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根据泥岩的压实作用规律,利用多口井的声波时差曲线值,根据陈荷立提出的平衡深度法计算延长组长6、7、8的压力值并分析研究区的地层异常压力及分布特征。根据绘制的异常压力平面分布图并结合已经发现的油藏分布图,分析得出长8为A地区的主要勘探层位;压力差正值分布区域可决定产油井位的布置;长7与长6、长7与长8的压力差存在负值,可能与岩性有关。  相似文献   

陆玉忠 《水文》2005,25(2):47-50
对分级雨量分布图的绘制提出了一种新的思路,即利用GIS控件——MapObjects对地理对象的显示和分析功能,以及雨量等值线绘制数学模型,在VisualBasic中编程实现分级雨量分布图绘制和分析的自动化。该技术以柘林水库流域资料为实例,生成的分级雨量分布图比雨量等值线图具有更清晰、更直观的特点,从对流域降雨资料的静态描绘到动态演示,表达更加生动形象。  相似文献   

石柱复向斜上二叠统长兴组层序1高水位体系域中的礁和滩因处于复向斜内部而得以很好的保存。根据钻井证实的礁和滩所对应的地震反射特征,总结出礁和滩的地震相识别标志并进行对比。据此,在地震剖面上对礁滩进行识别,最终绘制出石柱复向斜长兴组层序1高水位体系域中礁滩的平面分布图,简要分析了礁和滩的平面分布特征及其控制因素。  相似文献   

石家庄污灌区土壤中As元素分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据石家庄污灌区土壤的平面和垂直剖面土壤样品中As含量数据,制作了As分布图,总结当地As元素分布特征。结果表明:石家庄污灌区内表层和深层土壤中As的分布都受到强烈的外源影响:表层As的分布受到污水排放源位置的控制,深层土壤也受纳了从上层向下迁移的外源As,在表层和深层都形成了若干高值区,各高值区具有独立成因;垂向分布上As主要富集在深部粘土层。  相似文献   

申家窑金矿床地气测量异常特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓佳 《地质与勘探》2016,52(4):667-677
河南申家窑金矿床属典型的蚀变破碎带型金矿,矿区大部分被第四系沉积物所覆盖。文章通过偏光显微镜与扫描电子显微镜观察、电子探针微区分析、矿石成分化学分析等方法,认为申家窑金矿床的主要金矿物为自然金和银金矿,主要载体矿物为石英、黄铁矿和方铅矿。作者在总结矿床矿物学特征的基础上,实验研究了地气测量在该隐伏矿床上方黄土覆盖层的勘查效果。地气测量使用泡塑为捕集介质,利用surfer软件绘制元素空间分布图。元素空间分布图表明Au具有明显的地球化学异常,同时Cu、Pb、Zn等成矿伴生元素也存在异常。综合矿床矿物学的研究结果和元素空间分布特征,认为地气测量异常为矿致异常,地气异常结果能够指示深部隐伏矿体的产状。地气测量方法作为深穿透地球化学找矿方法之一,在研究区能够反映深部矿化,可以应用于黄土覆盖区寻找隐伏矿床。  相似文献   

在矿井瞬变电磁法探测中,巷道空间对探测结果存在影响,不利于探测资料的解释。采用三维有限元法,通过建立地质模型模拟了有无巷道时瞬变电磁场的分布情况,绘制了10 us和0.1 ms时刻有无巷道以及巷道不同长度和高度下XOZ平面磁场强度等值线分布图。结果表明:磁场在高阻区扩散速度比低阻区慢;巷道长度的变化对巷道长度方向磁场分布影响较大;巷道高度的变化对巷道上下方磁场分布影响较大。巷道空间在早期对磁场分布影响较大,晚期则影响不大,这为探测资料异常的解释提供了理论依据。   相似文献   

根据高分辨率侧扫声图和高分辨率声地层剖面的解译结果,识别了渤海海峡通道海区海底灾害地质因素的声学特征及分布规律,发现研究区主要包括侵蚀陡坎、冲刷槽、潮流沙脊、活动沙波、沉船、岩礁、侵蚀洼地、浅滩、活动断层、浅埋基岩面、浅层气等灾害地质因素。探讨了灾害地质要素的成因及危害,绘制了灾害地质要素的平面分布图,可为今后该海区的海洋工程建设提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

