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我国盐湖资源的开发利用与可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1我国盐湖资源的形成及分布我国盐湖数量多、分布广、资源丰富、类型全,是我国自然资源的重要组成部分。盐湖资源可分为:固体盐类矿产资源、液体矿产资源(盐湖卤水)和盐湖生物资源三类。前二者是主要的盐湖资源,统称为盐湖矿产资源,生物资源主要是由卤水中的卤虫、...  相似文献   

我国是一个多盐湖的国家,各种盐类资源极为丰富。我国的盐湖以其数量之多、面积之大、各种矿产资源之富、盐湖类型之全闻名于世界。而柴达木盆地是我国盐湖比较集中的地区之一。全盆地有大小盐湖(包括干盐湖)共28个,蕴藏着丰富的钾、硼、锂及钠、镁、锶等多种盐类矿产资源,并含有铷、铯、溴、碘等多种元素。  相似文献   

西藏地区盐湖锂资源的开发现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
随着国外锂盐生产逐渐转向盐湖提锂,我国急需加强盐湖锂资源的开发.西藏地区盐湖锂资源储量丰富,主要分布在扎布耶湖、班戈-杜佳里湖、扎仓茶卡等盐湖中.其中扎布耶盐湖经过十余年的开发研究,目前已找到一条适合该湖自然条件的锂资源工艺开发路线.班戈-杜佳里湖近期刚开始进行试验,表现出良好的发展前景.开发中需坚持综合利用的原则,同时可以利用西藏丰富的太阳能和盐湖资源建立盐湖太阳池系统,为资源开发提供能源支持.  相似文献   

扎仓茶卡盐湖形成条件的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑喜玉 《地质论评》1984,30(2):155-160
西藏高原盐湖星罗棋布,它具有海拔高、数量多、成盐期短和盐类资源丰富的特点。扎仓茶卡就是著名而又有代表性的一个盐湖,通过该湖的剖析,有助于西藏盐湖成盐演化、成矿规律的研究,并为探索高原盐湖的成盐环境和盐类资源的开发利用,提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊盐湖卤水资源综合开发研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
罗布泊盐湖赋存有丰富的含钾硫酸镁亚型卤水,现已探明仅罗北凹地区段孔隙度储量2.67×109t(折合KCl),属特大型钾盐卤水矿藏,是生产硫酸钾的理想原料;此外,卤水中含有丰富的钠、镁、锂、硼等资源,综合回收利用价值较大。本文针对罗布泊盐湖卤水资源,在有效利用盐湖钾资源同时,加快其他共生资源的综合开发进程,将新疆罗布泊盐湖资源开发建设推向持续、合理、有效、高值的循环经济发展的道路,为国家西部经济开发做出贡献。  相似文献   

西藏是我国内陆盐湖分布最多的省区之一,藏西北现代盐湖星罗棋布,锂资源丰富。文章简述了西藏改则县吉布茶卡-拉果错盐湖的自然地理概况,系统阐述了该区与盐湖锂矿成矿有关的区域地质背景及成矿地质特征,并通过对吉布茶卡-拉果错地区的地质、水文特征及时空关联分析,总结了该区湖盆构造、成矿物质来源、水文条件及气候条件对盐湖锂矿的成矿控制作用。  相似文献   

盐湖地区钾、钠、镁、锂、气资源丰富,盐湖资源的综合开发利用越来越受到人们的重视.但盐湖地区土环境中Mg^2+、Cl^-、SO4^2-离子含量高,对混凝土和钢结构的侵蚀破坏非常严重.通过化学和电化学检测手段,分析了盐湖地区几个典型地点土的电阻率、含盐量、pH值、氯离子含量和硫酸根离子含量等理化指标,根据相关标准分析评价了盐湖地区土的腐蚀性,评价结果表明,该盐湖土属于强腐蚀土.  相似文献   

我国内陆地区有许多盐湖。各种盐湖蕴藏着丰富的盐类矿产资源,它们是化工、轻工、军工生产的重要原料。远在二千六百年前春秋战国时期,我们的祖先就认识了盐湖,如在山西省安邑(运城县东)的解池,人民就懂得用盐湖水煮盐了。但在解放以后,沉睡了千万年的盐湖才得到真正的勘探、研究和开发。盐湖是个聚宝盆,应尽早尽快地开发出更多的盐湖宝藏,为社会主义四个现代化服务。本文简单地将中国盐湖矿床地质和普查开发中的一些问题分六节做一梗要介绍,错误之处,望读者指正。  相似文献   

