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采用景观格局转移概率矩阵模型,对基于一级分类的淮河流域中游湿地景观演变进行分析.结果表明:从上世纪50年代至1980年,淮河中游土地覆被变化明显,但1980-2000年期间,土地利用的基本格局变化却很小;淮河流域中游各景观类型之间的转换变化具有显著的差异性,同一景观类型在转出和转入及其转换量上表现都不同;50年间淮河流域中游湿地景观格局演变的主要特征是大量的湿地转变成水田和非湿地,大量的天然湿地演变成人工湿地和非湿地,同时该区域出现了裸岩地,表明局部生态环境的恶化.认为主要原因是解放以后淮河流域人口增长迅速,为解决吃饭问题,增加了大量耕地;围湖造田、占用河滩地使湿地面积减少.1980年以后湿地景观格局变化很小,主要原因可能是到了1980年人口增长趋缓,淮河中游大农业的格局基本确立下来,农业土地利用不再有大的变化.  相似文献   

吴晓旭  邹学勇 《中国沙漠》2010,30(4):763-769
在遥感与GIS技术支持下,以乌审旗1986年、1991年、1996年、2000年和2005年5期TM影像为主要数据源,对乌审旗景观空间格局的动态变化特征及其演变的驱动因素进行了研究。结果显示,乌审旗景观格局从1986年到2005年期间发生了显著变化,居民地、工矿用地明显增加,沙地、水域景观逐年下降,耕地、林地面积变化不大,草地、未利用地增加,景观多样性和空间破碎度增加,斑块的自相似性增强;各类景观斑块的平均面积整体上是增加的,景观分形维数随着时间的推移呈现先下降后上升、又下降的趋势。结合经济社会统计数据分析表明,人为因素是影响乌审旗景观格局演变的主要原因,其中人口增加、国民经济增长、工矿产业发展,以及政府决策和生态治理工程是景观格局演变的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

为明晰内陆河流域绿洲化特征及其驱动因素,以黑河流域张掖盆地绿洲为研究对象,根据土地利用和归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据反演得到2000—2020年张掖盆地绿洲规模连续数据,分析张掖盆地绿洲规模和内部结构演变规律,结合盆地近20年经济、人文、水文资源等数据厘清驱动绿洲演变的关键因素。结果表明:近20年张掖盆地绿洲规模扩张了485.78 km2,整体呈现出荒漠向绿洲转化的趋势;绿洲内部土地利用类型以耕地为主,近20年间耕地面积增加最多,相对于2000年增长了19.00%,而林地面积减少最多,相对于2000年减少了25.38%;绿洲规模和内部结构变化受自然因素和人类活动的共同作用,其中经济发展与人口增加对绿洲规模扩张和内部结构变化起直接作用,水资源对绿洲扩张起决定性作用。  相似文献   

运用景观指数、GIS空间分析和Fragstats分析等方法,以长江经济带的武汉市为例,从生态优先视角下对土地利用景观格局演变及其驱动机制进行分析,结果表明:2000—2015年武汉市生态用地规模、空间形态与格局逐步稳定,人工干预明显,生态保护政策取得一定的效果;在生态用地持续增长约束下,耕地规模减少但降速放缓,空间形态趋向规模化与规则化,而建设用地增长速度加快,区域斑块分割与镶嵌力度加强,生态保护与经济增长表现出协同发展特征;武汉市土地利用格局在中心-远郊空间层面呈现差异化演变特征,主城区建设用地集中,景观同质化和集聚化增强,多样性降低但稳定性提升,远城区土地利用行为愈加无序复杂,稳定性降低,多样性增强;长江经济带土地利用景观格局演变过程是在区域资源禀赋约束、经济要素投入、社会生产、生活和生态运行方式以及政策制度的内外双重驱动作用下的结果。  相似文献   

