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以综合催熟措施和移植精荚手术相结合的技术方法、解决了鱼塘产斑节对虾催熟效应期长,产卵率低,易蜕壳失去精荚等难题。使用278尾雌虾,催熟率达90%以上,在40d内共产卵608层次,卵量18530万粒,孵出无节幼体11998万尾,平均孵化率64.7%,平均每尾雌虾孵出无节幼体43.1万尾,育成商品虾苗1028.5万尾,育苗平均成活率13.6%,试养成活率57.1%。  相似文献   

对应用单边眼柄切除术促进斑节对虾雌虾卵巢成熟的技术和由此产生的某些现象,提出单边眼柄切除术、催熟的环境条件、蜕壳、再交配、人工精荚移植、早产和无节幼体质量及其影响因素等七个方面的问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

凡纳对虾人工繁殖的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了海水比重的变化对凡纳对虾亲虾人工殖活动的影响及换水对亲虾交配率的影响,试验采用剪眼柄,强化培育,控光,换水等技术措施,将凡纳对虾培育成熟并使之自然交配产卵,孵化出无节幼体;亲虾的平均产卵量可达16万粒左右,卵的受精卵化率可达80%以上,结果表明,适时换水可将亲虾的交配率从46%提高到79%,凡纳对虾人工繁殖的适宜海水相对密度为1.016以上。  相似文献   

在室内实验条件下,对罗氏沼虾各期蚤状幼体摄食卤虫无节幼体量及早期饥饿对蚤幼发育变态的影响进行了试验。结果表明,罗氏沼虾幼体从ZⅡ开始摄食,ZⅢ摄食量明显增加,日摄食卤虫无节约体量为19个,随着蜕皮变态.日摄食量逐渐增大.到ZⅥ日摄食量达90个,但在蜕变皮间期内日摄食量差别不大,从Z1发育至P1平均每尾幼体摄食卤虫无节幼体总量为1094个。饥饿对罗氏沼虾幼体早期的变态和成活有明显影响,罗氏沼虾幼体的PNR10O约为4d。  相似文献   

研究了海水比重的变化对凡纳对虾亲虾人工繁殖活动的影响及换水对亲虾交配率的影响。试验采用剪眼柄、强化培育、控光、换水等技术措施 ,将凡纳对虾培育成熟并使之自然交配产卵 ,孵化出无节幼体 ;亲虾的平均产卵量可达 1 6万粒左右 ,卵的受精孵化率可达 80 %以上。结果表明 :适时换水可将亲虾的交配率从 4 6 %提高到 79% ;凡纳对虾人工繁殖的适宜海水相对密度为 1 0 1 6以上。  相似文献   

采用静水生物试验法测定了氟乐灵对斑节对虾卵和幼体的急性毒性。结果表明:氟乐灵对斑节对虾无节幼体、蚤状幼体、糠虾幼体和仔虾的24hLC50/×10-6分别是1.68,0.83,1.84和2.09;48hLC50/×10-6分别是0.76,0.53,1.09和1.51。5.01×10-6氟乐灵浸浴受精卵12h,50%的受精卵可孵化。第22天仔虾用10×10-6以下浓度的氟乐灵浸浴5min,对其存活率无影响。  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝的术前处理试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本试验根据马氏珠母贝手术贝的不同生理状态,分别用控制海水流量、饵料等抑制贝的生殖腺发育,或促进生殖腺发育并诱导产卵排精的方法,对手术贝进行术前处理,结果表明:手术后休养期成活率平均为92.9%,最高的达95.3%;育珠期成活率平均为75.3%。最高的一组达85.3%;平均每个贝留核数1.06粒,最高的达1.17粒,同时珍珠质量明显提高。用术前处理方法,产量和产值可提高52.3%。  相似文献   

1990年7月至1992年7月,连续三年投罗氏沼虾苗70万尾放入南渡增殖,回捕率达24.05%,最大个体588g,抱卵雌虾占捕获量10%;每年可捕到一定数量体长7~11cm、体重10~35g的罗氏沼虾。  相似文献   