盐湖硼、锂、锶、氯同位素地球化学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
吕苑苑  郑绵平 《矿床地质》2014,33(5):930-944
盐湖作为盐矿资源的重要载体和富集区,探讨其矿物质来源及富集规律,不仅为盐湖的形成、演化及成盐成矿规律研究奠定了基础,也为盐湖资源评价及合理的开发利用提供了科学依据,具有重要的理论和现实意义。近年来,随着同位素地球化学的发展,同位素在盐湖领域的研究成果也日益丰富,使盐湖研究的深度和广度也得到快速发展。文章简要概述了硼、锂、锶、氯同位素的分馏机理及其在盐湖研究领域的发展历程,重点介绍了国内外取得的主要成果和最新进展,探讨了存在的问题,以促进硼、锂、锶、氯同位素地球化学研究在中国盐湖领域的进一步发展。  相似文献   

锂资源属世界稀缺性战略资源,盐湖卤水是锂的一个重要来源,玻利维亚拥有丰富的盐湖卤水资源,玻利维亚盐湖属世界罕见的特大型多元素液态锂资源宝藏。通过对玻利维亚盐湖锂资源分布特质,开发利用现状及未来合作开发前景进行分析与展望,提出玻利维亚盐湖锂资源对我国锂资源保障供应及盐湖卤水锂资源的发展策略,建议我国在合作开发玻利维亚盐湖锂资源时,采用产业换资源、投资换资源的投资方向,采取少参股多包销的股权合资合作模式,尽力争取与当地有较大影响力的企业建立战略合作联盟,开展合作。  相似文献   

郭佩  李长志 《古地理学报》2022,24(2):210-225
中国是一个多盐湖国家,然而盐湖研究主要集中于分析湖水化学性质、盐类物质来源和盐矿资源开发等,对盐类矿物沉积特征和埋藏成岩改造研究较少,造成从蒸发岩角度去理解古代盐湖盆地的油气富集规律较为困难。在广泛阅读国内外大型盐湖文献的基础上,笔者介绍了盐湖分类方案和蒸发岩中盐类矿物的主要成因类型,并总结了中国陆相含油气盆地中常见的硫酸盐、氯化物、含钠碳酸盐和硼酸盐的沉积—成岩过程及其古环境和古气候意义。同时,尝试利用盐湖沉积最新研究成果去探讨中国含油气盆地蒸发岩研究中存在争议或值得关注的问题,得出: (1)深部热液可为湖泊输送大量元素离子,但要在湖泊环境下富集大量蒸发岩,则(半)干旱气候和蒸发浓缩作用是前提条件;(2)易溶蒸发岩(如石盐)在沉积中心单层厚度大,而在斜坡—边缘区缺失,这是季节性气温变化和温跃层浮动引发“中心聚集效应”的结果;(3)温度可影响蒸发岩中盐类矿物溶解度、晶体结构形态和发育深度,而部分无水盐类矿物在常温常压下却无法结晶,这一现象可用来指示古地温和地层埋藏史;(4)碳酸盐型盐湖中的Na-碳酸盐种类可指示大气CO2浓度和古温度。  相似文献   

