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浅议劳动密集型产业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动密集型产业的发展对于当前我国这样一个科技落后、建设资金不足而劳动力资源极为丰富的国家来说,具有极为重要的意义。要结合我国经济发展阶段和国情,正确认识发展劳动密集型产业的重要性,充分利用当前我国发展劳动密集型产业的有利条件,切实采取有力措施,促进劳动密集型产业的发展。  相似文献   

我国目前正处于工业化中期,发展劳动密集型产业对促进就业、提高劳动者收入、发挥潜在经济增长力、实现社会稳定等方面都具有重要的意义。我国目前发展劳动密集型产业符合比较优势,但比较优势并不等于竞争优势。当前我国劳动密集型产业仍然存在附加值低、劳动生产率低、企业自身竞争力弱、贸易磨擦频发、价格贸易条件恶化等一系列问题,严重影响了我国外贸的可持续发展。通过对上述问题的剖析,阐述了劳动密集型产业与技术进步、资本技术密集型产业以及国际贸易之间的关系,认为应该实现劳动密集型产业的比较优势向竞争优势的转换,并从不同的角度提出了政府、企业为实现这种转变应采取的措施。  相似文献   

当前,我国地理信息产业正处在快速发展的关键时期。技术成果不断创新,新型产品不断涌现,社会应用不断拓展,服务业态不断变革,市场环境不断改善,呈现出生机蓬勃的发展局面。一、发展特征当前,我国地理信息产业发展呈现以下五个重要特征。一是需求旺盛。地理信息产业作为朝阳产业,需求十分广泛。  相似文献   

当前,世界正在步入信息时代,信息产业逐步成为世界经济增长的新的驱动力。现代地理信息产业是传统测绘产业的发展方向和归宿,而传统测绘产业则是现代地理信息产业的前身和基础。今后的十五年,是我国加速传统测绘产业向现代地理信息产业全面过渡和转变的重要时期。  相似文献   

我国地理信息产业的迅速发展,对标准化工作提出了新的更高要求。本文阐述了标准化工作对地理信息产业发展的支撑作用,回顾了"十一五"期间我国地理信息标准化的工作进展,以地理信息国家标准及其在研项目的构成情况为基础,针对普遍反映的标准化问题,从标准化工作主体和客体(即:标准制定者及标准本身)的组成和变化的视角进行系统分析,结果表明:我国地理信息国家标准的制定主体仍为标准科研及行业事业单位,企业制定标准的较少;现有地理信息国家标准仍以基础通用和数据资源类标准为主,面向产业发展的应用服务类标准仍然缺乏。分析认为:地理信息产业发展各种标准化问题产生的根源在于当前标准化工作机制不适应产业发展的需要。本文在此基础上,提出了适合地理信息产业健康发展的标准化工作机制设想,以及应采取的对策。  相似文献   

我国 GIS市场发展概述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国地理信息系统协会成立的10年,正是我国GIS产业大发展的10年。这与协会对产业发展的推动是密切相关的。协会从成立之初至今,一直把产业发展作为最重要的任务之一紧抓不放。在1994年协会的成立大会上,常务副会长金祥文局长的工作报告题目就是《发挥GIS协会在发展我国地理信息产业中的重大作用》。而后,又召开了一系列围绕产业化的议题会议,对产业的发展起到了积极的推动与指导作用。当前,人们更加关注G1S产业的现状与前景,本文试从讨论GIS市场特点的角度,折射中国GIS产业化的历程。  相似文献   

<正>党的十九大提出"乡村振兴"战略,乡村振兴要求产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕。十九大报告同时指出当前我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。当前我国社会中最大的发展不平衡,是城  相似文献   

旅游开发中土地资源的综合利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
席娅 《国土资源》2004,(6):32-33
土地资源是经济发展最重要的载体,其利用要求按照经济效益、社会效益与生态效益相统一的原则选择产业配置。作为当前我国经济增长的重要方面,旅游业的发展可谓厚积薄发,大到地质、森林公园,小到农家乐、渔家乐,形形色色的旅游开发如火如荼。如何看待这一产业发展中的土地资源利用问题,已成为各级政府为  相似文献   