通过梳理国际连锁酒店跨国扩张时空演变过程,选择万豪酒店集团作为典型案例,对其跨国扩张空间范围演变进行了描述,采用ArcGIS聚类分析法对其跨国扩张方向特征进行了刻画,采用空间分布碎化指数、均匀度指数和集聚力指数,对其跨国扩张时空演变及驱动因素进行了测度和解释。研究发现(:1)国际连锁酒店跨国扩张空间范围不断拓展,国际化程度不断提升;(2)国际连锁酒店跨国扩张在早期呈现接触扩散特征,后期加速向发展中国家和地区扩张,逐渐呈现接触扩散和等级扩散相混合的特征(;3)国际连锁酒店跨国扩张呈多中心趋向均质发展,向更多的核心国家和非核心国家分布的空间格局演变(;4)国际连锁酒店跨国扩张从核心区向腹地扩散(;5)国际连锁酒店跨国扩张空间差异主要受政府干预、市场需求、产业环境驱动,政府干预起最为关键的作用;外部机遇、区域竞争力和资源条件的驱动触发机制表现出明显滞后性和迟缓性。  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲扩展过程中的景观变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常学礼  韩艳  孙小艳  张宁 《中国沙漠》2012,32(3):857-862
绿洲化过程中的景观变化和尺度效应是景观生态学研究的热点之一。针对这一目标以黑河中游张掖绿洲为研究区域,应用“3S”技术的缓冲分析方法,以绿洲标志景观类型农田、林地和湿地为核心,确定了不同时期绿洲范围并划分了老绿洲区和新增绿洲区。在此基础上,从景观组成动态和斑块连通度的尺度依赖特征两个方面分析了绿洲化过程中的景观变化机制和尺度效应。研究结果表明,绿洲化过程是以农田和建设用地斑块动态为主要特点。主要表现为:在不同的分区中,农田斑块以总面积和最大斑块指数增加为特点,说明农田斑块趋向集中连片分布;建设用地斑块总面积、斑块密度和最大斑块指数等3个指标都为增加,在景观上呈星点状扩张分布。老绿洲与新增绿洲的比较分析显示,新增绿洲的建设用地面积增加速率小于老绿洲,而农田面积的增加速率大于老绿洲。从景观斑块连通度的尺度依赖特点来看,在老绿洲中景观斑块类型的空间尺度依赖规律明显,但在时间尺度上的变化不显著;在新增绿洲内,林地、水域和建设用地的尺度依赖性比老绿洲高,其中林地、建设用地的空间变化规律明显,在时间尺度上无明显的差异;而水域斑块的尺度依赖性1985年高于2006年。  相似文献   

黑河分水后中游地区LUCC监测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李娜  杨太保 《中国沙漠》2008,28(2):223-226
以2000年Landsat ETM和2005年的Landsat TM数据为信息源,通过人机交互方式提取了两期黑河流域中游地区土地利用/覆被数据。在此基础上,结合研究区的社会经济统计资料和气象观测资料,分析了黑河流域中游地区近5 a来土地利用/土地覆被变化(land use and land coverage,LUCC)的时空变化格局和土地利用类型转变的趋势及其驱动力。结果表明,5 a间耕地和居民用地面积分别扩大了6.95%和9.78%,草地和林地都有相应的减少。尤其是水域和未利用土地,分别减少了1.70%和0.88%,黑河流域生态环境有总体变差的趋势。驱动力分析表明,环境变化是人文因素和自然因素共同作用的结果,并且人为因素占主导地位,在此情况下,本区生态环境存在着继续恶化的潜在危机。  相似文献   

基于改进景观扩张指数苏锡常地区城镇扩展空间形态变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
钱敏  濮励杰  张晶 《地理科学》2015,35(3):314-321
针对目前景观扩张指数计算存在的问题,提出一种改进计算景观扩张指数的方法用于动态分析城镇空间形态变化特征。将景观格局的3 种增长模式:填充式、边缘式和飞地式分别表示为3 种拓扑关系:包含、相交及相离关系,通过判断新增城镇建设用地斑块之间的拓扑关系计算景观格局扩张的各项指数,据此对苏锡常地区1985~2008 年各阶段城镇扩展空间形态变化进行分析。从总体景观扩张模式的变化来看,苏锡常地区建设用地增长方式以边缘式的紧凑增长为主;从增长形态的空间位置来看,各市市区和各镇行政中心的增长形态基本可以归纳为以边缘式增长为主的紧凑增长形态,普通城镇则可能是紧凑增长形态或者蔓延增长形态。计算结果表明,改进的景观扩张指数方法能够动态的反映苏锡常地区城镇用地空间格局形态变化过程。进一步计算反映城镇用地分形特征的盒子维数作对比分析,从计算结果来看,随着时间推移苏锡常地区城镇用地分维数值逐渐增加,从1985 年的1.220 增加到2008 年的1.504,但增长幅度不大,说明城镇空间格局始终处于集中和均衡之间;而景观扩张指数计算结果反映,从1995 年飞地式增长模式的数量和分布开始增加之后,给城镇发展的主导的紧凑模式带来了扰动,这种扩散式的增长导致各城镇扩张的结果在空间形态上出现与总体趋势分异的现象。新建设用地的增长点引起了城镇空间结构的变化,这种发展增加了城镇空间形态的随机性和结构的不稳定性,这个结果可以作为前述盒子维数计算结果的补充,说明景观扩张指数可以解释分形这种形态结果的空间变化过程;并且通过计算景观扩张指数,决策者可以了解城镇扩展空间形态的变化趋势,从而从宏观上控制城镇的无序蔓延。  相似文献   

