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平原区内涝灾害分析评价预警研究工作,主要基于洪涝灾害防治区的暴雨特性、流域特征和社会经济情况、历史洪涝灾害情况,分析流域洪涝规律,综合分析评价受影响区域的村落防洪涝现状,评定不同指标下的临界值及洪涝灾害风险等级,划定洪涝灾害危险区,确定雨量预警指标,为建立基层预警体系提供支撑。  相似文献   

施睿  骆承政  吴永祥 《水文》2012,32(6):28-33
1949年是我国历史上为数不多的发生全国性大范围洪涝灾害的年份。由于当时处于解放战争时期,缺乏实测的水文气象资料。本文通过收集分析历史洪水调查资料、当年报刊新闻、地方档案记录等多种历史文献资料,对该年的雨情、水情、灾情信息进行了补充和梳理,分析了该年主要江河的雨洪时空分布特征。1949年西江、长江、黄河、海滦河、辽河等流域均发生了大洪水或特大洪水,全国洪涝灾害受灾的县(市)达556个,为重灾年份。受季风气候的影响,我国发生南涝北旱的灾害较多,但由于天气异常南北同时发生重大洪涝的机率较小。对这类全国多河流发生大范围洪涝灾害的历史资料收集和分析,对提高我国灾害性洪水特点的认识和防御大范围洪涝灾害具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化和城市化进程不断加快的背景下,城市洪涝灾害频发,造成严重的经济损失和人员伤亡问题。对近年来中国典型城市洪涝灾害进行系统整理介绍,说明洪涝灾害带来的人员伤亡和经济损失巨大。风险评估作为一种非工程性防洪措施,是城市洪涝风险管理的首要工作,精确、高效的把握洪灾过程等特征可以为防灾减灾工作提供科学依据。对城市洪涝风险评估与分区的概念和内容进行系统梳理,常用的风险评估方法有数理统计法、不确定性分析法、遥感影像评估法、指标体系评估法、情景模拟评估法;风险分区常用方法有阈值法、经验公式法和物理机制法。论述了城市洪涝风险评估与分区常用方法的应用范围、优缺点及其发展前景。  相似文献   

利用社会经济统计数据和水文气象资料,探讨城市化背景下北京城市洪涝特征、形成机制及影响因素。近50年来城市内涝逐渐成为北京洪涝灾害的主要类型,随着城市化迅猛发展,城市内涝积水点数量在时间上表现为显著增加趋势,在空间上呈现出由内环逐步向外环扩张趋势,与城市化发展空间格局关系密切。从水循环的角度分析城市洪涝形成机制,指出区域气候变化和城市化发展改变了城市降水格局,汛期降水量和极端降水事件呈现下降趋势,但城区短历时强降水事件呈现增加态势;城市化发展改变了区域下垫面条件、城市流域产汇流特性和城市排水格局,进而影响了区域水循环过程和水量分配,在一定程度上增加了城市洪涝灾害风险;同时城市基础设施建设水平不足、排水排涝标准偏低、应急管理能力不足等因素,导致城市洪涝发生风险增加,降低了城市洪涝综合应对能力。  相似文献   

雨带提前进入长江流域并提早撤回、降水异常增多是1849年该地区发生严重洪涝的直接天气原因.本文利用洪涝档案史等资料复原了该年主要的降雨过程和雨带推移过程、长江流域夏季的雨区和降雨强度的时空变化以及洪涝灾害的空间分布.结果表明:1)该年我国东部地区至少有6次主要降雨过程,20次暴雨过程.其中长江流域至少有3个主要连续降雨时段,13次暴雨过程.雨带5月18日~5月30日推进到长江下游地区,8月下旬撤回;2)长江流域夏季雨区主要沿江河分布,整体上有从江南向江北,从下游向中上游逐渐扩展的趋势,同时降雨强度逐渐增大,暴雨区域扩大;3)该年洪涝灾害集中分布在长江中下游沿岸,长江沿岸11个省(市)中有279个县(市)发生洪涝,占当年全部洪涝灾害县(市)的71%,降水异常偏多是发生洪涝的直接原因.  相似文献   

绘制直观与可靠的城市洪涝灾害风险区划图,为城市防洪排涝相关部门决策提供参考依据。以广州市东濠涌流域为研究区域,综合考虑城市降雨、径流、地形和排水系统特性,构建基于InfoWorks ICM的一维-二维耦合城市洪涝仿真模型,模拟暴雨重现期为1年、5年、50年情景下的洪涝过程并获取致灾因子数据。调研分析区域的孕灾环境、承灾体和防灾减灾能力概况,结合层次分析法、评价等级和阈值划分等进行洪涝灾害风险评估。结果表明:城市洪涝仿真模型在一维排水系统和二维地面淹没模拟上均有较好的精度和可靠性,保证了致灾因子数据的可靠性;风险区划图能较好地反映流域的风险分布;随着重现期增大,较高、高风险区的面积显著增加,为防洪排涝重点关注区域。  相似文献   

