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基于D—InSAR的煤矿区开采沉陷遥感监测技术分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文在综合分析国内外开采沉陷监测技术现状、合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)和差分干涉测量(D—InSAR)技术发展及其在地表沉陷监测中应用成果的基础上,分析了D—InSAR技术在煤矿开采沉陷变形监测中的特点与技术优势。指出:应用D—InSAR进行煤矿区开采沉陷监测的具体目标是矿区地表沉降演变过程分析、采区地表沉陷动态监测与分析和矿区DEM数据更新;亟须研究解决的关键技术问题有:源数据获取与选择、数据处理方法、地面配合措施、精度与可靠性评价、多源信息集成分析等。D—InSAR为煤矿区地表时空演变过程研究和开采沉陷实时动态监测提供了新的技术方法;作为“数字矿山”的重要内容,D—InSAR可以有效地指导矿区生产、整体规划与长远发展,并为矿区可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

艾彬  黎夏  卓莉  钱峻屏 《热带地理》2007,27(4):317-322
阐述了雷达差分干涉测量(D-InSAR)的基本原理,概括了国内外目前应用比较广泛的D-InSAR模型,针对长时间序列的城市地表沉降监测,应用较多的是基于相干点目标选择,相关的技术包括PSI、SBAS、CRT、CTA。通过多景数据的套合达到消除大气误差相位的目的。进一步总结了相关D-InSAR技术在地表沉降方面的应用进展。相关研究表明,D-InSAR技术能够应用于城市地表沉降监测,并且能够达到较高精度,逐步形成了完善的理论体系和技术处理流程。而且随着技术的发展,监测的时间尺度也在不断扩大、进一步拓展D-InSAR的试验区域。多种数据的结合和补充、方法的有效结合以及与传统的GPS、水准仪测量方法的结合是今后进一步关注的焦点和研究重点。  相似文献   

雷达差分干涉测量   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
合成孔径雷达(SAR)差分干涉测量(D-InSAR)是利用SAR图像的相位信息提取地表沿雷达视线向的形变信息的一种有效手段,该文阐述D-InSAR的基本原理,分析该技术在地震监测,火山研究和细微的地表形变监测等方面的应用研究,并分析未来D-InSAR的应用前景。  相似文献   

屈向阳 《西部资源》2022,(1):166-168
本研究针对煤矿井下高浓度胶结充填开采地面沉陷情况进行预计,并采用等价采高的原理,构建充填开采等价采高模型,进一步获得充填开采地表沉陷的计算公式,同时利用数据模拟软件对充填开采地表沉陷情况开展数据模拟分析.利用数学仿真回归分析计算表明,充填开采地表下沉系数以及等价采高之间的关系,进而确定两者之间呈现指数函数关系.最后通过...  相似文献   

为实现快速自动地从海量点云中获取地表沉降信息,该文提出了一种基于TLS技术的矿区沉降信息快速自动获取方法。对点云数据完成预处理后,首先以相同网格划分开采前后点云数据,然后利用改进的反距离权重法插值求取网格结点坐标,匹配相同网格结点作为同名点并求取下沉量,最后获取下沉曲线与下沉DEM,该方法实现了矿区地表形变的全面分析,能够快速自动地获取地表沉降信息。采用Riegl VZ-1000扫描仪采集某沉陷区开采前后点云数据,经过实验分析表明:该方法能够实现快速自动提取同名点、下沉点、下沉曲线与下沉DEM;将计算结果与实测值进行对比分析与精度分析,得到沉降结果符合实际地形变化情况,验证了该方法的可行性。该研究为三维激光扫描技术应用于地表沉降监测提供了支持。  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达 (SAR)差分干涉测量 (D -InSAR)是利用SAR图像的相位信息提取地表沿雷达视线向的形变信息的一种有效手段。该文阐述D -InSAR的基本原理 ,分析该技术在地震监测、火山研究和细微的地表形变监测等方面的应用研究 ,并分析未来D -InSAR的应用前景。  相似文献   

高潜水位煤矿区采煤沉陷湿地及其生态治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高潜水位煤矿区,井工煤矿开采导致的大面积沉陷积水,使原有土地变为采煤沉陷湿地。对开采沉陷湿地进行合理规划和治理,可以使高潜水位矿区在生态系统演替过程中削弱开采对生态环境和经济社会的负面影响,使其发挥最大的社会、经济和生态效益,同时,有效地补充中国日益减少的湿地数量。探讨了采煤沉陷湿地的内涵及其在湿地分类系统中的归属,分析了其形成原因及变化过程,分别介绍了湿地公园、水产养殖、水库和污水处理等主要治理方式,以及水污染处理、水系修复与连通、基底改造、植物选择与布局和动态规划在内的采煤沉陷湿地的生态治理关键技术,为高潜水位地区生态修复和采煤沉陷湿地生态治理提供参考。  相似文献   