我国地理信息产业近年来发展迅速,但对其产业政策存量和结构的研究尚不充分。该文基于政策工具的视角,对近二十年中国地理信息产业的产业政策进行了量化分析。研究发现,我国地理信息产业政策存在结构不均衡问题,需求层工具使用不足、规制型工具较多,以及激励型政策缺乏针对性是当前需要解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

关于我国空间信息产业发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着空间信息技术的不断成熟,空间信息产业作为一种新兴的产业形式也得到了蓬勃发展。本文分析了空间信息产业的特点,概述了我国空间信息产业的发展现状,提出了发展我国空间信息产业的几点建议。  相似文献   

Employing decoupling index and industrial structure characteristic bias index methods, this study analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of industrial structure transformations and their resulting carbon emissions in the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area from 2000 to 2014, with a focus on their relationships and driving factors. Our research indicates that carbon emission intensity from industrial structures in the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area at first showed an increasing trend, which then decreased. Furthermore, the relationship between emissions and industrial economic growth has been trending toward absolute decoupling. From the perspective of the center-periphery, the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area formed a concentric pattern, where both progress towards low emissions and the level of technological advancement gradually diminished from the center to the periphery. In terms of variation across provinces, the ISCB index in the eastern Henan has decreased the slowest, followed by the southern Shandong and the northern Anhui, with the northern Jiangsu ranking last. During this period, resource-and labor-intensive industries were the primary growth industries in the northern Anhui and the eastern Henan, while labor-intensive industries dominated the southern Shandong and capital-intensive industries dominated the northern Jiangsu. In terms of city types, the spatial pattern for industrial structure indicates that recession resource-based cities had higher carbon emission intensities than mature resource-based cities, followed by non-resource-based cities and regenerative resource-based cities. Generally, the industrial structure in the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area has transformed from being resource-intensive to capital-intensive, and has been trending toward technology-intensive as resource availability has been exploited to exhaustion and then been regenerated. Industrial structure has been the leading factor causing heterogeneity of carbon emission intensities between metropolitan cities. Therefore, the key to optimizing the industrial structure and layout of metropolitan areas is to promote industrial structure transformation and improve the system controlling collaborative industrial development between cities.  相似文献   

Employing decoupling index and industrial structure characteristic bias index methods, this study analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of industrial structure transformations and their resulting carbon emissions in the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area from 2000 to 2014, with a focus on their relationships and driving factors. Our research indicates that carbon emission intensity from industrial structures in the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area at first showed an increasing trend, which then decreased. Furthermore, the relationship between emissions and industrial economic growth has been trending toward absolute decoupling. From the perspective of the center-periphery, the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area formed a concentric pattern, where both progress towards low emissions and the level of technological advancement gradually diminished from the center to the periphery. In terms of variation across provinces, the ISCB index in the eastern Henan has decreased the slowest, followed by the southern Shandong and the northern Anhui, with the northern Jiangsu ranking last. During this period, resource- and labor- intensive industries were the primary growth industries in the northern Anhui and the eastern Henan, while labor-intensive industries dominated the southern Shandong and capital-intensive industries dominated the northern Jiangsu. In terms of city types, the spatial pattern for industrial structure indicates that recession resource-based cities had higher carbon emission intensities than mature resource-based cities, followed by non-resource-based cities and regenerative resource-based cities. Generally, the industrial structure in the Xuzhou Metropolitan Area has transformed from being resource-intensive to capital-intensive, and has been trending toward technology-intensive as resource availability has been exploited to exhaustion and then been regenerated. Industrial structure has been the leading factor causing heterogeneity of carbon emission intensities between metropolitan cities. Therefore, the key to optimizing the industrial structure and layout of metropolitan areas is to promote industrial structure transformation and improve the system controlling collaborative industrial development between cities.  相似文献   