黑河中游地区水资源供需状况分析及对策探讨   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:7  
在分析黑河中游地区水资源及其开发利用现状基础上,以2002年为现状年,以2006年和2010年为预测年,对本地区未来需水量进行预测和供需平衡分析。结果显示:未来黑河中游地区水资源需求量将呈不断增加趋势,供需矛盾将会越加突出。2006年和2010年,在75%和90%的保证率下,现状水资源工程均无法满足各类用水需求,约有3.38~4.72亿m3和3.93~5.27亿m3的缺口,缺水率将达16.58%~23.16%和18.78%~25.18%。为保证黑河中游地区水资源能够持续开发利用,社会和经济持续稳定发展,从目前来看,主要在农业节水和开发祁连山空中云水资源等方面下功夫,从长远来看,需要加强在流域虚拟水方面的研究。  相似文献   

深圳市近20年城市景观格局演变及其驱动因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴健生  罗可雨  赵宇豪 《地理研究》2020,39(8):1725-1738
基于深圳市1996—2015年土地利用数据,利用景观指数、景观转移矩阵和景观扩张指数等方法探究了深圳市近20年景观格局时空变化、主要景观类型转移和建筑用地扩张模式,最后使用Binary Logit模型考察了市级和区级建筑用地景观扩张的主要驱动因素。结果表明:① 1996—2015年,深圳市建筑用地景观优势性逐步增强,面积增加15.81%,以蔓延式(61.9%)和填充式(36.27%)扩张为主;② 1996—2006年为城市化快速扩张期,建筑用地扩张呈集中开发形态,景观多样性和均匀性增加,城市扩张中心略微向北部和东部移动,2006—2015为城市化低速过渡期,景观破碎化加剧,城市扩张重心向北部和西部偏移;③ 在市级尺度上,GDP密度和人口密度对建筑用地景观扩张有显著正影响,生态控制线、高程、坡度和至道路的距离有着显著负影响。每单位生态控制线范围、坡度的增加分别将使建筑用地景观扩张的机会比率将平均减少到原来0.8168倍、0.8841倍。各驱动因素表现出区域和尺度差异性,GDP对宝安区、南山区和坪山区,人口增长对宝安区、龙华区,以及交通可达性对大鹏新区、龙岗区驱动分别最为突出。研究结果可以为中国城市快速扩张过程中的景观格局变化提供科学实践。  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲农村居民点景观格局演变及机制分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
师满江  颉耀文  曹琦 《地理研究》2016,35(4):692-702
基于1987年、2002年、2013年三期Landsat TM、ETM+、OLI遥感影像提取研究区农村居民点时空分布信息,利用GIS空间分析、景观指数分析及多元线性回归分析干旱区绿洲农村居民点景观演化特征及驱动机制。研究表明:① 农村居民点集中分布在绿洲内部平原区,其中城市周边及沿河道、道路是居民点空间聚集较明显的区域。② 1987-2013年农村居民点面积增长较形状变化更为显著。新建居民点和旧居民点边界扩张是导致研究区农村居民点面积显著增长主要原因,且在不同时空区域表现出不同的增长方式;居民点形状以矩形和近圆形居多,条带型较少。③ 通过对居民点景观演变机制进行分析,发现城市辐射距离、水源地远近及距离道路远近是影响农村居民点景观变化的首要因素,其次是人口规模,最后才是区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

Exploring the spatio-temporal variations of farmland landscape patterns in a traditional agricultural region can provide scientific support for decision-making on sustainable rural land use and rural vitalization development. This study established a comprehensive evaluation index for farmland fragmentation with multiple aspects (dominance, integrity, aggregation, regularity, and connectivity) at the county scale. The goal was to identify the evolution of farmland fragmentation in the traditional agricultural region of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain during 2000-2015 and investigate underlying drivers using panel data of 359 counties. Results showed an accelerating but fluctuating fragmentation pattern of the farmland landscape. The indexes of dominance, integrity, and aggregation of farmland decreased most sharply, while the index of connectivity increased. Furthermore, the evolution of the farmland fragmentation pattern showed significant spatio-temporal heterogeneity, which is similar to the trajectory of urbanization and land use transition. Farmland fragmentation in municipal districts also emerged earlier and was more severe than in county-level cities and counties. Factors influenced by advancing urbanization include the proportion of artificial land, population density, and proportion of primary industry; these factors drove the evolution of farmland fragmentation. In contrast, the increase in income of rural residents and production efficiency of farmland were the key factors contributing to the improvement in farmland connectivity.  相似文献   

