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一、地理环境的地域分异的形成所谓地理环境,通常是指环绕于人类社会的整个自然界,又称自然环境或者自然地理环境。它是由地球表面的地形、气候、水文、生物、土壤等要素,通过密切的相互(?)用而组成的。研究地理环境,既要探讨其整体性,又要探讨其差异性。地理环境的整体性,是指地理环境各组成要素和各组成部分之间的内在联系性。它们之间互相联系、互相制约和互相渗透,从而形成一个整体。一个要素影响另一个要素,这个要素的变化影响另外要素的变化。  相似文献   

韩杰 《世界地理研究》2002,11(3):99-104
本文主要探讨整差理论的核心内容,指出:自然地理环境的整体性包括内在联系性,空间组合性和动态演变性。差异性可分为基本差异和派生差异。前者包括纬向地带性和非纬向地带性差异。后者包括垂直带性。地带段性和区域性差异。此外,笔者还论述了各地域分异规律之间的朴素关系以及整体性和差异性的等级划分。最后通过案例指出整差理论不仅能指导世界自然地理现象和事物的研究,而且对人文,社会,环境等问题的研究同样具有指导意义。  相似文献   

地理环境整体性理论的初步探讨   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
潘玉君 《地理科学》2003,23(3):271-276
对于地理环境整体性的研究有"实证"与"理解"两个互补的研究途径。地理环境整体性的研究应在"本体论"意义研究的基础上着重于"认识论"和"方法论"意义上的研究。以自组织方法论为指导的地理环境整体性的研究应主要着重于地理环境整体性的形成条件、基本动力、基本途径、基本结构和复杂图景等方面。整体性不仅是地理环境的基本性质之一,而且也(应该)是地理学的基本原理之一。  相似文献   

王玲 《地理教学》2012,(15):12-14
整体性和差异性是区域地理环境两大特征,区域定位和综合分析问题是把握地理环境特征的基础。在教学中,如何提高学生区域定位和综合思维能力呢?笔者结合教学实际,谈谈个人的实践与思考。  相似文献   

正【课标解读】"课标"要求:"举例说明地理环境各要素的相互作用,理解地理环境的整体性。"地理环境整体性是地理学最重要的原理及思维方式,离开实例很难理解。地理环境各组成要素相互联系、相互作用,形成有机的整体,造就了不同区域的地理环境;区域中某一地理要  相似文献   

K90 2004010001地理环境整体性理论的初步探讨二Integration Princinleofg贬义〕graphy播玉君//地理科学一2003,23(3)一271一276 对于地理环境整体性的研究有“实证”与“理解”两个互补的研究途径,地理环境整体性的研究应在“本体论”意义研究的基础上着重于“认识论”和“方法论”意义上的研究.以自组织方法论为指导的地理环境整体性的研究应主要着重于地理环境整体性的形成条件、基本动力、基本途径、基本结构和复杂图景等方面.整体性不仅是地理环境的基本性质之一,而且也(应该)是地理学的基本原理之一图l表2参35(作者)ChaK90 20040100…  相似文献   

一、复习导入 1.复习提问:何谓地理环境的整体性? 2.教师小结:整体性表现在地理环境各要素协调一致,形成统一的地理环境;某地理要素改变则会牵一发而动全身,最终导致整个地理环境的改变。  相似文献   

李虎 《地理教学》2008,(12):15-16
【教学目标】 1.知识和技能目标结合实例让学生理解地理环境整体性的基本内涵。学生能说出生物循环和生物在地理环境形成和演化中的作用。学会说明地理环境各要素的相互作用产生新的功能。能从地理环境整体性的视角分析一些自然现象。  相似文献   

张国民 《地理教学》2013,(17):38-41
正地理环境的整体性是地理学科中最基本的原理。我们知道,地球表面组成自然地理环境的大气、水、岩石、地貌、生物和土壤等要素,通过大气循环、水循环、生物循环和地质循环等物质运动和能量交换,彼此间发生着密切的相互联系和相互作用从而形成了不可分割的一个整体(或系统)。地理环境各要素的相互联系、相互制约和相互渗透,构成了地理环境的整体性。  相似文献   

区域是地球表面的空间单元,它是人们在区域地理环境差异基础上,根据一定的指标和方法划分出来的。区域特征是指某区域区别于其它区域特别的、显的征象或标志。区域的地理基本特征是区域地理环境要素在整体性和差异性、地带性规律和非地带性规律的基础上形成的,并具有区域性和综合性的特点,是认识区域差异,进行区域判断的重要依据。教学中我们发现,学生对区域的地理基本特征探究缺乏应有的策略,并具有“瓶颈”效应。如何指导学生探究区域的地理基本特征是中学地理教学的重要课题之一。  相似文献   

高师《世界地理》教学内容与方法探索   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高师《世界地理》教学需要教师有效实施探究式教学策略,扮演课程学习的组织者、引导者和合作者的角色,以期达到调动学生在学习过程中的积极性、主动性和研究性的目的。本文基于曾必修《肚界地理》的高师地理科学(师范)专业的本科在学、硕士研究生、中学地理教师的访谈与问卷调查,探索以学生为主体的教学改革,对近年来《世界地理》教学效果进行总体评价,廓清现今教学内容与方法面临的主要问题,并尝试提出优化调整方案,以提高《世界地理》教学效果。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):97-102