山地生态环境脆弱性是山地灾害形成的基础。通过太行山两个典型小流域在 1996年 8月的洪涝灾情形成的对比分析 ,揭示了人类活动在山地环境脆弱性方面所起的重要作用。合理的土地利用方式和水土保持措施可以有效地减轻流域对洪涝灾害的脆弱性。在相同的自然条件和致灾因子强度下 ,脆弱性强 ,灾情重。  相似文献   

上海洪涝灾害的地面沉降因素及其长期的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来上海地区洪涝灾害时有发生,造成洪涝灾害的主要原因有暴雨、黄浦江上游洪水等自然因素,但与人类活动所产生地质环境变化也有密切的关系,其中地面沉降是使上海市防汛压力不断增大的重要因素。地面沉降使上海市区地面标高严重降低,所形成的地面沉降洼地已改变了区域地貌形态,并使市区河床相对抬高,部分地区已形成了“地上河”。同时,地面沉降直接降低了防汛(洪)设施的防御能力,导致高潮位时河水的漫溢和倒灌,增加了发生管涌管地质灾害的隐患。60年代采取控制措施以来,上海市地面沉降防治取得了很好的成效,但其产生的影响是长期、严重的,加大减灾力度,实行综合治理,在有效防治洪涝灾害的同时全面提高地面沉降防治水平是促进上海可持续发展重要环节。  相似文献   

1983-2013年西藏自治区气象灾害时空分布特征与变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
熊俊楠  刘志奇  范春捆  张昊  彭超  孙铭 《冰川冻土》2017,39(6):1221-1231
西藏自治区地处青藏高原这一独特的孕灾环境中,气象灾害的频发对当地农牧业、生态环境等敏感领域的影响尤为显著。通过收集西藏自治区1983-2013年气象灾害事件,分析了干旱、雪灾、霜冻、冰雹和洪涝五种灾害的年际、月际、空间分布特征。结果表明:在时间分布上,研究区五种气象灾害在1983-1995年发生总频次呈增涨趋势,1995年后趋于稳定,其中干旱多发生在3-6月,雪灾全年均有发生,霜冻多发生在4月、5月和8月,冰雹和暴雨洪涝灾害季节性强,主要发生在6-9月;在空间分布上,气象灾害高发区分布于西藏自治区南部,其中,干旱多发区分布于日喀则市中东部和山南市北部,雪灾多发区分布于那曲、阿里以及西藏自治区南部边缘地区,霜冻多发区分布于西藏自治区东、南部少数地区,冰雹频发区多呈带状且分布于雅鲁藏布江流域,暴雨洪涝多发区分布于西藏自治区中、东部河谷地带。基于历史气象灾害事件,开展西藏自治区气象灾害的时空分布特征及趋势研究,其结果对农业气象灾害预测预报,区域农业防灾减灾等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

陈雪  乔梁  刘艳华  高梦竹  赵晶 《水文》2023,43(1):84-89
评估暴雨洪涝灾害风险,对于制定暴雨洪涝灾害区域防灾减灾规划具有重要意义。选取哈尔滨市主城区为研究区,以气象数据、社会经济数据和地理信息数据资料为基础,构建0.01°格网,从暴雨致灾因子危险性、暴露度和脆弱性3方面对洪涝灾害进行精细化风险评估与区划。结果表明:哈尔滨主城区洪涝危险性自西北向东南逐渐增加,香坊南部及松北、道里、南岗、道外交汇处受洪涝危害最为严重;暴露度呈现中心高四周低的格局,高风险主要位于绕城高速以内;路网密集地带脆弱性相对较高。洪涝风险呈自西北向东南逐渐增加,东部显著高于西部,主城中心、道外区西部及香坊区大部为高风险区,受洪涝危害严重,应注意城市内涝、交通拥堵等次生影响的防范。  相似文献   

太湖流域洪水的周期信息图及其可公度性法预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据1991年江淮地区异常洪水预测的启示,从太湖流域的历史旱涝记载文献,环湖洪水调查成果和实测水位雨量记录等资料,进行太湖流域洪水周期规律的探讨.通过多种周期提取方法,建立起洪水周期信息图,发现太湖洪水存在着8~11年、20~24年、37~42年和58~62年的周期现象,然后采用可公度性法预测,以供防洪减灾参考.  相似文献   

