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沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝三维地震反应分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
朱晟 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):2933-2938
基于沥青混凝土的动力三轴试验资料,建立了相应的动力计算模型。采用三维有效应力动力分析方法,结合即将开工的某沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝,利用TSDA程序计算分析了坝体的加速度、动应力反应和大坝的地震永久变形,并对坝基细砂层在地震过程中的液化问题进行了研究,认为沥青混凝土心墙具有良好的抗震性能,大坝在地震过程中是安全的;坝基砂Ⅲ层可能发生液化,需要进行加固处理,分析结论可供同类工程建设参考。  相似文献   

为探明安庆市部分地区的液化情况,以现有的区域工程地质调查资料为依据,依照中国目前国家规范的液化判别方法,对安庆市的宜秀区、迎江区、大观区和怀宁县超820 km2区域地表至20 m深度内的饱和砂土层、粉砂层和粉土层等土层进行液化判别。结果表明:27个工程钻孔中,有10个判别结果为液化; 15个静力触探孔中,有14个判别结果为液化。实际工程中应对砂土液化可能造成的地基液化沉陷进行相应的处理。  相似文献   

曲布桑大桥工区位于青藏高原。该区地震活动频繁。桥下地基饱水的粉、细砂层较发育。文章根据《抗震设计规范》GB11-89的标准,通过标准贯入实验分析了曲布桑大桥在埋深15m内的地基具有发生砂土液化的可能性,并计算了液化指数,划分了液化等级。为防止砂土液化的发生,对桥下地基处理提出了建议。  相似文献   

地震砂土液化预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对砂土液化机制的研究,建立了临界液化状态下的超静孔隙水压力随地震地面加速度及地震持续时间的关系式,利用该模型可以确定砂土层达到临界液化状态所需地震持续时间及液化可能发生的深度,并根据唐山地区的砂土液化资料进行了实例分析。  相似文献   

本研究依据《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010),利用标准贯入试验对研究区内分布18个钻孔的粉砂、粉土、细砂进行液化判别。其中,非液化区面积共计338.15 km~2,占20.98%;轻微液化区面积为239.34 km~2,占14.85%;中等液化区面积为581.41km~2,占36.07%;严重液化区共分布于5处区域,总面积为453.15 km~2,占28.11%。液化区合计占研究区79.02%。根据砂土液化治理效果、经济效益分析,可以采用置换法、预压堆载、强夯法和深层搅拌化学固结等方法处理砂土液化。对于埋深较深的砂土液化层来说,通过振动挤密碎石桩和爆炸压密法,效果更好。  相似文献   

金沙江其宗河段发育60~120m的河床深厚覆盖层。深厚覆盖层纵向上可分为三大层:河床底部为卵(块)砾(碎)石层夹中细砂或粉质粘土,为冲积及冰水堆积成因(al+fglQ3),厚11.1~33m;中部为细砂、粉细砂、粉质粘土层及卵(块)砾(碎)石层,该层为加积层,由冲积、泥石流堆积、洪积、崩坡积、堰塞多成因堆积组合而成(al+pl+sefQ3),厚10.04~35m;中上部为漂(块)卵(碎)砾石夹砂层透镜体,冲积堆积形成(alQ3-4),厚9.5~59m。河床覆盖层中的砂层透镜体分布范围广泛,埋藏深,最大埋深达83.1m,最大厚度达到29.4m,最小厚度仅0.5m,一般厚度在5m以内。研究表明砂层不具有湖相堆积的特征,而是相对静水环境条件下及正常河流漫滩相等堆积形成。通过原位及室内取样试验表明,其宗河段河床覆盖层中粗粒土(漂(卵)碎块石等)强度相对较高,中下部细粒土工程性质具有超固结性,不具液化性,上部细砂层强度较低,地震工况下可能液化。该河段深厚覆盖层的工程效应主要有坝基地质条件差,仅适合堆石坝、坝基开挖方量大、砂层处理深度大、防渗处理难度较高等。  相似文献   

