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偏振微波雷达探测大气研究进展及几个问题的考虑   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年国际上偏振微波雷达探测大气研究有了重要进展,成为雷达气象学研究的新热点,并可能成为天气雷达发展的重要方向。介绍了微波圆偏振技术现状和双线偏振测量技术体制的重要进展,以及近年在气象应用中所获得的最新研究结果,展望了偏振探测技术的应用前景。进一步讨论了开展偏振探测技术研究所应考虑的有关偏振类型、实现体制、方案设计、产品算法和波段选择中的问题,对偏振探测技术研究具有参考价值。  相似文献   

毫米波测云雷达的特点及其研究现状与展望   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
云在大气的能量分配、辐射传输,尤其是水循环系统中有不可忽视的作用。云探测对云物理、人工影响天气、气候变化和航空航天等领域有重要意义,是大气科学研究的热点之一。尽管目前已经发展了很多种遥感设备对云进行观测(如激光雷达、卫星、云幂仪等),但这些设备无法得到高时空分辨率的云水平和垂直结构,而毫米波雷达是云三维精细结构探测的重要工具。由于毫米波雷达具有更接近小粒子尺度的短波长,因此更适合用来探测弱云,同时毫米波雷达也存在衰减严重的缺点。介绍了毫米波雷达的特点以及其探测小粒子的优势;对比分析了其与新一代多普勒天气雷达、晴空风廓线雷达的差异,得出:毫米波雷达具有高时空分辨率,能够更精确地反映云的垂直和水平结构,比普通天气雷达更适合监测云的变化。概括了国内外毫米波测云雷达的发展现状以及在云物理研究方面的情况,并展望了国内毫米波雷达未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

机载多普勒天气雷达及应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
机载多普勒天气雷达由于其灵活机动性,在台风、暴雨等灾害性天气系统中尺度三维精细结构研究中发挥着重要作用.对机载多普勒天气雷达技术及其资料应用进行了概要性综述,主要从机载多普勒天气雷达发展历程、4种主要机载多普勒雷达技术特点、雷达天线扫描策略、单多普勒雷达风场反演技术、双多普勒雷达风场反演技术、雷达资料同化以及目标观测等方面进行阐述和分析;着重讨论了应用中需要解决的问题.最后,指出发展具有快速扫描和双偏振功能的机载相控阵多普勒雷达是机载天气雷达的发展方向,它可以获取高时空分辨率的探测数据,能够对云和降水系统的三维精细动力结构、热力结构以及微物理结构等进行综合研究.  相似文献   

云相态的卫星遥感研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任建奇  严卫  叶晶  韩丁 《地球科学进展》2010,25(10):1051-1060
云相态不仅是气象学和气候学研究的重要参量,也是卫星云参数反演的关键要素,其识别的准确性直接关系到光学厚度、有效粒子半径等光学和微物理参数的反演精度.卫星遥感技术的发展为云相态的识别提供了前所未有的技术手段.对能够提取云相态信息的主要星载遥感源进行了介绍,重点总结了近30年来国内外利用星载被动光学遥感资料、偏振辐射资料以及主动雷达资料进行云相态反演的基本原理、方法以及技术特点,最后针对目前云相态反演工作中存在的一些问题和发展趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

雷达识别冰雹方法的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了用气象雷达识别冰雹云方法的进展情况,介绍了双波长雷达、园偏振雷达,特别是双线偏振雷达在研究云体中降水粒子相态方面的原理及部分观测结果。  相似文献   

云分析预报方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
云作为地球大气系统的重要组成部分,不仅影响着气候变化和天气系统的发展演变,还与航空活动密切相关,一直以来是空军和民航部门非常关注的气象要素之一。在云探测、资料同化和反演方法发展的基础上,从实际业务保障和数值模式发展需求出发,综述国内外云分析、预报方法和云分析预报系统开发的研究成果,分析各类方法的优势和不足,明确国内外研究的主要差距,并探讨国内未来研究的方向。云分析方法中,探空对云廓线识别较好,卫星可见光和红外资料在云顶信息反演方面优势明显,多普勒雷达能够获取对流层中层和底层的云信息,而毫米波雷达能够很好地反映云三维结构信息,发展潜力巨大。云预报方法中,传统的统计和诊断方法发展较为成熟,而考虑了大气温湿和云微物理状况的大气辐射传输模式正演模拟云顶亮温的方法是未来的发展趋势。加强云探测技术,综合利用云分析预报方法,借鉴国外先进云分析预报系统的设计理念,积极开发我国自主的云分析预报系统,推动天气预报、航空气象保障和数值预报模式的发展将会是我国云研究的重要方面。  相似文献   