2020年长江上游和中下游先后发生特大洪水,其中干流编号洪水全部发生在上游,构成了长江流域洪水的主要部分。首先回顾2020年洪水及洪灾情况,然后根据历史上几次特大洪水过程和历年实测资料,分析长江上游洪水特征、洪灾类型及特点,最后提出新时代长江流域洪水整体防御战略及山洪灾害防治战术。研究表明:金沙江洪水是长江上游洪水基础部分,岷江、嘉陵江和干流区间是洪峰的主要来源,三者洪水遭遇是产生上游特大洪水的主因,上游洪水又是全流域特大洪水的基础和重要组成部分。目前造成洪灾死亡人数最多的是山洪以及山洪引起的地质灾害,财产损失最大的是中下游及湖泊地区。未来堤防仍然是防洪的基础,提高沿江城市防洪标准主要手段是控制性水库的联合优化调度,而减少洪涝灾害损失最有效的途径是给洪水以空间的自然解决方案等非工程措施。  相似文献   

崔曼仪  周刚  张大弘  张世强 《冰川冻土》2022,44(6):1898-1911
Under the background of climate warming, the occurrence time, frequency, intensity, and impact of snowmelt flood disasters have changed significantly. Thus, establishing a global snowmelt flood disaster database is particularly important for disaster risk management. With the help of a web crawler, and based on multiple data sources such as natural disaster databases, documents, books, government agency websites, and news media, this study collected relevant information of snowmelt floods and mixed floods and established standards for identifying snowmelt flood events and their disaster impacts based on data from the different sources. Following the screening, sorting, fusion, and integration of snowmelt flood events, a global snowmelt flood disaster dataset containing 579 pieces of data with strong pertinence and reliability was constructed. The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of global snowmelt flood disasters from 1900 to 2020 were preliminarily analyzed. The results showed that the snowmelt floods were mainly distributed between 30° N and 60° N, with more mixed floods south of 50° N and more snowmelt floods north of 50° N. Spring was the period of highest incidence of snowmelt flood disasters, followed by winter, summer, and autumn, respectively. The snowmelt floods that occurred in spring, autumn, and winter were mainly at 40°~50° N, and the snowmelt floods that occurred in summer were mainly at 30°~40° N. Compared with the snowmelt floods, the mixed floods were more frequent and more destructive, and their frequency increased with climate warming. The results provide a scientific basis for risk prevention and loss assessment of global snowmelt flood disasters. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

新中国70年治淮事业取得了巨大成就,淮河中下游干流与洪泽湖已成为淮河进一步治理的重点区域。从流域战略地位提升、经济社会发展、自然环境演变、水问题变化等多视角系统梳理了新时期治淮主要矛盾;从水沙基本规律辨析、靶向问题揭示、河湖格局重构、综合治理措施等多方面提出淮河中下游综合治理的战略思考和建议;从降雨和干支流洪水演变规律、淮河干流和洪泽湖泥沙特征及其变化规律、现状和规划工程防洪效果与协调性、工程措施组合方案建议等4个方面介绍了淮河干流河道与洪泽湖演变及治理需进一步开展研究的内容和技术方法以及初步研究成果,以期为新时期淮河治理规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Global Perspectives on Loss of Human Life Caused by Floods   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
Every year floods cause enormous damage all over the world. This study investigates loss of human life statistics for different types of floods and different regions on a global scale. The OFDA/CRED Database contains data on international disasters and is maintained by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters in Brussels (CRED) in cooperation with United States Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). Information from this source on a large number of flood events, which occurred between January 1975 and June 2002, is evaluated with respect to flood location and flood type. Due to the limited availability of information on coastal flood events, the scope of this study is limited to three types of freshwater flooding: river floods, flash floods and drainage problems. First, the development of loss of life statistics over time is discussed. Second, the dataset is analysed by region, by flood type and by the combination of type and region. The study shows that flash floods result in the highest average mortality per event (the number of fatalities divided by the number of affected persons). A cross analysis by flood type and location shows that average mortality is relatively constant for the different types over various continents, while the magnitude of the impacts (numbers of killed) and affected for a certain type varies between the different continents. On a worldwide scale Asian river floods are most significant in terms of number of persons killed and affected. Finally, a comparison with figures for other types of natural disasters shows that floods are the most significant disaster type in terms of the number of persons affected.  相似文献   

