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为了研究封闭道碴层对其下部多年冻土是否具有积极的保护作用,在青藏铁路北麓河试验段附近建立了封闭碎石道碴坑和卵石地表对比试验场,并对下部地温进行监测.结果发现:经过两个冻融循环后,道碴坑底部(1.3 m深度处)年平均地温为-1.11℃,比卵石地表相同深度低0.73℃;道碴坑中部(0.7m深度处)年平均地温为-1.60℃,比卵石地表相同深度地温低1.4℃.封闭碎石道碴层可以提升冻土上限,降低多年冻土温度,对下部多年冻土起到很好的保护作用.封闭道碴层的这种降温效果是由于道碴层具有可变导热系数的特点,暖季道碴层上部温度高,下部温度低,不产生对流,等效导热系数小,传入道碴层以下土体的热量较少;相反寒季道碴层上部温度低,下部温度高,产生自然对流,等效导热系数增大,有利于道碴层以下土体释放热量.  相似文献   

铁路碎石道碴层通风阻力参数试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
铁路碎石道碴层能被看作高渗透率的多孔介质,由于其具有较好的通风特性,它的存在改变了寒区铁路路基的顶部热交换条件,对路基温度场产生不可忽视的影响.为了能够实现对寒区铁路路基温度场的更合理预测,基于对铁路碎石道碴层传热和通风特性的研究现状,通过风洞试验对铁路碎石道碴层的通风特性及通风阻力参数进行了试验研究.试验中选用的铁路碎石道碴平均粒径为4.2cm,孔隙率为0.433,对不同空洞风速条件下铁路碎石道碴层中的压力梯度和渗流速度进行了测试分析.结果表明:铁路碎石道碴层中空气渗流速度随着压力梯度的增大而增大,其内部压力梯度与渗流速度之间存在良好的二次非线件关系.通过计算得到铁路碎石道碴层的渗透率和惯性阻力系数,为寒区铁路路基热稳定性的数值研究提供了参数依据.  相似文献   

铁路碎石道碴层导热系数测试研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
张建明  盛煜  赖远明 《冰川冻土》2003,25(6):628-631
采用稳态比较法,对铁路碎石道碴层的导热系数进行了测试.试验在常温条件下,分别对底部加热及顶部加热两种情况进行了研究.结果表明:当碎石道碴层顶、底面之间的温差较小时,顶部加热及底部加热两种试验条件下测得的导热系数基本相同;而当碎石道碴层顶、底面温差较大时,底部加热条件下的导热系数明显地大于顶部加热条件下的导热系数.在底部加热条件下,碎石道碴层的导热系数随温差的增大而逐渐增大.碎石道碴层具有吸热和放热条件下传热的不对称性,合理地利用碎石道碴层的这一传热特性,可望对路基下多年冻土起到积极的保护作用。  相似文献   

基于三维激光扫描仪的青藏铁路风沙工程效益评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
三维激光扫描技术是近年来发展起来的新型空间信息测量技术。将三维激光扫描技术应用于青藏铁路沿线风沙工程防护体系的效益评价中,通过对铁路沿线典型防沙措施积沙形态特征、断面蚀积廓线以及蚀积量的精确测量发现:砾石方格内垂直铁路方向易形成稳定凹曲面,且方格两侧沙埂处积沙较多,中心部位积沙较少,固沙效果显著。阻沙栅栏有效防护距离为栅栏高度的12倍,单位宽度拦截沙量高达14.93 m3,设置防护体系时,阻沙栅栏间隔应保持其高度的9~12倍。研究结论为青藏铁路沿线风沙综合防护体系的措施选择、结构优化和合理布局提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

周秋文  李璇  郭兴房 《水文》2018,38(4):19-24
以枯落物层质量和雨强为影响因素进行室内人工模拟降雨试验,探讨喀斯特地区枯落物层对地表径流和土壤侵蚀的影响规律。结果表明:(1)地表无枯落物覆盖的情形下,除雨强为40mm/h无地表径流外,其它雨强的情形均有产流;且均随着雨强的增加,初始产流时间提前,地表产流产沙量增大。(2)在有枯落物覆盖情形下,初始产流时间有所延缓,在40mm/h雨强下,枯落物层明显影响了地表径流的产生,但随着降雨强度的增加,减少径流效果越来越不明显;(3)枯落物覆盖对减少土壤流失效果显著,其中降雨强度为90mm/h时,枯落物保沙效率约99%,当降雨强度为140mm/h时,达到94%。研究表明,喀斯特地区枯落物层对延缓地表径流和减少土壤侵蚀具有重要作用。  相似文献   

