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依据乾安县2006至2016年地下水位动态监测资料,分别选择潜水观测井和承压水观测井进行研究,总结出研究区潜水地下水位动态变化特征为降雨渗入-径流-蒸发型,承压水地下水位动态变化特征为越流-径流型、径流-开采型和开采型。潜水地下水位动态变化受气象等自然因素影响明显,承压水地下水位动态变化受开采人为因素影响明显。近十年来,研究区地下水位呈现整体下降,特别是在集中开采区,地下水位降幅最大。研究结果可为地下水资源合理开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

地下水是秦岭北麓地区的主要供水水源,研究该区地下水位动态变化特征及其影响因素对地下水资源合理开发及生态环境保护具有重要意义。以秦岭北麓的户县平原区为例,根据地下水埋深、气象、水文资料,结合研究区水文地质条件,运用克里金插值方法、主成分投影-聚类耦合模型,研究1980~2019年地下水位时空演变过程,以影响地下水动态的主要因素划分地下水动态类型,分析地下水位动态变化特征。结果表明,1980~2019年地下水位总体呈波动下降趋势;冲积平原和洪积平原年际变幅较大,而冲洪积扇前缘相对较小;研究区地下水动态类型可划分为水文型、降雨入渗-开采型、径流型、降雨入渗-水文-开采型4类;研究区地下水位态变化的主要外在影响因素为降雨、河流径流、开采。  相似文献   

天津平原区地下水位动态特征与影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天津市地下水位监测工作已经开展了将近40年,监测区覆盖整个平原区。根据多年地下水位监测资料,笔者对区内浅层地下水和深层地下水不同含水层组的水位动态特征及其影响因素进行了分析研究,认为:天津平原区地下水位动态受水文地质条件、降水和开采条件的控制,不同类型地下水动态规律在时空分布上有明显差异,除降水量、温度等自然因素外,开...  相似文献   

辽河流域柳河平原地下水位动态特征及成因类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨国民 《地下水》2010,32(3):75-77
在多年地下水位动态监测资料的基础上,分析了下辽河流域柳河平原地下水动态变化的影响因素及变化规律;并结合该区的水文地质条件及地下水位动力变化过程线对地下水动态成因类型进行划分;得出该区地下水位动态变化特征是:大气降水与水位变化明显相关,水文及人为开采因素只是地段性的影响因素。  相似文献   

大荔沙苑地区作为生态脆弱区,由于长期开发利用,地下水位持续下降,水资源供需矛盾极其突出。本文通过对研究区域长系列地下水位动态监测数据进行统计分析,结合当地实际,研究其地下水位年内、年际变化特征及其影响因素,以期为沙苑地区的地下水资源保护与利用提供科学依据。结果表明,研究区地下水位动态变化类型主要为大气降水入渗—开采型和大气降水入渗—蒸发型,地下水位受气象和人类活动影响,特别是地下水开采是影响的主要因素。有必要通过科学规划、管理措施等手段有效涵养地下水、防止水资源的进一步恶化,促进当地地下水水资源可持续发展。  相似文献   

地下水位动态变化受降水、地表水入渗、人工开采、侧向径流和水文地质条件等多种因素影响,加之人类活动对地下水天然流场的干预程度较大,逐渐呈现出更加复杂化的动态特征。为对河北邯郸东部平原区地下水位动态特征进行研究,在对该区域水文地质条件分析的基础上,结合2018年度国家地下水监测工程深浅层监测井的自动监测数据和降水、蒸发、开采量等相关统计资料,对平原区第四系孔隙水的动态特征进行了分析,总结得2018年度地下水位动态变化规律及其成因类型。结果显示:邯郸市平原区的地下水位动态特征可分为降水—开采型;越流—开采型;降水、侧向径流—开采、蒸发型和河流入渗型四种类型。随着人类活动对地下水天然流场的干预越来越大,使得平原区地下水动态呈现出更加复杂化的动态特征。  相似文献   