At present China is facing challenges from economic globalization, ecological economy and knowledge economy in its process of economic development. The following ideas may be heuristic in establishing China’s regional development strategies: 1) In locating industries, the impact of industries on the eco-environment should be fully considered. 2) Industrial restructuring should be focused on the restructuring of products, not on the restructuring of the three traditional industries (primary, secondary and tertiary industries). 3) The establishment of key industries should be focused on large-scale corporations or famous brand products, not on a particular industrial sector. 4) The complementarity and cooperation between the east and the west of China should be on products and markets, not on natural resources. The advantages in natural resources for the west of China can not be over-estimated. The advantages in products and market potentials for the west of China may be explored.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONNowadaysthedevelopmentofworldindustriesandeconomyischaracteristicofafewconspicuoustrendswhichmaychallengetraditionaleconomicdevelopmentmodelsandtheories.Firstofall,theeconomyoftheworldhasbeenbecominginglobalspace,ofwhichtheremarkablei…  相似文献   

Analysis on poverty in mountain areas based on off-farm industries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reveals that agricultural growth trend in China is strongly correlated with the growth of off-farm industries-the curve of net income from off-farm industries reflects the general characteristics of net income of households. That means the increase of net income of farm households is chiefly from off-farm industries,more than from agriculture. The authors therefore conclude that the “poverty“ in mountain areas or the gap between mountain areas and plain areas lies in the underdevelopment of off-farm industries in mountain areas. Finally, the authors make suggestions of strategic adjustment of economic structure: 1) present situation of mountain areas in China should be fully considered; 2) a full industrial system is not our desire; 3) advantageous industries should be promoted to create famous products; 4) industrialization and urbanization in mountain areas should be promoted and so on.  相似文献   

基于海洋产业结构理论,总结了我国海洋产业结构的发展趋向,分析了海域资源配置与海洋产业结构的关联,以及海洋产业结构对海域资源配置的影响。研究表明,我国海洋产业结构相对协调,但海洋传统产业占海洋产业的比重较高。在海域资源配置的过程中,应在发挥传统海洋产业优势的同时,积极引导新兴海洋产业的发展。  相似文献   

"西部大开发"对提高西部企业的技术创新能力有十分重要的作用,这就涉及到两个关系:企业与政府,西部企业与东部企业.考虑到西部的现状,要保证西部企业在技术创新活动中的主体地位,西部企业应将技术创新的重点放在区域特色产品、资源型产业、旅游业、农林畜牧业等优势产业上.而政府也应推行与之相配套的政策,以保证西部企业在技术创新活动中的主体地位.  相似文献   

This paper falls into the broad area of economic geography and economics of creativity,and it presents an alternative approach to explain why total factor productivity(TFP)growth is different across China′s regions.It establishes an empirical model to estimate the spatial agglomeration effects of creative industries on regional TFP growth,using China′s provincial panel data during the period of 2003 to 2010.We found that the creative industries agglomeration(CIA)has significant and positive impact on regional TFP growth.The result also implies that the CIA can facilitate regional TFP growth through promoting regional innovation instead of improving regional efficiency.Therefore,we argue that policy makers should take some measures to retain and establish more creative zones.  相似文献   

In the development of Pudong, a strategic idea and goal ought to be fully realized, that is: with the development of Pudong as a lead, to further open up the cities along the Chang jiang (Yangtze) River, build Shanghai into an international center for economy, finance and trade, thus to spark a new economic take-off in the Changjiang River Delta and the whole Changjiang River Basin.To develop Pudong, the infrastructure construction must be developed first; and the development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries must be well coordinated. At present, the stress should be laid on tertiary sectors like finance, foreign trade, commerce, real estate, far-ocean transport, post and telecommunication, information and travelling service and so on. In the secondary industry, export processing and high and new technological industries should be put first, while the original raw-material industry should be improved in processing depth. As to the primary industry, a metropolitan suburban agriculture should  相似文献   

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