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黄丽  刘凡  谭文峰  洪军 《矿物学报》2002,22(4):315-320
以我国亚热带的黄褐土和黄棕壤的铁锰-粘粒混合胶膜为材料,分析了胶膜及其相应的淋溶土在粘土矿物类型和含量上的差别。研究结果表明:土壤和胶膜的粘土矿物均由1.4nm矿物、水云母、高岭石组成,土壤的1.4nm矿物为1.4nm过渡矿物和蛭石的混合相,而胶膜的1.4nm矿物全部由蛭石组成。由此认为,胶膜中的1.4nm过渡矿物主要来源于表层粘粒的淀积和裂隙周围基质土壤中粘土矿物的转化,胶膜的有机质含量、交换性盐基总量等性质明显不同于基质土壤,其微环境抑制了土壤中的蛭石向1.4nm过渡矿物的转化,并导致1.4nm过渡矿物向蛭石的转化。  相似文献   

几种亚热带土壤铁锰胶膜和基质的表面化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄丽  洪军  谭文峰  刘凡 《地球化学》2006,35(3):295-303
以我国亚热带的黄褐土、黄棕壤和红壤为材料,研究了土壤铁锰胶膜和其基质的表面化学性质及其对重金属元素的吸附和氧化特点。结果表明,与基质土壤相比,铁锰胶膜的比表面积大,电荷零点(PZC)低,这与其富含粘粒、有机质和铁锰氧化物等有关;铁锰胶膜经脱锰处理后,比表面积明显降低。由盐滴定-电位滴定(STPT)法测得黄褐土、黄棕壤、红壤基质的PZC分别为3.13、3.65和3.90;黄棕壤和红壤铁锰胶膜的PZC分别为3.26和3.42。铁锰胶膜对Pb2 、Cu2 、Cd2 和Zn2 的吸附和对Cr3 的氧化能力比基质的强。铁锰胶膜经脱锰处理后,对Pb2 、Cu2 、Cd2 和Zn2 的最大吸附量比未处理时降低了53%~100%;其氧化Cr3 生成Cr6 的量比铁锰胶膜的降低了87%~100%。说明黄褐土、黄棕壤和红壤的铁锰胶膜中,氧化锰是吸附重金属离子和氧化Cr3 的主体。  相似文献   

铁锰氧化物矿物胶膜是我国黄棕壤中重要的铁锰元素富集载体,选取我国华中地区典型的铁锰氧化物矿物胶膜样品,采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)、偏光显微镜(POM)、环境扫描电子显微镜(ESEM)、能谱仪(EDX)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)、高能量X射线粉末衍射(XRD)等研究方法,对原位和分离处理后的黄棕壤铁锰胶膜进行了详细的矿物学表征.结果表明,黄棕壤铁锰氧化物矿物胶膜由表及里,由外到内依次呈现富锰条带、富铁锰条带、富铁条带、富锰铁条带、富铁条带,并且锰铁元素含量之比不规则降低,其所含铁锰氧化物矿物主要为锰钡矿、针铁矿、水钠锰矿、六方水锰矿、水羟锰矿,粒度为纳米级,形貌多样.  相似文献   

以代表性暗棕壤垂直剖面土壤地球化学数据为依据,研究了长白山区特定的森林景观条件下成土过程中元素的分异与富集特征。研究结果表明,在岩石风化过程中主要以CaO、Na2O、Sr淋溶为主,有机酸淋溶过程中SiO2、Al2O3、K2O部分被淋溶,部分游离铁下渗到土体中下部氧化成铁锰胶膜;微量元素在风化过程中被次生黏土矿物吸附,不同程度地富集,在腐殖质积累过程中Cd、Zn、Pb、Mo、Hg、Co、Mn、Cr等亲生物元素进一步富集于表层土壤,Ce、Ni、Sb、Ti、V、Y、Zr在表生环境中地球化学性质稳定,残留富集于土壤表层。母质层继承和保留了基岩元素地球化学分布的基本特征。  相似文献   

