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为精确识别五名山滑坡隐患,利用Sentinel-1A/B升降轨数据,基于SBAS-InSAR技术反演2017-03~2021-04该地区垂向和坡向形变,识别滑坡灾害以及隐患点,对形变时间序列及滑坡原因进行分析。结果表明,五名山潜在地质灾害隐患可分为3个区域,其中最大垂向累积形变达-38.28 mm,临空面坡体最大坡向累积形变为22.10 mm;降水量对坡体稳定性具有不同程度的影响,坡体累积形变峰值滞后于降水峰值。研究成果可回溯蓟州五名山滑坡灾害形变特征,为天津北部山区地质灾害监测识别提供新思路,为防灾减灾提供保障和技术支持。  相似文献   

为全面准确地识别小金川半扇门-达维河段干流两岸滑坡隐患,基于SBAS-InSAR技术,通过Sentinel-1升、降轨数据分析结果结合互补的方式对该区域的滑坡隐患进行早期识别。结果显示:1)升、降轨数据结合有效减小了阴影叠掩区干扰,能够较全面地识别出两岸岸坡长期蠕变的隐患点;2)Sentinel-1降轨处理得到LOS向形变速率为-120~10 mm/a,升轨处理得到的形变速率为-131~10 mm/a;3)基于形变结果识别出35处滑坡隐患点,其中8处为典型滑坡隐患点。重点分析两处滑坡隐患点的形变特征并进行现场复核显示,坡体上道路错断明显,在形变区域发育有裂隙并导致地台发生错动,验证了坡体处于长期蠕变状态。  相似文献   

基于38景Sentinel-1 SAR影像,利用SBAS-InSAR技术获取2019-02-2021-10引黄济青沿线地表形变的分布、量级及时空演化特征等信息;然后,使用形变梯度分析引黄济青沿线地表的稳定性;最后,利用Prophet模型对引黄济青沿线若干特征点的地表形变进行预测。研究表明,SBAS-InSAR能够获取引黄济青沿线及其周边区域大范围、长时间序列的地表形变情况,横纵剖面线形变梯度值比较大的区域与地表形变严重区高度吻合;基于SBAS-InSAR的监测结果,利用Prophet模型能够对形变较小的特征点进行较好的模拟和预测。  相似文献   

基于覆盖合肥地区的24景Sentinel-1A数据,采用PS-InSAR和SBAS-InSAR时序处理方法获取2017-11~2019-10合肥市城区及周边地面形变分布信息,分析主城区地面沉降的时空演化规律,获取地铁网络沿线地表形变空间分布图。结果表明,合肥市地铁线路沿线发生不同程度形变,形变严重区域主要集中在西部及西南部,最大沉降速率达到35 mm/a。对池河-西山驿断裂形变场进行宏观分析,并结合时空同步的跨断层水准数据进行对比验证,认为2种数据的垂直形变监测结果具有一致性,推测数据的垂直升降变化可能受断层拉张和挤压交替控制。  相似文献   

本文运用SBAS-InSAR时序技术,对2019年9月19日-2020年3月29日期间的17景Sentinel-1A数据进行处理,获取了济宁北部煤矿区内的年均沉降速率,探测到6处沉降漏斗分布,最大沉降速率达到-242 mm/y.结果 表明:SBAS-InSAR时序方法可在矿区的地表形变监测中得到足够的监测对象,较完整地...  相似文献   

金沙江结合带结构破碎,软弱岩层发育,流域性特大高位地质灾害频繁发生。针对该区域开展大范围滑坡调查与监测研究,对减灾防灾具有重要意义。以金沙江结合带巴塘段为试验区,采用堆叠InSAR技术分别利用升轨、降轨Sentinel-1A卫星数据对该区域滑坡隐患开展了调查研究。在此基础上,以中心绒乡滑坡群为重点研究区,利用多维小基线子集技术获取了区域二维形变速率(水平东西向和垂直向)及二维时间序列结果。通过对4处典型滑坡体的形变时间序列结果进行分析,发现在两年时间段内安里克米滑坡、仁娘村滑坡、贡伙村滑坡1和贡伙村滑坡2水平方向累积位移量分别达到44.3、-26.6、65.3和-77.1 mm,垂直向累积位移量分别达到-30.2、-88.3、-80.9和-56.9 mm,且这4处滑坡呈现缓慢蠕滑变形趋势。通过对贡伙村滑坡2的形变监测二维时间序列与降雨数据分析发现,强降雨对滑坡变形有一定短暂影响。由于滑坡群处于地质条件脆弱地区,构造活动强烈,在强降雨条件下极易导致滑坡失稳,建议对其进行持续监测,同时该研究成果对流域内其他区域的滑坡调查与监测研究具有参考意义。  相似文献   