郭佩  李长志 《古地理学报》1999,24(2):210-225
中国是一个多盐湖国家,然而盐湖研究主要集中于分析湖水化学性质、盐类物质来源和盐矿资源开发等,对盐类矿物沉积特征和埋藏成岩改造研究较少,造成从蒸发岩角度去理解古代盐湖盆地的油气富集规律较为困难。在广泛阅读国内外大型盐湖文献的基础上,笔者介绍了盐湖分类方案和蒸发岩中盐类矿物的主要成因类型,并总结了中国陆相含油气盆地中常见的硫酸盐、氯化物、含钠碳酸盐和硼酸盐的沉积—成岩过程及其古环境和古气候意义。同时,尝试利用盐湖沉积最新研究成果去探讨中国含油气盆地蒸发岩研究中存在争议或值得关注的问题,得出: (1)深部热液可为湖泊输送大量元素离子,但要在湖泊环境下富集大量蒸发岩,则(半)干旱气候和蒸发浓缩作用是前提条件;(2)易溶蒸发岩(如石盐)在沉积中心单层厚度大,而在斜坡—边缘区缺失,这是季节性气温变化和温跃层浮动引发“中心聚集效应”的结果;(3)温度可影响蒸发岩中盐类矿物溶解度、晶体结构形态和发育深度,而部分无水盐类矿物在常温常压下却无法结晶,这一现象可用来指示古地温和地层埋藏史;(4)碳酸盐型盐湖中的Na-碳酸盐种类可指示大气CO2浓度和古温度。  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟现代盐湖地质特征及形成条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
呼盟盐湖面积都比较小,盐湖卤水组分较复杂,但其中所沉积的相应的厚层盐类沉积物组分却比较简单,多为不同纯度的芒硝或泡碱层。盐类沉积的组分和盐湖公布地区有关,也受沉积过程中沉积环境的变化所控制。呼盟盐湖主要形成于古河道盆地、砂丘间洼地和丘陵地区的山间洼地,盐类物质来自周缘地区。由于盐类物质溶解度变化规律的不同和沉积环境变化,盐湖演化过程中产生盐类物质沉积分异作用,因此即使在相邻的盐湖和同一盐湖中,也可形成不同的盐类沉积。  相似文献   

古盐湖卤水温度对钾盐沉积的控制作用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古盐湖卤水的温度对钾盐沉积的控制作用的定量研究是钾盐成矿机理分析的重点和难点。本文分析和测试陕北盐盆奥陶系马家沟组、四川盆地三叠系嘉陵江组、云南兰坪-思茅盆地白垩系及老挝沙空那空盆地白垩系等八个含盐系的石盐岩中的流体包裹体,并利用均一温度计算了古盐湖的蒸发速率。若以老挝白垩纪时盐湖的蒸发速率为标准值100,陕北奥陶纪、四川三叠纪、云南白垩纪的蒸发速率标准值分别为54、68和90,而目前在老挝和云南白垩系都找到了一定规模的钾盐矿,因此高温(气温及水温)是盐湖成钾的有利条件,在卤水演化成钾的过程中可以起到重要的"催化"作用。  相似文献   

盐湖遥感因其研究对象的独特性和重要性而具有重要的理论和实际应用意义。从盐湖水体的光谱特征,盐湖水体、盐分的敏感特征波段,盐湖盐量、水深的估测模型,以及盐湖地质演化的解译,盐湖水面、晶间卤水的变化监测、生态环境的变化等方面,详述了国内外最新的研究进展。指出随着遥感从低分辨率到高分辨率,多光谱到高光谱,可见光到微波方向的发展,应在盐湖信息识别、盐湖成分定量估测的基础上,注重盐湖盐分物化参数的高光谱反演、晶间卤水的雷达遥感监测等,从遥感角度探求生态系统和气候、盐度等因素的深层次相互关系,此外还应在盐湖生物、盐湖灾害等领域拓展研究。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(1):72-83
With the technological development of exploitation and separation, the primary sources of lithium have gradually changed from ore to brine, which has become the main raw material, accounting for more than 80% of the total production. Resources of lithium-bearing brine are abundant in China. This paper has summarized the spatial and temporal distribution, characteristics, and formation mechanism of the lithium-rich brine in China, aiming to provide a comprehensive set of guidelines for future lithium exploitation from brines. Lithium-rich brines usually exist in modern saline lakes and deep underground sedimentary rocks as subsurface brines. The metallogenic epoch of China’s lithium-rich brine spans from the Triassic to the Quaternary, and these brines exhibit obvious regional distribution characteristics. Modern lithium-rich saline lakes are predominately located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In comparison, the subsurface lithium-rich brines are mainly distributed in the sedimentary basins of Sichuan, Hubei, Jiangxi provinces and so on in south Block of China, and some are in the western part of the Qaidam Basin in Qinghai province in northwestern China. Lithium-rich saline lakes are belonging to chloride-enriched, sulfate-enriched, and carbonate-enriched, while the deep lithium-rich brines are mainly chloride-enriched in classification. On the whole, the value of Mg/Li in deep brine is generally lower than that of brine in saline lakes. The genesis of lithium-rich brines in China is not uniform, generally there are two processes, which are respectively suitable for salt lakes and deep brine.  相似文献   