<正>在干旱—半干旱环境中的岩石表面常有黑色薄膜状岩石漆发育,在内陆沙漠、海滨沙漠、南北极地、高山、洞穴、岩石裂隙等陆生风化环境中皆有分布,其主要包含黏土矿物、铁锰氧化物、有机质等成分。无独有偶,在亚热带地区的表层红壤中也存在着类似的"薄膜",其中的铁锰氧化物矿物晶粒小至纳米级,这些矿物"薄膜"多附着于土壤基质表面,亦被称为矿物胶膜。本研究采用同步辐射微区X射线衍射和透射电子显微镜技术对表层红壤铁氧化物矿物胶膜中铁氧化物矿物的成分与结构进行了矿物学表征。  相似文献   

选取广西北部湾地区表层土壤为研究对象,采集7327件土壤样品,400件岩石样品,分析K_2O、Na_2O、CaO、MgO、SiO_2、Al_2O_3、TFe_2O_3和有机碳,探讨了土壤成土母岩、成土作用、土壤组成和土壤性质等对表层土壤Cu元素的影响。结果表明,研究区表层土壤Cu元素含量低于中国土壤背景值;风化作用对于Cu元素的次生富集起到极为重要的作用,强于成土母岩元素含量背景的影响。Pearson相关分析和主成分分析结果表明,土壤组成和土壤性质等因素中,含Al矿物、含Fe矿物和有机碳(SOC)对土壤Cu的富集起到主导作用;pH和含Ca矿物起到次要作用,而含K矿物、含Na矿物和含Mg矿物的作用较弱,可以忽略不计,SiO_2则起反作用。  相似文献   

黎塘岩溶区土壤铁锰结核的地球化学特征研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
对黎塘岩溶区土壤铁锰结核的地球化学特征研究表明:与土壤相比,铁锰结核的化学组成中仍以SiO2、Al2O3和Fe2O3为主,但Fe2O3的含量明显增加,成为铁锰结核中含量最多的氧化物,MnO含量也有一定程度增加,它们富集系数分别为5.19和3.40;铁锰结核对重金属具有明显的富集效应,其富集顺序为Cr(M)〉Pb〉Co〉Zn〉Ni〉Ba〉Li,它在土壤中的含量受成土母质及浅层地下水活动的影响。元素的相关分析及因子分析表明,铁锰结核在形成过程中还具有成核富集效应、专性吸附效应和成核易淋溶效应。   相似文献   

本次工作利用X射线荧光(XRF)和电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)分析技术,对湘江人湖河段沉积物进行主元素和重金属元素分析.结果表明,湘江入湖沉积物中主元素含量变化相对稳定,沉积物具有明显亏CaO、Na2O,而富MnO、A12O3的化学组成特征.其化学组成和风化蚀变特征(蚀变指数CIA值大于78)指示流域上游花岗岩为沉积物提供了主要的物源.主元素揭示的沉积物矿物组成主要包括A12O3表征的细粒黏土矿物类和SiO2、Na2O表征的粗粒碎屑矿物类两部分.沉积物中重金属元素含量变化大,重金属综合富集指数EI值自湾河WH (EI=4.7、14.2)向湘阴XY (6.6、5.6)再向屈原农场QN沉积柱(18.4)趋于增大,重金属污染程度自上游向下游趋于增强.重金属污染程度主要与以A12O3为代表的Ⅰ类元素呈正相关关系.预示重金属污染主要与黏土矿物、铁锰氧化物、有机质、及磷灰石等副矿物相关.其中Bi、Pb、Mn、T1等重金属污染更趋于在黏土矿物、锰氧化物、有机质等矿物相中增强,Cd污染可能主要与铁锰氧化物、有机质等有关,U污染则主要与铁氧化物矿物有关,而Cu、Sb污染主要与有机质关系密切.不同的矿物相可能引起不同种类的重金属污染.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和带能谱的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等方法研究了土壤热磁组分的形貌特征、结构、表面性质及矿物组成,并与化学分析相结合,探讨了土壤热磁组分对矿化指示元素的富集作用和机理。研究结果表明,土壤热磁组分以铁锰氧化物为主,是由土壤中非晶质铁锰氧化物转化而来的。通过对土壤、土壤热磁组分、土壤非磁性组分中铁锰氧化物与成矿及其伴生元素的相关关系分析,证实了土壤热磁组分对矿化指示元素的富集作用,为深化土壤热磁组分测量方法的基础理论提供了依据。对比试验结果表明,土壤热磁组分测量较常规土壤测量具有更强的发现由深部矿体引起的微弱矿化信息的能力。  相似文献   