从北部海沿海采捕的日本鬼You(Inimicus japonicus)亲鱼,经暂养后进行催产,雌鱼每千克体重注射LRH-A310-μg+DOM5mg或HCG600~800IU+LRH-A330~40μg;雄鱼注射同样药物,剂量减半。共采卵109万粒,平均受精率89.0%,平均孵化率为90.0%,共培育出体长1.8~2.8cm的幼鱼26.8万尾,平均成活率30.7%。  相似文献   

针对目前大批低产老化虾池的改造和可持续生产的问题,设计了一个自然生态养虾新模式。利用长期不能清淤的低产老化虾池和已造成生态失衡的虾池,实行疏放苗,精管理,综合利用、立体开发,混养、轮养。试验结果表明,养殖周期为 80~90 d,对虾成活率60.5% ~76% ,体长达10.1~13.2 cm ,平均体重 17.2~19.2 g/尾,饵料系数 0.77~0.80,平均产量 645~780 kg/hm 2,鲻鱼产量 420~465 kg/hm 2 。整个养殖过程虾池的各种水质理化因子基本符合要求,从而使对虾养殖在一种相对稳定的生态环境中进行  相似文献   

The potential effect of hydrocarbon contamination on the hatching success of benthic resting eggs of Acartia pacifica in Xiamen Bay was investigated experimentally. The number of nauplii emerging from the sediment samples decreased with increasing Fuel Oil #0 concentration. The estimated rate of mortality increased markedly with the increase of Fuel Oil #0 concentration. Successive fuel Oil #0 concentrations from 50 mg/kg to 5000 mg/kg reduced the number of hatched nauplii by 3.8% -100%. The mortality of A. pacifica resting eggs due to Fuel Oil #0 contamination did not significantly increase as time progressed at each concentration level. The LC50 values of resting eggs, changing from 237.12 to 279.59 mg/kg, remained at an almost stable level in two months. The number of A. pacifica nauplii that hatched from the sediment at 10℃ was higher than those from the sediment at 30℃, which indicates that the toxicity of Fuel Oil #0 on A. pacifica resting eggs increases with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

水温22±1℃条件下,研究不同盐度(15.0、18.0、21.0、24.0、27.0、30.0、33.0)对虎斑乌贼(Sepia pharaonis)受精卵孵化及幼体活力的影响。结果表明,受精卵孵化适宜盐度范围为27.0~33.0,最适盐度范围为30.0~33.0,随着盐度增加,培育周期和孵化周期呈逐渐缩短趋势,而孵化率则呈先升后降趋势。盐度15.0环境中,初孵幼体经24h累计死亡率为100%;盐度18.0、21.0中,24h的累计死亡率分别为4.15%和5.83%,不投饵存活8d和9d;盐度24.0~33.0中,24h幼体累计死亡率均为0,不投饵存活9~10d。随着盐度的增加,幼体的不投饵存活系数(SAI值)先升后降,在盐度30.0时达到最大值,盐度(y)与SAI值(x)间的函数关系可表示为:y=-0.1764x2+9.807 9x-104.33(r2=0.927 8)。  相似文献   

线纹尖塘鳢的胚后发育大致分为仔鱼、稚鱼、幼鱼和成鱼期。初孵仔鱼仅2.875mm。前期仔鱼混合营养期短,仅2~3d。后期仔鱼为器官发育、奇鳍条基本形成期,历时10d,平均全长从4.31mm增至8.97mm。稚鱼为器官分化完毕,奇偶鳍条分节、鳞被形成期,历时27~29d,长至平均全长27.79mm。早期幼鱼鳞被等发育完善,进入生长时期。仔鱼开口饵料为150~200μm轮虫,其摄饵大小与口宽呈正相关。15mm后稚鱼可驯饵摄食人工混合料。对仔、稚、幼鱼的生长测定结果显示,全长与日龄呈线性关系L=0.5289t-0.7354(r2=0.9720),体重与日龄呈指数函数关系,W=0.8236e0.1267t(r2=0.9611),全长与体重呈幂函数关系,曲线回归方程W=0.0045L3.2527,b=3.2527,属匀速生长型。采用池塘培水,添加外源饵料生物系列,稚鱼全长15mm时开始驯饵。2002-2005年共培育全长2.2~3.4cm早期幼鱼523.7万尾,仔鱼培育成15mm稚鱼的成活率为26.8%,培育成早期幼鱼的成活率为75.7%。  相似文献   