浅析甘肃小流域分布特性及山洪灾害成灾特点   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
赵映东 《水文》2007,27(2):82-85
暴雨洪水是自然界的主要灾害之一,它是水文现象的极端事件。山洪给国民经济和人民的生命财产造成很大损失,它是甘肃经济社会发展的重要制约因素之一。随着经济发展,人口增加,山洪给国民经济和社会发展带来的损失将越来越大,因此,防洪减灾任务仍十分艰巨。本文对甘肃省小流域分布特性及山洪成灾特点进行了分析,并提出了山洪灾害防治的建议。  相似文献   

我国北方4kaB.P.前后异常洪水事件的初步研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
史前异常洪水事件的初步调查表明,4kaB.P.前后是我国北方异常洪水多发的时期,黄河流域、淮河流域和海河流域在这一时期普遍出现不同形式的史前异常洪水事件.异常洪水事件的出现与当时的降温事件有密切的关系,气候变冷引发的相对湿度加大和降雨量增多可能是造成这次异常洪水事件的主要原因.出现于华夏文明诞生前夕的史前异常洪水事件对华夏文明的演进势必会产生重大影响,在黄河上游的山间盆地和下游的黄淮海平原,异常洪水给人类生存环境带来严重的破坏,导致这些地区早期文明的衰落;而位于我国地貌大势二级阶梯与一级阶梯之间的中原地区,尽管洪水也给人类生存环境造成严重的威胁,但它并没有导致早期文明的衰落,恰恰相反,先民们利用有利的地貌条件,通过与洪水的争斗,促进了文化的发展和华夏文明的诞生.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the changing properties of losses due to occurrences of droughts, floods and typhoon disasters in the Guangdong province, a comparatively economically prosperous province in the south China. Influences of typhoon activities on droughts and floods are also analysed. Results based on extensive and thorough investigations indicate that (1) generally, Guangdong province is both humid and warm; however, in recent decades, the negative impacts of droughts seem to be enhancing, which is proved by increasing drought-induced economic loss. In this sense, considerable importance should be attached to droughts, but not solely to floods, in the Guangdong province; (2) low-lying terrain of the Guangdong province makes this region easy to be influenced by flood inundation. Moreover, highly urbanized areas are mostly located in the low-lying areas. Flood-induced loss was increasing before 1990s and is decreasing after 1990s, and this should be attributed mainly to seasonal shifts of precipitation changes and enhancing human mitigation to flood disasters; (3) typhoon activities often inflict considerable loss on the economy of the Guangdong province. Moreover, flood events in the study region are mostly the results of typhoon activities. Flash floods, strong wind and storm surge accompanying typhoon activities are the major factors intensifying the negative impacts of the typhoon disasters.  相似文献   

Flood hazard in Hunan province of China: an economic loss analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural and man-made disasters have been increasing and affecting millions of people throughout the world. Floods are the most common natural disasters affecting more people across the globe than all other natural or technological disasters and also are the most costly in terms of human hardship and economic loss. In order to explore the total economic loss, components of economic loss, and factors influencing economic loss during flooding, a retrospective study was carried out in year 2000 in areas that suffered floods in 1998 in Hunan province, China. A total of 10,722 families were investigated using a multistage sampling method. We found that the total economic loss to the 10,722 families investigated was US$ 8.925 million; translating into an average economic loss of US$ 832.45 per family and US$ 216.75 per person. Economic loss related to property loss, income loss, and increased medical cost accounted for 57.38%, 40.00%, and 2.62% of the total economic loss, respectively. Economic loss was significantly related to a family’s pre-flood income; duration of the flood; severity of flood; and type of flood. River floods yielded the highest economic loss and drainage problem floods yielded the lowest loss. We recommended that flood-related preventive measures should focus on the prevention of river floods and shortening the duration of floods with the view of significantly minimizing economic losses associated with floods.  相似文献   

淮河中下游洪涝综合治理的思考与初探   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新中国70年治淮事业取得了巨大成就,淮河中下游干流与洪泽湖已成为淮河进一步治理的重点区域。从流域战略地位提升、经济社会发展、自然环境演变、水问题变化等多视角系统梳理了新时期治淮主要矛盾;从水沙基本规律辨析、靶向问题揭示、河湖格局重构、综合治理措施等多方面提出淮河中下游综合治理的战略思考和建议;从降雨和干支流洪水演变规律、淮河干流和洪泽湖泥沙特征及其变化规律、现状和规划工程防洪效果与协调性、工程措施组合方案建议等4个方面介绍了淮河干流河道与洪泽湖演变及治理需进一步开展研究的内容和技术方法以及初步研究成果,以期为新时期淮河治理规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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