地下水资源是干旱半干旱地区绿洲主要的供水水源,随着绿洲发展规模的不断扩大,为了满足日益增长的供水需求,加大了对地下水资源的开采导致了地质环境生态问题。本文结合实地调查、访问与统测方法,收集相关资料,测定地下水位,分析地下水位动态年内与年际变化特征,认为腰坝绿洲地下水位动态变化主要受人工开采影响,总体趋势表现为持续下降,并在开采期局部地区形成地下水位降落漏斗,受地下水位动态变化影响,绿洲防护林及周边荒漠植被处于衰退阶段,出现退化或大面积死亡现象。  相似文献   

青海省格尔木山前平原区地下水动态特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在格尔木山前平原区水文地质条件基础上,结合多年地下水位监测资料,对格尔木河冲洪积平原区的多年水位动态特征及其影响因素进行了分析研究,总结出该地区的地下水动态类型.格尔木山前平原区3个不同区域由于赋存条件及开发利用条件的不同,地下水动态类型分异显著.研究区地下水整体流向与地形起伏相一致,自南向北径流,区域上流场形态变化不大.冲洪积扇中上部地下水多年动态处于平衡状态,近年来由于开采力度加大,地下水位呈急速下降趋势,地下水动态类型为水文-径流型;冲洪积扇下部地下水位以区域性下降为主,地下水动态类型主要为蒸发型;冲洪积扇西翼水源地附近由于地下水调蓄能力较强,地下水位总体呈稳定并局部有上升趋势,地下水动态类型为水文-人类活动型.  相似文献   

青多水源地岩溶地下水是济源市的主要供水水源,研究其地下水位动态变化特征及影响因素对地下水资源合理开发及生态环境保护意义重大,探明蟒河口水库是否补给水源地对城市安全供水具有重要意义。依托河南某大型裂隙岩溶水源地多年逐月(1994年6月—2019年12月)地下水位动态监测资料,对不同阶段、不同时段的地下水位动态进行分析,采用逐步回归分析方法定量确定水源地地下水位动态的影响因素,建立水位动态预测的逐步回归方程。结果表明:①第一阶段(蟒河口水库蓄水前),水源地地下水位主要受降水和开采影响。其中,第1时段(1994年6月—2005年12月),水源地开采量约2×104 m3/d,地下水位主要受降水量影响,开采量影响较小;第2时段(2006年1月—2014年8月),水源地开采量由2.2×104 m3/d逐渐增大到约6.5×104 m3/d,地下水位受开采和降水双重因素影响,总体呈现下降趋势。②第二阶段(蟒河口水库蓄水后),水源地开采量由2014年8月的6.5×104 m3/d增大到2019年6月的8.8×104 m3/d,岩溶地下水位不降反升,其水位主要受蟒河口水库蓄水和降水影响,开采量影响甚微。在不考虑蟒河口水库蓄水影响的情况下,应用建立的逐步回归方程对水源地地下水位进行预测,蟒河口水库蓄水后实测的水源地地下水位高于预测水位,并从水源地水文地质条件、蟒河口水库蓄水水位、水质特征等方面论证了蟒河口水库的补给效果。本研究可为水源地地下水资源评价、水资源可持续利用和管理提供科学依据,也可为类似地区地下水动态研究提供参考。  相似文献   

