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北方农牧交错区地处半湿润/半干旱生态脆弱过渡带,干旱是影响该区植被生产力的关键因素之一。探究干旱对植被总初级生产力的影响,对深刻理解气候变化下生态系统生产力变化响应特征及优化区域碳水循环具有重要意义。为了更好地了解水分限制区不同干旱特征对GPP影响,本研究以北方农牧交错区为例,基于长时间序列的标准化降水蒸散发指数(SPEI3,1900—2020年)和植被总初级生产力(GPP,1982—2018年)等数据,首先采用小波分析明确SPEI3与GPP强相关周期,在此基础上利用游程理论识别干旱特征,进而分析了北方农牧交错区干旱特征与GPP的变化趋势,最后厘定了不同干旱特征对GPP的影响。结果表明:(1) 1982—2018年北方农牧交错区SPEI3与GPP在半年周期和年周期存在显著相关关系,滞后效应随时间变化而变化;年际分析能够减弱滞后效应对SPEI3与GPP相关性的影响;(2) 1900—2020年北方农牧交错区干旱历时、干旱烈度和烈度峰值均呈现显著增加趋势,干旱烈度随着干旱历时和烈度峰值的增加而加剧,干旱特征高值区往往具有更强的增加趋势;(3) 1982—2018年北方农牧交错区GPP总体呈...  相似文献   

基于2004~2021年GRACE/GRACE-FO重力卫星数据反演黄河流域陆地水储量时空变化,并构建干旱指数模型和洪水因子模型,对黄河流域的极端气候现象进行分析研究。结果表明,2004~2021年黄河流域的陆地水储量以0.56 cm/a的速度减少,具有明显的季节周期性特征,在夏季和秋季呈盈余状态,春季和冬季呈亏损状态;干旱指数模型监测到期间黄河流域发生极度干旱事件22次、重度干旱事件37次,干旱事件范围涵盖整个黄河流域;洪水因子模型探测到黄河流域共发生洪水事件118次,多出现在夏季和秋季雨水较为丰沛的时候,期间黄河流域陆地水储量能力较弱,降雨量增大。利用GRACE/GRACE-FO重力卫星数据构建的干旱指数模型和洪水因子模型探测的气象结果与实际观测结果较为符合,能真实反映黄河流域发生的极端气候,可为极端气候研究提供有利工具。  相似文献   

研究干旱变化的特征,有利于预防干旱发生.利用1961~2016年内蒙古境内的气温、降水数据计算得到不同时间尺度的标准化降水蒸散指数,结合趋势分析法、Mann-Kendall突变检验法和消除趋势波动(DFA)分析法,分析不同时间尺度干旱演变趋势及未来干旱预测.结果表明:①内蒙古年际干旱呈现增加趋势,1995年发生突变,由湿润转变为干旱.总体上,内蒙古地区呈现东部干旱程度加重,而西部减缓的趋势.轻旱发生频率较高,且东南部干旱的发生较多.②春、夏和秋季存在明显变干及突变趋势,且突变年份不一致,而冬季有不太明显的变湿趋势.春、夏和秋季干旱发生较为严重且范围较广.③在未来,内蒙古地区干旱将保持现有趋势,干旱仍持续一段时间.  相似文献   

为研究34年来菏泽市气候干湿状况的变化,并对该市干旱灾害进行风险区划,给市、区(县)各级人民政府防御干旱灾害风险提供理论数据支撑,指导农、林业的生产和发展。主要利用菏泽市最近34年气象站基本资料,分析菏泽市的潜在蒸散量和湿润指数变化,同时利用地理区划软件Mapinfo对该地区的干湿风险灾害进行区划分析。结果表明:(1)20世纪80年代以来,菏泽市年均潜在蒸散量和降水量水平都有所增加,但降水量的增加程度远远低于潜在蒸散量,于是湿润指数一直呈现下降趋势,年均降幅约为1.05%;(2)年均潜在蒸散量的增加主要由于气温上升和湿度下降两个因素影响,其中湿度下降对其产生的影响最大,两者正相关系数分别为0.312和0.94;(3)从时间轴上看,每年10月到次年6月为菏泽市干旱灾害多发期,尤其是每年的12月到次年4月,月平均湿润指数<0.5,为旱灾易发期;(4)目前,鲁西南8县1区中,单县的湿润程度最好,曹县、定陶、牡丹区等次之,鄄城县的湿润程度最差。  相似文献   

