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本文在详细介绍了闽南三角地区花岗岩风化残积土土体结构及土石性质特征的基础上,论述了本区花岗岩风化残积土斜坡的结构类型、天然斜坡特征及天然地质斜坡环境,并对花岗岩残积土斜坡的稳定性进行区域性的一般评价。  相似文献   

林蓬琪  侯萍 《福建地质》1990,9(2):146-155
本文在详细介绍了闽南三角地区花岩风化残积土土体结构及土石性质特征的基础上,论述了本区花岗石风化残积土斜坡的结构类型、天然斜坡特征及天然地质斜坡环境,并对花岗岩残积土斜坡的稳定性进行区域性的一般评价。  相似文献   

花岗岩风化地层中“ 孤石含量百分比冶的确定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国祥 《地质与勘探》2012,48(3):629-636
本文分析了花岗岩风化地层中的"孤石"形成的内在机理;探讨了花岗岩"孤石"的水平与垂直方向的分布规律;提出了对含有"孤石"的花岗岩地层要采取工程地质调绘与物探、钻探相结合的综合方法进行地质勘察,着重提出了可根据"土石比专项勘察"或"利用场地已有勘察资料和施工单位在现场所开挖的断面"或"孤石方量的实际计量"来测定"孤石含量百分比"的3种方法,为解决土石方工程在开挖及计价方面的问题提供了一些建设性的意见和思路,对相应类似工程具有指导意义。  相似文献   

广州地区现有众多森林公园如火炉山、凤凰山、帽峰山森林公园,其中花岗岩广泛发育,是很好的地质遗迹,并且区域内花岗岩普遍发生了球状风化.通过对火炉山森林公园内花岗岩球状风化体的地质考察与分析,总结了一系列花岗岩球状风化的特征,简要阐述了球状风化体的形成机制,并认为它们是兼具科学和美学价值的地质景观,值得进一步保护和开发.  相似文献   

一、论文综述 (一)斜坡岩土体特征的研究 “瀑布沟边坡工程岩体分类探讨”一文详细研究了大渡河上游瀑布沟坝区花岗岩和浅变质玄武岩强度及结构特征,利用赤平投影作优势面分析,将斜坡按岩体结构特征划分为5种类型,分别评述其变形状况、环境特征及稳定性。“风化花岗岩边坡稳定性特征”一文对广东珠海深圳地区广泛分布的燕山期花岗岩风化特征作了研究,确定块体的倾倒和沿缓倾裂隙  相似文献   

深圳地区花岗岩风化球成因探讨及勘察对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱林  黄汉盛 《广东地质》1997,12(4):57-62
通过对深圳地区花岗岩的成因,区域构造,风化作用等因素的对比分析,探讨了风化球成因与它们的内在联系。燕山晚期混染花岗岩,蚀变花岗岩是风化球形成的内在原因,断裂构造带及次生裂隙为风化球形成提供了有利条件;风化带特征与风化球形态有密切关系。由此提出圈定花岗岩风化球发育地段的几点原则和勘察对策。列工程实例予以说明。  相似文献   

渤海蓬莱9-1潜山油藏是以中生代花岗岩风化壳为储层的大型油藏。在花岗岩潜山这个新领域的勘探实践中,储层特征及成储化条件是困扰勘探的关键。通过薄片、岩心、测井、地震以及野外露头等资料综合分析了花岗岩储层特征与形成条件。研究表明,花岗岩风化壳上部主要为孔隙型储层,风化壳底部主要为裂缝型储层,平面上花岗岩风化壳储层主要分布在花岗岩体东侧。花岗岩大型节理发育、风化淋滤作用、构造改造、古地貌和浅埋藏是花岗岩规模化成储的重要条件,其中花岗岩大型节理发育是规模化成储的内在基础,风化淋滤作用和构造改造是规模化成储的主导因素,古地貌和浅埋藏是规模化储层得以保存的关键,构造改造与古地貌的耦合关系决定了储层发育程度,构造改造强烈且处于古地貌斜坡区的花岗岩体东侧是有利储层发育区,构造改造较弱并处于古地貌斜坡区的花岗岩体西侧储层发育次之,构造改造较弱且位于古地貌高点的花岗岩体轴部储层最不发育。该研究成果对于蓬莱9-1花岗岩油藏的后续开发及类似花岗岩潜山的勘探具有参考意义。  相似文献   

董荣 《矿产与地质》2016,(5):842-845
花岗岩球状风化现象在自然界比较常见,其成因国内一般认为受三维裂隙控制,出露地表接受风化时,由于棱角突出,角部受三个方向的风化,棱边受两个方向的风化,而面上只受一个方向的风化,故棱角逐渐缩减,最终趋向球形。国外也有其他成因认识,如liesegang现象、卸荷载、微裂隙、体积膨胀、后期风化作用等莫衷一是。本文通过认真观察,对比分析,总结出球状风化形成机理即亲水矿物吸水及失水造成的膨胀收缩的结果。  相似文献   