比较在0、5、10、15、20、25、30(自然海水)、35、40、45、50等11个盐度梯度下,菊黄东方鲀(Takiugu flavidus)的受精卵发育和仔鱼生长情况,测定仔鱼的不投饵存活系数(SAI).结果表明:1)菊黄东方鲀受精卵在盐度0~50范围内均可孵化,最适盐度20~25.盐度(x)与孵化时间(y)呈正相关关系,表达式为:y=0.345 x+141.1,R2=0.956.2)实验盐度范围内,菊黄东方鲀仔鱼SAI值为1.55~30.10.3)在盐度5~45条件下,仔鱼皆可存活,存活率为3%~27%.其中,在10~30盐度下存活率较高,为20%~27%.经15 d的培育,仔鱼平均全长为6.28~7.34 mm.低盐度对菊黄东方鲀仔鱼生长更有利,在15~20盐度条件下,仔鱼生长较好,最终平均全长为7.30~7.34 mm.4)根据SAI值和生长状况,仔鱼生长和存活的适宜生长盐度为10~30,最适盐度范围为15~20.  相似文献   

盐度及pH对黄鳍东方鲀受精卵孵化和仔鱼活力的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
比较了不同盐度(5、10、15、20、25、30、35、40、45)及pH条件(5.0、5.5、6.0、6.5、7.0、7.5、8.0、8.5、9.0、9.5)下黄鳍东方鲀受精卵的培育周期、孵化周期和孵化率,同时对黄鳍东方鲀初孵仔鱼进行耐饥饿试验,测定其不投饵存活系数SAI值。结果表明,黄鳍东方鲀受精卵孵化的适宜盐度范围是5.0~40.0,适宜pH范围是6.0~8.5;仔鱼生存的适宜盐度为5.0~45.0,适宜pH值是5.5~9.0。  相似文献   

远海梭子蟹幼体饵料初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别选用轮虫、轮虫 卤虫、轮虫 卤虫 扁藻、卤虫、扁藻为饵料 ,将刚孵化的远海梭子蟹氵蚤状幼体培育至幼蟹第二期。结果发现 :轮虫 卤虫 扁藻的效果最好 ,幼蟹第二期的成活率为 15% ,轮虫 卤虫的成活率为 11% ,卤虫的成活率为 10 %。而轮虫组仅能培育至 氵蚤状幼体第三期 ,没有氵蚤状幼体第四期幼体出现 ;扁藻最差 ,仅能培育至氵蚤状幼体第一期 ,没有氵蚤状幼体第二期个体出现。同时发现 ,轮虫 卤虫组与卤虫组培育时间均比轮虫卤虫 扁藻组长 ;各期幼体的阶段成活率比较而言 ,氵蚤状幼体第一期最高 ,而氵蚤状幼体幼体第五期最低  相似文献   

