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塔里木盆地西部阿克莫木气田形成初探   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木盆地西部阿克莫木气田天然气为非烃组份含量较高的干气,干燥系数高达99.7%;天然气δ13C1和δ13C2值明显偏重,δ13C1为- 25.2‰~-21.9,δ13C2为-21.2~-20.2‰,如果按传统的观点该天然气应为过成熟煤成气。但是综合气源对比研究表明阿克莫木气田天然气主要源自石炭系Ⅱ型烃源岩,成藏过程研究表明该气田主要聚集了石炭系烃源岩在Ro为1.5%~1.8%之后生成的天然气,具有晚期阶段聚气的特征,这是造成阿克1井天然气组份很“干”、碳同位素很重的主要原因。  相似文献   

深层油气勘探是未来油气资源的重要接替领域。渤海湾盆地下伏石炭-二叠系煤系烃源岩自油气勘探取得新突破以来,一直是深层油气领域研究的热点。黄骅坳陷新部署的QG8井奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层和YG1井二叠系砂岩储层获高产凝析油气流,其来源判别问题是深层油气勘探的关键。针对QG8、YG1井凝析油气开展的生物标志化合物、有机碳稳定同位素和原油物性研究表明:两口井的凝析油均为低黏度、低密度的典型轻质原油,具有姥鲛烷优势(Pr/Ph>2.8),QG8井凝析油饱和烃δ13C为-29.1‰、芳烃δ13C为-26.8‰;天然气δ13C1偏重,介于-39.7‰~-36.4‰之间,干燥系数大于0.8,重烃可达16.2%,为偏干湿气。QG8与YG1井凝析油特征与黄骅坳陷石炭-二叠系煤系烃源岩(饱和烃δ13C为-29.26‰~-26.87‰,芳烃δ13C为-26.62‰~-24.15‰)及KG4井原油物性(0.757 1~0.840 2 g/cm3)相近,天然气特征则相似于济阳坳陷GBG1井的煤成气(δ13C1为-43‰~-35‰),表明高产的凝析油气来自石炭-二叠系煤系烃源岩。证实渤海湾盆地深层石炭-二叠系煤系具有生烃潜力和油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

羌塘北缘开心岭—乌丽冻土区沿隐伏断层发育多处冷泉含水溶解烷烃,采用水溶烃组分和甲烷的稳定碳、氢同位素特征对其成因开展了分析研究。结果表明,开心岭—乌丽冻土区水溶烃组分中甲烷含量比例高达99.83%~99.96%,同时伴随有少量乙烷、丙烷,另含微量的乙烯和丙烯。开心岭一带水溶烃甲烷δ13CPDB值介于-46.5‰~-55.1‰,δDVSMOW值为-281.0‰~-342.0‰;乌丽一带水溶烃甲烷δ13CPDB值介于-47.8‰~-58.9‰,δDVSMOW值为-339.0‰~-346.0‰,指示水溶烃甲烷为有机成因,但气源较复杂,利用δ13CCH4-δDCH4δ13C1-C1/(C2+C3)等成因图解判别,得出甲烷主要属微生物气,次之为热解成因气,混有少量原油伴生气。推断甲烷主要为有机质在微生物作用下分解的烃类气体或次生生物气,与晚二叠世那益雄组含煤烃源岩有关,气源条件暗示该地区冻土带200~500 m深度内有利于微生物成因气为主的甲烷天然气水合物形成。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地哈拉哈塘凹陷天然气地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈拉哈塘凹陷位于塔里木盆地塔北隆起中部,具有良好的石油地质条件,是近期油气勘探的重点区带。天然气地球化学特征研究表明,该区天然气干燥系数较低,表现出典型湿气的特征,普遍含有微量的H2S;烷烃气δ13C1和δ13C2值分别为-50.5‰~-42.6‰和-40.2‰~-35.5‰,δD1值介于-262‰~-156‰之间,碳氢同位素系列表现出典型正序特征; C7轻烃组成具有正庚烷优势分布, C5~7轻烃组成以正构和异构烷烃为主。哈拉哈塘凹陷及周缘奥陶系天然气均为海相油型气,既有干酪根裂解气,也有原油裂解气,其中哈拉哈塘天然气中混入了相当比例的原油裂解初期形成的湿气,主要来自于南部阿满过渡带地区的中上奥陶统烃源岩,天然气中具有高δ13C值特征的CO2主要来自碳酸盐岩储层在酸性地层水作用下发生的溶蚀, H2S主要源自含硫化合物的热裂解。其中天然气发生的同位素部分倒转主要源自原油伴生气与原油裂解气的混合。  相似文献   