降雨作为边坡失稳破坏的最常见诱因,在非均质性、非连续性特征显著的球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡中具有更为复杂的影响特征。依托ABAQUS及其二次开发,通过构建降雨条件下球状风化体类土质边坡渗流模型,综合考虑降雨参数的影响,开展了降雨条件下球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡渗流特性与其稳定性研究。研究结果表明:受球状风化体影响,边坡浅层土体更快达到饱和,并且其饱和速率亦受风化体的埋藏深度、“迎雨”面横截面积和含量控制;降雨条件下球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡潜在滑动面仍表现出显著的复杂多样性,存在与无雨状态相似的滑面,也可能拓展形成新的浅层滑面;边坡安全系数与降雨历时和降雨强度为负相关,随着降雨的持续有趋于平缓的趋势,但也能在球状风化体的影响下失去平缓趋势而持续降低;在所设雨型中,渐变递增型对边坡稳定性影响最大。研究成果可为降雨条件下球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡稳定性评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   

强降雨易诱发风化花岗岩边坡浅层滑坡,其滑坡滑动面多位于具有较大孔隙尺寸的强风化带。通过对广西玉林与梧州交界处风化花岗岩边坡浅层滑坡的现场勘查和对不同层位的土体进行物理力学试验,研究了饱和度对湿热地区风化花岗岩双层土质边坡抗剪强度的影响,发现两个风化带土体都存在一个“最优饱和度”使抗剪强度达到峰值,但饱和度对抗剪强度指标的影响规律不同,即饱和度对黏聚力影响很大,对内摩擦角影响很小;花岗岩全风化带与强风化带土体性质差异明显,尤其表现在饱和度影响下抗剪强度特性方面,从基质吸力理论和颗粒间胶结作用角度分析所发现的现象,可以清楚地解释产生差异的机制,为风化花岗岩边坡的开挖和滑坡的防治提供理论基础。  相似文献   

石质构件风化层内力学性能变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
石质构件风化层内力学参数随深度变化的规律是石质古建筑稳定性、耐久性和保护方案研究中重要的内容。本文针对古建筑石质构件风化层不便取样,风化岩样加工易破坏和室内试验只能得出试件整体的力学参数,不能反映风化层内力学参数由表及里逐渐变化的不足,综合运用现场声波测试和室内试验对义乌宋代古月桥(建于1213年)风化条石的抗压强度、弹性模量与深度的关系进行了研究。研究表明,风化层内岩石弹性模量、抗压强度与未风化区域的比值随深度呈较好的负指数关系。  相似文献   

徐则民 《地学前缘》2009,16(3):364-373
发育于斜坡非饱和带的结晶岩与碎屑岩腐岩多夹于残坡积土层和风化岩带之间,保留有裂隙及层理等构造,但质地松软。腐岩结构体与母岩色差显著,保留原岩结构和构造特征,矿物成分以次生粘土矿物、次生石英及褐铁矿最为常见。腐岩次生微孔隙发育,具有低密度、高孔隙度、高渗透率、高容水度及高持水度特征。腐岩发育是通过低渗透岩石结构体风化前锋的渐进性扩展实现的,非饱和带高湿度空气形成的凝结水和降水入渗形成的非饱和渗流是该过程的核心动力。气态水分子能够扩散到低渗透岩石结构体表面内侧一定宽度范围内的孔隙系统之中凝结为液态水并溶蚀造岩矿物。雨季入渗降水在结构体表面形成的薄膜水流通过分子扩散机制接受其内侧结构体粒间溶液中的溶出组分并将其携入饱水带,同时恢复粒间溶液的侵蚀动力。当上述过程循环到一定程度时,结构面内侧便形成一定厚度的腐岩壳。腐岩壳在雨季直接吸收、贮存流经其表面的液态渗入水,在核心石外侧形成富水结构层并在旱季向包气带或其内侧的风化前锋提供水汽。随着时间推移,腐岩壳越来越厚,核心石最终消失;当某一范围内的岩石结构体全部演变为腐岩结构体时,该范围内的岩体也就完成了向腐岩体的转变。  相似文献   