本文讨论了我国大陆地区滑坡发育的区域性分布及滑坡发育与地壳形变的相关性问题,认为:1)我国大陆地区滑坡发育具有区域性特点,主要集中分布于我国北纬25°—38°和东经100°—115°的范围内;2)滑坡区域性分布与地壳形变具有相关性,滑坡发育区受地壳差异性形变速率、梯度和幅值变异等控制;3)滑坡发育区主要分布于中新生代断陷盆地边缘带附近。  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar, 简称InSAR)是获取地表形变的重要手段, 由于InSAR数据获取的限制和数据处理中产生的精度误差等问题, 在地灾隐患识别方面的工作还需要联合地质灾害本身进行分析。为此提出了一种基于InSAR技术与研究区孕灾背景指标相结合的方法, 并将其应用于三峡库区巴东段的地灾隐患识别研究中。研究结果表明, 使用ALOS-2 PALSAR雷达影像, 应用时序InSAR技术得到了研究区的变形空间分布和变化速率, 并结合研究区的孕灾背景, 将易发性等级、坡度、工程岩组和是否与灾害目录重叠4个指标作为地灾隐患判别的指标, 综合识别出19处疑似地灾隐患区, 然后对疑似地灾隐患区进行了逐一野外核查, 经验证地灾隐患识别成功率为78.9%。研究成果证明了将InSAR技术和孕灾背景相结合进行地灾隐患识别方法的可行性, 可在区域灾害识别中发挥重要作用。   相似文献   

TanDEM-X 90 m 数字高程模型(DEM)在其原始雷达影像的采集与DEM产品生产过程中,坡度、坡向和地表覆盖物等 因素都会对误差产生一定的影响。为了便于该数据更好地为各领域的研究提供服务,本文以整个中国大陆为研究区域,运用ICESat/GLA14数据对该区域的TanDEM-X 90 m DEM对应位置的高程数据进行提取统计,对比分析了我国陆地区域 TanDEM-X DEM数据与GLA14高程点数据的整体误差精度,并提取坡度、坡向地形因子,研究TanDEM-X 90 m DEM误差在不同坡度、不同坡向以及不同地表覆盖物影响下的分布规律。结果表明:① TanDEM-X 90 m DEM在中国区域整体的绝对误差均值为3.89 m,中误差为9.03 m,标准差为8.85 m; ② 受地形因子的影响,在坡度<3°时,绝对误差均值仅为1.29 m,标准差为2.84 m; 在坡度>25°时,绝对误差均值20 m以上,标准差也达到30 m左右,即误差随着坡度的上升逐渐增大;③ 坡向对误差也有一定影响,在南北方向的绝对误差均值明显比东西方向小;④ 受地表覆盖物影响较大,在荒地误差最小,绝对误差均值仅为 1.85 m,但在冰川积雪区绝对误差均值达到12.68 m。通过与无人机获取的等高线及剖面图对比分析发现,TanDEM-X 90 m DEM能较好地反映真实地形情况。最后,根据不同影响因素的权值,绘制全国范围的TanDEM-X 90 m DEM误差绝对值分布图,且验证了可靠性。  相似文献   

区域滑坡易发性评价对滑坡灾害防治具有重要意义,贵州省思南县由于其特殊的自然地理和地质条件,受滑坡地质灾害的影响非常严重,因此,非常有必要对思南县的滑坡易发性进行评价。在滑坡编录的基础上,采用由RS、GIS和GPS组成的3S技术,获取了思南县的数字高程模型、坡度、坡向、剖面曲率、坡长、岩土类型、地表湿度指数、距离水系的距离、植被覆盖度和地表建筑物指数10个滑坡影响因子;再在频率比和相关性分析的基础上,利用逻辑回归模型对思南县的滑坡易发性进行了评价并绘制了易发性分布图。结果表明:利用逻辑回归模型预测思南县滑坡易发性的准确率(AUC值)达到0.797,较为准确地预测出了思南县滑坡分布规律;极高和高滑坡易发区主要分布在高程低于600 m、地表坡度较大且以软质岩类为主的区域;而极低和低滑坡易发区主要分布在高程较高、地表坡度较小且以硬质岩类为主的区域。   相似文献   