液化型路堤边坡动力稳定性问题涉及岩土工程与工程地震两个学科领域,是边坡工程与砂土液化的交叉课题。采用天然地震记录为输入条件,应用Finn本构关系模型,运用有限差分法,对填土+砂土+卵砾土地层组合的路堤边坡进行了全时程动力分析,探讨了地震作用下路堤边坡的液化初步规律和稳定性。数值模拟结果表明:地震作用引起了路基饱和砂土有效应力急剧减小,并导致路基砂土液化,引起路堤变形破坏。孔隙水压力的积累与消散不仅与地震记录序列存在对应关系,也与砂土所处的位置和深度有密切关系。地表变形破坏主要表现为路堤顶面发生震陷和拉裂破坏,坡底面产生挤压隆起变形。地面以下的变形破坏主要包括土体剪切破坏和深部砂土液化引起的侧向流动破坏。  相似文献   

地震引起地基土层中的砂土液化,其临界液化深度是多少?世界岩土工程界进行了大量的实际资料分析和试验研究,至今众说纷纭。笔者在综合分析各国专家研究成果时,从中发现地震引起砂土液化的普遍自然规律,并建立起Gan—chen模式,可简易计算砂土液化的临界深度在5~12m范围内。  相似文献   

王维铭  孙锐  曹振中  袁晓铭 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3913-3918
收集整理了阪神、通海、唐山、集集以及海城地震等5次大地震的液化资料,对比分析了场地特征,剖析了其差别和联系。分析结果表明,几次地震中液化层埋藏深度、液化场地地下水位深度差异明显,液化层和地下水位分布范围从小到大依次为通海地震、唐山地震、阪神地震和集集地震,液化层分别主要集中在0~2、2~6、4~6、2~8 m间,地下水位则分别主要集中在0~1、1~2、1~3、1~3 m间;集集地震液化层埋深和水位均分布最广,液化层埋深分布在0~20 m,地下水位则分布在0~9 m范围;几次地震液化层标准贯入击数集中范围相似,主要在5~15击之间,但范围差异显著,通海地震虽然地下水位和液化层埋藏深度最浅,但标贯击数均值最大,而集集地震标贯击数范围最广,最大超过30击;几次地震液化层剪切波速变化范围差异明显,海城地震在150 m/s以内,阪神地震集中在150~200 m/s,而集集地震集中在150~250 m/s,其均值接近200 m/s,且有波速250 m/s左右液化场地存在,以往认为场地剪切波速210 m/s以上可不考虑场地液化的认识有误。  相似文献   

广州市番禺区目前尚在发挥效益的水库有15座,其中12座水库存在病害隐患,急需除险加固。基于工程地质勘察与评估工作,查明了辖区病险库的地质特点:坝身质量较差、坝基存在渗漏及渗透破坏问题、软基沉降变形和饱和砂土地震液化问题等,探讨了整险加固的工程措施,如加高加固大坝、防渗处理、抗地震液化加固等。结果为辖区病险水库整治提供技术支持,对国内类似水利工程整险加固有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

The abundant silt and sand along the coastal plain of Israel have long been considered susceptible to liquefaction, but previous searches have failed to find field evidence for it. We report the first finding of typical liquefaction features and silty sand injections in trenches that were excavated behind a fourth century Byzantine dam on the Taninim Creek, some 850 m inland of the Mediterranean shore. The trenches revealed a series of flame-shape injections of silty sand that penetrate the overlying clay-rich soil. The injections are largest and most frequent within several meters of the point where the dam is badly damaged on the seaward side, which we interpret as a possible result of a large wave. Three features make the sand injections special: (1) their lower extent is commonly asymmetric with dominant southeastward vergence, away from the breach in the dam, (2) zigzag shapes characterize the upper parts of many injections, and (3) the size and frequency of the injections diminish gradually with distance from the dam until they completely disappear some 100 m away from it. We suggest that the sand injections can be explained by overpressure that was induced either directly by earthquake shaking or by a tsunami wave that breached the dam, filled the reservoir behind the dam and increased the pressure on the water-saturated silt and sand layers and triggered liquefied sand injections. The movement of water sloshing back and forth in the lake accounts for the zigzag shape of the injections. The similarity to structures that were observed in Thailand after the great 2004 tsunami and other palaeotsunami observations lead us to prefer the tsunami origin of the liquefaction features. Based on the stratigraphic position, the archeological context, and the historical accounts, we suggest that an earthquake of November 25, 1759 is the most plausible trigger of the sand injections, either directly or via earthquake-induced tsunami. The observations demonstrate the vulnerability of the densely populated coastal plain to liquefaction.  相似文献   