天然气成因机理复杂,鉴于在高-过成熟阶段烷烃气碳同位素系列倒转普遍存在,而高-过成熟阶段有机质中常富含芳环结构,利用芳香烃(甲苯)热裂解实验探讨高-过成熟阶段烷烃气碳同位素系列倒转成因.甲苯热裂解实验表明随着模拟温度的增加,烷烃气产率逐渐增大;模拟产物中H2产率也随着模拟温度的增加而增加.甲苯裂解产物中δ13C1、δ13C2和δ13C3分布区间分别为-31.8‰~-27.7‰,-31.0‰~-20.4‰和-31.0‰~-20.4‰.在甲苯热模拟实验450℃时,出现了烷烃气碳同位素系列的部分倒转(δ13C1>δ13C2 < δ13C3).发现无论是煤成气还是油型气,在高-过成熟阶段都会出现烷烃气碳同位素系列的倒转,结合本次模拟实验结果,认为芳香烃脱甲基作用可能是烷烃气高-过成熟阶段出现碳同位素系列倒转的一个重要原因.   相似文献   

通过采集青海木里三露天天然气水合物钻孔岩心样品,对该区天然气水合物赋存层段的中侏罗统和上三叠统烃(气)源岩的有机地球化学特征进行了分析。结果显示:研究区中侏罗统和上三叠统烃(气)源岩有机质丰度较高,TOC含量多在0.6%以上,即整体上为中等、好、很好烃源岩;有机质类型两套地层均主要以Ⅱ2型、Ⅲ型为主;两套地层 样品镜质体反射率多数介于0.7%~1.3%之间,只有少部分样品镜质体反射率低于0.7%,故有机质演化整体处于成熟阶段,或处于凝析油阶段,还没有达到湿气和干气阶段,可能只为该区天然气水合物提供一定量的气源条件,其主力气源岩可能来自更深部层系;研究区上三叠统烃(气)源岩有机质成熟度整体不高甚至低于中侏罗统,可能受断层逆推作用而出露地表的影响。  相似文献   

在野外地质勘查、典型剖面实测、样品采集及实验分析基础上,对拉布达林盆地潜在的烃源岩的有机质丰度、类型、成熟度等有机地球化学特征进行了分析评价.结果表明:1)上石炭统新伊根河组有机碳含量和生烃潜力均较低,有机质类型为I型,普遍达到到高成熟-过成熟阶段,为差烃源岩;2)中侏罗统万宝组有机碳含量中等,生烃潜力偏低,有机质类型为I型和II1型,处于低成熟阶段,为中等-差烃源岩;3)上侏罗统满克头鄂博组有机碳含量中等,生烃潜力较好,有机质类型为II1型,处于低成熟阶段,为较好烃源岩;4)下白垩统大磨拐河组有机碳含量较高,生烃潜力较好,有机质类型为为II1型和II2型,处于低成熟-成熟阶段,为好烃源岩.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东南部宜参1井获得天然气重大突破,但对其各层系烃源岩生烃潜力并未开展研究。通过采集山西组和马家沟组烃源岩样品开展相关研究,结果表明: 山西组4个泥岩样品的残余总有机碳(Total Organic Carbon,TOC)含量分布范围为0.54%~2.31%,均值为1.65%,总烃[(S1+S2)]含量分布范围为0.12~0.46 mg/g,均值为0.34 mg/g,泥岩烃源岩有机质丰度较高,生烃潜力较强; 马家沟组泥岩残余TOC含量分布范围为0.09%~0.33%,均值为0.17%,(S1+S2)含量分布范围为0.03~0.17 mg/g,均值为0.12 mg/g,评价为非—差烃源岩。对比宜参1井天然气中甲烷(CH4)和乙烷(C2H6)碳同位素含量,δ13C113C2倒转的天然气主要为煤成热解气,混入了少量δ13C2轻的油型气,其中煤成气主要来自于上古生界煤系地层,混入的少量油型气可能主要来自于上古生界太原组优质海相烃源岩。查明奥陶系马家沟组的生烃潜力及油气来源不仅可以认识奥陶系产层的油气生成和组成特征,同时对气田的形成模式、资源前景及勘探部署也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