黑河流域遥感—地面观测同步试验:科学目标与试验方案   总被引:44,自引:17,他引:27  
介绍了黑河流域遥感-地面观测同步试验的科学背景、科学问题、研究目标以及观测试验方案和观测系统布置.总体目标是,开展航空-卫星遥感与地面观测同步试验,为发展流域科学积累基础数据;发展能够融合多源遥感观测的流域尺度陆面数据同化系统,为实现卫星遥感对流域的动态监测提供方法和范例.以具备鲜明的高寒与干旱区伴生为主要特征的黑河流域为试验区,以水循环为主要研究对象,利用航空遥感、卫星遥感、地面雷达、水文气象观测、通量观测、生态监测等相关设备,开展航空、卫星和地面配合的大型观测试验,精细观测干旱区内陆河流域高山冰雪和冻土带、山区水源涵养林带、中游人工绿洲及天然荒漠绿洲带的水循环和生态过程的各个分量;并且以航空遥感为桥梁,通过高精度的真实性验证,发展尺度转换方法,改善从卫星遥感资料反演和间接估计水循环各分量及与之密切联系的生态和其他地表过程分量的模型和算法.由寒区水文试验、森林水文试验和干旱区水文试验,以及一个集成研究--模拟平台和数据平台建设组成.拟观测的变量划分为5大类,分别是水文与生态变量、驱动数据、植被参数、土壤参数和空气动力参数.同步试验在流域尺度、重点试验区、加密观测区和观测小区4个尺度上展开.布置了加密的地面同步观测、通量和气象水文观测、降雨、径流及其他水文要素观测网络;使用了5类机载遥感传感器,分别是微波辐射计、激光雷达、高光谱成像仪、热红外成像仪和多光谱CCD相机;获取了丰富的可见光/近红外、热红外、主被动微波、激光雷达等卫星数据.  相似文献   

本文综合国外资料,对代表欧美遥感技术水平的美国八十年代遥感系统和法国SPOT卫星作简要介绍,以期读者了解欧美遥感技术的现状和发展趋势.一、NASA八十年代的遥感系统NASA八十年代遥感系统的研究重点在于发展试验新的传感器技术,以获得可见光和近红外光谱波段中更高的空间和波谱分辨率,并探索微波和多波段近红外传感器及其应用.此外,还将努力改善用于地壳研究的卫星地球重力测量和成图技术.1.陆地卫星4号(Landsat4)  相似文献   

利用WRF3D-Var同化多普勒雷达反演风场试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨丽丽  王莹  杨毅 《冰川冻土》2016,38(1):107-114
为了将C波段雷达风场资料更好地应用于数值预报模式中,利用两步变分法反演多普勒雷达风场资料,并处理成标准的常规探空资料,以WRF模式及其三维变分同化系统为平台,针对2013年6月19日发生在天水的一次强暴雨过程进行同化雷达反演风的试验研究.试验结果表明:同化雷达反演风场后,对降水预报的改进能维持12h,尤其同化雷达反演风场后3~9h效果非常显著;0~3h作用不是很明显;9~12h预报具有一定的正作用.另外,循环同化比同化一次效果好,但并不是同化次数越多越好.因此,同化C波段雷达反演风场后,对降水预报具有一定的正作用.  相似文献   