阿克苏地区位于新疆西部,天山南麓,塔里木盆地北缘,地下水动态监测系统不够完善,通过实施地下水监测站网建设项目,地下水监测站网布设日趋合理。监测站在阿克苏河、台兰河、渭干河、库车河等冲洪积平原区、乌什县河谷、拜成盆地、柯坪盆地和阿恰平原这几块地质单元上都有分布,可比较全面的反映阿克苏地区境内主要地下水开发利用区的埋深、水位变化特征。通过对阿克苏地区地下水监测工作进行探讨,重点对地下水监测站网建设和日常监测工作开展情况进行了分析。结合近几年该地区地下水位年度监测成果,对区域地下水位状况和年内地下水动态变化特征分析,大致可以看出区域内地下水总体呈下降趋势,冬季灌溉期结束后地下水潜水水位最高,3-4月份春灌开始后,地下水位总体下降,6、7月份受地表来水、灌溉等补给的影响,地下水又有一次集中上升的现象。研究结果为该区域地下水中长期开发利用与管理保护工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Data reported by laboratories contributing to the GeoPT proficiency testing programme for geochemical laboratories over the period from 2001 to 2011 have been assessed to identify the elements and concentration ranges over which analytical performance can be considered satisfactory. Criteria developed in the paper indicated that performance in the content determination of the elements/constituents SiO2, Al2O3, MnO, Cs, Dy, Er, Eu, Ga, Hf, Ho, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sm, Sr, Tb, Tl, Tm, U, Y, Yb and Zn was satisfactory over the full concentration range assessed. The elements/constituents TiO2, Fe2O3(T), MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Ba, Be, Cd, Ce, Co, Gd, La, Li, Nb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sn, Ta, Th, V and Zr showed some degradation in performance at lower concentration levels (approaching the detection limit of some techniques). Performance in determining LOI, As, Bi, Cr, Cu, Ge, Mo, Ni, Pb and W was in general unsatisfactory over the full concentration range assessed. Other elements (especially Fe(II)O, H2O+, CO2, Ag, Au, B, Br, Cl, F, Hg, I, In, Ir, N, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, S, Se, Te) could not be evaluated as they were not routinely reported by laboratories participating in the GeoPT programme, often because they are present in silicate rocks at sufficiently low concentrations to require a pre‐concentration stage. Some suggestions are made for the causes of unsatisfactory performance, but further progress will require a detailed assessment of the methods used by participating laboratories, which will form the subject of a further paper.  相似文献   

The diabolical and supernatural folklore traditions of geology are examined systematically for the first time. The following have all been suggested explanations for fossil remains: Devil's footprints, bones, toenails, fingers, thumbs, buttons, money and ninepins; Hobgoblin's claws; Fairy's fingers, heads, faces, hearts, beads, causeways, saltcellars, bottles, weights, money and loaves; elf arrows; witches’ beads and tongues. Twinned staurolite crystals have been called Fairy crosses.  相似文献   

The Ilgin lignite field can be subdivided into the Haramiköy and Kurugöl areas which are separated by an area of basement and a fault. The lignite-bearing sequence consists mainly of fluvial and lacustrine Neogene deposits. The Ilgin lignite, averaging 8 m (up to 25 m) thick, is blackish brown and dark brown in colour. The lignite contains abundant brown wood, plant remains and white gastropod shells. Samples have an average of 38.9% moisture on an as-received basis and a mean of 3.9% total sulphur on an air-dried basis. Geochemical analysis, using an ICP-MS, was undertaken. Thirteen lignite core samples from three boreholes drilled in the Kurugöl area were ashed at 750°C. The average trace element contents of the lignite show a higher concentration of U (average 43 ppm) when compared to the range for most coals in the world, while the others (Ti, P, Sc, Be, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Mo, Cs, Ba, Y, Ta, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu) agree with the global ranges. The Ilgin lignite is identified as of Middle Miocene (Middle Serravallian) age and occurs within lacustrine sediments deposited under subtropical climatic conditions.  相似文献   

时国  喻美艺  罗茂  田景春 《沉积学报》2009,27(3):427-434
贵阳花溪下三叠统大冶组中富产遗迹化石,产出18个遗迹属:Beaconichnus,Circulichnis,Cosmorhaphe,Dendrohaphe,Glockerichnus,Gyrochorte,Gordia,Maeandropolydora,Micatuba,Mammillichnis,Megagrapton,Planolites,Palaeophycus,Phycodes,Phycosiphon,Rhizocorallium,Thalassinoides和Undichna。自下而上可识别出三个遗迹组构,分别为Phycodes、Phycosiphon Mammillichnis和Thalassinoidess遗迹组构。根据遗迹化石各属种分布,大冶组自下而上出现四个遗迹相:Cruziana遗迹相、Zoophycoss遗迹相、Nereites遗迹相和Cruziana遗迹相。结合遗迹组构,对大冶组的沉积环境进行了讨论,Phycodes组构属于Cruziana相,指示浅水环境;Phycosiphon Mammillichnis组构属于Zoophycos遗迹相—Nereites遗迹相,代表台缘下斜坡半深海低能环境;Thalassinoides组构属于Cruziana相,指示早三叠世印度期末的浅水高能环境。  相似文献   