呼和浩特市城市边缘区景观格局动态变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用GIS技术对1987,2000年两期航空遥感影像进行空间叠加对比分析,从斑块及景观2个尺度对呼和浩特市城市边缘区景观格局变化进行了研究。结果表明:在斑块尺度上,边缘区两期景观结构均以农田景观为基质,研究期内,农田景观、草地景观等缓慢减少,建筑景观明显增多;在景观尺度上,边缘区景观多样性指数趋于增大,优势度指数趋于降低.景观组分趋于复杂化、破碎化和多元化。分析其影响因素可知:经济发展和城市化的加快、政策导向是变化的根本原因,人口的增加、土地利用方式的改变是变化的直接原因。  相似文献   

Farmland abandonment is a global problem and considered one of the most important areas in land use change research. Farmland abandonment research currently focuses on understanding the factors that affect farmland abandonment and developing scientific models to simulate farmland abandonment. The study reviewed the natural and political factors driving farmland abandonment and summarized the main models for farmland abandonment simulation together with their advantages and disadvantages. We discuss the main ecological effects of farmland abandonment and propose farmland abandonment research directions. The study found that: (1) the influence of labor cost change and ageing labor force on farmland abandonment needs further investigation, (2) simulation models for farmland abandonment must include the decision-making mechanism of individual farmers and focus on macro large-scale abandonment prediction models, and (3) the influence of farmland abandonment on landscape culture must be investigated in detail.  相似文献   

Rapid land landscape change has taken place in many arid and semi-arid regions such as the vulnerable ecological area over the last decade. In this paper, we quantified land landscape change of Yulin in this area between 1985 and 2000 using remote sensing and GIS. It was found that fallow landscape decreased by 125,148 hm2 while grassland and woodland increased by 107,975 hm2 and 17,157 hm2, respectively. The major factors responsible for these changes are identified as the change in the government policy on preserving the environment, continued growth in mining, and urbanization. The efforts in restoring the deteriorated ecosystem have reaped certain benefits in reducing the spatial extent of sandy land through replacement by non-irrigated farmland, woodland and grassland. On the other hand, continued expansion of mining industry and urbanization has exerted adverse impacts on the land landscape. At present regional economic development conflicts directly with the protection of the natural environment. Such a conflict has caused the destruction to the land resources and fragmentation of the landscape accompanied by land desertification, the case is even serious in some localities.  相似文献   

中国西北半干旱区土地景观变化成因--以榆林市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Landscape change is a result of the complex interactions between physical, biological, political, economic and social driving forces (Moody and Woodcock 1995; Apan et al., 2002). Landscape in arid and semi-arid China is extremely vulnerabl…  相似文献   

