宗违法  相似文献   

Based on the temperature data along 34°N, 35°N and 36°N sections in August from 1977 to 2003, the structure and formation of the Southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (SYSCWM) and its responses to El Nino events are analyzed. Results show that: (1) There exist double cold cores under the main thermocline along the 35°N and 36°N sections. Also, double warm cores exist above the main thermocline along the 36°N section. (2) Thermocline dome by upwelling separates the upper warm water into two parts, the eastern and western warm waters. Additionally, the circulation structure caused by upwelling along the cold front and northeastward current along the coast in summer is the main reasons of double warm cores along the 36°N section. The intermediate cold water is formed in early spring and moves eastward slowly, which results in the formation of the western one of double cold cores. (3) Position of the thermocline dome and its intensity vary interannually, which is related to El Nino events. However, the  相似文献   

There exists frost damage in cold-region tunnels. The circumferential cracks affect the function of tunnels. Using three-dimensional finite element method, the authors analyzed the mechanism of circumferential cracks in cold-region tunnels It is proved that the internal thermal stress in lining exceeds the tensile strength of concrete, which is the direct cause for circumferential cracks occurring. The laws of thermal stress in lining induced by parameters such as temperature drop, horizontal drag coefficient and length of lining are analyzed. The conclusions are valuable to the design and construction of cold-region tunnels considering the thermal stress.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the phytoplankton community structures of reservoirs of different trophic status, located in a cold region. Physical and chemical variables and the phytoplankton communities were investigated in two reservoirs (Xiquanyan Reservoir and Taoshan Reservoir) in Northeast China in 2009. The two reservoirs showed strong seasonal fluctuations in their physical and chemical composition. Results of the trophic status index indicated that Xiaquanyan Reservoir was mesotrophic, whilst Taoshan Reservoir was eutrophic. Diatoms were the dominant phytoplankton group in Xiquanyan Reservoir throughout all seasons of the study, while in Taoshan Reservoir, diatoms dominated in spring, and cyanobacteria dominated in summer and autumn. This difference was resulted from differences in local environmental factors, including nutrients and hydrology. This study suggests that in mesotrophic reservoirs, nutrients played a key role in controlling seasonal phytoplankton successions, whereas in eutrophic reservoirs water temperature was the key factor in a cold region. Notably, the dominant species in summer in the Taoshan Reservoir was Microcystis, which may produce toxins depending on the ambient conditions, and presenting a risk of local toxin contamination.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of studies of abrupt climate changes(ACCs) during the Holocene published during the past ten years.North Atlantic cold events are indicators of ACCs.As indicated by North Atlantic ice-rafted debris(IRD),there were nine confirmed cold events during the Holocene,occurring at 11.1 kyr,10.3 kyr,9.4 kyr,8.1 kyr,5.9 kyr,4.2 kyr,2.8 kyr,1.4 kyr,and 0.4 kyr respectively according to most representative results from Bond et al.(1997).However,the identification of chronology has been made with some uncertainties.Considerable climatic proxy data have shown that,during the cold events,substantial climate abnormalities have occurred widely across the globe,particularly in the areas surrounding the North Atlantic.These abnormalities were in the form of high-latitude cold in the both hemispheres,expansion of the Westerlies to low latitudes,drought in the monsoon regions,recession of summer monsoons,and intensification of the winter monsoons.Studies have indicated that the four ACCs occurring in the early Holocene may be related to freshwater pulses from ice melting in the northern part of the North Atlantic,and the other five ACCs that occurred during the middle and late Holocene may be related to the decreased solar activity.  相似文献   