斜坡变形受众多因子综合控制, 不同因子的敏感性与作用规律在变形过程中差异明显。以湖北省阳新县顺层基岩滑坡为研究对象, 通过正交试验结合离散元数值模拟的方法, 研究多个影响因子对应顺层滑坡变形的敏感性并确立主导因素, 随后基于响应面拟合主导因素与滑坡不同部位变形程度间的量化关系, 揭示主导因素交互作用对滑坡变形破坏模式的影响规律。结果表明, 在研究区内坡度与岩层倾角分别为影响顺层滑坡变形的主导与次主导因素, 滑坡的变形破坏模式受控于二者的交互作用。在中-陡倾顺层滑坡中, 当坡度小于岩层倾角时, 滑坡变形主要集中在坡顶, 且变形程度随岩层倾角的增加而增大, 表现出滑移-弯曲的变形破坏模式; 在缓倾顺层滑坡中, 当坡度大于岩层倾角时, 滑坡坡脚位移较坡顶显著, 其坡脚变形程度随坡度的增加而增大, 以滑移-拉裂变形为主。研究成果可为该类滑坡的防治工作提供参考。   相似文献   

黄土高原边坡特征与破坏规律的分区研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了研究黄土高原自然边坡的特征及破坏规律,按山系与水系或水系的分水岭、地貌单元、地层岩性特征等条件,将黄土高原划分为8个区:临洮—永靖区、天水—通渭区、兰州—会宁区、陇东区、靖边—安塞区、隰县—离石区、甘泉—吉县区和汾渭区.根据极限状态边坡的4个野外判别标准,测量了8个区510个自然极限状态黄土边坡断面,分区采用指数模型回归边坡坡高与坡宽的相关关系,计算各区20、50、100m坡高的边坡稳定系数和失效概率.结果表明:黄土高原的边坡特征与破坏形式具有分区特征,且南北差异性明显.临洮—永靖区边坡坡高与坡宽呈线性关系,表明该区边坡坡度不随坡高变化,边坡稳定性受内摩擦角控制;兰州—会宁区和靖边—安塞区高坡陡,低坡缓,高坡不稳定,易发生错落式滑坡;天水—通渭区、甘泉—吉县区和汾渭区高坡缓,低坡陡,稳定性计算结果显示高坡和低坡都较为稳定,但由于地层结构和地貌的特点,高边坡易发生低速蠕变型滑坡或高速远程滑坡;陇东区边坡整体上较为稳定;隰县—离石区受黏粒含量较高的Q1地层控制,高边坡稳定性较差;50m左右坡高的黄土边坡稳定性对强度指标内聚力、内摩擦角的敏感度都高,易于失稳.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to determine the geometrical and geotechnical characteristics of landslides under various geological conditions using detailed field surveys, laboratory soil tests and precipitation records. Three study areas are selected to consider different rocks, including gneiss in Jangheung, granite in Sangju and sedimentary rocks in Pohang, South Korea. Many landslides have occurred in these three areas during the rainy season.Precipitation records indicate that landslides occurring in the gneiss area of Jangheung and granite area of Sangju may be influenced by the hourly rainfall intensity rather than cumulative rainfall.However, landslides occurring in the sedimentary rock area of Pohang may be influenced by hourly rainfall intensity and cumulative rainfall. To investigate the factors that influence these types of landslides, a detailed landslide survey was performed and a series of laboratory soil tests were conducted.According to the detailed field survey, most landslides occurred on the flanks of mountain slopes, and the slope inclination where they occurred mostly ranged from 26 to 30 degrees, regardless of the geological conditions. The landslide in the gneiss area of Jangheung is larger than the landslides in the granite area of Sangju and sedimentary rock area of Pohang.Particularly, the landslide in the sedimentary rock area is shorter and shallower than the landslides in the gneiss and granite areas. Thus, the shape and size of the landslide are clearly related to the geological conditions. According to the integrated soil property and landslide occurrence analyses results, the average dry unit weight of the soils from the landslide sites is smaller than that of the soils obtained from the nonlandslide site. The average coefficient of permeability of soils obtained from the landslide sites is greater than that of soils obtained from the non-landslide sites with the same geology. These results indicate that the soils from the landslide sites are more poorly graded or looser than the soils from the non-landslide sites.  相似文献   