辽河坳陷滩海东部地区葵探1井获得天然气重大突破,其侏罗系、古近系天然气的甲烷碳同位素组成(δ13C1)差异大,确定天然气成因与气源岩对于评价天然气资源潜力及选择勘探目标具有重要意义。系统分析了滩海东部地区古近系东营组、沙河街组三段和侏罗系小东沟组3套含气层系的天然气组分、稳定碳同位素组成等地球化学特征,对天然气成因和来源进行探讨。滩海东部地区发育有机热成因气和无机成因气2种类型:(1)古近系东营组和沙三段天然气为煤型有机热成因气,成分以甲烷为主,干燥系数介于0.789~0.949,δ13C1值主要在-35‰左右。主要气源岩为盖州滩洼陷沙三中下亚段泥岩,Ro在0.77%~1.59%之间。中浅层东营组天然气成熟度显著高于同深度泥岩,表明天然气来源于深部地层;而深层沙河街组三段天然气成熟度与同深度泥岩差异不大,表明天然气以原地聚集为主。(2)侏罗系小东沟组天然气为无机成因气,干燥系数平均值为0.991,δ13C1值>-20‰;推测东营...  相似文献   

库车坳陷东部油气地质条件复杂,天然气成因与油气充注时间存在争议,油气充注史不明,制约其油气勘探进程。利用天然气组分、碳同位素组成、流体包裹体岩相学与均一温度等分析测试数据,结合沉积埋藏史及构造演化史,研究了库车坳陷东部吐格尔明地区天然气地球化学特征、天然气成因类型及油气充注时间,分析了油气充注成藏过程。结果表明:吐格尔明地区天然气组分以甲烷为主,甲烷含量为75.56%~90.11%,干燥系数为0.79~0.93;δ13C1δ13C2值为-35.73‰~-33.80‰和-26.41‰~-25.30‰,天然气成因类型属于成熟阶段的煤成气。吐格尔明地区侏罗系砂岩储层发育两类流体包裹体,分别为黄色液态烃包裹体和蓝白色荧光的气液烃包裹体、灰色的气烃包裹体,表明该区存在两期油气充注,第一期为13~7 Ma的原油充注,第二期为2.6 Ma以来的天然气充注。康村组早中期,吐格尔明地区烃源岩形成的原油充注至宽缓背斜圈闭中保存;库车组晚期,侏罗系克孜勒努尔组与阳霞组发育良好的源储组合,天然气近距离充注成藏。  相似文献   

The alternative development of coal-bearing hydrocarbon source rocks and low-porosity and low-permeability tight sandstone reservoirs of the Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin is favorable for near-source hydrocarbon accumulation. The natural gas composition of the Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin is dominated by hydrocarbon gases, of which the methane content is80.16%-98.67%. Typically, the C_2~+ content is larger than 5% in main wet gas. The dry gas is mainly distributed in the western and northern regions of the basin. The non-hydrocarbon gases mainly contain nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and helium, with a total content of 2%. The carbon isotope ranges of methane and its homologues in natural gas are: δ~(13)C_1 of-43.8‰ to-29.6‰, δ~(13)C_2 of-35.4‰ to-21.5‰, δ~(13)C_3 of-27.6‰ to-19.8‰,and δ~(13)C_4 of-27.7‰ to-18.8‰. δ~(13)C_3δ~(13)C_4 occurs in some natural gas with a low evolution degree; such gas is mainly coal-related gas from humic-type source rocks of the Xujiahe Formation. As for the natural gas, δ~2 H_(CH4) values ranged from-195‰ to-161‰,δ~2 H_(C2H6) values ranged from-154‰ to-120‰, and δ~2 H_(C3H8) values ranged from-151‰ to-108‰. The dry coefficient,δ~(13)C and δ~2 H_(CH4) are all positively correlated with the maturity of source rocks. The higher the maturity of source rocks is, the larger the natural gas dry coefficient is and the larger the δ~(13)C and δ~2 H_(CH_4) values are, indicative of the characteristic of near-source accumulation. The δ~2 H_(C2H6) value of natural gas is influenced by paleosalinity to a relatively large extent; the higher the paleosalinity is, the larger the δ~2 H_(C2H6) value is. The Pr/Ph value of the condensate oil ranged from 1.60 to 3.43, illustrating light oxidization-light reduction and partial-oxidization characteristics of the depositional environment of coal-bearing source rocks of the Xujiahe Formation. The natural gas light hydrocarbon(C_5-C_7) from the Xujiahe Formation presented two characteristics: the first was the relatively high aromatic hydrocarbon content(19%-32.1%), which reveals the characteristic of natural gas with humic substances of high-maturity; the second was the low content of aromatic hydrocarbon(0.4%-9.3%),reflecting water-washing during the accumulation of the natural gas. The reported research outcomes indicate a potential mechanism for natural gas accumulation in the Xujiahe Formation, which will further guide natural gas exploration in this region.  相似文献   