为进一步了解高原土壤湿度变化及其与中国降水的关系,利用青藏高原东部地区1991~2012年22个站10cm、20cm、50cm 3个层次的土壤相对湿度观测资料,分析高原东部地区土壤湿度的时空分布特征.同时利用全国1992~2012年的降水资料与1992~2011年的土壤相对湿度资料,采用求相关系数的方法分析高原东部土壤湿度与全国降水的关系.结果表明:(1)西藏东部土壤相对湿度由东至西呈递减趋势.(2)10cm土层较干,20cm土层的相对湿度是3层中最大的,50cm土壤的湿度变化较为平缓;表层土壤湿度变化较明显.21年来,各层土壤湿度呈不明显下降趋势.(3)高原东部地区土壤湿度与中国东部降水有显著关系,若东部高原春季土壤湿度偏湿(干),则江淮流域夏季降水偏少(多).  相似文献   

陕西近40年气候变化特征的分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
利用陕西96个台站近40a气候资料,通过对气温和降水两个基本气象要素变化特征进行全面分析,得到陕西气候变化的一些特征。(1)近40a来,陕西平均气温在经历了20世纪60年代后期的低温后,从80年代中期开始有明显的上升趋势,陕北西部上升幅度最为明显;冬季平均气温明显上升,夏季平均气温有明显的降低趋势;极端气温明显上升,特别是90年代以后极端最低气温上升明显。(2)陕西平均年总降水量波动略有减少,自20世纪90年代以后冬季降水量增加明显,夏季降水量减少,尤其是关中西部增加明显。(3)年平均气温、季平均气温变化存在以1985年为跃变点,这次跃变比全国晚5~7a,比西北地区提前1a。  相似文献   

延安地区明代干旱灾害与气候变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对陕西省延安地区明代(公元1368—1644年)历史资料的搜集和整理,对该时期干旱灾害等级、时间变化及成因进行了分析。结果表明:在明代的277年中,延安地区共发生干旱灾害91次,平均每3年发生1次。轻度干旱灾害发生17次,中等干旱灾害发生30次,大干旱灾害发生29次,特大干旱灾害发生15次,分别占到干旱灾害总数的18.7%、32.9%、31.9%和16.5%。大干旱灾害与特大干旱灾害发生频次高是明代延安地区干旱灾害的突出特点,指示明代总体为干旱气候期。延安明代干旱灾害可分为4个阶段,第一阶段为公元1368—1420年,为干旱灾害少发期;第二阶段为公元1421—1520年,为干旱灾害多发期;第三阶段为公元1521—1617年,为干旱灾害少发期;第四阶段为公元1618—1644年,为干旱灾害多发期。各等级干旱灾害特别是大与特大干旱灾害显著增加,指示第二、四阶段气候显著变干,降雨量明显减少。延安地区明代出现了2个极端干旱气候亚阶段,分别在1480—1499年和1626—1641年之间,当时年均降水量比现今少200 mm左右。  相似文献   

利用2002年7月至2014年12月的卫星遥感数据,研究ENSO期间我国南海北部的海表温度(SST)、风场等环境场变化特征,并探讨其对南海北部初级生产力的影响。结果表明,El Ni?o/La Ni?a期间南海北部初级生产力较正常年份变化显著,很大程度上受到ENSO的调控,其变化与风场、SST等的分布变化密切相关。具体趋势:厄尔尼诺年的冬季风期间,南海北部海域风场强度减小,沿岸海域SST升高,初级生产力降低,南海东北部海域SST降低,初级生产力升高,整个海域的总初级生产力与MEI指数呈负相关关系;拉尼娜年的冬季风期间,相应海域的风场、SST和初级生产力的变化则与厄尔尼诺期间的相反,整个海域的总初级生产力与MEI指数呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