SURFER在地球化学图制图中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用SURFER的9种网格化模型分别绘制了等值线图,通过对比认为径向基本函数法对数据网格化后绘制的图形与手绘图形元素异常与分布趋势基本一致,作为地球化学图绘制的网格化模型效果最佳;提出了用采样点位图自动计算坐标—SURFER绘制等值线—MAPGIS处理成图的工作流程。  相似文献   

基于奇异值分解法的含量-面积法对化探异常的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宗敏  申维 《地质通报》2008,27(5):662-667
地球化学场的数据通常具有分形的特征。应用奇异值分解方法对元素含量数据矩阵进行分解,对奇异值进行分形统计,得到了分形模型。重建元素含量的数据矩阵。然后利用含量-面积的分形方法对重建后的数据矩阵进行分形处理。使用MAPGIS软件进行统计分析,得出研究地区元素的异常下限,做出元素异常分布图,并与该地区已知矿点的分布图进行叠加分析,预测潜在的成矿区。  相似文献   

在利用DGSS系统进行1∶5万水系沉积物测量数据成图过程中,绘制单元素地球化学图(平面等值线图)时,由于布点等原因,图幅边部一般未能有效控制,往往造成图面完整性较差。利用扩边数据对图件进行扩边处理,配合由内图框制成的载剪框的使用,解决了利用原始数据绘制地球化学图不能完整充填图幅的问题,保证了地球化学图件的原始性、真实性与完整性。  相似文献   

We apply a population synthesis technique to study the formation and evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries with black holes, observed as X-ray novae, from hierarchical triple systems. A scenario is suggested in which an inner close binary system evolves into an X-ray system with a large mass ratio. The high rate of accretion onto the neutron star leads to a common envelope stage, which may result in the formation of a Thorne-Zytkow (TZ) object. During its evolution, the envelope of the TZ object expands, encompassing the third star. The recurrent common-envelope stage decreases the size of the orbit of the third star, leading to the formation of a lowmass X-ray nova with a black hole. The dynamical stability of triple systems automatically ensures that only lowmass X-ray novae form. We also consider the possible formation of an X-ray nova from a binary in the case of asymmetrical core collapse during a supernova explosion.  相似文献   

介绍了微区X射线衍射仪发展的现状,给出了微区X射线衍射仪鉴定物相的研究实例,并讨论了微区X射线衍射法的优、缺点。通过配置有封闭3kWX射线光管、单毛细管透镜、Pixcel探测器和普通CCD视频的Panalytical X’Pert PRO MPDX射线衍射仪,对光片上的铍矿物进行了微区X射线衍射鉴定,结果确定该铍矿物为羟硅铍石。微区X射线衍射法具有微区、微量、原位和无损等优点,能够进行直径在100~300μm范围内的两种或两种以上矿物集合体的物相鉴定。与电子探针等微区手段相互结合、互相补充,鉴定结果更加可靠。  相似文献   

Using the “Scenario Machine” (a computer code based on the Monte-Carlo method, developed to calculate the evolution of a large ensemble of binaries), we have carried out population-synthesis calculations for X-ray binaries for the purpose of modeling the X-ray luminosity functions in various type galaxies. These calculations were focused on the evolution of magnetized neutron stars. The X-ray luminosity function is not universal, and depends on the star formation rate in the galaxy. In theoretical models, it is very important to take into account the evolution of the binaries and their lifetimes in their X-ray stages. We calculated the cumulative and differential X-ray luminosity functions in galaxies with a constant star formation rate, the cumulative luminosity functions for various time intervals since the peak star formation, and curves describing the evolution of the X-ray luminosity after a star formation burst in the galaxy.  相似文献   

罗立强 《岩矿测试》2004,23(4):285-286
介绍了2004欧洲X射线光谱分析会议的简况和会议所讨论的热点问题。利用聚合毛细管X射线透镜进行微区分析是近期X射线领域最受关注的热点。  相似文献   