张倍倍 《西部资源》2014,(5):149-150
近年来,合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)技术应用于地表沉降监测研究领域的方法与实例在国内外工程实践和科研活动中经常出现。近几十年来由于地下水的长期超量开采,华北平原已成为世界上超采地下水最严重、地下水降落漏斗面积最大、地面沉降面积最大、沉降类型最复杂的地区,地表沉降监测周期长、成本高、数据量大,通过In SAR技术的应用可有效提高地表沉降观测的精确性,为预防和减少经济损失发挥积极重要作用。  相似文献   

本文以安徽省淮南煤矿区为例,编程订购10期RadarSAT-2雷达影像数据,采用D-InSAR技术,获取了采空塌陷的范围与沉降速率。结果表明:1.D-InSAR技术可以有效地识别出光学遥感未能识别的潜在或未稳沉的塌陷区,经实地调查,结果真实可靠,与野外具有一致性。2.可以定量估算出采空塌陷区的沉降速率,本区最大沉降速率为4.9cm/24天。3.InSAR技术在地下开采监测方面与传统的测量技术相比,表现出极大的优势,具有快速、准确、大范围、成本低的特点,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

为研究采空塌陷灾害发育特征规律及灾害发育类型,采用监测预警测试分析等实证研究作为研究方法,解决开采保护各种地面设施、预留保护煤柱等做出指导和矿区生态环境重建提供决策依据。在工作面表布设地表移动测试站,进行对杨家村煤矿22采区首采面回采前、回采期间及回采后进行实时监测测试,及时掌地表平面移动与沉降情况,根据工作面布置和采煤方法等掌握其地表移动规律。  相似文献   

The judicious use and management of natural resources is vital to achieve sustainable development. Land and water are prime natural resources, and their depletion and degradation can lead to serious threats like land subsidence. Land subsidence is a phenomenon of the alteration of elevation at a point on the earth through the sinking of the surface. It occurs when the earth’s surface loses its support. The major causes of land subsidence include groundwater extraction, mining, construction overload, and other similar factors that increase pressure on the surface and eventually subsidize the land. Urban centers with excessive groundwater extraction and infrastructure development are at a high risk of subsidence. Lahore, the second-largest city in Pakistan, is undergoing an enormous increase in population density, uncontrolled urbanization with very large-scale construction projects, and intensive groundwater extraction which are responsible for subsidence directly or indirectly. Therefore, studies on groundwater status and unplanned urban appraisals have seriously urged monitoring of the subsidence in Lahore. Herein, we used freely available Sentinel-1 data for one year (from August 2018 to August 2019), with a high spatial and temporal resolution, to monitor subsidence in Lahore. The data were processed using the SNAP/StaMPS approach for Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSI) analysis, which is an advanced InSAR technique. The displacement velocity map from InSAR processing shows a significant land deformation in the area with values ranging from -114 to 15 mm yr-1. Along with the Sentinel-1 data, we also used supplementary data obtained from various government agencies of Pakistan to study the land cover map, transportation network and waterways of Lahore, soil types, population density, and field points for assessing the results and understanding the roles of various factors in the occurrence of uplift or subsidence. A strong correlation was established between subsidence and various parameters such as groundwater extraction and lowering of the water table, soil type variations, land cover changes, surface water channels, and population density. The deformation map confirms the greatest subsidence in the central part of Lahore, while the uplift is observed in the less populated and rural areas situated near Ravi River. The land subsidence and uplift could be attributed to groundwater extraction and recharge through the canal system and the river, respectively.  相似文献   

中国矿山迹地的生态恢复(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矿业开发活动产生了大量的废弃地,本文综述了我国露天煤矿排土场、采煤沉陷地和煤矸石山等矿山迹地生态恢复的理论与技术进展,并对今后研究的重点问题进行了展望。采矿迹地生态恢复涉及到很多学科,需要借鉴多学科的理论,同时介绍了采矿迹地生态恢复的实用技术和示范基地建设情况,未来应重点关注矿山迹地生态系统演替过程与机理、采矿废弃地复垦利用的结构优化和采矿迹地生态恢复新技术等问题。  相似文献   

1IntroductionSubsidence,asverticalmovementoftheeallof'USt,occurredinmanypartsoftheworld,Particularlyindenselypopulateddeltalcregions.Withocctirrenceofsurfacesubsidence,alotofdamagehasbeeninduced.Surfacesubsidencecanberesultedfromnabscauses.suchastectonicinchonandsealevelrise,fromman-madeinducedcauses,suchasexcessivewithdrawalofgroundwater,geothennalfluids.oilandgas,orextrachonofcoal,sulphur,goldandothersolidsthroughminingorUndergroundconstrUchon(t'Unnelling),orfromother"dxedcausessuchashydro…  相似文献   