岩溶地质高背景区土壤中普遍存在的铁锰结核对重金属的赋存状态和有效性有重要影响。选择广西贵港覃塘岩溶地质高背景区富含铁锰结核的表层土壤(0~20 cm)为研究对象,筛分出不同粒径的铁锰结核(10~120目)和细粒径土壤(<120目)样品进行化学分析,针对以下三个方面开展研究:(1)重金属(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn)在铁锰结核和细粒径土壤中的分布分配规律和铁氧化物矿物的组成;(2)铁氧化物矿物对富含铁锰结核的土壤中Cd等重金属富集的影响;(3)重金属在富含铁锰结核的土壤中的赋存机制。研究发现,铁锰结核中的Fe和Mn以及Cd等重金属含量随着粒径的增大而不断增加,说明Cd等重金属元素更倾向于在大粒径铁锰结核中富集;土壤中Cd等重金属总量的约90%赋存在结核中,表明研究区土壤中重金属主要以结核形式赋存;富含铁锰结核的土壤中赤铁矿和针铁矿的平均含量分别为0.61%和4.94%,且结核粒径越大,针铁矿和赤铁矿含量越高;除Hg外,Cd等重金属含量与针铁矿和赤铁矿的含量均呈现极显著正相关,与赤铁矿的相关性稍优于针铁矿,表明铁氧化物矿物与富含铁锰结核土壤中的Cd等重金属元素富集密切相关。铁锰结核的存在既能促进Cd等重金属在土壤中的富集,又能降低土壤中重金属的生物有效性,研究结果为解释岩溶地质高背景区土壤Cd等重金属元素高含量、低生物有效性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The elemental geochemistry of major, minor and trace elements in iron–manganese cutans and the corresponding matrix soils, collected from three Alfisols in central China, are studied using their chemical compositions as well as correlation and factor analyses. Fe–Mn cutans accumulate high concentrations of MnO2 and Fe2O3. Mean values of these two elements in cutans are about 13.7 and 1.4 times higher than those in the matrix soils. pH, clay contents, extractable X-ray noncrystalline Fe (Feo) and the ratio of Feo to free Fe-oxide (Fed) in cutans are notably higher than those in the corresponding matrices. Cutans are also enriched in some bases and heavy metals. Averages of K, Na, Co and Pb concentrations are about 2.0, 1.4, 15.4 and 6.0 times higher than those in the matrices. Statistical analysis indicates that Co, Ni, Li, Cu and Zn are abundant in Mn minerals of cutans, while Pb exists mainly in iron minerals. Fe–Mn cutans constitute an active microzone of solid–solution–plant–air interaction, element movement and exchange in soils, which cause the contents of Fe- and Mn-oxides, elemental concentrations, and geochemical behavior of cutan to show marked differences in matrix soils.  相似文献   

莫托萨拉铁锰矿硅质岩呈层状产于铁矿中,含热水沉积矿物。岩石的Fe2O3,Au,Ag,Cu,pb,Zn,As,Sb,Hg质量分数高,Cr,Ni,Co,FeO,Al2O3质量分数低,e(Al)/w(Al+Mn+Fe)比值低,这些元素组合指示出其热水 成因,在判别硅质岩形成作用的主元素和微量元素关系图上,硅质岩主要位于热水沉积作用的范围内或接近于热水沉积作用。岩石的稀土元素和O,Si同位且成表明硅质岩是  相似文献   