A new mechanism for the generation of X-ray emission in binary Be/X stars is proposed. It is shown that the mass-transfer rate through the point L1 in a model in which the optical component of a Be/X star has an expanding envelope is sufficient to generate the observed X-ray luminosities of such stars. The results of computations indicate a dependence between the orbital periods and X-ray fluxes of these systems. The relationship between the orbital perod and the mass-transfer rate during flares obtained from modeling corresponds to the observed dependence of the maximum X-ray flux on the orbital period.  相似文献   

The X-ray luminosities and spectra of F-M stars of luminosity classes IV–V are analyzed. In dwarfs with rotational velocities of about 100 km/s, such as the optical components of low-mass X-ray novae with black holes, hot plasma can be confined in coronal loops even in the presence of fairly weak magnetic fields. Thus, the soft X-ray emission of such systems in their quiescent state (to 1031 erg/s) could be associated with the coronal emission of the optical component/dwarf. Two systems studied with subgiants (V1033 Sco and V404 Cyg) have X-ray luminosities 2×1032–2×1033 erg/s. The X-ray emission of a solar-type corona cannot provide such luminosities. However, a transition to a non-solar corona is possible in rapidly rotating subgiants—a dynamical corona whose X-ray emission can be one to two orders of magnitude higher than observed for more slowly rotating late-type subgiants in the solar neighborhood. This suggests that the quiescent X-ray emission of these two systems is provided by emission from the corona of the subgiant optical component.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - The results of a statistical approach to interpreting a master radial-velocity curve for the X-ray binary Cyg X-1 are presented. The dependence of the mass of the X-ray...  相似文献   

X射线荧光光谱分析方法的共享   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
探索了在同一类型X射线荧光光谱仪器之间分析方法共享的可能性。基于量值归一的原理,使用标准化样品建立了两台仪器之间测量数据的可比性,使一台X射线荧光光谱仪建立的分析方法,能够简单转移到其他同一类型的X射线荧光光谱仪上使用,可以获得同样的分析精确度和准确度,从而实现分析方法的共享。实验数据表明,建立的方法简单、实用,能够节约分析方法建立过程中的人力、物力和资源,又能够更好地发挥科学仪器的作用,促进分析方法的标准化和网络化。  相似文献   

本文提出粘土矿物(特别是含伊/蒙不规则混层粘土矿物)混合物相的X射线定量分析方法——模拟定量法。着重解决在蒙脱石-不规则伊/蒙混层粘土矿物-伊利石组合中,伊/蒙混层粘土矿物的定量分析计算。模拟定量法是对以前的各种粘土矿物X射线定量分析方法的补充。用纯净的蒙脱石、伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石及各种伊/蒙混层比的伊/蒙混层粘土矿物,配制了各种不同组合的粘土矿物混合样品,制成定向薄膜片,进行了X射线分析,讨论了各种组合的粘土矿物混合物相X射线衍射图谱的特征,并在此基础上提出了粘土混合物相定量分析的方法。  相似文献   

The structural state of diaplectic labradorite glass (≈An58) from the Manicouagan impact crater and of its fusion-formed glass analog have been investigated by X-ray diffraction studies. The experimental X-ray intensity distribution patterns indicate that the diaplectic and fusion-formed glasses are structurally rather similar, the former being apparently slightly less disordered. Theoretical X-ray distribution curves have been calculated using the structure of high albite as a quasi-crystalline model of the glass structure. The experimental and theoretical curves show fair similarity when the calculations are based on the complete unit cell. It is inferred therefore, that the structures of both kinds of glasses possess an average short range order comparable to that in high albite and extending to about the dimensions of the unit cell. In addition, the experimental X-ray scattering pattern and X-ray Debye-Scherrer transmission photographs of the diaplectic glass reveal the presence of relics up to about 8 nm in size of the previous crystalline lattice of the primary labradorite. The present results support Grady's shear band model according to which diaplectic glass may represent the quench product of a shock-generated high-density melt frozen in prior to total pressure release.  相似文献   

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