Natural gas in the Xujiahe Formation of the Sichuan Basin is dominated by hydrocarbon (HC) gas, with 78–79% methane and 2–19% C2+ HC. Its dryness coefficient (C1/C1–5) is mostly < 0.95. The gas in fluid inclusions, which has low contents of CH4 and heavy hydrocarbons (C2+) and higher contents of non-hydrocarbons (e.g. CO2), is a typical wet gas produced by thermal degradation of kerogen. Gas produced from the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation (here denoted field gas) has light carbon isotope values for methane (δ13C1: −45‰ to −36‰) and heavier values for ethane (δ13C2: −30‰ to −25‰). The case is similar for gas in fluid inclusions, but δ13C1 = −36‰ to −45‰ and δ13C2 = −24.8‰ to −28.1‰, suggesting that the gas experienced weak isotopic fractionation due to migration and water washing. The field gas has δ13CCO2 values of −15.6‰ to −5.6‰, while the gas in fluid inclusions has δ13CCO2 values of −16.6‰ to −9‰, indicating its organic origin. Geochemical comparison shows that CO2 captured in fluid inclusions mainly originated from source rock organic matter, with little contribution from abiogenic CO2. Fluid inclusions originate in a relatively closed system without fluid exchange with the outside following the gas capture process, so that there is no isotopic fractionation. They thus present the original state of gas generated from the source rocks. These research results can provide a theoretical basis for gas generation, evolution, migration and accumulation in the basin.  相似文献   

Oil and gas exploration in eastern Tarim Basin, NW China has been successful in recent years, with several commercial gas accumulations being discovered in a thermally mature to over-mature region. The Yingnan2 (YN2) gas field, situated in the Yingnan structure of the Yingjisu Depression, produces gases that are relatively enriched in nitrogen and C2+ alkanes. The δ13C1 (−38.6‰ to −36.2‰) and δ13C2 values (−30.9‰ to −34.7‰) of these gases are characteristic of marine sourced gases with relatively high maturity levels. The distributions of biomarkers in the associated condensates suggest close affinities with the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks which, in the Yingjisu Sag, are currently over-mature (with 3–4%Ro). Burial and thermal maturity modeling results indicate that paleo-temperatures of the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks had increased from 90 to 210 °C during the late Caledonian orogeny (458–438 Ma), due to rapid subsidence and sediment loading. By the end of Ordovician, hydrocarbon potential in these source rocks had been largely exhausted. The homogenization temperatures of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions identified from the Jurassic reservoirs of the YN2 gas field suggest a hydrocarbon emplacement time as recent as about 10 Ma, when the maturity levels of Middle–Lower Jurassic source rocks in the study area were too low (<0.7%Ro) to form a large quantity of oil and gas. The presence of abundant diamondoid hydrocarbons in the associated condensates and the relatively heavy isotopic values of the oils indicate that the gases were derived from thermal cracking of early-formed oils. Estimation from the stable carbon isotope ratios of gaseous alkanes suggests that the gases may have been formed at temperatures well above 190 °C. Thus, the oil and gas accumulation history in the study area can be reconstructed as follows: (1) during the late Caledonian orogeny, the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician marine source rocks had gone through the peak oil, wet gas and dry gas generation stages, with the generated oil and gas migrating upwards along faults and fractures to form early oil and gas accumulations in the Middle–Upper Ordovician and Silurian sandstone reservoirs; (2) since the late Yanshanian orogeny, the early oil accumulations have been buried deeper and oil has undergone thermal cracking to form gas; (3) during the late Himalayan orogeny, the seals for the deep reservoirs were breached; and the gas and condensates migrated upward and eventually accumulating in the relatively shallow Jurassic reservoirs.  相似文献   