Abstract: Ilmenite, hematite, garnet, monazite, zircon, rutile, magnetite, sillimanite, pyroxene and amphibole from the beach sands of Ekakula, Gahiramatha coast, Orissa, India are reported here for the first time. Their total concentration varies from 26. 4 to 100%. Ilmenite, monazite and zircon are between 100 and 300 um in size and are well rounded in shape. Ilmenite-hematite intergrowth is common. Ilmenite has 50. 02–54. 73% TiO2, 42. 42–46. 90% FeO (total Fe) and small amounts of Al, Mn, Mg, Ca, Ba, Si, V, Cr, and Zn. The bulk samples contain 10. 63–41. 42 % TiO2, 6. 15–26. 07 % FeO, 5. 86–16. 75 % Fe2O3, 7. 41–61. 74 % SiO2, 1. 39–12. 83% A12O3, 0. 32–4. 97% CaO, 0. 53–4. 24% P2O5, 0. 17–3. 27% MgO, 0. 15–2. 97% Na2O, 0. 07–2. 34% K2O, and 0. 05–0. 71% V2O5 together with appreciable amounts of La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Y, U, Th, Zr, and trace amounts of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Cr. Khondalite, charnockite, calc-silicate granulite, leptynite, migmatite, gneiss, basic granulite and pegmatite of the Eastern Ghats appear to be the major source for the above heavy mineral assemblages. The samples are amenable to gravity and magnetic methods of beneficiation.  相似文献   

Concentrations of some heavy metals and trace elements such as Cr,Ga,Ni,Zn,Mo,Cu, Pb,Yb,Y,Nb,Ti,Sr,Ba,Mn,Sc,Co,V,Zr,Fe,Al,W,Se,Bi,Sb,As,Cd in recent mollusk shells and factors affecting their distribution and deposits collected from various depths in the southern and southwestern parts of the Marmara Sea are investigated.The distribution of the elements in the shells is categorized into four groups.Of these,concentrations of 12 elements(As,Bi,Cd,Co,Ga,Mo,Nb, Sb,Se,Sc,W and Yb)are below zero [(0.053-0.79)×10~(-6)];concentrations of seven elements(Cr,Ni, Pb,V,Y,Zr and Cu)are(1.0-6.0)×10~(-6);concentrations of four elements(Ti,Mn,Ba and Zn)are 10- 20×10~(-6);and concentrations of five elements(Si,Al,Fe,Mg and Sr)are(47.44-268.11)×10~(-6).The taxonomic characteristics of the 29 elements were studied separately in mollusk shells such as Chamalea gallina(Linné),Pitar-rudis(Poll),Nassarius reticulatus(Linné),Venerupis senescens (Coocconi),Mytilus galloprovincialis(Lamarck),Mytilaster lineatus(Gemelin in Linné)and Chlamys glabra.It was found that,in mollusk taxonomy,the elements have unique values.In other words, element concentrations in various mollusk shells depend mainly on the taxonomic characteristics of mollusks.In various bionomic environments different element distributions of the same species are attributed to the different geochemical characters of the each environment.Data obtained in this study indicate that the organisms are the most active and deterministic factors of the environment.  相似文献   

Selenium and heavy metals content in some Mediterranean soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of metal contents in industrial, agricultural or/and polluted soils compared with natural or unpolluted soils is currently necessary to obtain reference values and to assess soil contamination. Nonetheless, very few works published appear in international journals on elements like Se, Li and Sr in Spanish soils. This study determines the total levels of Se, Li, Sr, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Fe, Mn and Ba in 14 natural (unpolluted) soils (Gypsisols, Leptosols, Arenosols and Acrisols), 14 agricultural soils (Anthrosols, Fluvisols and Luvisols), and 4 industrial–urban affected-surface soil horizons (Anthrosols and Fluvisols) of Eastern Spain. The geochemical baseline concentrations (GBC) and reference values (RV) have been established, and the relationships among elements and also between soil properties and elemental concentrations have been analysed. The RV obtained in this study were (mg kg−1): Se 2.68, Li 115, Sr 298, Cd 0.97, Co 35, Cr 217, Cu 46, Ni 50, Pb 137, V 120, Zn 246, Fe 124,472, Mn 2691, and Ba 743. The RV for Se and Li were used as a preliminary approach to assess soil contamination in Spanish soils. The results confirm human impact on Sr, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn soil concentrations, but evidence no deviation from natural Se, Li, Co, V, Fe, Mn and Ba concentrations. The results obtained from the statistical analysis reveal significant correlations between some elements and clay and soil organic matter (SOM) contents, indicating that metal concentrations are controlled by soil composition. One particularly interesting finding is the high correlation coefficients obtained between SOM and Se, Cd, Cr, V, Fe, and Mn, and between clay and Cd, Zn, V, Fe and Mn. Once again, these facts confirm the role of SOM and clay minerals in soil functions and that soil is an ecosystem element responsible for maintaining environmental quality.  相似文献   