Coyote teaching emphasizes learning community, long term mentoring, a need for learning, ownership of learning, heightened sensory awareness, storytelling, purposefully designed tricks, and the Socratic method to promote lifelong learning and a new generation of coyote teachers. Many of these methods are found in other educational philosophies but seem to be fully integrated in the coyote teaching method. Because geography is integrative, it seems a logical discipline in which to apply this method. Each of the characteristics of coyote teaching has its unique place in geography education. This article demonstrates how each of these components of coyote teaching can be readily employed, enhanced, and, more importantly, integrated into geographic education and inculcated into multiple generations of geography educators.  相似文献   

《区域生态环境评价技术》课程是本科生专业必修课,于2007学年列入专业系统实验的教学计划。该课程旨在利用现代计算机新技术,学会和掌握区域生态环境的评价技术及方法。通过几年来的课程建设和结合该实验课教学的实际情况,研究探索《区域生态环境评价技术》实验课教学的新模式,探讨实验教学改革的新思路。将相关研究内容和解决问题的方法引入到《区域生态环境评价技术》实验课的教学当中,将综合能力培养实验、设计提高型实验等教学模式相结合。针对教学过程发现的新问题和学生需求,及时调整教学手段和更新教学内容,达到了知识与技能的传授与素质培养相互促进和统一的作用。  相似文献   

It is necessary for undergraduates majoring in geography to learn the history of geographic thought. Although there are different cultural and educational backgrounds between China and the West, teaching methods such as text teaching, students’ presentations and group learning are suitable for most of teachers and students even from different countries and regions. The blended method is helpful to popularize history of geographic thought and improve the level of teaching and learning. Owing to lack of the class on the history of geographic thought in countries like China, the authors try to explore a blended method for the first-year geography undergraduates and to assess the effects of this teaching based on some questionnaires. The students have different benefits and responses to this class. A special group consisting of one teacher and several undergraduates does the research and coauthors the paper through making questionnaire, interviewing and analyzing materials from 67 freshmen majoring in human geography and geography science (teacher-training) in China. For the undergraduates especially from the countries like China, it is well worth making the history of geographic thought become a necessary and interesting class.  相似文献   

It is necessary for undergraduates majoring in geography to learn the history of geographic thought. Although there are different cultural and educational backgrounds between China and the West, teaching methods such as text teaching, students' presentations and group learning are suitable for most of teachers and students even from different countries and regions. The blended method is helpful to popularize history of geographic thought and improve the level of teaching and learning. Owing to lack of the class on the history of geographic thought in countries like China, the authors try to explore a blended method for the first-year geography undergraduates and to assess the effects of this teaching based on some questionnaires. The students have different benefits and responses to this class. A special group consisting of one teacher and several undergraduates does the research and coauthors the paper through making questionnaire, interviewing and analyzing materials from 67 freshmen majoring in human geography and geography science(teacher-training) in China. For the undergraduates especially from the countries like China, it is well worth making the history of geographic thought become a necessary and interesting class.  相似文献   

实施课程思政是实现立德树人根本任务的重要途径。随着课程思政改革的深入推进,传统的教学模式在部分教学环节出现了“失效”的现象,亟需一套新的教学模式以适应课程思政改革的要求。世界地理是地理学专业的核心课程,全球百年变局、“一带一路”倡议、课程思政改革等多重背景为世界地理教学提供了新的契机,同时也赋予了新的使命。为此,融合多种国内外先进教学模式,构建了服务“一带一路”的世界地理课程思政“金字塔”教学新模式。提出以服务“一带一路”建设为教学宗旨;奉行教学与科研融合,理论与实践并重的教学理念;以知识、能力和思政的综合达成为教学目标;着力实施理论课程群体化、教学资源多样化、教学内容时代化和教学手段多元化四大建设举措。以期更好地培养具有“世界眼光、家国情怀、专业素养”的卓越拔尖人才,为服务“一带一路”倡议建设提供人才智力保障。  相似文献   

Peter E Hopkins 《Area》2006,38(3):240-247
This paper contributes to understandings of youth transitions in childhood and youth geographies through the use of a participatory diagramming exercise with students studying geography in a summer school access programme at a Scottish university. In particular, the paper explores young people's perceptions about adult/child binaries and their hopes and fears in applying to university. The discussion highlights the extended nature of youth transitions: the usefulness of participatory diagramming as a research method and teaching technique for this group; and the consequences that the increasing interest in childhood and youth geographies might have on teaching and learning in human geography.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):420-426

This paper outlines a method for teaching about cultural landscapes in introductory geography classes by contrasting the Renaissance gardens of Italy with the Zen gardens of Japan. The ordered, symmetrical, formal arrangement of the Renaissance gardens are compared to the Zen gardens where landscape features appear to be completely natural. By contrasting these two garden traditions—their physical characteristics, their paths of diffusion, and the world views they express—it is possible to illustrate how cultural landscapes develop and persist in areas as a result of differing combinations of physical, social, and cultural circumstances.  相似文献   

This short commentary discusses effective university teaching in the context of the pandemic, the corresponding digitalisation of tertiary education, and the recent lecture attendance crisis. By critically reflecting on my own experience as a university educator and as a student in a teacher education course, I suggest that the attendance crisis presents an opportunity to explore effective teaching in a rapidly changing context. To improve our teaching and learning, we can reflect on what students and teachers have gone through and seek to understand who our students are.  相似文献   


During the last few years storyline as a teaching method has created considerable interest in many Norwegian primary schools. In storyline the teacher supplies some key concepts and the framework, and the pupils make the storyline. In this article I use a passage from Alexander Kielland's novel Gift to show how storyline can be a useful approach in geography teaching.  相似文献   

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