四川地区44年来气候季节划分及变化特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用四川地区135个台站的逐日温度资料和曾庆存等[1]提出的季节划分方法讨论了四川各区域的气候季节划分和季节变化,结果表明:(1)1961~2004年期间,四川地区季节的四季分配很不均匀,冬夏季偏长,春秋季偏短;并且四川不同区域间的季节划分差异主要表现在春秋两季的时间长度上.(2)季节划分的年际变化表现为春季西部高原地区有两次时间长度增加和两次减少的变化特征,在两次时间长度增加的过程中出现了一次明显的季节长度突变;高原与盆地过渡区1996年以后春季长度年际差异显著减小,东部盆地地区近年来春季时间长度明显增加.(3)季节强度指数表明,冬季西部高原和中部高原与盆地的过渡地区变暖、夏季在1960~1970年代变冷的趋势;东部盆地冬季在1970年代中后期至1980年代强度变化剧烈、夏季则显示出1982年以前逐渐变冷、以后逐渐变暖的特征.(4)成都城市群表现出春秋过渡季节更加短暂、四季分配更不均匀、气候变化幅度增大的特征.  相似文献   

榆林长城沿线处于环境变化敏感带,其风沙滩区沉积剖面的磁化率和粒度分析结果显示,该区全新世早期11 500~10 000 a BP随着全球气候的逐渐转暖,磁化率、黏粒和粉沙含量逐渐增高;全新世中期的10 000~4 500 a BP气候相对比较湿润,植被覆盖度增大,风沙活动减弱,地表沉积物当中粉沙和黏土成分含量显著增大,风化成壤作用增强,地表发育沙质弱古土壤;全新世中期后段的4 500~3 000 a BP期间,气候以比较温和湿润为主,但在4 200~4 000 a BP出现一个气候干旱事件,风沙活动强烈;近3 000 a以来,气候显著干旱化,波动频繁,地表风沙沉积物显著变粗,表现出有5次沙漠扩张。该区生态环境演化、人文历史变迁基本上是自然因素与人为活动综合作用的结果,以自然演化为主,近代人为因素对环境变化起着加强和放大作用。  相似文献   

甘肃通渭县黄土堆积区全新世环境变迁   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对甘肃通渭县四家庙全新世黄土剖面的粒度和磁化率分析。并依据前人研究成果对年均气温和年均降水量的相应恢复,揭示了该区全新世期间气候演化的特点和规律。分析认为,研究区全新世以来的环境变化是不稳定的,无论古土壤发育期还是黄土堆积期,气候都具有频繁的次级波动。尤其在全新世中期。两层古土壤间的黄土夹层,反映该区在全新世大暖期经历过一次历时千年之久的气候显著恶化事件。  相似文献   

以中国生态系统研究网络CERN长武王东沟实验站的坡耕地和塬耕地为供试土壤,研究了黄土高原沟壑塬区旱耕地原状土壤氮素迁移和时空变异。结果表明:耕作土壤NO3--N为23.1~33.8 mg/kg,NH4+-N为0.23~0.50mg/kg,DOC为9.17~13.38 mg/kg,P为0.18~0.23 mg/kg;坡耕地和塬耕地的NO3--N和NH4+-N主要集中在0~20 cm的上层土壤,中下层土壤NO3--N和NH4+-N起源于上层淋溶迁移和累积;高含量时养分淋溶溶出呈指数衰减型;NO3--N、NH4+-N、DOC向下层的迁移塬耕地慢于坡耕地。  相似文献   