Mature amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense) collected by trawl in June, 1994 from Qingdao Shazikou sea area bottom sands, were cultured under controlled indoor conditions, where they spawned and their eggs were fertilized and hatched into larvae which gradually settled at the bottom and dug into the sands after 40-50 days culture in a water trough outdoors. The total survival rate of the larvae(LSR)was 5.5% before they went into the sands, 1.9% in 4 months, 0.7% in 10 months. The survival rate of the young fish which had dug into the sands (YSR) was 35.6% in 4 months, and 12.6% in 10 months. The amphioxus number tended to be constant from the 11th month on. In the first five months after incubation, the amphioxus body length increased by an average of about 1.5 mm a month, and about 0.4 mm a month from Dec. to May of next year. The maximum length after ten months was 24 mm; the average was about 11 mm. After two years culture in the water trough, the maximum length could reach 34-35 mm, when the amphioxus gonads began to develop.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yue  Song  Xiuxian  Yu  Zhiming  Zhang  Peipei  Cao  Xihua  Yuan  Yongquan 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(3):1051-1061
Using modified clay is one of the most promising methods for the mitigation of harmful algal blooms(HABs). However, the environmental impact of modified clay has become a subject of global concern. In this study, turbot(Scophthalmus maximus L.) embryos were used as a model to assess the effect of modified clay on this sensitive stage of fish development. Results show that the 24 and 48 h LC_(50)(median lethal concentrations) of the modified clay were 1.70 and 1.65 g/L, and the safe concentration was 0.47 g/L, which is much higher than the concentration used to treat HAB. The modified clay did not affect significantly the hatchability of turbot embryos but when the concentration exceeded 0.50 g/L, the deformity rate of newly hatched larvae increased significantly. The total length, specific growth rate(SGR)and yolk sac absorption rate of larvae reached their peaks at 0.50 g/L and then gradually decreased as the concentration of modified clay increased. Therefore, a moderate amount of modified clay does not harm the survival and hatching of turbot embryos, or the growth and development of newly hatched larvae.  相似文献   

After decades of low year classes,the stock of Japanese sardine(Sardinops melanostictus)has begun to recover since the mid-2000s.The hatch dates and otolith growth rates of age-0 juvenile sardine,which were collected in the subarctic Oyashio waters in autumn 2018,were determined from an otolith microstructure analysis.The sardines were hatched from late January to late April,while mostly in February and March.The otolith growth rate increased continuously up to 60 d after hatching and thereafter de-creased.The revealed growth rate in a crucial growth period is faster than that reported for juvenile sardines collected in the 1990s,which is coincided with the recent recovery trend of the sardine stock.Two groups with different hatch dates,growth histories,and migration routes were identified using unsupervised random forest clustering analysis.They were considered inshore and offshore migration individuals in accordance with recent researches.In the offshore group,a high proportion of sardine juveniles hatched late and grew faster in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transitional waters,a finding consistent with the hypothesis of growth-rate-dependent re-cruitment.This finding on the population composition and growth rate of juvenile sardine in the Oyashio waters can be a basis for an improved prediction of their survival and provides us with valuable information on the recruitment processes of this stock during the period of stock recovery.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity on the copepod, Acartia tonsa in terms of daily egg production rate (EPR), hatching success, fecal pellet production rate (FPR), naupliar development time and survival, sex ratio, and total life span were determined in laboratory conditions through three experiments. In experiment 1, EPR, hatching success, and FPR of individual females were monitored at salinities of 13, 20, 35 and 45 during short-periods (seven consecutive days). Results show EPR was affected by salinity with the highest outputs recorded at 20 and 35, respectively, which were considerably higher than those at 13 and 45. Mean FPR was also higher in 35 and 20. In experiment 2, the same parameters were evaluated over total life span of females (long-term study). The best EPR and FPR were observed in 35, which was statistically higher than at 13 and 20. In experiment 3, survival rates of early nauplii until adult stage were lowest at a salinity of 13. The development time increased with increasing of salinity. Female percentage clearly decreased with increasing salinity. Higher female percentages (56.7% and 52.2%, respectively) were significantly observed at two salinities of 13 and 20 compared to that at 35 (25%). Total longevity of females was not affected by salinity increment. Based on our results, for mass culture we recommend that a salinity of 35 be adopted due to higher reproductive performances, better feeding, and faster development of A. tonsa.  相似文献   

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