哈达山水利枢纽坝基砂层震动液化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砂层震动液化问题是哈达山水利枢纽工程首要的工程地质问题。根据工程勘察取得的大量试验资料,通过标贯、GJS原状取砂、OYO 3000系列密度测井及瑞利波测试等综合方法,对砂层震动液化问题进行了深入的研究,为坝基加固处理提供了重要依据。其中瑞利波测试技术用于砂土震动液化是一个新的尝试。  相似文献   

石佛寺水库工程建筑物区主要工程地质问题之一为砂土液化问题。在主坝轴线上选取适当部位进行几种液化处理方案的试验,为检测液化处理效果进行了地基加固处理前后密实度分析和加固处理后地基土地震液化特征分析与评价,对比几种方案的可行性,最终选择解决场区饱和砂土液化的最优方案。  相似文献   

Three identical model boxes were made from transparent plexiglass and angle iron. Using the method of sinking water and according to the sedimentary rhythm of saturated calcium carbonate(lime-mud) intercalated with cohesive soil,calcites with particle sizes diameters of ≤ 5 μm,10–15 μm and 23–30 μm as well as cohesive soil were sunk alternatively in water of three boxes to build three test models,each of which has a specific size of calcite. Pore water pressure gauges were buried in lime-mud layers at different depths in each model,and connected with a computer system to collect pore water pressures. By means of soil tests,physical property parameters and plasticity indices(Ip) were obtained for various grain-sized saturated lime-muds. The lime-muds with Ip ranging from 6.3 to 8.5(lower than 10) are similar to liquid saturated silt in the physical nature,indicating that saturated silt can be liquefied once induced by a strong earthquake. One model cart was pushed quickly along the length direction of the model so that its rigid wheels collided violently with the stone stair,thus generating an artificial earthquake with seismic wave magnitude greater than VI degree. When unidirectional cyclic seismic load of horizontal compression-tension-shear was imposed on the soil layers in the model,enough great pore water pressure has been accumulated within pores of lime-mud,resulting in liquefaction of lime-mud layers. Meanwhile,micro-fractures formed in each soil layer provided channels for liquefaction dewatering,resulting in formation of macroscopic liquefaction deformation,such as liquefied lime-mud volcanoes,liquefied diapir structures,vein-like liquefied structures and liquefied curls,etc. Splendid liquefied lime-mud eruption lasted for two to three hours,which is similar to the sand volcano eruption induced by strong earthquake. However,under the same artificial seismic conditions,development of macroscopic liquefied structures in three experimental models varied in shape,depth and quantity,indicating that excess pore water pressure ratios at initial liquefaction stage and complete liquefaction varied with depth. With size increasing of calcite particle in lime-mud,liquefied depth and deformation extent increase accordingly. The simulation test verifies for the first time that strong earthquakes may cause violent liquefaction of saturated lime-mud composed of micron-size calcite particles,uncovering the puzzled issue whether seafloor lime-mud can be liquefied under strong earthquake. This study not only provides the latest simulation data for explaining the earthquake-induced liquefied deformations of saturated lime-mud and seismic sedimentary events,but also is of great significance for analysis of foundation stability in marine engineering built on the soft calcium carbonate layers in neritic environment.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of a liquefiable silt substratum within the foundation soil of a reservoir dam in the Tianjin area are investigated by means of standard penetration resistance and dynamic triaxial tests. Properties including N-values, factors influencing liquefaction as a cyclic stress, consolidation pressure, structure, and particle composition are considered in this research. Parameters used to evaluate liquefaction potential are obtained through testing. A comprehensive program based on the Chinese code and standard for geological investigation (Ministry of Water Resources of China 1999a; Ministry of Construction of China 2001a) and Seed’s simplified method (Seed and Idriss 1971; in J Geotech Eng Div ASCE 109(3): 458–482, 1983) was carried out to evaluate the potential of liquefaction within the reservoir dam foundation. Liquefaction potentials were also assessed in response to the Chinese codes for seismic design (Hydropower Research Institute of China 2000; Ministry of Construction of China 2001b). The evaluation shows that saturated surface silt in the reservoir dam foundations is vulnerable to liquefaction at seismic intensities of VII and above. The two assessment methods are in good agreement with each other, and the research results can provide useful information for the safe construction and normal operation of the reservoir.  相似文献   