Selenium and heavy metals content in some Mediterranean soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of metal contents in industrial, agricultural or/and polluted soils compared with natural or unpolluted soils is currently necessary to obtain reference values and to assess soil contamination. Nonetheless, very few works published appear in international journals on elements like Se, Li and Sr in Spanish soils. This study determines the total levels of Se, Li, Sr, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Fe, Mn and Ba in 14 natural (unpolluted) soils (Gypsisols, Leptosols, Arenosols and Acrisols), 14 agricultural soils (Anthrosols, Fluvisols and Luvisols), and 4 industrial–urban affected-surface soil horizons (Anthrosols and Fluvisols) of Eastern Spain. The geochemical baseline concentrations (GBC) and reference values (RV) have been established, and the relationships among elements and also between soil properties and elemental concentrations have been analysed. The RV obtained in this study were (mg kg−1): Se 2.68, Li 115, Sr 298, Cd 0.97, Co 35, Cr 217, Cu 46, Ni 50, Pb 137, V 120, Zn 246, Fe 124,472, Mn 2691, and Ba 743. The RV for Se and Li were used as a preliminary approach to assess soil contamination in Spanish soils. The results confirm human impact on Sr, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn soil concentrations, but evidence no deviation from natural Se, Li, Co, V, Fe, Mn and Ba concentrations. The results obtained from the statistical analysis reveal significant correlations between some elements and clay and soil organic matter (SOM) contents, indicating that metal concentrations are controlled by soil composition. One particularly interesting finding is the high correlation coefficients obtained between SOM and Se, Cd, Cr, V, Fe, and Mn, and between clay and Cd, Zn, V, Fe and Mn. Once again, these facts confirm the role of SOM and clay minerals in soil functions and that soil is an ecosystem element responsible for maintaining environmental quality.  相似文献   

流域上游基岩与下游冲积平原土壤化学组成的对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迟清华  马生明 《地质通报》2008,27(2):188-195
对海河水系流域、鄱阳湖水系流域上游的基岩与下游的冲积平原土壤之间化学组成的对比研究显示,下游冲积物土壤的化学组成明显地受源岩成分、形成过程和形成环境的影响。流域上游基岩的一些特征元素在冲积物土壤中被明显地继承,如海河流域基岩和土壤中的CO2、CaO、MgO、FeO、Sr,鄱阳湖流域基岩和土壤中的W、Sn、Bi、U、Th、Pb、Rb、Tl、As、Sb、Se、Hg、Nb、Ta、Hf、B、Be、Ge、Pt、Pd、Y。受形成过程和形成环境的影响,处于暖温带半湿润季风气候下的海河流域冲积平原土壤以极富集CO2、CaO、Na2O、Cl,显著富集MgO、FeO、Sr,富集P、S为特征;而处于亚热带湿润季风气候下的鄱阳湖流域冲积平原土壤则以显著富集Hg、Se和富集Al2O3、Fe2O3H2O^+、W、Sn、Bi、Mo、U、Th、Pb、Rb、Cs、Tl、Li、Be、B、Ga、Ge、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、As、Sb、Co、Cr、Ti、V、Zn、Pt、Pd、REE、Y为特征。无论是海河流域还是鄱阳湖流域的冲积平原土壤,均富集As、Sb、Hg、B、Cl、W、Sn、Bi、Pb、Se、Ge、Li、Cs、Cu、Au、Fe2O3、V、Cr、Ni、Zr、Hf、Y。  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from the agricultural lands of Golestan province, north of Iran and analyzed for 24 elements including eight toxic metals of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Se and Zn. Electrical conductivity, pH, organic matter, soil texture, calcium carbonate content as well as soil cation exchange capacity were also determined. The possible sources of metals are identified with multivariate analysis such as correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis. In addition, enrichment factors were used to quantitatively evaluate the influences of agricultural practice on metal loads to the surface soils. The PCA and cluster analysis studies revealed that natural geochemical background are the main source of most elements including Al, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Ni, Pb, V and Zn in the arable soils of the province (more than 90 %), however, those soils which have been developed on the mafic and metamorphic rocks were considerably contributed on metal concentration (43 %). Calcium and Sr were constituents of calcareous rocks and Na and S were mainly controlled by saline soils in the north of the province. Loess deposits was also accounting for high levels of selenium concentration. Phosphorous was mostly related to application of P-fertilizers and organophosphate pesticides. The comparison of metal load and enrichment factor for dry and irrigated farmlands showed that Cd, Co, Pb, Se and Zn had higher concentrations in the irrigated lands where considerable amounts of agrochemicals had been applied. However, it also found that proximity of arable lands to urban and industrial areas resulted in higher Pb and Cd values in the irrigated agricultural sources relative to dry ones.  相似文献   