Geologic resource assessments describe the location, general characteristics, and estimated volumes of resources, whether in situ or technically recoverable. Such compilations are only an initial step in economic resource evaluation. This paper identifies, by examples from the Illinois and Appalachian basins, the salient features of a geologic assessment that assure its usefulness to downstream economic analysis. Assessments should be in sufficient detail to allocate resources to production units (mines or wells). Coal assessments should include the spatial distribution of coal bed characteristics and the ability to allocate parts of the resource to specific mining technologies. For coal bed gas assessment, the production well recoveries and well deliverability characteristics must be preserved and the risk structure should be specified so dryholes and noncommercial well costs are recovered by commercially successful wells.  相似文献   

通过地表移动盆地的动态发展规律分析矿区地面沉降的时空特征,改进基于版本—增量的时空数据模型,建立了沉降要素表、几何表和属性表,实现矿区地面沉降时空信息的集成表达,并分析该方式的主要优势。其中,特征属性在内容上包括矿区地面沉降的发育特征及其影响因素的变化信息,以辅助沉降时空分析、表达时空语义;鉴于不同属性变化的时间粒度及与几何变化的同步性存在差异,将属性字段分别放置在属性表和几何表中,以满足用户的查询需求,减小数据冗余。最后,通过试验集成管理山东省济北煤矿西北部地面沉降的时空数据,分析研究区地面沉降的动态发展规律,发现了该区沉降与采矿活动的相关性,验证了本文沉降时空数据组织方式的可行性。  相似文献   

Coal fires occur in underground natural coal seams, in exposed surface seams, and in coal storage or waste piles. The fires ignite through spontaneous combustion or natural or anthropogenic causes. They are reported from China, India, USA, South Africa, Australia, and Russia, as well as many other countries. Coal fires lead to loss of a valuable resource (coal), the emission of greenhouse-relevant and toxic gases, and vegetation deterioration. A dangerous aspect of the fires is the threat to local mines, industries, and settlements through the volume loss underground. Surface collapse in coal fire areas is common. Thus, coal fires are significantly affecting the evolution of the landscape. Based on more than a decade of experience with in situ mapping of coal fire areas worldwide, a general classification system for coal fires is presented. Furthermore, coal seam fire geomorphology is explained in detail. The major landforms associated with, and induced by, these fires are presented. The landforms include manifestations resulting from bedrock surface fracturing, such as fissures, cracks, funnels, vents, and sponges. Further manifestations resulting from surface bedrock subsidence include sinkholes, trenches, depressions, partial surface subsidence, large surface subsidence, and slides. Additional geomorphologic coal fire manifestations include exposed ash layers, pyrometamorphic rocks, and fumarolic minerals. The origin, evolution, and possible future development of these features are explained, and examples from in situ surveys, as well as from high-resolution satellite data analyses, are presented. The geomorphology of coal fires has not been presented in a systematic manner. Knowledge of coal fire geomorphology enables the detection of underground coal fires based on distinct surface manifestations. Furthermore, it allows judgments about the safety of coal fire-affected terrain. Additionally, geomorphologic features are indicators of the burning stage of fires. Finally, coal fire geomorphology helps to explain landscape features whose occurrence would otherwise not be understood. Although coal fire-induced thermal anomalies and gas release are also indications of coal fire activity, as addressed by many investigators, no assessment is complete without sound geomorphologic mapping of the fire-induced geomorphologic features.  相似文献   

InSAR技术在地形测量和地质灾害研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
邓辉  黄润秋 《山地学报》2003,21(3):373-377
合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术为地形测量和地质灾害的研究提供了一个全新的工具。如果在获取两景雷达图像的间隔期间地面发生了变形(比如地面沉降、滑坡、火山活动等),运用InSAR技术可以得到亚厘米级精度的地面位移图。本文作者向工程地质学家简略介绍了InSAR技术的基本原理以及一些实际地质应用,这些实例说明了InSAR技术在地形测量和地质灾害研究中具有独特的能力。  相似文献   

Multifactorial correlation analysis is a new method used to predict the land subsidence caused by groundwater exploitation. This article introduces and applies the method to establish the function of t...  相似文献   

This paper presents two examples of application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) to typical geomorphological problems. The principles of InSAR are introduced, taking care to clarify the limits and the potential of this technique for geomorphological studies. The application of InSAR to the quantification of landform attributes such as the slope and to the estimation of landform variations is investigated. Two case studies are presented. A first case study focuses on the problem of measuring landform attributes by interferometric SAR data. The interferometric result is compared with the corresponding one obtained by a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). In the second case study, the use of InSAR for the estimation of landform variations caused by a landslide is detailed.  相似文献   

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