不同污染水体的多角度偏振光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以长春市3个农业灌区水库的水体为实验样本,应用二向反射光度计实测了不同水体在2π空间的多角度偏振反射光谱数据,从探测方位角、光线入射角、探测天顶角、偏振角、波段等方面对所测水体的偏振反射数据进行了初步分析与研究。结果表明:偏振特性是水体的一个固有特征,不仅对污染水体物理性质的测试做出了新尝试,而且为未来污染水体的偏振光遥感研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Sounding observation of humidity is an important means of obtaining the atmospheric humidity data. The measurement results of humidity and accuracy of cloud recognition based on that are directly affected by the performance of the radiosonde humidity sensor. In order to better understand the accuracy of the current measurement of the radiosonde at home and abroad, a large number of research results are reviewed. The types of radiosonde and the performance of its humidity sensor are briefly introduced. Moreover, the influence of humidity measurement error on cloud recognition is also discussed. The results show that the error sources of radiosonde humidity measurement are various and it’s a comprehensive result of many factors. In general, accuracy of humidity measurement is more reliable in the low troposphere with high temperature and so with the cloud identification by the humidity. However, the response time is longer and sensitivity of humidity sensor is lower at low temperature, which results in the accuracy of cloud bottom recognition being higher than that of cloud top while the medium and high cloud recognized by radiosonde being less than the reality. Moreover, under high-humidity conditions, the humidity sensors are easily wetted, which leads to the abnormally high value of humidity and resulting in thicker cloud. Furthermore, the radiosonde generally has low humidity anomalies, especially when the synoptic station with high humidity, resulting in missing report of cloud.  相似文献   

The accurate observation of the microphysical structure of cloud and precipitation plays an important role in understanding the formation of clouds and precipitation. In-situ measurement using measuring instruments carried by meteorological balloons is an effective way to obtain the microphysical properties of cloud and precipitation particles, which is a supplementary means for aircraft to observe cloud and precipitation particles. This observation method plays a more and more important role in in-situ measurement. According to the difference of the working principle of the existing balloon-borne cloud and precipitation particles probes, the detectors can be divided into particle impact-sampling sensors, particle imaging sensors, light-scattering sensors, light intensity attenuation sensors and charge measurement sensors. The working principles, key technologies and main advantages and disadvantages of typical instruments were summarized, and their applications to detailed cloud structure acquisition, cloud remote sensing method establishment, cloud and precipitation physical process research and parameterization, and scientific observation of thunderstorm clouds were briefly introduced. Finally, the development trend of balloon-borne cloud precipitation particle detectors was prospected, which will provide reference for related technical research and equipment development.  相似文献   

2005年5~7月珠穆朗玛峰北坡海拔6 523 m气象要素特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
依据2005年第4次珠穆朗玛峰地区综合科学考察队在北坡海拔6 523 m处设立的自动气象站资料,分析了5月1日~7月22日的气温、相对湿度、饱和水汽压、气压和风等气象要素每10 min和日记录的观测资料.结果表明,温度和饱和水汽压的平均日变化均为单峰单谷型,相对湿度平均日变化为单谷型,气压平均日变化为双峰双谷型,风速平均日变化呈现不对称的单峰型.在观测的83 d中,温度、相对湿度、饱和水汽压和气压在波动中逐渐增大,而风速不断减小,风向由南风逐渐向北风转变;相对湿度和饱和水汽压的变化幅度大,并有明显的局部差异性.与1960年5月份相比,2005年5月份的候平均温度、候最高温度和候最低温度都明显下降.  相似文献   

Mapping recharge from space: roadmap to meeting the grand challenge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fields of diffuse recharge flux play pivotal roles in: (1) linking surface and subsurface hydrologic systems, (2) controlling the biogeochemistry of terrestrial systems, and (3) determining the sustainability of well withdrawals from aquifers. This hydrologic flux is intimately related to the distribution and functioning of vegetation cover and type. In turn, it also plays a significant role in the distribution of vegetation. Until now, recharge has been mostly estimated as residual of either surface or subsurface water balance. In situ instruments for measurement of this quantity are difficult to implement and maintain. Long-term and spatially explicit (mapped) monitoring of recharge flux have been elusive goals. A review is presented of the possible spaceborne and airborne remote sensing and data interpretation techniques that may address the grand challenge of recharge mapping on large scales. The approaches rely on microwave remote sensing in order to measure land surface states in the presence of atmosphere and vegetation cover that attenuate and disturb the signal as it travels from the surface to the sensor. The emphasis is on radar systems that also have beneficial ground spatial resolution characteristics. Finally, examples of two candidate space-borne systems are presented as feasible approaches to the required measurements.  相似文献   