研究区大量分布中风化柱状叠层石灰岩, 岩石强度具有很强的变异性和区域性, 而岩石强度是影响边坡稳定的重要因素。要进行边坡稳定性评价, 就需要对研究区现场试验数据作为随机变量进行概率统计分析, 获取可靠的岩石强度指标。本文通过对研究区内中风化柱状叠层石灰岩( t23 ) 现场点荷载实验数据进行统计分析, 利用x2 检验进行拟和, 得到岩石强度的概率密度函数和概率分布形式, 抗压强度和抗拉强度均服从对数正态分布。在此基础上, 结合相近岩性岩石强度的拟和结果, 建立区内中风化柱状叠层石灰岩点荷载试验强度概率分布函数。运用Bayes估计推断区域内中风化柱状叠层石灰岩岩石点荷载强度, 得到岩石抗压强度预测值为72. 42 MPa, 抗拉强度预测值为2. 29 MPa, 相对误差较小, 样本信任度达到70%以上。该方法对于岩石强度估计是有效的, 由该方法所得到的估计值对研究区边坡稳定性评价以及后期边坡治理都具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

Static and dynamic rock slope stability analyses were performed using a numerical discontinuum modelling technique for a 700-m high rock slope in western Norway. The rock slope has been investigated by the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), which has been carrying out rock slide studies for the county Møre and Romsdal in western Norway. The purpose of numerical modelling was to estimate the volume of the rock mass that could potentially slide under static and dynamic forces. This estimation was required to assess the run-up heights (tsunami) in a fjord that could potentially be caused by the rockslide. Three cases have been simulated for predicting the behaviour of the rock slope. First, an initial static loading is applied in the numerical model to simulate the prevailing rock mass conditions at the site. Second, saturated and weathered joint conditions are modelled by reducing the residual friction angle along the discontinuities of the rock mass. In doing so, the model simulates the effect of degradation of discontinuities in the rock slope. Third, a dynamic loading, based on peak ground accelerations expected in the area, is applied to simulate dynamic earthquake conditions.

These numerical studies have provided some useful insights into the deformation mechanisms in the rock slope. Both sliding and rotation of blocks start to occur once the residual friction angle along the discontinuities is reduced and when the region is shaken by a strong earthquake. The results indicate that, due to variations in the inclination of discontinuities, the entire slope does not become unstable and that down-slope sliding and rotation of blocks occur mainly on the top layers of the slope. Within the range of parameter values considered for this study, it is unlikely that the whole rock slope can be destabilised. The study provides an illustration of how the geo-mechanical properties of a rock mass can be integrated in a discontinuum rock slope model, which is used for predicting the behaviour of the slope under existing environmental and earthquake conditions. This model has helped not only to better understand the dynamics of the rockslide but also to estimate the potential rock volume that can become unstable when subjected to static and dynamic loads.  相似文献   

Resistivity Image Profiling (RIP) surveys was used to develop a lithological and hydrogeological model of the subsurface in the southeastern part of Lishan landslide area of central Taiwan. The bedrock consists of slate in the study area. Based on RIP and rock samples collected from boreholes results, three electrical strata are recognized: colluvium, the shear zone composed of shear gouges and shattered slate, and the undisturbed slate formation. The steep shear zone with resistivity ranging between 100 ~ 260 Ω-m, plays a crucial role in the local hydrogeological environment, because it forms a natural barrier which blocks and retains groundwater flowing down the slope. Groundwater will brim over the barrier when the water level is high. Thus the inclined groundwater table remains stable from long-term monitoring. It strongly indicates that the groundwater recharge is greater than that of discharge. Therefore, the shear zone can provide information about the optimum locations for draining the excess groundwater in-situ for slope stability consideration.

The curved basal surface of the colluvium and the weathered slate can also be discerned from the resistivity variations and boreholes data. A series of circular patterns may associate with the main slope failure which migrated upwards from the lower slope.  相似文献   

赖桂林 《福建地质》2011,30(1):94-98
根据对闽西公路某花岗岩残坡积土边坡岩土体地质条件及物性特征的分析研究,采用凝聚力和摩擦角作为评价指标,对不同情况下的边坡进行计算分析,为边坡治理提供依据.  相似文献   

Ogbonnaya Igwe 《Landslides》2013,10(4):515-521
The ICL/IPL Project achieved results in capacity building, investigation of landslides in West Africa and also evaluated some other slope movements in the region. These include the catastrophic rock–debris avalanche at the Cameroon–Nigeria border and the Iva Valley landslides in Enugu. During the avalanche, an estimated 100 M m3 of rock and debris was moved more than 2 km from the source of the slide at 600 m above sea level to the toe in the valley in a few minutes. The materials range from mud and soil debris to blocks of rocks up to 20 m in diameter. The grain size of moved material tended to increase upslope and closer to the head scarp though it tended to decrease again close to and at the source area. Nature and composition of the basement bedrock with foliation planes dipping in the direction of slope, dominant joint sets oriented perpendicularly to the foliation, the nature of weathered material and high relief were strong factors in the avalanche. Field studies identified 43 landslides at the Iva Valley area of Enugu state, which were shallow, short run-out movements with slip-surface depth less than 2 m. The shallow slides and the avalanche are triggered by water infiltration in slopes with high topographic gradient. The soil saturation leads to a reduction of the shear strength of the soil because of a rise in pore water pressure. These landslides are known to occur during or after intense rainfalls at the beginning or at the tail end of rainy season.  相似文献   