刘虎 《地质与勘探》2019,55(S1):383-393
湘中湘潭盆地大塘坡组锰矿是湖南重要的锰矿基地。盆地内发育一组NNE向同沉积断裂,形成了一系列凹陷带(断陷槽),控制了沉积岩相的分布,锰矿主要产于盆地凹陷带的黑色页岩夹碳酸锰矿微相内。矿石中Co、Zn、Pb、Mo和Ba等元素丰度较高,Co/Ni、SiO2/Al2O3、(Fe+Mn)/Ti、Al/(Fe+Mn+Al)比值以及Co/Zn-(Cu+Ni+Co)和Fe-Mn-(Cu+Ni+Co)图解都揭示锰矿成矿过程中有海底热水的参与;稀土元素分布模式、Ce、Eu异常表示锰矿形成于被动大陆边缘环境,并具有热水沉积特征;碳同位素结果显示出富集碳的轻同位素的特征,反映了湘中地区锰矿中碳同位素热水沉积的特征;氧同位素计算古温度为湘中地区锰矿的低温热水沉积成因提供了有利的佐证。  相似文献   

To evaluate muck sediments as a potential soil amendment, total and Mehlich III-extractable concentrations of Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Co in 59 muck sediment samples from the St. Lucie Estuary were analyzed. A seven-step chemical fractionation procedure was used to assess the potential mobility of heavy metals. Except for Cd, the average total concentrations of the metals are lower than the reported average concentrations of these elements in municipal composts in the U.S.A. The concentrations were also below critical levels for the safe use of wastes and byproducts in agriculture, as established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn and Co in the sediments were predominantly associated with silicate minerals in the residual form. Most metals in the muck sediments occur predominantly in weakly mobile or nonbioavailable forms. Use of mucks in neutral pH upland soils should not pose any significant hazards or risk to the environment. However, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Co, especially Zn, Cu, and Pb, could be more readily released from the muck sediments under acidic soil conditions.  相似文献   

Sulphide and carbonate minerals from nine bituminous coal seams of a Paralic Series were investigated by means of polished-section microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and absorption spectral analyses. In addition to syngenetic accumulations of kaolinite, illite and quartz, diagenetic veinlets of subhedral pyrite and marcasite most often occur in vitrinite clast fissures and in post-tectonic fissures, nests and lenses with fusinite. Epigenetic anhedral and subhedral grains of ankerite, dolomite, siderite and calcite are also frequently found in post-tectonic veins. Pyrite replaced some of the marcasite grains and it dominates in older coal seams in the Flora Beds as compared with the Grodziec Beds. Occasionally there are anhedral and subhedral galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite grains among coal macerals as well as cerussite among post-tectonic carbonate veins. They all represent the only minerals that are abundant in definite chalcophile elements (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn). In addition to the minerals just mentioned, the elements occurred in pyrite and ankerite grains, which contained inclusions of fusinite and other minerals (among others, clay and carbonate minerals in pyrite, pyrite in carbonates). Although there is a low content of minerals accumulating Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, the minerals significantly influence the average concentration of elements in the coal seams. In the Grodziec Beds, mineral matter, especially carbonates and sulphides, determines (>50%) the concentration of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in coal. The basic part of Cd, Co and Ni in the coal seams of the Grodziec Beds and of Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in coal seams of the Flora Beds originates from organic matter. These regularities can be important, from an ecological perspective, in stating whether the coals investigated are useful for combustion and in chemical processing.  相似文献   

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