Land use/cover change has been recognized as a key component in global change and has attracted increasing attention in recent decades. Scenario simulation of land use change is an important issue in the study of land use/cover change, and plays a key role in land use prediction and policy decision. Based on the remote sensing data of Landsat TM images in 1989, 2000 and 2010, scenario simulation and landscape pattern analysis of land use change driven by socio-economic development and ecological protection policies were reported in Zhangjiakou city, a representative area of the Poverty Belt around Beijing and Tianjin. Using a CLUE-S model, along with socio-economic and geographic data, the land use simulation of four scenarios–namely, land use planning scenario, natural development scenario, ecological-oriented scenario and farmland protection scenario–were explored according to the actual conditions of Zhangjiakou city, and the landscape pattern characteristics under different land use scenarios were analyzed. The results revealed the following: (1) Farmland, grassland, water body and unused land decreased significantly during 1989–2010, with a decrease of 11.09%, 2.82%, 18.20% and 31.27%, respectively, while garden land, forestland and construction land increased over the same period, with an increase of 5.71%, 20.91% and 38.54%, respectively. The change rate and intensity of land use improved in general from 1989 to 2010. The integrated dynamic degree of land use increased from 2.21% during 1989–2000 to 3.96% during 2000–2010. (2) Land use changed significantly throughout 1989–2010. The total area that underwent land use change was 4759.14 km2, accounting for 12.53% of the study area. Land use transformation was characterized by grassland to forestland, and by farmland to forestland and grassland. (3) Under the land use planning scenario, farmland, grassland, water body and unused land shrank significantly, while garden land, forestland and construction land increased. Under the natural development scenario, construction land and forestland increased in 2020 compared with 2010, while farmland and unused land decreased. Under the ecological-oriented scenario, forestland increased dramatically, which mainly derived from farmland, grassland and unused land. Under the farmland protection scenario, farmland was well protected and stable, while construction land expansion was restricted. (4) The landscape patterns of the four scenarios in 2020, compared with those in 2010, were more reasonable. Under the land use planning scenario, the landscape pattern tended to be more optimized. The landscape became less fragmented and heterogeneous with the natural development scenarios. However, under the ecological- oriented scenario and farmland protection scenario, landscape was characterized by fragmentation, and spatial heterogeneity of landscape was significant. Spatial differences in landscape patterns in Zhangjiakou city also existed. (5) The spatial distribution of land use could be explained, to a large extent, by the driving factors, and the simulation results tallied with the local situations, which provided useful information for decision-makers and planners to take appropriate land management measures in the area. The application of the combined Markov model, CLUE-S model and landscape metrics in Zhangjiakou city suggests that this methodology has the capacity to reflect the complex changes in land use at a scale of 300 m×300 m and can serve as a useful tool for analyzing complex land use driving factors.  相似文献   

耕地撂荒研究进展及启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文运用文献计量方法对1992-2019年在Web of Science数据库中发表的耕地撂荒领域的910篇文献进行总量和关键词分析,并根据关键词领域从耕地撂荒监测与制图、驱动力与影响因素、效应评估与权衡三个方面进行主题综述。研究发现:(1)目前撂荒耕地的提取与制图渠道以农户调研与遥感技术为主,结合空间信息的NDVI时间序列撂荒地提取方法具有较高精度;(2)从作用程度、来源、属性三个维度对耕地撂荒的驱动力和影响因素进行归纳,发现耕地边际化是耕地撂荒的根本驱动力,劳动力析出是耕地撂荒的直接驱动力,社会经济因素是主要驱动力;(3)耕地撂荒的环境效应具有空间异质性,时空差异、景观环境、气候、耕种、地形特征均会对耕地撂荒的环境效应起决定作用;耕地撂荒效应权衡主要集中在生态系统服务功能和价值领域,但相关空间背景的作用往往被忽略。在系统梳理现有文献的基础上,本文从开展全国层面的撂荒耕地调查、开展多尺度的撂荒驱动力研究、结合国情开展撂荒效应权衡研究等方面对未来耕地撂荒研究进行展望。  相似文献   

In the past 40 years,cultivated land has faced the continued anthropogenic inter-ference,which has become a significant issue for cultivated land preservation during rapid urbanization.The purpose of this research was to reveal the spatio-temporal evolutionary characteristics of cultivated land and the correlation between rural population variation and farmland change in China.Fifty county-level administrative units in Zhejiang Province were selected as the study area wherein spatio-temporal evolution comparative analysis for every 5 years from 2000 to 2015 was conducted.This study used the pool method to estimate the impacts of the rural population variation,average slope,average elevation,rural residential disposable income,primary industry proportion,and road density on farmland utilization efficiency from the spatial perspective,which is represented by landscape metrics including the mean patch size,edge density,area weighted mean shape index,and area weighted mean patch fractal dimension.This study showed that the cultivated land landscape index continued to rise after 2000 and then started decreasing after 2010,indicating a reduction in human interference after 2010.The spatial variation of rural population of all county-level administrative units decreased from 2000 to 2010,and 62%of them began to increase after 2010.The regression analysis results showed that the spatial variation of rural population was significantly and negatively correlated with the cultivated land landscape while the rural residential disposable income,average slope and primary industry proportion were all sig-nificantly and positively related to the cultivated land landscape index.The results implied that the loss of the agricultural labor force and the difficulty of sloping farmlands adapting to mechanized farming were unconducive to farmland utilization efficiency improvement,and the increase in nonagricultural activities in rural areas would increase the difficulty of culti-vated land preservation.Our analysis suggests that local governments should improve the production efficiency of fragmented land or strengthen the construction control of housing and facilities in rural areas according to their regional urbanization development situation.  相似文献   

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