Eleven synthetic silicate and phosphate glasses were prepared to serve as reference materials for in situ microanalysis of clinopyroxenes, apatite and titanite, and other phosphate and titanite phases. Analytical results using different micro-analytical techniques showed that the glass fragments were homogeneous in major and trace elements down to the micrometre scale. Trace element determinations using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and secondary ionisation mass spectrometry (SIMS) showed good agreement for most elements (Li, Be, B, Cs, Rb, Ba, Sr, Ga, Pb, U, Th, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb) studied and provide provisional recommended values.  相似文献   

 The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of bulk samples and various size fractions of sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments in the Petalax area, western Finland, were studied with ICP-AES (aqua regia digestion and "total" digestion) and X-ray diffraction. The sediments, which are dominated by particles <0.06 mm (clay and silt size), are composed of phyllosilicates (micas, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite), quartz, feldspars, amphiboles, organic matter, and secondary S minerals. The chemical analyses show that Na, Ca, and Sr are enriched in the silt and sand fractions, that Zr is enriched in the silt fraction, and that the concentrations of all other studied metals (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Y, and Zn) increase from the sand to the clay fraction. Sodium, Ca, and Sr occur largely in poorly dissolved feldspars, which explains the distribution of these metals in the sediments. The increase in the concentrations of most metals in the clay fraction is interpreted to be the result mainly of an increase in phyllosilicates in this size fraction. A geochemical comparison between the sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments and glacial till shows that the former are enriched in several potentially toxic metals. It is therefore argued that the hydrological and ecological problems associated with the sulfide-bearing sediments are related not only to the production of acidity in oxidized layers, but also to mobilization and dispersion of toxic metals. Strategies to minimize damage of freshwater systems in areas covered with sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments are suggested. Received: 20 February 1997 · Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地盒8段发现并探明了一批目前中国内陆最大的致密砂岩气田(藏),该致密砂岩气田的储层岩性主要为 一套“低长石、低杂基、高成分成熟度”的石英砂岩,储集空间类型以多类型的次生溶蚀孔隙为主。针对盒8段致密砂岩 次生孔隙的成因机理,本文在大量薄片观察、扫描电镜、场发射、CT扫描分析的基础上,开展了高温高压条件下真实岩心 的酸溶模拟实验,实验样品为鄂尔多斯盆地石盒子组绿灰色中粗粒含凝灰质长石石英砂岩、绿灰色中粗粒含凝灰质长石岩 屑砂岩、灰色中粗粒含凝灰质岩屑石英砂岩和灰色中粗粒含凝灰质石英砂岩等4种不同类型的砂岩岩心,采用地层水中普 遍存在的乙酸配置成0.5mol/L的反应介质,选用2mL/min流速,动态溶蚀100h后,不同类型砂岩的次生孔隙显著增加, 物性明显改善,通过对不同岩性实验前后样品的同位扫描、水-岩反应速度、离子浓度等测定分析,发现盒8段致密砂岩储 层次生孔隙的成因主要为凝灰质、长石等铝硅酸矿物和碳酸盐矿物的溶蚀,探讨了实验样品中不同矿物的溶蚀序列,凝灰 质、碳酸盐矿物主要在低温条件下发生溶蚀蚀变,高温条件下主要为长石的溶蚀。揭示凝灰质、碳酸盐岩、长石等矿物溶 蚀、次生孔隙形成、新生矿物的发育机理,结合埋藏史、热史分析,建立了盒8段致密砂岩储层埋藏-成岩-孔隙演化模 式,明确了鄂尔多斯盆地盒8段石英砂岩次生孔隙的成因机理。  相似文献   

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