The petroliferous central Junggar Basin in northwest China is predominantly an oil exploration region. However, its gas exploration also might have good prospects. Thus to assist in gas exploration, the geochemistry and origins of gases are discussed in this paper based on relatively comprehensive analyses of compositions, carbon isotopes and light hydrocarbons of gases. Based on the results, the gas genetic types are grouped into families and combined with the geological setting (e.g., biomarkers of retrograde condensates and source rock characteristics). We show that there are four representative genetic types of gases. The first consists of gases derived from Permian lacustrine mudstones with type I–II kerogen and type III kerogen sources in the Penyijingxi sag. Their representative geochemical feature is δ13C2 ranging from −31.4‰ to −24.7‰. The second is gas sourced from Carboniferous tufaceous mudstones of type III kerogen in the Dishuiquan sag, whose representative geochemical feature is the heaviest values of δ13C1 in the studied samples, ranging from −32.0‰ to −30.4‰. The third consists of gases sourced from Jurassic coals and mudstones in the Shawan–Fukang sag. The light hydrocarbon fingerprints of these gases are similar to those of gases and oils typically derived from Jurassic source rocks in the southern Junggar Basin. The fourth is gas most likely generated from the degradation of crude oil. It is mainly found in the Luliang area and has dryness values as much as 0.999 and δ13C1 ranging from −54.8‰ to −43.2‰. Among these four types of gases, the first (mainly sourced from the Permian lacustrine mudstones in the Penyijingxi sag) is the predominant type.  相似文献   

Field investigation combined with detailed petrographic observation indicate that abundant oil,gas,and solid bitumen inclusions were entrapped in veins and cements of sedimentary rocks in the Dabashan foreland,which were used to reconstruct the oil and gas migration history in the context of tectonic evolution.Three stages of veins were recognized and related to the collision between the North China block and the Yangtze block during the Indosinian orogeny from Late Triassic to Early Jurassic(Dl),the southwest thrusting of the Qinling orogenic belt towards the Sichuan basin during the Yanshanian orogeny from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous(D2),and extensional tectonics during Late Cretaceous to Paleogene(D3),respectively.The occurrences of hydrocarbon inclusions in these veins and their homogenization temperatures suggest that oil was generated in the early stage of tectonic evolution,and gas was generated later,whereas solid bitumen was the result of pyrolysis of previously accumulated hydrocarbons.Three stages of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions were also identified in cements of carbonates and sandstones of gas beds in the Dabashan foreland belt and the Dabashan foreland depression(northeastern Sichuan basin),which recorded oil/gas formation,migration,accumulation and destruction of paleo-reservoirs during the D2.Isotopic analysis of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions contained in vein minerals shows that δ~(13)C_1 of gas in fluid inclusions ranges from-17.0‰ to-30.4‰(PDB) and δD from-107.7‰ to-156.7‰(SMOW),which indicates that the gas captured in the veins was migrated natural gas which may be correlated with gas from the gas-fields in northern Sichuan basin.Organic geochemical comparison between bitumen and potential source rocks indicates that the Lower Cambrian black shale and the Lower Permian black limestone were the most possible source rocks of the bitumen.Combined with tectonic evolution history of the Dabashan foreland,the results of this study suggest that oil was generated from the Paleozoic source rocks in the Dabashan area under normal burial thermal conditions before Indosinian tectonics and accumulated to form paleo-reservoirs during Indosinian collision between the North China block and the Yangtz block.The paleo-reservoirs were destroyed during the Yanshanian tectonic movement when the Dabashan foreland was formed.At the same time,oil in the paleo-reservoirs in the Dabashan foreland depression was pyrolyzed to transform to dry gas and the residues became solid bitumen.  相似文献   