应用有效应力有限元法研究了老虎岩尾矿坝在不同坝高时的应力水平、变形和孔隙水压力分布,以及遭到Ⅶ度地震作用时的反应.分析结果表明:在当前坝高情况下,无地震作用时尾矿坝处于稳定状态.在受烈度为Ⅶ度的地震作用下,尾矿堆积坝坝外坡和沉积滩面的堆积尾矿砂土在局部已经发生液化破坏;在封库坝高情况下,无地震作用时尾矿坝处于极限状态.在受烈度为Ⅶ度的地震作用下,尾矿坝坝外坡和沉积滩面的堆积尾矿砂土已发生大面积液化破坏.在地震作用下,老虎岩尾矿坝堆积尾矿产生液化破坏的主要原因是堆积坝体内浸润线的埋深较浅.对老虎岩尾矿坝必须加强排渗措施,使坝体内浸润线下移.  相似文献   

水电站坝的砂层地基地震液化可靠度研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对四川地区江河上数座水电站坝基砂层的26组动力三轴试验资料进行了统计分析,基于动剪应力比法的液化判别方法推导了的地震液化的极限状态方程,使用蒙特卡洛随机抽样的方法计算了砂层液化的失效概率,并对某水电站的厂房地基砂层的液化可靠度进行了计算分析。研究表明,统计按粉砂样总体和中细砂样总体划分较为合理;砂层的动剪应力比可采用正态分布;电站砂层地基地震液化的最危险工况为,闸坝盖重加稳定的向上渗流及遭遇Ⅶ度地震荷载,为高液化风险,其液化概率随埋深加大而增大,最危险部位为砂层底板,对坝基砂层应进行抗液化处理。  相似文献   

In a number of recent case studies, the liquefaction of silty sands has been reported. To investigate the undrained shear and deformation behaviour of Chlef sand–silt mixtures, a series of monotonic and stress-controlled cyclic triaxial tests were conducted on sand encountered at the site. The aim of this laboratory investigation is to study the influence of silt contents, expressed by means of the equivalent void ratio on undrained residual shear strength of loose, medium dense and dense sand–silt mixtures under monotonic loading and liquefaction potential under cyclic loading. After an earthquake event, the prediction of the post-liquefaction strength is becoming a challenging task in order to ensure the stability of different types of earth structures. Thus, the choice of the appropriate undrained residual shear strength of silty sandy soils that are prone to liquefaction to be used in engineering practice design should be established. To achieve this, a series of undrained triaxial tests were conducted on reconstituted saturated silty sand samples with different fines contents ranging from 0 to 40 %. In all tests, the confining pressure was held constant at 100 kPa. From the experimental results obtained, it is clear that the global void ratio cannot be used as a state parameter and may not characterize the actual behaviour of the soil as well. The equivalent void ratio expressing the fine particles participation in soil strength is then introduced. A linear relationship between the undrained shear residual shear strength and the equivalent void ratio has been obtained for the studied range of the fines contents. Cyclic test results confirm that the increase in the equivalent void ratio and the fines content accelerates the liquefaction phenomenon for the studied stress ratio and the liquefaction resistance decreases with the increase in either the equivalent void ratio or the loading amplitude level. These cyclic tests results confirm the obtained monotonic tests results.  相似文献   

As shown in Part I of this study, the saturated surface silt of the dam foundations in Tianjin is vulnerable to liquefaction with a seismic intensity of VII. According to the Chinese codes for the seismic design of buildings (Hydropower Research Institute of China), specifications for seismic design of hydraulic structures (DL 5073–2000), China Water Power Press, Beijing (in Chinese) 2000, Ministry of Construction of China, code for seismic design of buildings (GB 50011–2001) and China Building Industry Press, Beijing 2001), specific procedures were selected for anti-liquefaction treatments in this project. Numerical simulation analyses, which have become an indispensable step in engineering practice, especially for large projects such as this, have been applied to dam foundations before and after anti-liquefaction treatments to see how they will behave in an earthquake. Simulated results of the dam foundations during an earthquake were obtained for excess pore water pressure, acceleration, displacement, and properties that are considered useful for earthquake geotechnical design. The simulation is in good agreement with empirical methods for the performance of the dam foundation during the earthquake. Results also show that the anti-liquefaction treatments that made use of a cutoff wall and a platform beyond the dam improved the integral stability of the dam. The cutoff wall can prevent lateral spreading (of the left side foundation soil in the case presented here), and the platform prevents an increase in pore water pressure.  相似文献   

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