月壤厚度反演是我国月球探测的重要科学目标之一,其重要影响因素之一就是月球表面的有效反射率.前人在月壤厚度反演研究中使用了光滑月表反射率模型,使得月表水平极化反射率和水平极化反射率分别为0.063和0.028(观测角:30°).然而,月球表面是非常粗糙的,必须建立适合粗糙月球表面的有效反射率模型.因此,以嫦娥一号卫星微波辐射计数据的空间分辨率(3 GHz通道,56 km×56 km)为标准,利用每个微波辐射计像元范围内的激光高度计数据(8×8个)建立相应的粗糙月表模型.然后,基于Q/H模型,进行月球表面的有效反射率研究,生成了观测角为30°时月球表面水平极化有效反射率和垂直极化有效反射率分布图.结果表明,月球表面的粗糙性对月表反射率影响很大,使得水平极化反射率降低,局部地区降至0.050;垂直极化反射率增加,局部地区可达0.040,增幅达40%.  相似文献   

周晔  郑荣跃  刘干斌 《岩土力学》2011,32(2):604-610
基于Biot多孔弹性介质的波动理论,构造了轨道、道碴、枕木及弹性层的横观各向同性饱和地基在列车荷载下的动力计算模型。利用Fourier变换,得到了列车荷载作用下横观各向同性软土地基上弹性层动力响应的解析结果。利用离散Fourier逆变换得到数值计算结果,分析了荷载速度、地基的各向异性参数、弹性层刚度系数及厚度对位移和孔压响应的影响。分析结果表明:弹性层对控制地基振动作用显著,地表振动幅值随荷载速度的增加而增大,软土的横向弹性模量对地表振动及土中孔压有较大影响。  相似文献   

全国铁路大提速,现有铁路设施急需改造,新建铁路也将按照新的速度标准进行设计和施工。因此,铁路道碴必须按新的质量标准进行更换。市场需求迫切,容量空间巨大,我省此类石材资源具有量大、质优、区位分布合理等优势,应重视和加强铁路道碴石材资源的勘查评价,为四川铁路的全面提速,提供坚实的物质基础。  相似文献   

差分干涉SAR冻土形变检测方法研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
李震  李新武  刘永智  任鑫 《冰川冻土》2004,26(4):389-396
季节性冻融导致的地表形变是冻土地区工程建设的主要病害,冻土的冻胀和融沉是影响青藏公路以及目前建设的青藏铁路路基稳定的重要因素.近年来,差分干涉测量技术已成为地表形变测量和监测的重要工具.基于重复轨道的ERS 1/2雷达图像,研究了利用干涉SAR技术探测冻土形变的方法,经过对引入DEM差分干涉SAR技术的处理和分析,得到研究区冻土形变结果.通过与实测数据比较,表明重轨差分干涉测量可以精确地探测冻土表面形变,可用于青藏铁路冻土形变监测.  相似文献   

吴志坚  车爱兰  马巍  冯少孔  石航 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):335-341
多年冻土地区铁路路基的振动与环境变化对路基稳定性的影响问题日益突出,为了评价这种影响引起的青藏铁路多年冻土区冻土的变化状况,首次应用了一种简便、高效、环保的瞬态面波勘探方法对其天然地表和典型结构路基及其下部多年冻土层进行了勘探。试验数据良好、频散特征显著,通过反演分析得到了青藏高原多年冻土地区天然地表和典型结构路基下部土体的剪切波速度剖面和多年冻土的分布。勘探结果表明,青藏铁路北麓河试验段勘探区内多年冻土上限一般为2 m,层厚为20 m左右,多年冻土层Vs平均为600 m/s以上。该结果与该区地质钻探编录和钻孔波速测试结果较为一致,说明瞬态面波勘探在自然环境严峻的青藏高原多年冻土地区有着良好的适用性。  相似文献   

风沙堆积对多年冻土温度影响的室内试验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着我国高寒区沙漠化问题的日益严重, 由此产生的地表风沙堆积对多年冻土影响的范围和强度越来越大, 但目前风沙堆积对多年冻土温度的影响过程及机理仍不明确, 特别是缺少室内模型试验方面的研究. 通过室内试验模拟了不同厚度的积沙对多年冻土温度的影响. 结果表明:除试验箱气温为正负温过渡阶段外, 当试验箱气温为负温时期, 积沙冻土的中上层温度比无积沙冻土高, 且沙层越厚温度越高, 但均为负温, 整个土层仍对应冻结状态; 当试验箱气温为正温时期, 积沙冻土的中上层温度比无积沙冻土低, 且沙层越厚温度越低, 而正温阶段对应冻土融化时期, 积沙的降温作用可延缓冻土的融化. 在3个冻融循环周期内, 积沙冻土的底面平均温度均比无积沙冻土低, 且沙层越厚, 冻土底面温度波幅越小.  相似文献   