This work focuses on developing multidisciplinary researches concerning weathering profiles related to landscape evolution of the Capo Vaticano promontory on the Calabria Tyrrhenian side (southern Italy). In this area, the tectonic uplift, occurred at least since Pleistocene, together with the Mediterranean climatic conditions, is the main cause of deep weathering and denudation processes. The latter occurred on the outcropping rocks of the crystalline-metamorphic basement, made up of weathered granitoids, in turn belonging to the Monte Poro granitoid complex (intermediate to felsic plutonic rocks covered by Cenozoic sedimentary successions). Field observations coupled to borehole explorations, geophysical surveys, and minero-petrographical analyses allowed the characterization of the granitoid outcrops typical of the studied area in terms of kind and degree of slope instability. This characterization was based on suitable correlations verified between several factors as weathering degree, elastic properties of rocks, and discontinuity features. Weathering profiles are mainly composed by rock masses varying from completely weathered rock with corestones of highly weathered rock (classes IV–V) to slightly weathered rocks (class II). The weathered rocks are involved in several landslide typologies such as debris flow (frequency 48.5%), translational slide (frequency 33.3%), and minor rock fall and rotational slide (frequency 9%). The achieved data allowed the establishment of a general correlation between weathering degree and type of slope instability. Debris flow-type instabilities are predominant on the steeper slopes, involving very poor rock masses ascribed to the shallowest portions of the weathering class IV. Translational slides are less widespread than the previous ones and often involve a mixture of soil and highly weathered rocks. Rotational slides are more frequently close to the top of the slopes, where the thicknesses of more weathered rocks increase, and involve mainly rock masses belonging to the weathering classes IV and V. Rock falls mostly occur on the vertical escarpments of the road cuts and are controlled by the characteristics of the main discontinuities. The assessment of rock mass rating and slope mass rating, based on the application of the discontinuity data, allowed respectively an evaluation of the quality of rock masses and of the susceptibility of rock slopes to failure. The comparison between the last one and the real stability conditions along the cut slopes shows a good correspondence. Finally, the geological strength index system was also applied for the estimation of rock mass properties. The achieved results give a worthy support for a better understanding of the relationship between the distribution of landslides and the geological features related to different weathering degrees. Therefore, they can provide a reliable tool to evaluate the potential stability conditions of the rock slopes in the studied area and a general reference framework for the study of weathering processes in other regions with similar geological features.  相似文献   

During the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the river valley from Yingxiu to Wenchuan experienced numerous landslides and became a prominent area of landslide complexes. The present large landslide complex near the earthquake epicenter consisted of Laohuzui slide 1, Laohuzui slide 2 and Douyaping slide. The scale, geology, morphology, sliding process, and failure mechanism of the landslide complex are analyzed by means of field investigation, aerial photograph and stereographic projection technique. Characteristics of these three slides including seismic response of slope, landslide debris, damage and potential failure are discussed: the convex slope and the upslope of fractured granitic rock at high altitude are highly prone to landsliding under earthquake; the high source altitude and long travel path determine grain sizes and the deposit angle of the slide debris; the landslide complex completely buries the G213 roadway and dams up the Minjiang River in these sections; after the earthquake, rainfall, aftershocks and river erosion may retrigger new failures, such as retrogressive slide of weathered fractured rock, colluvial landslide, debris flow, embankment failure and rockfall. The following are presented as suggested remedial measures to protect the roadway and stabilize the slope: the removing and trenching, protective concrete/rock blocks against erosion, retaining structure, rockfall stopping wall, rockfall restraining net, rock bolt, and the planting of vegetation.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地阿尔金山前斜坡带发现了规模分布的东坪基岩气田,其基岩风化壳的作用成为关注的问题。依据元素分析、X-射线衍射分析、岩心薄片观察,常规测井响应和成像测井响应特征,识别出东坪地区基岩风化壳发育不同结构层,且不同结构层的储集特征有很大差异。研究表明,基岩风化壳结构可划分为土壤层、完全风化层和半风化层,而半风化层又可进一步分为溶蚀带和崩解带;其中土壤层厚度0~2 m,完全风化层厚度4~15 m,溶蚀带厚度365~164 m,崩解带厚度300~1 000 m。基岩半风化层是储层发育带,其中溶蚀带储集物性好于崩解带,溶蚀带发育较多的溶蚀孔洞和溶蚀加宽的网状裂缝,孔隙度范围2%~16%;而崩解带发育弱溶蚀构造缝和节理缝,孔隙度范围2%~8%。东坪地区大规模发育基岩风化壳为柴达木盆地远离烃源岩灶的斜坡地区寻找油气提供了借鉴依据。  相似文献   

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