降雨入渗和人工开挖是诱发黄土滑坡的重要因素, 为了研究在这2种诱因作用下关中地区黄土滑坡失稳过程及其对稳定性的影响, 以陕西省长武县杨厂村老庙滑坡为研究对象, 通过现场调查、地质测绘和钻孔勘探, 查明了该滑坡变形特征, 定性分析了滑坡变形演变过程; 基于滑坡变形前15 d内日降雨量实测值, 采用有限元软件, 对坡脚开挖后连续降雨作用下滑坡形成过程进行了仿真模拟; 基于强度折减法对该滑坡稳定性变化规律进行了研究。结果表明: ①关中地区特殊的地层结构是滑坡变形的内因, 降雨是最主要的诱发因素; ②滑坡失稳演化过程表现为: 坡体处于蠕滑状态, 坡脚开挖后, 坡体前缘失稳, 牵引中后缘坡体向下错动而产生张拉裂缝, 在降雨作用下, 雨水沿裂缝渗入坡体深部, 滑坡中部岩土体浸水后抗剪强度降低, 从而导致黄土层与红黏土层接触面饱水形成贯通滑带, 诱发深层滑坡; ③滑坡开挖后较初始状态, 稳定性系数降幅为0.102, 此后受连续降雨影响, 稳定性系数在前10 d以平均0.010/d的速率缓慢下降, 第10~13 d以0.034/d的速率快速下降至最低, 第13 d以后开始回升。研究结果可以为该类滑坡防治提供有效依据。   相似文献   

Earthquake-triggered landslides have aroused widespread attention because of their tremendous ability to harm people's lives and properties.The best way to avoid and mitigate their damage is to develop landslide hazard maps and make them available to the public in advance of an earthquake.Future construction can then be built according to the level of hazard and existing structures can be retrofit as necessary.During recent years various approaches have been made to develop landslide hazard maps using statistical analysis or physical models.However,these methods have limitations.This study introduces a new GIS-based approach,using the contributing weight model,to evaluate the hazard of seismically-induced landslides.In this study,the city and surrounding area of Dujiangyan was selected as the research area because of its moderate-high seismic activity.The parameters incorporated into the model that related to the probability of landslide occurrence were:slope gradient,slope aspect,geomorphology,lithology,base level,surface roughness,earthquake intensity,fault proximity,drainage proximity,and road proximity.The parameters were converted into raster data format with a resolution of 25×25m2 pixels.Analysis of the GIS correlations shows that the highest earthquake-induced landslide hazard areas are mainly in the hills and in some of the moderately steep mountainous areas of central Dujiangyan.The highest hazard zone covers an area of 11.1% of the study area,and the density distribution of seismically-induced landslides was 3.025/km2 from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.The moderately hazardous areas are mainly distributed within the moderately steep mountainous regions of the northern and southeastern parts of the study area and the hills of the northeastern part;covering 32.0% of the study area and with a density distribution of 2.123/km2 resulting from the Wenchuan earthquake.The lowest hazard areas are mainly distributed in the topographically flat plain in the northeastern part and some of the relatively gently slopes in the moderately steep mountainous areas of the northern part of Dujiangyan and the surrounding area.The lowest hazard areas cover 56.9% of the study area and exhibited landslide densities of 0.941/km2 and less from the Wenchuan earthquake.The quality of the hazard map was validated using a comparison with the distribution of landslides that were cataloged as occurring from the Wenchuan earthquake.43.1% of the study area consists of high and moderate hazardous zones,and these regions include 83.5% of landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake.The successful analysis shows that the contributing weight model can be effective for earthquake-triggered landslide hazard appraisal.The model's results can provide the basis for risk management and regional planning is.  相似文献   

Landslides are prevalent, regular, and expensive hazards in the Karakoram Highway(KKH) region. The KKH connects Pakistan with China in the present China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC) context. This region has not only immense economic importance but also ecological significance. The purpose of the study was to map the landslide-prone areas along KKH using two different techniquesAnalytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) and Scoops 3 D model. The causative parameters for running AHP include the lithology, presence of thrust, land use land cover, precipitation, and Digital Elevation Model(DEM) derived variables(slope, curvature, aspect, and elevation). The AHP derived final landslide susceptibility map was classified into four zones, i.e., low, moderate, high, and extremely high. Over 80% of the study area falls under the moderate(43%) and high(40%) landslide susceptible zones. To assess the slope stability of the study area, the Scoops 3 D model was used by integrating with the earthquake loading data. The results of the limit equilibrium analysis categorized the area into four groups(low, moderate, high, and extremely high mass) of slope failure. The areas around Main Mantle Thrust(MMT) including Dubair, Jijal, and Kohistan regions, had high volumes of potential slope failures. The results from AHP and Scoops 3 D techniques were validated with the landslides inventory record of the Geological Survey of Pakistan and Google Earth. The results from both the techniques showed similar output that coincides with the known landslides areas. However, Scoops 3 D provides not only susceptible zones but also the range of volume of the potential slope failures. Further, these techniques could be used in other mountainous areas, which could help in the landslide mitigation measures.  相似文献   

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