多年冻土区铁路路基导热系数监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为分析冻融过程、 道砟覆盖及降雨对多年冻土区铁路路基土体导热系数的影响, 对青藏高原多年冻土区铁路路基试验段和天然地表土体开展导热系数、 温度、 水分原位监测。结果表明: 融化期导热系数波动均明显大于冻结期, 天然场地导热系数在冻结期大于融化期, 而无道砟覆盖路基土体和道砟覆盖路基土体的导热系数在冻结期小于融化期, 与通常的认知和温度场模拟取值相反; 道砟层的保温和阻水效应导致道砟覆盖路基土体含水量和导热系数均小于无道砟覆盖路基土体, 冻结期路基土体导热系数有减小趋势, 道砟覆盖路基土体尤为显著; 降雨入渗增大土体导热系数, 低含水量的道砟覆盖路基土体导热系数对降雨的响应最强烈。寒区路基工程数值模拟时, 应考虑水热变化对导热系数的影响, 不宜采用固定相变区间的分段函数或阶跃函数预估导热系数。  相似文献   

The present study pertains to the development of a foundation model for predicting the behavior of geosynthetic reinforcement railway track system rested on soft clay subgrade. The ballast and sub‐ballast layers have been idealized by Pasternak shear layer. The geosynthetic layer is represented by a stretched rough elastic membrane. Burger model has been used to characterize the soft clay subgrade. Numerical solutions have been obtained by adopting the finite difference scheme combined with non‐dimensioning the governing equations of the proposed model. The results confirm that the present model is quite capable of predicting the time‐dependent settlement response of geosynthetic reinforcement railway track system placed on soft clay subgrade. The surface settlement profile and mobilized tensile load of geosynthetics has been evaluated by considering variation in the wheel load, sleeper width, thickness of ballast and sub‐ballast layers and shear modulus of ballast and sub‐ballast layers. It has been observed that an increase in the sleeper width by 24% results in the reduction in central settlement and mobilized tensile load by 6.5% and 20.1%, respectively. It was found that with a 50% increase in the thickness of the ballast layer, the central settlement has decreased by 7.3% and the mobilized tension at the zone of maximum curvature has increased by 24.6%. However, with an increase in the thickness of the sub‐ballast layer, a considerable reduction in both central settlement and the mobilization of tension on geosynthetic has been noticed. The pattern of variation of settlement and mobilized tension for an increase in the shear modulus of ballast and sub‐ballast material was found to be almost similar. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张蔚  何元庆  刘婧 《冰川冻土》2015,37(4):991-1001
用透水土工布包裹道砟碎石填筑的截排水纵向盲沟, 是哈尔滨-大连高速铁路(简称哈大高铁)在大开挖路堑段采用的重要的防冻胀工程措施. 由于碎石层在顶部温度较低时, 其中发生对流换热过程而强化对其下部土体的降温作用, 可能导致盲沟底部冻结而影响其防冻胀效果. 通过数值仿真软件分析了排水盲沟的温度状况, 结果表明: 对于哈大高铁的气温环境, 在不考虑积雪影响的条件下, 将发生盲沟底部排水管冻结积冰, 影响纵向盲沟防冻胀效果的问题. 在盲沟顶土层中加设0.1 m保温板能够提高盲沟底部的最低温度, 推迟起始冻结时刻, 缩短冻结时长, 但不能完全避免盲沟底部排水管的冻结问题. 在有表层保温板的条件下, 在盲沟底部换填砂层虽然不能提高盲沟碎石层的温度, 但却能有效提高盲沟底部的温度. 复合措施可以有效解决盲沟底部冻结的问题.  相似文献   

Breakage of particles will have greatly influence on mechanical behavior of granular material(GM)under external loads,such as ballast,rockfill and sand.The discrete element method(DEM)is one of the most popular methods for simulating GM as each particle is represented on its own.To study breakage mechanism of particle breakage,a cohesive contact mode is developed based on the GPU accelerated DEM code-Blaze-DEM.A database of the 3D geometry model of rock blocks is established based on the 3D scanning method.And an agglomerate describing the rock block with a series of non-overlapping spherical particles is used to build the DEM numerical model of a railway ballast sample,which is used to the DEM oedometric test to study the particles’breakage characteristics of the sample under external load.Furthermore,to obtain the meso-mechanical parameters used in DEM,a black-analysis method is used based on the laboratory tests of the rock sample.Based on the DEM numerical tests,the particle breakage process and mechanisms of the railway ballast are studied.All results show that the developed code can better used for large scale simulation of the particle breakage analysis of granular material.  相似文献   