面向地震综合观测需要,自主研制了窄线宽光纤光栅谐振腔,并将其作为核心传感元件,发展了一种基于有效腔长的光纤应变、地震波和温度多参量同步测量新方法。采用边带扫频激光技术实现了高精度多参量光纤信号同步解调,研制出了光纤地壳形变、地震与温度多参量探头,并开展了多参量地震综合观测实验。实验结果表明,所研制的光纤多参量传感系统应变与温度测量分辨率分别达到4.7×10^-10和6×10^-5℃,能够同时记录到清晰的固体潮汐信号、地震波信号以及环境温度扰动,有望为多参量地震同步观测提供先进的技术手段。  相似文献   

Meso-scale characteristics of disturbances that bring about atmospheric disasters in pre- and mature monsoon seasons in Bangladesh are analyzed. Several types of meteorological instruments capable of observations with high temporal and spatial resolutions were introduced for the first time in this area to capture the meso-scale structure of rainfall systems. We installed an automatic weather station (AWS) and several automatic raingauges (ARGs) and utilized the weather radar of Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD). From the radar image in the summer of 2001 (16–18 July), a striking feature of the systematic diurnal variation in this area was elucidated. In these 3 days, the diurnal evolutions of convective activity were remarkably similar to each other, implying that this pattern can be understood as a typical response of local cloud systems to the diurnal variation of insolation under some summer monsoon situations. The ARG data show the difference in characteristics of rainfall between pre- and mature monsoon seasons. The short intense downpour tends to occur more frequently in the pre-monsoon season than in the mature monsoon season. The pre-monsoon rainfall also has clear diurnal variation with a peak that is more strongly concentrated in time. In the northern part the rainfall peak is found in between midnight and early morning, while it is observed in the daytime in central to western parts of the country. Two disaster cases caused by meso-scale disturbances are analyzed. Although they occurred in the same season, the structures of the cloud systems were largely different from each other. The disturbance brought about tornadoes on 14 April 2004, consisting of many spherical cloud systems of approximately 20 km size. On the other hand, another one that caused the tragic river water transport accident on 23 May 2004 had meso-scale rain band structure. The latter case was captured by the AWS located at Dhaka. Sudden changes in temperature, wind and pressure were observed clearly, showing the typical structure of convective rain bands.  相似文献   

”Deep well, wide band, multi-component comprehensive observation” is the development direction of seismic observation. In order to promote the application and development of underground integrated observation system, key technologies, such as high temperature resistance sensor, interference isolation of sensor unit and miniaturization of instrument, need to be developed. Optic fiber sensors have the advantages of small size, passive nature, resistance to electromagnetic interference, being easy to long distance transmission and multi-parametric network observation, which are expected to provide new technology for the comprehensive observation of multi-parameter earthquakes in deep wells. This paper proposed a comprehensive observation technique of seismic wave, crustal deformation and temperature. An integrated borehole seismic sensor based on fiber Bragg grating resonators was designed for measuring three-component earthquake, three-component crustal deformation and temperature signal. A new technique for simultaneous measurement of multi-parameters of temperature and strain of fiber based on effective cavity length was presented. The technique of high precision optical fiber signal demodulation based on single side band sweep laser and the design of multi-parameter integrated optical fiber probe were introduced. The resolution of strain and temperature measurement of the fiber multi-parameter sensor system reached 4.7 × 10-10 and 6×10-5 , respectively. A comprehensive multi-parameter earthquake observation experiment was carried out at the seismic station. The results show that the integrated optical fiber multi-parameter seismic observation system can simultaneously record the earth tide signal, seismic wave signal and environmental temperature disturbance, and has good anti-environmental interference ability and long-term stability, which is expected to provide a new technique for crustal deformation observation.  相似文献   

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