The Chinese salt lake mega-region is controlled by an arid and semi-arid climate, and modern salt lakes are mainly distributed within areas with mean annual precipitation <500 mm. According to their geomorphological features, structural conditions, and material composition, salt lakes in China can be broadly divided into four regions. The degrees of exploitation and utilization of these salt lakes differ because these four regions have experienced different climatic changes and structural activities and have had their own characteristics of salt lake evolution since the beginning of the Quaternary. The salt lakes in these regions have different scales, economic value, and technical conditions for traffic. Among others, Jarantai (Jartai) Salt Lake and Yuncheng Salt Lake are better in terms of comprehensive utilization and environmental protection, and the potash salt lakes represented by Qarhan are most important in terms of exploitation. At present, there exist many environmental problems in the salt lake regions of China, especially in remote, small and medium-sized basins, where abusive or wasteful mining, low recovery, and mining of a single saline mineral have caused impoverishment and large quantities of byproducts. Furthermore, climatic environmental factors can also cause significant changes of salt lake environment. Since 1987, against the background of global warming, the climate in the northwest salt lake region has turned warm and wet, and lakes have exhibited a tendency for expansion and rise, whereas in the east of the region, the climate has remained in a warm dry stage, lake levels have dropped, and salt lakes have become desertified. With the implementation of the strategy of building an environmentally friendly society in China, increasing attention is being paid to eco-environmental protection. It is suggested that experience and advanced techniques in terms of comprehensive utilization, overall development, and environmental protection of salt lakes at home and abroad be further developed to strengthen observation and monitoring of environmental changes of salt lakes and build an environmentally friendly, great salt lake industry.  相似文献   

西藏高原盐湖的构造地球化学和生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
郑绵平  刘喜方  赵文 《地质学报》2007,81(12):1698-1708
按盐湖的盐类组分和地质构造背景差别,将其概分为普通盐湖和特种盐湖。前者产于克拉通、地台等稳定构造区;后者分布于活动构造区,包括大陆边缘火山弧后盆地或陆-陆碰撞带,板块转换带后盆地。西藏高原盐湖产于陆-陆碰撞带;盐湖硼和稀碱元素主要来自高原深部壳层重熔岩浆,热水成为输入盐湖中的重要载体;盐湖水化学类型和组分特征控制了不同的成矿专属性。笔者等对藏北高原作了大范围盐湖生物概查,在调查的125个湖泊中,确定30个盐湖有卤虫繁衍。在羌塘北部21个湖泊中,已鉴定出浮游植物95种,主要种类有Gloeothece linearis,Doctylococcopsis rhaphichoidesHansg,Chroococcus minor,Naviculasp.,Cymbella pusilla,Dunaliellasalina,Chlorella rulgaris,Diatoma elongatum。浮游动物共鉴定出原生动物16种,主要种类有Voriticellaspp.,Epistylisspp.,Keratella quadrata,Daphniopsis tibetana,Artemiasp.等。  相似文献   

徐钰林  孙镇城 《现代地质》1998,12(1):49-55,T002
报导了中国西北地区的甘肃、青海、新疆等地陆相第四纪盐湖沉积中发现的钙质超微化石,它们主要是:Gephyrocapsaoceanica,Cocolithuspelagicus,Calcidiscusleptoporus,C.macintyrei,Reticulofenestraminutula等。上述钙质超微化石群具有以下特征:(1)化石丰度中等,属、种分异度低,化石保存差;(2)赋存化石的层位均为富含石膏盐层的微咸水咸水的沉积物,或为盐湖沉积;(3)产出化石地点远距该地质时期时的古海岸线。它们与古海域既无通道相连,亦非残留海。中国西北地区盐湖沉积中钙质超微化石的发现说明了中国东部地区第三纪沙河街组某些层位中的钙质超微化石不能作为“海相生物”的标志,否定了这些化石层位与“海侵”或“海泛”的关联。  相似文献   