Currently, the agricultural growth in developed countries mainly relies on the improvement of productivity, which is also the target for China. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to describe the spatial-temporal evolution pattern of agricultural productivity, to reveal changes in total factor productivity in 2000–2010, and analyze the impact of these changes in northwestern Sichuan plateau, China. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist Index, an in-depth study was conducted on agricultural productivity and changes in total factor productivity of 31 counties in northwestern Sichuan plateau. Results indicated that: (1) geographically, counties with optimal efficiency were mainly located in the north of northwestern Sichuan plateau and those with the lowest efficiency, in the south; (2) relative to pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency was the dominant factor in determining agricultural productivity; (3) the redundancy rate of input factors in 2010 was slightly lower than that in 2000, thereby indicating an improved utilization of input factors to a certain extent and a great potential for further improving such utilization; (4) during the 2000–2010 period, the agricultural total factor productivity had an average annual growth rate of 8.3%, but the growth rates in various regions differed widely; (5) technical progress was the dominant factor promoting the improvement of total factor productivity in agriculture. The disparities in spatial distribution may be due to the differences of natural conditions, former level agricultural productivity between counties. The findings are valuable for the government to make sustainable development policies for agriculture and improving agricultural development in northwestern Sichuan plateau.  相似文献   

Regional climate models have become the powerful tools for simulating regional climate and its change process and have been widely used in China. Using regional climate models, some research results have been obtained on the following aspects: 1) the numerical simulation of East Asian monsoon climate, including exceptional monsoon precipitation, summer precipitation distribution, East Asian circulation, multi-year climate average condition, summer rain belt and so on; 2) the simulation of arid climate of the western China, including thermal effect of the Qinghal-Tibet Plateau, the plateau precipitation in the Qilian Mountains; and the impacts of greenhouse effects (CO2 doubling) upon climate in the western China; and 3) the simulation of the climate effect of underlying surface changes, including the effect of soil on climate formation, the influence of terrain on precipitation, the effect of regional soil degradation on regional climate, the effect of various underlying surfaces on regional climate, the effect of land-sea contrast on the climate formulation, the influence of snow cover over the plateau regions on the regional climate, the effect of vegetation changes on the regional climate, etc. In the process of application of regional climate models, the preferences of the models are improved so that better simulation results are gotten. At last, some suggestions are made about the application of regional climate models in regional climate research in the future.  相似文献   

Drought, as a recurring extreme climate event, affects the structure, function, and process of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the increasing occurrence and intensity of the drought in the past decade in Southwestern China, the impacts of continuous drought events on vegetation in this region remain unclear. During 2001–2012, Southwestern China experienced the severe drought events from 2009 to 2011. Our aim is to characterize drought conditions in the Southwestern China and explore the impacts on the vegetation condition and terrestrial ecosystem productivity. The Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI) was used to characterize drought area and intensity and a light-use efficiency model was used to explore the effect of drought on the terrestrial ecosystem productivity with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MODIS) data. The SPI captured the major drought events in Southwestern China during the study period, indicated that the 12-year period of this study included both ‘normal' precipitation years and two severe drought events in 2009–2010 and 2011. Results showed that vegetation greenness(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI and Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI) both declined in 2009/2010 drought, but the 2011 drought resulted in less declines of vegetation greenness and productivity due to shorten drought duration and rising temperature. Meanwhile, it was about 5 months lapse between drought events and maximum declines in vegetation greenness for 2009/2010 drought events. In addition, forest, grassland and cropland revealed significant different ecosystem responses to drought. It indicated that grassland showed an early sensitivity to drought, while cropland was the most sensitive to water deficit and forest was more resilient to drought. This study suggests that it is necessary to detect the difference responses of ecosystem to drought in a regional area with satellite data and ecosystem model.  相似文献   