A railway embankment constructed on a floodplain is at risk of damage due to flooding flows. The process and critical conditions that lead to railway embankment damage during flooding are not clearly understood, rendering risk estimations impossible and hindering the development of flood-resilient rail systems. For this work, we first reviewed records of railway damage in flood plains and flows through the ballast layer. The breaching process was selected as the focus of our study. We secondly specified the fundamental characteristics of flows through a ballast layer. The critical flow rate per unit width and the minimum upstream water depth required for initiating extensive ballast breaching were experimentally evaluated using a full-scale ballast layer with rails and sleepers constructed using materials originally utilized in actual railways. A two-dimensional flow model was then employed for estimating the flow through a ballast layer that was placed on an impermeable base embankment. A simple ballast breaching model was also employed in order to explore a higher flow rate condition that could not be represented in our experiment due to limited facilities. The breaching pattern represented by the simulation model corresponded to the breaching pattern observed in the experiment. In addition to the above, here, we also discuss the ballast breaching process based on qualitative field records and quantitative experimental results, as well as the ballast breaching process as represented by the simulation.  相似文献   

青藏高原沙漠化所产生的风沙堆积作为一种重要局地因素,其对下伏多年冻土的具体影响目前尚未清楚。通过数值方式,模拟了红梁河沙害严重地区高温退化型多年冻土在13种厚度的干湿风积沙覆盖下10年内的变化情况。结果表明:在土体浅层,沙层越厚,地温较差越小,且干沙下地温较差变化幅度明显大于湿沙;干沙越厚,最大季节融深越小,湿沙则对最大季节融深影响微弱;积沙无论干湿,沙层越厚,冷暖季年热循环量均越小,且干沙下年热循环量变化幅度明显大于湿沙。因此,风积沙对其下伏多年冻土退化有不同程度减缓,沙层越厚,减缓作用越强,且干沙减缓多年冻土退化的能力明显强于湿沙。  相似文献   

黑山煤田处于沙漠边侧,地层有纯砂粒构成的、透水性较強的中细砂层,这类地层中如含有承压水时,会发生钻孔涌水,对于中细砂涌水钻孔,用泥浆冲孔时,可通过适当增大泥浆相对密度,来压制地下水涌出,ZK18-28孔是涌水孔,也是采用绳索取心钻进的孔,因此不宜使用高相对密度泥浆。用套管亦未奏效。若用注浆法,对于中细砂层是不适用水泥浆的。而溶液型浆液的注浆封堵中细砂层,在技术有可行性,对于涌水压力不大的孔,又有可用低强度,因而也是低成本的浆液,因此选择了比较亷价的水玻璃类的SPN浆液,并采用双隔离塞的注浆法,在ZK18-28孔中取得了封堵中细砂涌水层的初步封堵效果。  相似文献   

Perennially ice‐covered lakes can have significantly different facies than open‐water lakes because sediment is transported onto the ice, where it accumulates, and sand grains preferentially melt through to be deposited on the lake floor. To characterize the facies in these lakes, sedimentary deposits from five Antarctic perennially ice‐covered lakes were described using lake‐bottom observations, underwater video and images, and sediment cores. One lake was dominated by laminated microbial mats and mud (derived from an abutting glacier), with disseminated sand and rare gravel. The other four lakes were dominated by laminated microbial mats and moderately well to moderately sorted medium to very coarse sand with sparse granules and pebbles; they contained minor interstitial or laminated mud (derived from streams and abutting glaciers). The sand was disseminated or localized in mounds and 1 m to more than 10 m long elongate ridges. Mounds were centimetres to metres in diameter; conical, elongate or round in shape; and isolated or deposited near or on top of one another. Sand layers in the mounds had normal, inverse, or no grading. Nine mixed mud and sand facies were defined for perennially ice‐covered lakes based on the relative proportion of mud to sand and the style of sand deposition. While perennially ice‐covered lake facies overlap with other ice‐influenced lakes and glaciomarine facies, they are characterized by a paucity of grains coarser than granules, a narrow range in sand grain sizes, and inverse grading in the sand mounds. These facies can be used to infer changes in ice cover through time and to identify perennially ice‐covered lakes in the rock record. Ancient perennially ice‐covered lakes are expected on Earth and Mars, and their characterization will provide new insights into past climatic conditions and habitability.  相似文献   

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