The authors have carried out scientific investigations of salt lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since 1956 and collected 550 hydrochemical data from various types of salt lakes. On that basis, combined with the tectonic characteristics of the plateau, the hydrochemical characteristics of the salt lakes of the plateau are discussed. The salinity of the lakes of the plateau is closely related to the natural environment of lake evolution, especially the climatic conditions. According to the available data and interpretation of satellite images, the salinity of the lakes of the plateau has a general trend of decreasing from north and northwest to south and southeast, broadly showing synchronous variations with the annual precipitation and aridity (annual evaporation/annual precipitation) of the modern plateau. The pH values of the plateau salt lakes are related to both hydrochemical types and salinities of the lake waters, i.e., the pH values tend to decrease from the carbonate type → sodium sulfate subtype → magnesium sulfate subtype → chloride type; on the other hand, a negative correlation is observed between the pH and salinities of the lakes. Geoscientists and biological limnologists generally use main ions in salt lakes as the basis for the hydrochemical classification of salt lakes. The common ions in salt lakes are Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl? SO4 2?, CO3 2?, and HCO3 ?. In this paper, the Kurnakov-Valyashko classification is used to divide the salt lakes into the chloride type, magnesium sulfate subtype, sodium sulfate subtype and carbonate type, and then according to different total alkalinities (K C = Na2CO3 + NaHCO3/total salt × 100%) and different saline mineral assemblages, the carbonate type is further divided into three subtypes, namely, strong carbonate subtype, moderate carbonate subtype and weak carbonate subtypes. According to the aforesaid hydrochemical classifications, a complete and meticulous hydrochemical classification of the salt lakes of the plateau has been made and then a clear understanding of the characteristics of N–S hydrochemical zoning and E-W hydrochemical differentiation has been obtained. The plateau is divided into four zones and one area. There is a genetic association between certain saline minerals and specific salt lake hydrochemical types: the representative mineral assemblages of the carbonate type of salt lake is borax (tincalconite) and borax-zabuyelite (L2CO3) and alkali carbonate-mirabilite; the representative mineral assemblages of the sodium sulfate subtype are mirabilite (thenardite)-halite and magnesium borate (kurnakovite, inderite etc.)-ulexite-mirabilite; the representative mineral assemblages of the magnesium sulfate subtype are magnesium sulfate (epsomite, bloedite)-halite, magnesium borate-mirabilite, and mirabilite-schoenite-halite, as well as large amount of gypsum; The representative mineral assemblages of the chloride type are carnallite-bischofite-halite and carnallite-halite, with antarcticite in a few individual salt lakes. The above-mentioned salt lake mineral assemblages of various types on the plateau have features of cold-phase assemblages. Mirabilite and its associated cold-phase saline minerals are important indicators for the study of paleoclimate changes of the plateau. A total of 59 elements have been detected in lake waters of the plateau now, of which the concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Cl, and SO4 2?, CO3 2?, and HCO3 ? ions are highest, but, compared with the hydrochemical compositions of other salt lake regions, the plateau salt lakes, especially those in the southern Qiangtang carbonate type subzone (I2), contain high concentrations of Li, B, K, Cs, and Rb, and there are also As, U, Th, Br, Sr, and Nd positive anomalies in some lakes. In the plateau lake waters, B is intimately associated with Li, Cs, K and Rb and its concentration shows a general positive correlation with increasing salinity of the lake waters. The highest positive anomalies of B, Li, Cs, and K center on the Ngangla Ringco Lake area in the western segment of the southern Qiangtang carbonate type subzone (I2) and coincide with Miocene volcanic-sedimentary rocks and high-value areas of B, Li, and Cs of the plateau. This strongly demonstrates that special elements such as B, Li, and Cs on the plateau were related to deep sources. Based on recent voluminous geophysical study and geochemical study of volcanic rocks, their origin had close genetic relation to anatectic magmatism resulting from India–Eurasia continent–continent collision, and B–Li (-Ce) salt lakes in the Cordillera Plateau of South America just originated on active continental margins, both of which indicate that global specific tectonically active belts are the main cause for the high abundances of B, Li, and Cs (K and Rb) in natural water and mineralization of these elements.  相似文献   

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