Analysis of cold tolerance on mangrove Kandelia candel leaf growing in different soil salinity along Jiulong River Estuary in South China showed that the cold tolerance decreased as the increase of soil salinity. The lethal temperatures of K. candel leaf were-10.4,-9.9 and-8.6℃ in Liaodong, Baijiao and Aotou, respectively. Under 1-2℃ cold stress treatment on detached leaves of K. candel, their caloric value gradually decreased, while electrolyte leakage gradually increased. The leaf's caloric value and electrolyte leakage in Aotou with higher soil salinity varied more largely than those in Liaodong with lower soil salinity. In K. candel leaf, total water content lowered a little, bound water content rose significantly and free water content dropped significantly with duration of cold stress. At the same time, reduction sugar, soluble sugar and starch content gradually decreased and sucrose content gradually increased. Bound water, free water and sucrose content in K. candel leaf from Aotou with higher soil salinity changed more slowly than those from Liaodong with lower soil salinity, but reduction sugar, soluble sugar and starch content in K. candel leaf from Aotou had faster variations than those from Liaodong. These data indicated that soil salinity can reduce cold tolerance of K.candel leaf by increasing negative effect of salt ions in cell membrane, inhibiting variations of water content, and aggravating consumption of material and energy.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONChromosomemanipulationisconsideredtobeveryimportantforpracticalapplicationinfishbreeding.Triploidyhasbeenofinterestbecausetriploidfisharesupposedtobesterileduetothefailureofthehomologouschromosomesynapsisduringearlygametogenesis(SugamaandT…  相似文献   

Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is an important commercial crustacean in China. An experiment was designed to study the effect of cold stress on S. serrata. After a one-week adaptation at 28oC, the temperature is suddenly reduced to 4oC. The crabs were sampled every 2 h for 10 h and dissected immediately to measure the enzyme activity. The crabs at room temperature (28oC) were used as the control group. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activity of 4 ATPases (Na , K -ATPase; Mg2 -ATPase; Ca2 -ATPase; Ca2 , Mg2 -ATPase) were measured biochemically. In contrast to the control group, the SOD activity increased significantly from 2 to 6 h after the cold stress, and then decreased. The CAT and GPX activities increased in 2 h, and then decreased gradually. The content of MDA increased gradually in 4 h. The activity of Na , K -ATPase decreased in 2 h, increased up to the top value at Hour 6, then decreased again. The activities of Mg2 -ATPase, Ca2 -ATPase and Ca2 , Mg2 -ATPase increased significantly in 6 h, insignificantly in any other hours. Under cold stress, the activity of antioxidative enzymes in S. serrata was reduced at first then stabilized, ROS-scavenging weakened, and MDA accumulated gradually in the gill after 6 h. The activity of the 4 ATPases in the crab decreased after 6 h, suggesting that the ability to regulate ion concentration has been paralyzed. Therefore, the maximum period to sustain healthy meat in the crab under cold stress is 6 hours.  相似文献   

Seafloor pockmarks are important indicators of submarine methane seepages and slope instabilities.In order to promote the understanding of submarine pockmarks and their relationship with sediment instabilities and climate changes,here we summarize the research results of pockmarks in the spatio-temporal distributions and shaping factors.Most of pockmarks occur along active or passive continental margins during the last 25 kyr B.P..Circular and ellipse are the most common forms of pockmarks,whereas pockmarks in a special crescent or elongated shape are indicators of slope instabilities,and ring-shape pockmarks are endemic to the gas hydrate zones.Further researches should be focused on the trigger mechanism of climate changes based on the pockmarks in the high latitudes formed during the deglaciation periods,and the role of gas hydrates in the seafloor evolution should be elucidated.In addition,the feature of pockmarks at their early stage(e.g.,developing gas chimneys and gas driving sedimentary doming)and the relations between pockmarks and mass movements,mud diapirs could be further studied to clarify the influences of rapid methane release from submarine sediments on the atmospheric carbon contents.  相似文献   

本文通过对五大连池地区矿泉水采样分析,进行同位素测年研究,提出该区矿泉水主要来于大气降水。原生冷矿水和次生冷矿水中的放射性碳都已经历了万年以上的蜕变,说明该区矿泉水地下迳流条件极差,其冷矿水形成时间长,资源有限,因此应有计划地合理开采利用,防止过量滥采而导致矿水资源枯竭。  相似文献   

It is helpful to improve the seismic design theory of long-span continuous bridges for studying the seismic performance of each cantilever construction state.Taking the Bridge 1 in the north of Changbai-Mountain international tourism resort as an example,the authors studied it in shutdown phase and the cantilever construction process,established the simulation model by using Midas / civil,and analyzed time-history of each construction stage for the bridge.The study shows that long-span bridge cantilever construction in northeastern China can be divided into two-year tasks for construction(suspending in winter).It is needed to think about seismic stability of the cantilever position in shut-down phase of winter.The effect of longitudinal vibration is the most disadvantageous influence to bridge,and its calculation results can provide reference for seismic design of similar bridges in the future.  相似文献   

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