Based on the pyrolysis products for the Jurassic low-mature coal under programmed temperature,and chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of natural gas from the Kuqa Depression, the genetic origin of natural gas was determined,and then a gas filling model was established,in combination with the geological background of the Kuqa Depression.The active energy of CH_4,C_2H_6 and C_3H_8 was gotten after the data of pyrolysis gas products under different heating rates(2℃/h and 20℃/h)were fitted by the Gas O...  相似文献   

<正>The Kuqa foreland basin is an important petroliferous basin where gas predominates.The Kela-2 large natural gas reservoir and the Yinan-2,Dabei-1,Tuzi and Dina-11 gas reservoirs have been discovered in the basin up to the present.Natural gases in the Kelasu district and the Yinan district are generated from different source rocks indicated by methane and ethane carbon isotopes.The former is derived from both Jurassic and Triassic source rocks,while the latter is mainly from the Jurassic. Based on its multistage evolution and superposition and the intense tectonic transformation in the basin,the hydrocarbon charging history can be divided into the early and middle Himalayan hydrocarbon accumulation and the late Himalayan redistribution and re-enrichment.The heavier carbon isotope composition and the high natural gas ratio of C_1/C_(1-4) indicate that the accumulated natural gas in the early Himalayan stage is destroyed and the present trapped natural gas was charged mainly in the middle and late Himalayan stages.Comparison and contrast of the oils produced in the Kelasu and Yinan regions indicate the hydrocarbon charging histories in the above two regions are complex and should be characterized by multistage hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.  相似文献   

Based on the analytical data of over 30 gas samples, combined with geochemical and geological backgrounds, the composition and distribution characteristics of shallow biogenetic gases in the Baise Basin, a Tertiary residual basin in southern China, were extensively investigated, and the origin and formation mechanism tentatively approached. The shallow gases are primarily composed of gaseous hydrocarbons, generally accounting for over 90%. The abundances of methane and C2+ homologues show a relatively wide range of variation, mainly 50%-100% and 0%-50%, respectively, depending on the mixing proportions between biogenetic and thermogenic gases. A highly negative carbon isotope is the significant signature for the shallow gases with δ^13C1 values of -55‰ to -75‰. According to molecular and isotopic compositions and light hydrocarbon parameters, the shallow gases in the basin can be classified into three types of origins: biogenetic gas, biogenetic/thermogenic mixed gas, and oii-biodegraded gas. They exhibit regular distribution both spatially and temporally, and are believed to be associated with the maturity of adjoining gas source rocks and biodegraded oil accumulation. The Baigang and Nadu source rocks can be considered to have experienced early and late gas generation during early burial and after basin uplift respectively. A late accumulation mechanism of multiple gas sources is put forward for the formation of the shallow gas reservoirs, which is responsible for the variations in chemical and isotopic composition of the gases in depth profile.  相似文献   

Natural gas exploration in Nanpu sag, Bohai Bay Basin, has achieved breakthroughs in recent years, and a number of natural gas and condensate wells with high yield have been found in several structures in the beach area. Daily gas production of single wells is up to 170,000 m3, and high-yield wells are mainly distributed in?the Nanpu No. 1 structural belt.?Studies have shown that these natural gases are mainly hydrocarbon gases, with methane content about 80% to 90% and ethane 6%-9%, so they are mainly wet gas; and non-hydrocarbons are at a low level.?Carbon isotopes of methane range from -42‰ to -36‰, and ethane from -28‰ to -26‰. Calculated maturity based on the relationship between δ13C and Ro of natural gas, the gases are equivalent to those generated from organic matter when Ro is 1.0%-1.7% (mainly 1.25%-1.32%). The natural gas is oil-type gas generated from the source rocks at mature to high mature stage, associated with condensate, so carbon isotopes of the gases are heavier. Natural gas in the Nanpu No.1 structural belt is mainly associated gas with condensate. The analysis of the origin and source of natural gas and condensate, combined with the monomer hydrocarbon carbon isotopes and biomarker, indicated that the main source rocks in the Nanpu No.1 structural belt were Es3 (the lower member of the Shahejie Formation), followed by Es1 (the upper member of the Shahejie Formation).?The high-mature hydrocarbons from source rocks in the deep sag mainly migrated through deep inherited faults into shallow traps and accumulated to form oil and gas pools. Therefore, there is a great potential for exploring gas in deep layers.  相似文献   

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