在被认为孢粉贫乏的黄土中分析出了大量孢粉,首次作出了黄土地层的孢粉浓度图式。根据10余个剖面上孢粉组合的变化,阐明了晚更新世的植被与气候在时间上演替与空间上分布的规律,证明了各地植被在时间上的演变韵律十分相似,说明它们同受全球气候变化的控制,但同一时期在空间上各地植被不尽相同,此乃局地自然环境差异所致。根据植被变化重建了古气温曲线。  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation phenology are key indicators of the response of ecosystems to climate change. Therefore, knowledge of growing seasons is essential to predict ecosystem changes, especially for regions with a fragile ecosystem such as the Loess Plateau. In this study, based on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data, we estimated and analyzed the vegetation phenology in the Loess Plateau from 2000 to 2010 for the beginning, length, and end of the growing season, measuring changes in trends and their relationship to climatic factors. The results show that for 54.84% of the vegetation, the trend was an advancement of the beginning of the growing season (BGS), while for 67.64% the trend was a delay in the end of the growing season (EGS). The length of the growing season (LGS) was extended for 66.28% of the vegetation in the plateau. While the temperature is important for the vegetation to begin the growing season in this region, warmer climate may lead to drought and can become a limiting factor for vegetation growth. We found that increased precipitation benefits the advancement of the BGS in this area. Areas with a delayed EGS indicated that the appropriate temperature and rainfall in autumn or winter enhanced photosynthesis and extended the growth process. A positive correlation with precipitation was found for 76.53% of the areas with an extended LGS, indicating that precipitation is one of the key factors in changes in the vegetation phenology in this water-limited region. Precipitation plays an important role in determining the phenological activities of the vegetation in arid and semiarid areas, such as the Loess Plateau. The extended growing season will significantly influence both the vegetation productivity and the carbon fixation capacity in this region.  相似文献   

研究剖面位于洛川源北部的富县县城东郊。剖面由第一层古土壤(S_1)、马兰黄土(L_1)和全新世古土壤(S_0)组成。孢粉分析结果表明,黄土地层中孢粉非常丰富,为恢复古植被与古气候提供了可靠依据。S_1的植被是以榛、菊、蒿为主的疏林草原,有亚热带树种出现,反映了末次冰期的温湿气候。L_1时主要为菊、蒿干草原,气候冷干,其间有四次乔木增多期,反映了末次间冰期中有四次间冰阶的相对温湿气候波动。近代耕土中为以松、藜、中华卷柏为主的森林草原,反映了全新世某个时期比较温凉干旱的气候。  相似文献   

On farm bio-resource recycling has been given greater emphasis with the introduction of conservation agriculture specifically withclimate change scenarios in the mid-hills of the north-west Himalaya region(NWHR). Under this changing scenario, elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) may affect significantly soil quality and crop productivity. A study was conducted during 2009-2010 to 2010-2011 at the Ashti watershed of NWHR in a rainfed condition to examine the influence of elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) on soil resource and crop productivity. Two years of farm demonstration trials indicated that crop productivity and soil quality is significantly affected by elevation, slope aspect and INM. Results showed that wheat equivalent yield(WEY) of improved technology increased crop productivity by -20%-37% compared to the conventional system. Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-17%. North aspect and higher elevation increased crop productivity by 15%-25% compared to south aspect and low elevation(except paddy). Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-15%. Irrespective of slope, elevation and cropping system, the WEY increased by -30% in this region due to INMtechnology. The influence of elevation, slope aspect and INM significantly affected soil resources(SQI) and soil carbon change(SCC). SCC is significantly correlated with SQI for conventional(R2 = 0.65*), INM technology(R2 = 0.81*) and for both technologies(R2 = 0.73*). It is recommended that at higher elevation.(except for paddy soils) with a north facing slope, INM is recommended for higher crop productivity; conservation of soil resources is recommended for the mid hills of NWHR; and single values of SCC are appropriate as a SQI for this region.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of soil erosion on soil productivity has attracted increasing attention.Purple soil is one of the main soil types in China and plays an important role in the national economy.However,the relationship between erosion and the productivity of purple soils has not been well studied.The purpose of this research was to determine if soil depth,which is dependent on the rate of erosion,has an influence on crop yield and growth.Plot and pot experiments at different soil depths were performed.Results indicate that soils from different parental materials had different growth features and crop yields due to the differential fertility of the derived soils.The yield reduction rate increases exponentially with the depth of eroded soil(level of erosion).The yield reduction rate per unit eroded soil horizon(10 cm) is approximately 10.5% for maize and wheat.  相似文献   

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